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Your Relationship With Money Affects How Much You Will Ever Have

Keep your money orderly in your wallet.

Keep your money orderly in your wallet.

Do You Have a Relationship With Money?

Do you ever feel that no matter how much you do, you can never get ahead financially? Do you work two or three jobs and you still can't seem to make ends meet? Do you feel that although you desire to be financially secure, something seems to hold you back? Do you find it hard to meet your financial goals?

If you answered "Yes" to at least one of those questions, you are not alone. You might need to change your relationship with money in order to accumulate more.

At this point, you might be saying to yourself that you know about having a relationship with people but not with things and surely not with money. If you thought there is no such thing as having a relationship with money, keep reading.

If you want to see how you can change your financial future to be better than what it is now, determine what your relationship is with money.

Identify Your Relationship With Money

Forbes magazine reported that a person's relationship with money has a lot to do with how much they will have or not have. Therefore, the first step to have more money is to identify how you feel about it. Do you have a positive or negative relationship with it?

Those who are positive about money see the possibilities of having it. Those who have a negative attitude are often heard saying how much money they don't have. Determine if your relationship with money is positive or negative. Take inventory to find out if negative talk about money is keeping you from accumulating as much as you need.

What Do You Think and Say About Money?

In order to determine your relationship with money, take stock of the way you talk about it. You might not want to admit it, but you might be keeping money away from yourself because of the way you talk about it.

Forbes magazine cautions readers to be careful about saying negative things such as the following:

  • "I work so hard, but I can barely make ends meet."
  • "I will never afford to take a decent vacation."
  • "I don't have two nickels to rub together."
  • "My money runs out before the month does."
  • "I have to borrow from Peter to pay Paul."
  • "I am on a fixed income, so I can't do very much each month."

Whenever you say you are on a fixed income, you are claiming that your income won't move because it is cemented where it is. According to Proverbs 18:21, death and life are in the power of the tongue. Therefore, it is important to say positive things about money. Here are some examples:

  • "Money is available to me, and it comes easily to me."
  • "Money enables me to help my family live comfortably."
  • "Money allows me to be a blessing to others."
  • "Money is a way for me to make a contribution to this world."
  • "Having money is a way for me to live up to my financial obligations."
  • "Having sufficient money enables me to be a good example for others."

Notice that the above affirmations are in the present tense instead of in the future tense. When you repeat those on a daily basis, you are calling money to you instead of pushing it away. It is really important to cancel out and counteract negative thoughts you have about money or what others have told you about money. Take an inventory of your thoughts and speech about money. Are you keeping money away from yourself because of your negative thoughts and words?

Let Money Know It Is Important

Your relationship with money might be proving Fusion Academy and The Well-Heeled Warrior founder Michelle Rose Gilman is correct. She wrote in the Huffington Post that in order to have more money, people should accept the importance of money and stop taking it for granted. If you want more money, then stop denying that you will never have enough.

Pay Attention to Where Your Money Is Going

There is no doubt money is important to us, but sometimes we don't pay enough attention to it or know where it is going. According to Creative Money financial coach Mindy Crary who wrote in Forbes, people should pay attention to their money and know where it is going at all times.

Oprah Winfrey has said in several interviews that she manages her own money and knows exactly where it is going. Surely, she has financial experts to help her handle her billions, but she doesn't let anything fall through the cracks. Her best friend Gayle King once showed a video of Oprah haggling with a salesman when she was buying a car.

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Needless to say, Oprah could have bought every car on the lot and the entire car dealership if she wanted to. That's because she pays attention to where her money is going, and she makes sure none of it goes to waste. Even if we don't have billions, we should pay attention to where our money is going.

Crumpled up money shows disrespect for money.

Crumpled up money shows disrespect for money.

Respect Money

Money should be respected mainly because it provides you with the freedom to do things you wouldn't be able to do if you didn't have it.

The well-known talk show host, journalist, and financial adviser Suze Orman said we don't have money because we don't respect money. Those who do not respect money don't treat it with care.

For instance, they crumple it up and do not keep it neatly in their wallet. You see some people putting balled up money in the offering plate in church and throwing it on the checkout counter when they pay for purchases. The clerk has to straighten out the paper money and put all the denominations in order as well as putting all the heads on the money in the same direction.

Respecting money is something as simple as picking up a penny off the ground or floor.

Respecting money is something as simple as picking up a penny off the ground or floor.

Some people don't pick up pennies when they see them on the ground. Some are known to sweep up pennies off the floor and put them in the trash. That's because they do not respect money.

Respecting money is just as important as respecting people. Those you don't respect leave and never come back. It’s the same way with money. If you think money is useless and unimportant, then it will never stay in your possession.

You will never hear a rich person talking bad about money. That's because they respect and pay attention to it because they know that nothing multiplies without attention, respect, and careful treatment.

Respecting money means tracking it and keeping it organized and handling it with care. Here are some signs that you may be disrespecting money:

  • You don’t track how much money is coming in and how much is going out.
  • You are not concerned about paying your bills on time or taking care of your financial obligations.

Write Out How Much Money You Want and Imagine Yourself Having It

There is a universal law that says you will never have more money than you know how to write it or see yourself having it. Most people don't know the number of zeroes in a hundred thousand dollars or a million, billion, or trillion.

In order to have more money, you first need to know how to write it in numbers. Then see yourself having it without worrying about how you will get it.

This article is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge. Content is for informational or entertainment purposes only and does not substitute for personal counsel or professional advice in business, financial, legal, or technical matters.


Dominique Cantin-Meaney from Montreal, Canada on January 05, 2020:

These are definitely good points to keep in mind. I can certainly see how positivity can be beneficial.

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