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4 Easy Steps to Grow Coleus From Stem Cuttings

Propagating coleus in four easy steps

Propagating coleus in four easy steps

Coleus Propagation

Coleus are ornamental plants with brightly colored yellow and reddish foliage. Coleus is a member of the mint family, Lamiaceae, and ranges from 1 to 3 feet tall.

Supplies Needed

It doesn't take much to propagate coleus. All you need is:

  • A knife, gardening shears, or your fingernails
  • A small container
  • Water

Rooting hormone helps, too, but you don't have to have it. Coleus is one of those happy plants that root easily from cuttings.

1. Find an Apical Stem on a Mature Coleus Plant

Apical stems have a bud at the end of them. When selecting an apical stem from which to take a coleus cutting, pick one that is fairly long: Your cutting should be anywhere from 2 to 6 inches in length.

I prefer taking cuttings from large, mature plants, ones with multiple stems that branch out from the main stems. Mature plants are not only the easiest to get good cuttings from (since they have lots of strong apical stems from which to choose!), but they also won't appear scraggly after some of their stems are removed. Removing apical stems will also cause the plant to develop a fuller, more bushy habit, something most gardeners like.

This coleus stem has a prominent terminal bud (a bud at the end of the apical stem). In fact, if it isn't snipped soon, this bud will flower.

This coleus stem has a prominent terminal bud (a bud at the end of the apical stem). In fact, if it isn't snipped soon, this bud will flower.

2. Cut off a 2 to 6-Inch Apical Stem Below a Node

Once you've found an apical stem on the coleus, snip that stem from the plant below a node (a place where there's a stem or a bud).

Coleus stems are thick and juicy, with visible nodes up and down them. Some will have incipient or full-fledged petioles (leaf stems) growing from them. Other nodes will simply appear as lines and feel like lumps on the stalk. Be sure to make your cut below at least one node on the stem. If propagation is successful, all of the nodes will produce roots.

The cutting should be anywhere from 2 to 6 inches in length—long enough to stand upright when placed in water.

No need to use shears. Pinching with your fingers works just fine to remove the lower leaves. (Oops! I missed a little stipule!)

No need to use shears. Pinching with your fingers works just fine to remove the lower leaves. (Oops! I missed a little stipule!)

3. Remove the Lower Leaves From the Stem

Coleus stems have two types of structures growing on them: short leaf stems (petioles) and tiny leaf structures that grow between the leaf stems and the main stem (stipules). All of these should be removed, leaving only the topmost leaves.

Once you've removed a 2 to 6-inch apical stem from its parent plant, pinch off the stem's lower leaves with your fingers. You could also use garden shears or a knife, but really there's no need. Coleus leaves—which are attached to the stem by petioles (a short stem of their own)—are easy to pinch away. Coleus stems also often develop little leaves where the petiole (shortleaf stem) meets the main stem. These little leaves are called stipules. Pinch those off, too.

Remove as many lower leaves as you need to so that none will be submerged in water when you start the rooting process.

Optional Step: Dip the Cut Ends of the Stems in Root Hormone Powder

As noted above, coleus roots easily, so rooting hormone isn't a must; however, it does tend to promote success.

When using rooting hormones, always follow the directions on the label. You may be advised to wear gloves or even a mask. I'm always careful to use it out of the wind. For the rooting hormone powders I use, the directions are simple, and they are generally the same:

  1. Dip the plant part that you're rooting into water.
  2. Dip it into a small amount of rooting hormone that you've placed in the upturned bottle lid.
  3. Tap the stem or leaf against the lid to remove excess powder.
  4. Place the cutting into a growing medium or soil.
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Follow the directions on the rooting hormone package.

Follow the directions on the rooting hormone package.

4. Place the Cuttings in Water

Once you've removed the lower leaves (petioles and stipules), place the cutting—with or without rooting hormone—in a container of plain water and set it in indirect light.

You may place each cutting in its own container or put them all in one. Whichever you choose, be sure that the water is deep enough to cover the nodes, but not so deep that the top leaves are submerged.

Alternatively, you can make holes with a pencil or your little finger in a container of moist, light potting mix and plant your cuttings directly, without waiting for roots.

I, however, prefer water to potting mix, simply because water works so well and using it is much more fuss-free. When rooting coleus in water, I don't have to moisten the soil daily or worry that the potting medium is too wet or not wet enough. Every two or three days, I simply check the water level to make sure the nodes are still submerged and, if they're not, add a bit more water. It's so easy!

How Long Can You Keep Coleus Cuttings in Water?

Within a week, the cuttings will have developed roots. When roots are thick on the stem, it's time to plant the cuttings outdoors. If necessary, you can keep the cuttings in water for weeks, months, or even longer (if you use fertilizer).

How to Propagate Coleus in Soil

Stem cuttings can also be rooted in soil. For this method, you'll cut 4–6-inch coleus cuttings from a mature plant, then remove all leaves from the lower half of the cutting; dip the cutting in rooting hormone, if you'd like.

Place the coleus cutting into a pencil-sized hole and cover the container in plastic wrap, ensuring that the plastic stays off the cutting. Keep the container in bright, indirect sunlight for 2–3 weeks. You will know the plant is rooted when you begin to see new growth.

Will Coleus Regrow if Cut Back?

Yes, cutting back coleus will encourage new growth—it will not harm the plant; it will actually produce more and help the plant take on a bushier shape.

To learn more about the next steps, planting and caring for coleus, read How to Care for the Coleus Plant.

This cutting began to form roots in under a week without the aid of rooting hormone.

This cutting began to form roots in under a week without the aid of rooting hormone.


This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2013 Jill Spencer


Haulfryn on June 12, 2020:

I took cuttings two weeks ago and put them in water. Roots appeared 3 days ago and increased in size daily. I transplanted the cutting into fresh potting compost with added bone meal and left them in the shade. After an hour or so they began to wilt and did not look very good. I used a liquid fertiliser and they are showing a bit of an improvement. Should I have dried off the cuttings before transplanting?

Jill Spencer (author) from United States on November 18, 2019:

Awesome, Marcelino!

marcelino on November 18, 2019:

im doing my seince fair project on this

Jill Spencer (author) from United States on November 03, 2019:

I think you are the kind one, Irene. Thanks for stopping by. All the best, Jill

Irene on October 31, 2019:

Thanks Jill for sharing your ideas and practices on propagating coleus. I find your article so helpful. I also enjoyed reading your answers to queries. Thank you for your kindness.

Jill Spencer (author) from United States on August 17, 2019:

Yes, you can grow it indoors and outdoors. Thanks for posting!

Ellen on August 16, 2019:

Isn't coleus a good indoor plant?

Jill Spencer (author) from United States on October 23, 2018:

Hi, Cindy! They might have an easier time forming roots if you place the cuttings in water rather than potting soil. If you want to keep trying with the potting, make sure it's moist and don't let it dry out. Good luck!

cindybarber on October 23, 2018:

I had propagated my coleus and pinch back the taller stems and replanted the coleus in organic potting soil. Now the leaves are drooping will the the leaves perk up and grow roots?

Barbara on July 24, 2018:

This is my first year planting coleus which I did so in an urn with a couple of other plants. I’ve had to be aggressive in keeping them cut back so I’ve decided the trying propagating them in water. It’s mid July here in SC and so far I’ve been able to add a few in my planter boxes and they’re doing fine. I’ve started a lot more in water and plan to do the same but my question is what do I do with them in the fall? I’d love to winter them and have these great plants to put out in the spring. Should I put each plant in peat pots? Also I’m going to have a hard time finding a place warm enough. Can’t put them inside because I’d pets. Any ideas?

Redfox007 on June 22, 2018:

and results.

Jill Spencer (author) from United States on June 21, 2018:

Hi redfox007. Maybe the soil just needs to be loamy. , I stick it in the flowerbed with the others and it does just fine. It's awesome that yours is doing well now. It's too bad we can't attach pictures here. Would love to see them.

Redfox007 on June 21, 2018:

My Coleus I planted in the Potting Mix is still alive and kicking, so I figure we must have found the answer. Don't plant new Coleus in the Garden Soil.

Redfox007 on June 17, 2018:

Well, Jill, I tried the potting mix and planted a Coleus from a water bottle to it, (the Coleus had gotten some roots on it,) and since yesterday it has not drooped over. So, perhaps we got it figured out. The Garden Soil being too rich for the Coleus. Thanks a lot.

Jill Spencer (author) from United States on June 16, 2018:

Good luck, Redfox007!

Redfox007 on June 15, 2018:

Hi Jill. As for my posts, I have my Coleus indoors, with very little sunshine. I set them on a table back from the window, as I have raised Coleus previously. Some of my Coleus have grown great, but others just immediately die overnight. I went to Ace Hardware today and spoke to a gal who seems to understand plants, and she said the "Garden Soil" was too rich. The Coleus needs to be started slowly with more of a Peatmoss style. I did purchase some Miracle Gro Potting mix, as she said it was a lot of peat moss. So, I shall attempt using it.

Jill Spencer (author) from United States on June 14, 2018:

Hi Redfox007. Please see my responses above. Good luck to you! Jill

Redfox007 on June 14, 2018:

I posted two questions above. I have Coleus which I rescued from getting thrown away and would like to get more in pots. I placed some in water, tor roots galore, then planted them in Miracle Grow Garden Soil. They wilted and died in two to three days. I watered them quite well.

Jill Spencer (author) from United States on March 22, 2018:

Hi Meerab! Sorry to hear about the leaf loss. The worrisome part is that the leaf looked burnt, which probably means disease. I would remove the infected plant and dispose of it (but don't compost it). Be sure you're not overwatering the others and be sure they are not too close together. They need lots of air flow. Coleus is susceptible to fungus. Best to you!

Meerab on March 17, 2018:

Hi there! I loved the way u explained. I tried propagating coleus in soil. It was good initially but the 7th day one of tye 4 leaves that was a healthy one dropped out being burnt from the leaf stalk. I am worried if this wud happen with others as well. Is there anything I can do to save the rest of the stem left.

Jill Spencer (author) from United States on October 26, 2017:

The stems only have one leaf? I would snip down to a node as described above. What's left won't be very attractive, but your plant should bush out from the trimming unless the frost gets it first. Good luck!

Sue on October 26, 2017:

I have a single stem coleus, only one leave per stem. What's the best way to grow cuttings?

Jill Spencer (author) from United States on March 07, 2017:

Hi Catherine. When you set it out depends upon where you live. Coleus can't take frost, so wait until all chance of frost has passed. Pinching it back will make it bush out.

catherine on March 07, 2017:

hello thank you for this article. i managed to get a cutting to grow roots in about a week, without any powder and from quite a young coleus plant. I am just wondering how long roughly to wait until planting it in the garden? the roots are about 2cm long but very spindly. Should I wait another week or two or plant within a few days?

Jill Spencer (author) from United States on August 19, 2014:

Hi Dolores, Rebecca & Susan. Thanks so much for stopping by. It's a great time of year to start coleus. It's so pretty for fall. Celosia (cock's comb) is a similar plant that starts easily from cuttings in water. Thanks for the shares! --All the best, Jill

Rebecca Mealey from Northeastern Georgia, USA on August 19, 2014:

I am doing some now! I just got some cuttings from a friend's . I have 4 variations, and I am excited. Very helpful!

Susan Zutautas from Ontario, Canada on August 19, 2014:

I just love Coleus and have found your hub so very useful. Thank you!

Dolores Monet from East Coast, United States on August 19, 2014:

I must try this! I love to get freebie plants from friends and neighbors (and share with them as well). Coleus is so pretty! Your pictures are, as always, awesome!

Jill Spencer (author) from United States on June 18, 2013:

Thanks for the share, faythef!

Faythe Payne from USA on June 18, 2013:

I love coleus, have never tried a cutting..but will use your method..need to visit friends so I can snip a leaf from theirs..thank you , voting up and sharing

Jill Spencer (author) from United States on June 01, 2013:

Hi Thelma! If it's as humid and warm there as I think it is, I bet your coleus will do beautifully. I wonder if, like livingsta's mom, you'll have huge growth AND trouble with pests. Nice to hear from you, Thelma. All the best, Jill

Thelma Alberts from Germany on May 31, 2013:

I have done this propagating for my Coleus in which I have known the name of this plant just yesterday here in HP. I have not tried propagating this plant in a glass of water yet. It´s a great idea. Thanks for sharing.

Jill Spencer (author) from United States on May 19, 2013:

Hi Deb! How are you doing? I'm glad the hub stirred up some good memories for you.

Deb Hirt from Stillwater, OK on May 19, 2013:

As a young'un, I recall my father doing some of these things with certain plants. I don't recall must of them, but I do remember that white powder. He had a friend that was a retired officer from the Burpee Seed Company, and Ken taught him a great deal about gardening. Thanks for the reminders and the memories. You are so good at what you do!

Dahlia Ambrose from United Kingdom on May 18, 2013:

Hi Jill, it's the mealybugs I guess. They are in clusters all over the stems and mostly under the leaves. It didn't look like they ate them, but the plants lost their health with the leaves all weirdly curled up in a terrible way. It also hinders the healthy growth of the plant. Yes, this was in India. Would it be because it was easier for them to thrive in warm climates? Not sure.

Mum used to use pesticides to get rid of them.

Jill Spencer (author) from United States on May 18, 2013:

Hi livingsta! You have me very curious about what eats coleus in India! Here in the eastern US, I've never had a pest problem w/them except for occasional snail damage. Were those the culprits in India? --Jill

Dahlia Ambrose from United Kingdom on May 18, 2013:

Nice hub, I used to have these plant when I was in India. The colours are lovely but they were prone to pests. I did not know that such a short stem was sufficient. We were planting long stems of 10 to 12 inches length.

Thank you for this useful information.

Voted up, useful and interesting, Sharing!

Jill Spencer (author) from United States on May 18, 2013:

Hi Sharkye11! What a great garden story. Isn't it great to get volunteers? Love when that happens (and they're not weed). Take care, Jill

Jayme Kinsey from Oklahoma on May 17, 2013:

Very interesting hub! I had a coleus appear mysteriously in my yard last year. I quickly fell in love with it and moved it to my flower bed.Even though it died over the winter, it left a legacy behind...hundreds of babies! I carefully moved all of them to different beds. I can't wait for them to mature so that I can try propagating them. I love rooting plants in water! Will bookmark this for future reference!

Jill Spencer (author) from United States on May 17, 2013:

Hi Thelma. It really is easy. Why buy a tray of the same color coleus, when you can get a few in different colors and "make" a bunch more so easily! Thanks for stopping by. --Jill

Thelma Raker Coffone from Blue Ridge Mountains, USA on May 16, 2013:

So very easy... I just love coleus. Thanks for the good info.

Jill Spencer (author) from United States on May 16, 2013:

Hi rajan jolly--Yes, it's a good plant for beginning propagators as they're almost certain to be successful. Thanks for commenting!

Hey Zsuzsy--Yep, it's a standard method that's easy to use w/lots of plants, especially houseplants easy-care houseplants like African violets and jade. Nice to hear from you. Thanks for stopping by! --Jill

Rajan Singh Jolly from From Mumbai, presently in Jalandhar, INDIA. on May 15, 2013:

Very interesting, Jill. Coleus are one of the easiest to propagate.

voted up.

Zsuzsy Bee from Ontario/Canada on May 15, 2013:

Great hub. This method works great for quite a few plants.

regards Zsuzsy

Jill Spencer (author) from United States on May 15, 2013:

Awesome, RTalloni! We think alike! I love coleus, but they can be expensive if you want to fill a bed with nursery pots of them. Thanks for stopping by! --Jill

RTalloni on May 15, 2013:

I'll be doing this tomorrow, if not later tonight. Thanks for an easy and inexpensive way to get more coleus for the summer/fall season!

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