Bathroom Jewelry | Luxury Hardware and Bathroom Accessories
It was love at first sight. I was simply star struck. How could anything be so perfect and beautiful? You know the feeling, it takes your breath away - you are awestruck. Yes, this has occurred for me many times - almost always the artist was Mother Nature. Mother Nature contributed this time but the items were crafted by gifted artisans sparing no expense.
What was it? Was it shiny jewelry? In many ways yes. Was it lavish gold? Most definitely yes. And yet it was functional. A simple gilded faucet. But oh, not just any faucet, a faucet of one of my great loves - a faucet of a sea. A graceful creature who always appears to be smiling. A creature I have named one of my favorite swim fitness exercises after - a marine mammal beloved by all. A mammal who although is one of the friendliness is also one of the most intelligent mammals in the sea. A mammal who ranges from 4 feet in length to over 30 feet, sometimes weighing in at over 10 tons!
Why would this material item capture my heart? Why was I so mesmerized?
The sheer delight of the exquisite workmanship? The opulence of shiny gold? Or was it more? Was it the incarnation of this creature from the sea that I so love?
The reigning queen of fine artistry for the lavoratory is unmistakenly Sherle Wagner. But yet, this fine piece was not one of her exquisite designs. And yet, this piece is very reminiscent of her great talent.
Journey with me as we view many great and grand delights - in gold, crystal, and even glass. Learn about the designer who is the queen and understand the American height of opulance resides in Beverly Hills, CA, a suburb of Los Angeles. Finally, stay tune and share with us your personal preference for your fantasy bathroom fixtures.
Luxury Fixtures - Twin Onyx Bathroom Sinks
Luxury Bathroom Fixtures
Cobalt Blue Faucets
Beyond the glitz and glamor of gold faucets, I would opt for cobalt blue. Imagine being able to see the sea first thing in the morning and last thing at night - the bright blue of the deepest ocean blue. Add in some shiny silver and chrome and you have a real treasure from the sea.
And yet for me, I still yearn for another - stay tune til the end my friend. The very best is yet to come!
Opulent Gold Sink with Crystal Faucet by Sherle Wagner
Twin Gold Sinks in Luxury Bathroom
Sherle Wagner International
Since 1945, her designs have been recognized as the finest in the industry. The ultimate in luxury hardware and bath accessories for your home.
Sherle Wagner Orginal Designs
Functional Art | Fine Jewelry for Your Abode
Definitely not for the faint of heart, definitely not for a humble abode, these fine porcelain and gold sinks and lavatory faucets are truly pieces of great art. To me, they are fine jewelry for your home.
The reigning queen of fine art for the plumbing industry is Sherle Wagner. Her art shines not just in the faucets but also in the porcelain bowls. The colors are pleasing, the form is elegant.
Bathroom hardware truly fit for royalty.
Chinoiserie Porcelain
Chinoiserie Sinks
Chinoiserie is a French term meaning "Chinese-esque". It is representative of a recurring theme in European artistic styles since the seventeenth century, which reflect Chinese artistic influences.
Chinoiserie is characterized by the fanciful imagery denoted especially by asymmetry in format with a whimsical focus. Typically made of Chinese porcelain. Some have stated that chinoiserie is the perfect mixture of Eastern and Western artistic elements, offering the height of elegance in form and shape.
Bathroom Jewelry in Teal Glass Vessel Sink
Vessel Sinks - a Modern Approach
Just as artistic as the Chinoiserie sinks are the many vessels sinks that are now in the marketplace. These glass wonders are work of art displaying the magical qualities of combining color with glass.
Swan Faucets for your Bathroom
Famous Rodeo Drive - Beverly Hills, CA
Phylich is the manufacturer of the faucet that has forever captured my heart. Phylrich "feel rich" - that is the correct pronunciation, is the Beverly Hills manufacturer of some of the world's finest designs for the bathroom. Beverly Hills is home to the rich and famous and also the flamboyant. Faucets and towel racks adorned with precious metals and semi-precious stones. Truly jewelry for your home.
Household names of Hollywood actors, actresses, Presidents and more have touched these fine adornments for the home.
Phylrich and Beverly Hills - Match Made in Heaven
It is no wonder that Phylrich was originated in Beverly Hills. Beverly Hills is the haven of the Hollywood celebrities. Phylrich was purchased several years ago by a premier plumbing supply company who continues the tradition of fine craftsmanship of this exquisite line of plumbing fixture - albeit each and every one is a work of art.
The Beverly Hills Aura
The aura of Beverly Hills may be best derived from the famous street - called Rodeo Drive - the platinum place to shop and to be seen. Rodeo Drive is built literally with Spanish cobblestone and is home to "2 Rodeo Drive" which is a "mini-mall" with upscale shops and restaurants.
Sherle Wagner Artful Bathroom Fixture Designs
Wagner's first and most notable piece was the dolphin faucet. I didn't realize this until AFTER I researched this piece.
Phylrich Dolphin Faucets
My Great Love
My great love is not of these many fine designs. My great love comes directly from the sea. The intelligent, yet always playful and happy - you probably guessed it by now - the dolphin but of course.
The love of fine faucet reaches into every grand residence. What is a mansion? A mansion is anyplace you call home. Oh, but to the very rich, their home would not be worthy without the gold or silver of the finest faucets.
For me, the dolphin faucet will forever reign supreme in my heart. Why, you might ask? Gold and silver bring no lasting joy and yet the dolphin shows us the ultimate in beauty - a smile on their face, a twinkle in their eye and flick of the tail they are off for another seaworthy swimming adventure.
Two Playful Dolphins
Author's Epilogue
I wrote this piece for fun and frolic - like my heroes who I aspire to be - the friendly and intelligent mammals of the sea - dolphins. I am entering this piece into the plumbing contest but alas there is nothing functional to this literary piece - just simply unabashed lust for the lavish lavatories - extravagance way beyond function.
Share Your Decorating Preference
What are your thoughts on these decorating options?
© 2011 Ken Kline
lmmartin from Alberta and Florida on August 24, 2011:
Lovely fixtures. Not in my future, but pretty to look at here. Lynda
Nancy Hinchliff from Essex Junction, Vermont on August 23, 2011:
I absolutely love beautiful sinks and faucets. Those porcelain ones with figures on them are gorgeous. I live in an 1882 historic I could picture either Chinoiserie sink in my first floor powder room.
Simone Haruko Smith from San Francisco on August 23, 2011:
Waaaah! These are so cool! I'm always excited to discover non-generic looking sinks. Cool Hub!
Nan Mynatt from Illinois on August 23, 2011:
All of the faucets are beautiful. It is a pleasure to use the bathroom with the ornaments decoration. I hope that you still have some of the antiques that was left to you. They are worth more than the listed price, and priceless. I marked you up!
Robin Edmondson from San Francisco on August 23, 2011:
Wow, what over the top bathroom hardware! My aunt is an artist and in the 80s she painted her sinks. They really were beautiful and of course custom! Thanks for sharing!