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Write Articles for Websites

writer's block

writer's block

Free websites for writers

If your dream has always been to become a writer, what has stopped you? Are you one of those people who only thinks a credible writer is someone who has written a book? Do you get carried away with an image of your name on top of the best sellers list, sitting back, relaxing and wondering what to do with all those royalties?

Perhaps the idea of writing book will always be a dream. If you don't have the time, stamina, or inclination to pen a novel, there are many other avenues of writing open to you which can turn your creative potential into cash.

Every article, whether online, in a newspaper, or in a magazine someone has scripted. Most of the people will also have been paid for it. If you want to begin a career in writing, don't discount any options that may be available to you.

I write on a few different internet sites as well as writing copy for personal websites. If you want to start writing but are unsure where to begin, I would suggest, Hubpages . It is free to join and you can write about topics which interest you. By placing ads that compliment the theme of your article you can begin to earn money from your writing . If you haven't done much writing since you left school and are afraid to put your work out to the public, both of these sites are fantastic. The other authors, on Hubpages are very supportive and are fountains of information. Any problem, just ask in a forum. All of the writers here remember what it's like just starting out and are eager to help.

Below is the 10th in a series of resources for article writers. All of these suggestions begin with the letter "J" . These are writer's block busters! Read through with an open mind and see if there is something you could use to write your next website article. There are links to previous pages as well near the bottom. Bookmark this and return when you find yourself sitting in front of a blank screen, fingers poised over the keyboard waiting for inspiration.

Jack The Ripper: This, still unsolved crime, is one that fascinates people. Who were the most obvious suspects? If this occurred today, what techniques could be used to capture and convict him.

Jack in the box: The toy of a bygone era or has it altered with technology? Which types of clown faces were they? Always smiling or sometimes sad? Who invented the first one. Is it a spin-off of the Punch and Judy puppet shows? Can you make your own?

Jack O'lantern: The carving of Jack O'lanterns has turned into something of an art form. Highlight some of your favourites or give a tutorial on how to carve unusual faces. What is the history of these and why are they called Jack?

Jacket: Do you know which style of jacket is better suited to a skirt or dress? How have jackets changed over the years. Is it still necessary to wear a jacket to an interview? How can you wear scarves and a jacket.

Jack fruit: Do you grow jack fruit? How do you eat that, what does it taste like? How large can they grow?

Jaguar logo

Jaguar logo

Jackknife: This can be about a knife, a truck, sit-ups, or diving. The term is widely used. For example you could write an article how to avoid jack-knifing your truck whilst driving. The correct way to do jack-knife sit-ups. Do you dive, if so an article about the perfect execution of a jack-knife dive. Is your thing knives? What is your recommendation for a pocket knife?

Jaguar cars: Some of the most elegant cars ever produced in my opinion. You could select one model and highlight it. This could include what to look for when buying a used one. Famous people who owned a certain model. Or you could show the evolution of the brand, how it has altered through the years.

Jails and jailbreaks: What are the actual measurements of a jail cell. How many people are there in one. What type of restrictions are placed on inmates. Is this different in different jails or prisons?How many prisoners re-offend? What rehabilitation attempts are made and what is the success rate? Where are the most secure jails? Highlight any famous jailbreaks, were they successful? What is the recapture rate.

Jalapeño peppers: Do you have any favourite recipes using jalapeño peppers? Recipe articles are always popular and are considered 'evergreen content'. Do you grow jalapeño peppers? What advice would you give to newbie gardeners?

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Jam: Do you make jam? Which is your favorite? Perhaps you have a recipe that uses jam in it. Do you collect jam pots? Which type of jam can you recommend for diabetics? What is the difference between jelly, jam, preserves, conserves, marmalade, and things such as apple butter?

How many per week?

Jamaican Flag

Jamaican Flag

Jamaica : Do you live or vacation in Jamaica? What are some of your favourite places to visit there? Share some of the history, the culture, the popular foods. How does this country produce some of the fastest sprinters?

Janis Joplin: What gave Janis Joplin that gravelly voice? Why do so many young singers self-destruct? What is the significance of the age of 27 where so many singers and actors die? Is there any reason? Where would Janis Joplin be today if she hadn't died? What were her most famous hits?

Japanese: Do you speak Japanese? How difficult is it to learn? Are you learning about the Japanese culture as well? What are some of the differences between their family lives and westerners?

Jars: Do you collect old jars? Where do you find them, garage sales, Ebay, or such? What do you use them for? Perhaps you decorate jars to give as gifts. What do you put inside as a gift? A great idea for a 'how to' article.

Jasmine tea: Do you enjoy Jasmine tea? Which brand is your favourite? Do you use a teapot and small cups or do you use a mug? What is the correct procedure for making jasmine tea? How is it grown and harvested? Are there any health benefits to it?

Jaundice: What causes jaundice? Why are some babies born with it? Is it dangerous? What can be done to prevent it? What are early signs of it?

Jazz festivals: Where can you go to hear great Jazz music? Can you recommend summer festivals and near-by accommodation? Do you play in any of these festivals? How can you start one in your hometown?

Jeans: Haven't jeans changed over the years? From the ruggedness of clothing for miners in California to the catwalks in Paris. Who could have imagined that torn and tatty jeans would be a fashion statement! Or the trend to wear trousers that hang down below one's posterior.

Jeep: From the army to mail trucks to city streets. The Jeep has a history. Pick a model and highlight it. Perhaps do a comparison with another type of vehicle. Which would you select?

Jell-o: Where would the world be without Jell-o? Do you have a family favourite recipe. What is Jell-o made from? How long has it been around.

Jeopardy : Have you ever gone onto the show or are you an armchair contestant? Do you do better than the onscreen contestants? What are some of the specialist topics?

Jerky: Do you make your own beef jerky? How do you dry it? What other types of meat can you use to make it? What are the best commercial brands of jerky?

Jet lag: Do you have any tips to reduce the effects of jet lag? Can a person prepare themselves for a different time zone? What other conditions can cause it to be worse. How do airline pilots and crew deal with jet lag?

Jewellery store: Have you ever worked in a jewellery store? What were the customers like? What was your biggest sale? Did you ever have a robbery? What was the security like?

Jigsaw: What is your favourite type of jigsaw? Do you like a landscape picture or something different? Are jigsaws still popular? What is your technique for beginning one? Do you start with the sky or do the edges?


Jingles: How many jingles can you remember from your childhood? Were these from television or radio? Do you still use these products? Do you worry that this has conditioned you to purchase their products? What makes a memorable jingle? Could you write one? Where does someone start to write a jingle for a product, and how do you market it?

Jinx: What things are considered bad luck and do you believe in such things? Do you have 'lucky socks' for example? Why were some things, such as having bananas on a boat , considered unlucky? What other examples can you think of?

Jitterbug: When did the jitterbug start? Can you show someone how to do it? What music is the best for doing the jitterbug? Who taught you how to do it?

Jock itch: What causes jock itch? Is there powder or different clothes that will prevent it? Do only athletes get it?

Jogging: When did this begin to get popular. If it wasn't for the manufactures of shoes and other 'jogging accessories' would we still be jogging?

No time to write?

Perhaps you find it difficult to find the time to consistently publish articles. Your head may be swimming with ideas that you are confident will bring you in more income. If this is the case consider hiring a writer. You may find that this is the way to begin earning more money in less time. If you are better at promoting your pages than writing them, this could be just what you need.

The pages are written for you by native English speakers on the topics you want. You choose the keywords, and length of the articles.

Johnny Appleseed: When did this legend begin? Was there actually a man who planted apple seeds around the country, or is this a myth? What types of apples did he plant? Are those trees still there?

Jokes: What makes a good joke? Compare the jokes in different countries, is humour universal?

Journalist: What qualities does a journalist need? Do you need a college degree to get a job as a journalist or is experience preferred?

Jowls: What causes jowls? Can a person have an operation to remove them, and if so what is it called and how is it performed? Are jowls hereditary or is it due to weight gain? Can wearing scarves or turtle necks disguise this problem? Which famous people had jowls?

© 2013 Mary Wickison

I hope you found something interesting.

kashif ahmad from chiniot punjab on September 23, 2019:

good work

Mary Wickison (author) from USA on April 25, 2013:

Hi LKMore01,

Thank you. I hope you found a topic that you just can't wait to write about. If you do, pop back and let me know.

Mary Wickison (author) from USA on April 25, 2013:

Fantastic! I will take a look. I wonder if that crime would be solved today with the advances in forensic science?

LKMore01 on April 24, 2013:

Excellent Hub, Blond Logic. This is the second or third time I've seen this circulated among the Hubbers. Great encouraging and practical ideas.

Mary Craig from New York on April 24, 2013:

And, just fyi, I just wrote a hub on Jack the Ripper.

Mary Wickison (author) from USA on April 24, 2013:

Hello tillsontitan,

Glad you liked them. Thank you for your votes and thank you to HawaiiO for sharing.

Mary Wickison (author) from USA on April 24, 2013:

Hello Joe

Thank you for your kind words and the follow. I believe our destiny is in our own hands.

wonderful to her from you. Tchau from Brazil.

Mary Craig from New York on April 24, 2013:

Great writing prompts. I know I'll be coming back and reading more of your insightful hubs! Thanks HawaiiO for sharing this great hub.

Voted up, useful, and interesting.

Hawaiian Odysseus from Southeast Washington state on April 24, 2013:

Wow! This is an amazing writer's niche that you've developed--full of substance and excellent prompts. I've picked up a few ideas for future hubs from a first reading of your article. In addition, it's always inspirational for me to read other Hubbers' input about the art of writing. I see that we have, in common, a love for walking and entrepreneurial ventures as well. In a few seconds, I'm reciprocating your generous move and following you and your work as well! Aloha, Blond Logic!


Mary Wickison (author) from USA on March 12, 2013:

Hi Torrilyn,

You're welcome, I am pleased it is useful for you. Thanks for the vote up and share.

Mary Wickison (author) from USA on March 12, 2013:

Hello Paul,

I am glad you like them. I think all of us as writers know that feeling, when inspiration just doesn't come. Sometimes all it needs is a little kickstart.

Thank you for the vote and sharing.

torrilynn on March 11, 2013:

thanks for this hub

i've been trying to find websites that I could write for

thanks again.

Voted up and shared.

Paul Richard Kuehn from Udorn City, Thailand on March 11, 2013:

Blond logic,

These are great ideas for writing topics. Thanks for sharing. Voted up and sharing with followers.

Mary Wickison (author) from USA on March 04, 2013:

Hi Lipnancy,

I am so pleased you are enjoying them. I do crosswords and play Scrabble. I think that helps with ideas.

Always a pleasure to hear from you.

Nancy Yager from Hamburg, New York on March 04, 2013:

How do you come up with these great ideas? I really enjoy them.

Mary Wickison (author) from USA on March 01, 2013:

Hi btrbell,

You're very welcome, I hope you find the useful.

Randi Benlulu from Mesa, AZ on March 01, 2013:

Thank you for all the great ideas!

Mary Wickison (author) from USA on March 01, 2013:

Hello Mhatter99,

You're welcome, I hope that it will be of use to you now and in the future.

Always a pleasure, to hear from you.

Martin Kloess from San Francisco on February 28, 2013:

Thank you for sharing this valuable insight.

Mary Wickison (author) from USA on February 28, 2013:

Hello Bill,

As always, so pleased you stopped by.

Bill Holland from Olympia, WA on February 28, 2013:

Another series of great prompts. Thank you for these and all the ones before.

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