How to Create Your Own "Notion" Bullet Journal
For anyone trying to utilise Notion for bullet journals, there are many options out there to choose from. Bullet journals are a very popular method today for people who need a bit of help organising their day-to-day lives. With a bullet journal, you can easily break down all of the key bullet points in your life: things that you need to do, your monthly plans, your goals for the short and long-term, your personal thoughts, and so much more!
However, one of the main things to think about when using Notion bullet journals is the ease of organisation. A good template could be used to help you make sure you are always on track and that you can easily fill in your BuJo each day. There are various options out there, but a bullet journal template for Notion is going to make your daily life so much easier.
Why You Should Keep a Bullet Journal
The main reason to think about using a bullet journal is quite simple – you can become far more organised. They give you an easy way to break down your daily thoughts, your to-do list tasks, and the general issues that you find with your life. Many find that using a bullet journal can help them to spot behavioural patterns and other issues that can lead to more than a few significant challenges.
One thing to note about these patterns, too, is that they tend to be very easy to fix once you notice the pattern emerging. By using a bullet journal, then, you can easily spot all of these patterns. And with Notion such an easy to use tool that you can work with on a daily basis, it becomes an ideal tool to store your bullet journal within.
Here, though, are some of the best bullet journal ideas for Notion that we have come across. These make excellent starting places, and give you the best way to make sure your journal does the exact job that it was supposed to.
From tracking challenges to generally improving your day-to-day life, bullet journals offer something very worthwhile. Here, then, are the tips to properly organise everything.
Set Up the Basic Design
You can find many quality bullet journal templates for Notion – like a template you can find on Notion and searching for "Bullet Journal" – and set up the entire look of your journal in moments. The basic design should be the first thing you tackle, as getting that design and layout just right is very important. If you focus on this as your priority then it does become much easier to organise the rest of the bullet journal.
You can then use the various themes and sections within the design to arrange things like monthly session, collections of things you find interesting, and various places to store the information that matters to you.
This is your own journal, so what you store here is a personal choice. Still, this template gives you an easy way to get the foundations for your journal in place.
Always Add in Long-term Goals First
The first thing to do when building up your template is to add in some long-term goals. Our short-term goals are easier to determine when we just focus on the long-term first. If you have a long-term view, you can then start making many more short and medium-term decisions that back up what you are trying to do here. Keep that in mind, as it can play a big role in making sure you can add in the kind of important long-term goals that matter to you.
Starting with a long-term view is very important, as it can go a long way to making sure your short-term goals achieve something larger. Without a long-term goal in your journal, you simply meander along in life and achieve daily tasks. By giving yourself a wider goal, things can become so much easier for you to deal with.
Create Logs for Each Month
Another useful thing to think about when building up your bullet journal is separating your logs by month. This is good for future reference as you can easily look back to a certain month as opposed to trying to find something on any given day. With a month of journaling to look through you can easily find the kind of information that you need to reference and learn from.
It also makes it easier to see how much work and progress you have made in any one given month. For that reason, you should absolutely look to focus on the creation of logs for each and every month. This is a great choice for making sure you can always find what you have learned and where you have progressed each month, making it easier to take a more long-term view as to your personal progress.
Always Add a Calendar
As you no doubt can notice with the above template, there is always a calendar in a good bullet journal. This is very important as it gives you an easy way to look into your future and make sure that you don’t miss things like key business events, personal appointments, social gatherings, events, and even travel plans.
You can jot things down and then return to them in the weeks, months, and years to come. It means that you can always look ahead and note that X, Y, or Z event is taking place. From a personal event to a professional networking opportunity, this calendar is vital for anyone building a bullet journal that is worth using. Keep that in mind as you move forward in the development of your calendar, as it will be very important indeed to your ability to stay properly organised in the future.
Life is a challenging cycle, and having a journal that allows you to stay focused and organised is vital. With the help of this journal plan, then, you can easily install and set up a bullet journal template that gives you the short and long-term help you need. Take a look today, and see for yourself why your journal has developed.
This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.
© 2021 Russel Garret