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Niche Marketing Ideas

Writing ideas

Writing ideas

Finding niche market ideas

For online writers, finding topics to write about can sometimes be daunting. If the topic is too broad the internet is flooded with articles about that particular subject and as a result your well crafted page could get buried beneath a virtual mountain of other articles.

Finding a niche market to write about isn't always easy. Sometimes it is difficult to target something specific, but target you must if you want to find yourself near the front page of a search engine. Often all that is needed is a little inspiration to get the ideas flowing.

I have created a list of topics to write about for niche markets. This is in itself a very broad subject so I have decided to break it down alphabetically. Of course more will be added to the list so check back often. The following ideas are merely suggestions for you to take away and hopefully write your best page ever.

I write here on Hubpages and you can too. It is free to join and you can write about topics of your choosing. There is an online writing community second to none, who welcome and encourage new writers. If you are just starting out, this is a great place to begin your online writing career. Each and everyone of us started where you are now, wondering if we should sign up. We all did and now we are making money not just from our current articles but also from those we wrote when we first began! We are all building a passive income stream for our futures, you can too.

Let's get started with the niche market ideas beginning with the letter "A"

Creative topics for writing

A. I (artificial intelligence) Do you believe in aliens? Share your thoughts, sightings or close encounters? Which movies about aliens do you like?

AIDS: Do you or someone you know have AIDS. Do you have any tips for coping with this? You could discuss your side effects of medication. Are your friends HIV+? Explain your feelings.

Accounting: Everyone wants advice about accounting. Share your experience about various accounting software, tax advice, etc. this is a vast area for writing ideas.

Acting: Can you give advice about how to begin an acting career. Which schools are best, or any how-to or how not to observations. This could be everything from the big screen to local plays.

Action Movies: Which are your favourite action films, make a list. Or tell people how to make action films. Who are your favourite actors from them. Where are the best ones made.

Activism: What causes are you passionate about? Write about them. Encourage others to be passionate about their causes. Can you tell people how to organise a group of people?

Giraffe and Zebra

Giraffe and Zebra

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Subjects to write about

Adult movies: This could be a tricky one because if you are too specific it could get your page banned. Suggest methods for making a film, but keep your language clean. Or suggest places to buy these films. How this type of film genre has changed through the years perhaps.

Advertising: Wow, what a broad subject. Advertising can be about getting known here on the internet or about brands and their advertising. Topics such as the best place for backlinks to discussing the advertising budget of Coca-Cola. Everything is about advertising and sales.

Africa. Again, a lot of scope for several pages, culture, traditions, languages, scenery. The best places to visit, marinas in South Africa.

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African Americans: This topic should inspire you to write many pages. These could range from the initial journey to America and other countries. From racism to famous African Americans to traditional foods. An absolute bounty of potential topics.

Aging: Something we all have to contend with, therefore it is a huge subject. This could be everything from skin care to nursing care. Medical issues to traveling the globe as a senior.

Agriculture: Farming can cover everything from how to grow crops, to the changing face of agriculture. Small and large scale farms, unusual farming activities.

Inspiration for articles

Airbrushing: Are you an artist who uses airbrushing. Write about this

Aircraft Spotting: A quirky yet popular past time enjoyed by many. Explain your passion and share your photos.

Airsoft: Do you like to run through the woods shooting at other people? Well a lot of people do. Suggest equipment, strategies and places to go.

Alcoholic drinks: Do you know a daiquiri from a rusty nail? Are your skills always called upon to make drinks at a party? Then write about it.

Alternative energy: Wind turbines, wave power, solar power, which if any do you use? Have you constructed DIY solar panels for you home. Great! Now document it. These types of 'how to' articles do well.

Alternative health: Do you have any home remedies that will cure common problems. Are you yourself a herbalist?

Alternative rock

Alternative rock

Ideas for writing pages

Alternative news: Some people only get their news off the 6 o'clock news. If you are an alternative news junkie, now is your chance to share what you know. Your public is waiting for news that never makes the headlines.

Alternative rock: Do you listen or play alternative rock? Explain what it is and make suggestions about different bands and music to listen to.

Amateur radio: Are you a HAM radio operator? Share some of your experiences about equipment and how you got started. How can others take up this hobby. Are there clubs or organizations where people meet?

Ambient music: Do you love ambient music, which is your favourite and which would you suggest to places such as offices, clinics or spas?

American Football: Which is your favourite team. How long have you been a supporter, who are their best players this year.What are their chances this year. What about fantasy football? Maybe you have some tips for coaches. Do you photograph football, where is the best place to stand, do you have any advice?

American Literature: Which are your favourite books, suggest a reading list. Write a review.

More writing subjects

Anatomy: Do you know your metatarsals from your clavicles? Can you explain about anatomy to others. Sometimes we are clueless about the make-up of our bodies, enlighten us.

Ancient History: Do you love ancient history? Can you make it come alive for everyone to enjoy? No shortage of topics to write about.

Animals: Which animals are you passionate about. Do you have a parrot for example. What type of cage would you suggest? Animal pages are always popular. Be specific.

Animation and Anime Are you a wiz at animation either computer generate or traditional? Can you explain it to others?

Anthropology : In school I loved anthropology, because I had a great teacher. She was so passionate about her subject. If you are as well, write about it. Share with everyone.

Anti-ageing: Do you have any tips that can stop the onset of ageing disorders? We want to know. Everything from stretches to surgeries.

Quiver of arrows

Quiver of arrows

Niche markets to write about

Antiques: Do you know your Royal Doulton from your Royal Worcester? Tell the world. These can everything from antique furniture to vases. Pick one topic and get writing.

Aquariums: So many people have them and also have questions about them.For example what are the best choices of fish etc. Share your knowledge.

Archaeology: Do you dig archaeology? What do you love about it, talk about the digs you have been on. Throw in discussions about King Tut.

Architecture: A love of buildings and designs? What do you like or not. This could be about design or planning consent. It could even be how to construct a garden shed! You could take us on a virtual tour of Rome and explain about the different types of architecture.

Archery: From Robin Hood to the Olympics, archery is a great niche topic. Hints and tips about equipment, technique and how to start a club.

Art history: Bring art history alive for people. Explain about various artists and their work.

Topics and ideas to write about

Arts: This is a vast topic. Performing arts, to how to market your art work. These are just a few ideas.

Asia: Where are your favourite vacation destinations in Asia? Immigration, working, language, history. The list is enormous.

Asthma: Coping strategies for asthma sufferers. Places and things to avoid. What things can trigger an attack.

Astrology: Do you believe in astrology? Tell us about it. Which zodiac signs are compatible with others, this has always been a very popular topic.

Astronomy: Discuss telescopes to use and what to look for. With billions and billions of stars, you won't be lost in space for something to write about.

Atheist/agnostic: What and why you believe or disbelieve. Difficulties in being a non believer.

Airplane taking off

Airplane taking off

Writing for blogs

Audio equipment: Which would you suggest as the best audio equipment, write reviews.For example if you wanted to start a DJ business, which would you select and why.

Australia : Places to visit, animals of Australia, famous people from there, sense of humour.

Aviation: This could be the history, current planes, employment. Also the physics behind how planes fly.

There you have it, a list of topics beginning with the letter "A".

I do hope you found something that sparked an interest and will encourage you to write an article. Stay tuned for the second instalment which I will put a link to here.

Thank you for taking the time to read right to the end, it was a rather long list.

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This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2013 Mary Wickison

Comments are always appreciated.

Mary Wickison (author) from USA on December 08, 2018:

Thanks Yamuna,

The key is write about what you love. Then if it is views you're after you need to do key word research to find topics that are being searched for. I've written an article about this when I hit one million views here on this site.

You can find a link in my list of articles.

Thanks for reading, and your comment.

Yamuna Hrodvitnir on December 07, 2018:

It is absolutely difficult to decide what to write about! I've been struggling to figure out my favorite subject to write about. I think history is the most enjoyable for me. But just that has so many different aspects to it that it doesn't narrow it down much at all.

You did a great job providing topics! This can be very helpful for writers. Thank you.

Mary Wickison (author) from USA on January 16, 2013:

Hello Paul,

I am pleased you found something that you can use. Thank you for your vote and for sharing.

Paul Richard Kuehn from Udorn City, Thailand on January 16, 2013:

You have some great niche marketing ideas. I will definitely try writing about some of the topics you have suggested. Voted up and sharing.

Mary Wickison (author) from USA on January 15, 2013:

Hello Alex,

Thank you. That is exactly what it is for. We all get stuck for ideas once in a while and this is just what the list is for.

Thanks for stopping by.

Mary Wickison (author) from USA on January 15, 2013:

Hi Lipnancy,

I am glad you think so.

I hope this new year will be a great one for you.

Take care.

AlexK2009 from Edinburgh, Scotland on January 15, 2013:

Nice list. I keep a list of ideas but it is more or less disorganised. I will return here for inspiration. Thanks

Mary Wickison (author) from USA on January 15, 2013:

Hello Brittanie,

Thank you for your kind words, I hope you found some writing ideas.

Nancy Yager from Hamburg, New York on January 15, 2013:

Lots of great ideas to write about.

Mary Wickison (author) from USA on January 15, 2013:

Hello Bill,

Thank you and yes that is my plan.

Great to hear from you.

Brittanie Anne from Seattle WA on January 14, 2013:

Nice list those are some great ideas :)

Bill Holland from Olympia, WA on January 14, 2013:

Very cool "niche." I'm sure others will find this very helpful. Now I assume there will be a list of "B's"?????

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