Love Poems; We Are Naked Under the Duvet
We Are Naked Under the Duvet
We are naked under the duvet
The night is hot
The window, uncurtained
A galaxy of stars wink and twinkle on a blue, velvet canopy
Beams of moonlight gently
Tease shapes from the shadows
Limbs entwined - he sleeps
As I lay contemplating the silence
His breathing comes in little sighs
My song is sung
Our passion spent, the early hours embrace us
Washed on the shores of heady oblivion
Whispers and kisses shared,
Melted like snowflakes on the glow of our union
Love-making is like new bread
Best enjoyed warm and moist
I smile as I contemplate
Baking a fresh batch in the morning
Your Scent Still Lingers
Your scent still lingers on my pillow
You have slipped away
Into the bright, fresh morning
Leaving debris in your wake
Yesterday's coffee, half drunk, on the table
The toothpaste lid, left off
The toilet seat, upright
Laundry scattered on the floor
Delicious, domestic crimes for me to savour later
Your careless, casual, household misdemeanours
My bliss
Inhaling your scent
I close my eyes, for a few moments more
Amanda Severn (author) from UK on March 31, 2011:
Thank you spirit whisperer. I only have a few of my poems on here, and they don't see too much traffic. It's lovely to have an appreciative visitor!
Xavier Nathan from Isle of Man on March 31, 2011:
Wow! This is beautiful, raw and so real. Your words describe the female appreciation of something a man never gets to feel in quite the same way. I have heard it expressed in different ways down through the years but this poem hides nothing of the female psyche and her expression of love.It is how I imagine my wife feels and as a man I envy this appreciation that only a woman can truly have. Voted up awesome, and beautiful.
Amanda Severn (author) from UK on September 02, 2010:
Thanks for stopping by and commenting agaglia.
Annette Gagliardi from Minneapolis on September 01, 2010:
Nice imagery. Keep writing. It is fun.
Amanda Severn (author) from UK on May 13, 2010:
Hi China Man, thank you for your thoughtful comments. I will have a look at your poetry shortly.
china man on May 07, 2010:
Nicely put for those special small hours thoughts ! I would welcome your comment on any of my poetry on here as Alternate poet
Amanda Severn (author) from UK on February 12, 2010:
Hi Moulik,
I'm not generally a romantic, but I obviously felt inspired that day!
Moulik Mistry from Burdwan, West Bengal, India on February 11, 2010:
Very sensual, loved the passion...
Amanda Severn (author) from UK on November 15, 2009:
Especially when they're freshly baked! Cheers Bob. It's always lovely to see you here. x
diogenes from UK and Mexico on November 14, 2009:
Lovely poem, Amanda: Nothing like one good roll after another! Bob x
Amanda Severn (author) from UK on July 19, 2009:
Hi Andrew, thanks for the compliment. I'm glad you're enjoying hubpages!
Brenda - Qui, moi?
\Brenda Scully on July 18, 2009:
well well well i don't believe it..... are you still stalking me
L. Andrew Marr on July 18, 2009:
They say great verse enacts the sense, this certainly does that. I would also like to thank you for your kind words on my poems. Thanks.
Amanda Severn (author) from UK on July 11, 2009:
LOL! Diogenes, only a Brit would make that quip! Thanks for your comment.
diogenes from UK and Mexico on July 11, 2009:
Bake the bread and have another roll, eh, Amanda. Excellent poem.
Amanda Severn (author) from UK on June 16, 2009:
Thanks BP. I was pleased with this one. Glad you like it too.
blondepoet from australia on June 16, 2009:
I love poetry with passion great job x0
Amanda Severn (author) from UK on May 15, 2009:
Thanks WhiskeyChick. I wrote this in a rare mushy moment. I've been with my guy 18 years now, but I some things stay special.
WhiskeyChick from North of Somewhere on May 15, 2009:
Really liked this much. Thinkin' it's a nice idea to contemplate makig some more bread in the mornin'. Beautiful ending.
Amanda Severn (author) from UK on May 03, 2009:
Hi Russ
Thank you for the compliment! I'm not overly wordy in real-life either which is why I love poetry. You can express so much in just a few words.
Russ Baleson on May 03, 2009:
Hi, I really like the way you write. Simple and direct yet projecting emotion that paints pictures. Thank you
Amanda Severn (author) from UK on May 02, 2009:
Thanks Ag, for giving me the correct word there. Doonas, duvets, blankets, what the heck! It's the bread-making that counts!
Amanda Severn (author) from UK on May 02, 2009:
Hi Shalini
Thank you for directing me to the forum thread. I hadn't seen it, and I really appreciate all the kind words!
I'm glad you like the poem. The association with warm bread seems to be going down well, there must be a lot of keen bakers on Hubpages! LOL!
Peter from Australia on May 02, 2009:
Yes Amanda we do have some very nice things for making love on or under, down under. A nice cuddly Doona or a lambs wool blanket does the job very nicely. Just makes you want to bake bread every day don't it ?
Shalini Kagal from India on May 02, 2009:
How did I miss this? new bread warm and moist - warms the cockles of my heart!
btw, Congrats on the 10,000 views :)
Amanda Severn (author) from UK on May 02, 2009:
I think you might call them Doulas Down Under. But use your imagination Hairy. A blanket would do just as nicely!
hairy A.S.S. on May 02, 2009:
Crikey Amanda , my missus as bin bakin bread all day , now ya got me all hot n bothered with ya poetry, reel purty it is. Wat doya think I should do, cos I ain't got onea them Duvet things. ?
Amanda Severn (author) from UK on April 26, 2009:
Hi rimsflorida
Thank you for stopping by and commenting.
Amanda Severn (author) from UK on April 26, 2009:
Hi Cris, I'm very partial to new bread! In retrospect I should maybe have said that love-making is like new bread, best enjoyed warm and moist. Maybe I'll go back and change it!
rimsflorida on April 25, 2009:
Expressive Poem, Good job :)
Cris A from Manila, Philippines on April 25, 2009:
Love is like new bread... hmm i haven't thought of that. Thanks for sharing, short and sweet! :D
Amanda Severn (author) from UK on April 25, 2009:
Thanks CWB. I'm not sure whether Hubpages is getting more erotic, or whether we're all just testing out the theory that nothing sells like sex! LOL! As to my poem, no cynical ploys here (except maybe the title) this just came to me in a rare mushy moment!
ColdWarBaby on April 24, 2009:
Seems Hub Pages has been getting rather erotic lately. That's OK.
Very well composed and quite emotive. Nice work.
Amanda Severn (author) from UK on April 24, 2009:
Guess you found me out, but sshhh! Don't tell the others!
pgrundy on April 24, 2009:
That explains it then--cynics are always the softest touches. They have to have that hard exterior to protect that soft heart!
Amanda Severn (author) from UK on April 24, 2009:
Hi Pam, I must have had a head rush today. I'm normally such a cynic when it comes to matters of the heart!
pgrundy on April 24, 2009:
This is so sweet and sensual. I love the line, "Love is like new bread..."
Thank you for sharing it with your HP friends. :)
Amanda Severn (author) from UK on April 24, 2009:
Gracias Elena. I don't really know what inspired it, but I just felt the urge to write something about that still, quiet moment of languid appreciation. The sleepy wakefulness before dawn.
Elena. from Madrid on April 24, 2009:
...then wanting bed partners to perform, as opposed to looking at the ceiling and thinking of England... REALLY!
Amanda, I apologize for my balloney comment -- this poem calls for more serious and thoughtful commentary, I guess I can say I couldn't help myself, but here's another thumbs up, I really liked it.
Amanda Severn (author) from UK on April 24, 2009:
You know how it is. First the Vote, then equal pay......
Elena. from Madrid on April 24, 2009:
Sweet aftermath and already thinking of more... women these days :-)