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Ode to Our Three-Legged Dog


Our Three-Legged Dog

---Brownie, we called him,

A gentle yellow lab, a full grown dog

He appeared to be.

Came for a visit one day

When my three siblings and I

Were very young indeed.

We thought we adopted him,

But as I look back now, it was Brownie

Who adopted us.

Soon it became apparent why

Brownie only had three good legs,

All very muscular,

As he loved to chase cars and

Nip at their tires.

He could run lightning fast

After those cars, even with just

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The three legs.

When I was in second grade, and my brother in first,

We had such a very long walk to school

And good ole faithful Brownie would

Walk with us to school every day and wait,

And I would see Brownie resting on the playground

Under that shade tree,

And when it was time for us to return home

Brownie would walk with us the whole way,

Without even having a drink during the hot days

On that playground, that I knew of,

Such a devoted dog, our sweet Brownie boy.

Then years after having adopted us,

His joyful family,

A precarious situation arose one day out of the blue

For three strange kids came from, who knows where,

Riding their bikes down the hill

Coming to a screeching halt

Right in front of our house.

My siblings and I could tell

They were in an uproar about something,

And then it was clear, “Skipper” they were calling!

“Who is Skipper?” we thought,

And then we realized they were referring to

Our dog, sweet Brownie boy.

Oh my, our hearts began pounding so hard in our chests

For just the thought of no sweet Brownie boy in our life

Would cause us so much strife,


My siblings and I took up arms to defend our dog,

Sweet Brownie boy,

This cannot be real, our hearts were so fretful

And so we said,

"No, that is not Skipper, but Brownie, our dog!!!"

“No, they screamed back, he is our dog named Skipper!”

“Well, he has been living with us for years and years,”

So if he were their dog,

He must have chosen to leave,

And did not care to stay at his former home,

Now, this has been his real home.

They commenced to calling "Skipper,"

But to no avail, and we

Called "Brownie," here boy, and he wagged his big yellow tail!

My siblings and I loved on him adoringly,

And so the other kids just rode off back from whence they came.

That’s right, we put them to shame in their attempt to steal our dog,

When sweet Brownie boy grew up with us,

Our childhood pet.

Then, when I was in high school,

We moved to a new neighborhood.

I just cannot forget that one dreadful day,

I heard my brother calling for Brownie

The whole day long.

We lived next to a wooded area,

And we searched far and wide,

But nowhere did we find our beloved Brownie boy,

We did not even get to say goodbye;

We cried.

I heard it said before, when dogs grow old,

They know when it is time and they go off to die,

And that’s what we believe Brownie did.

God showed us of that unconditional love

By giving us our sweet Brownie boy,

The most wonderful pet for which any child could have wished.

My brother, two sisters and I,

Hoped that we had given

Our sweet Brownie boy

As much love as he deserved

Throughout our childhood.

Finally, my siblings and I,

Sadly said goodbye.

This is a true story of a three-legged yellow lab, who adopted us as his family. I don't know why we named him "Brownie," as he was a yellow lab. Well, he could have been a mix. Just kids I guess.

LOL, just look at those outfits! I am the oldest and the one standing in the back of the photo not looking very happy, probably due to the cold, and wearing a mini skirt, looks like under my coat. We did not have snow in Georgia often. It was a freak snow day. This photo had to have been back in the very early 70's.

Our dog, Brownie, was missing one of his front legs.

I was married when I was 19 and have been married going on 34 years, so I had no pictures with me, but my brother found this one that my mother had. Hopefully, there are more somewhere. My mother has dementia now and is about to turn 84.

© April 19, 2012 Copyright Faith Reaper (All rights reserved)

Freak snow day in the South.  My siblings and I and Brownie.  I am the oldest one behind my brother.  Look at those outfits LOL.

Freak snow day in the South. My siblings and I and Brownie. I am the oldest one behind my brother. Look at those outfits LOL.

My siblings and I on a freak snow day in the South. I am the oldest one to the far left. Look at the mini skirt I am wearing. Ha ha.

My siblings and I on a freak snow day in the South. I am the oldest one to the far left. Look at the mini skirt I am wearing. Ha ha.


Faith Reaper (author) from southern USA on May 10, 2015:

Hi Harishprasad,

Happy to see you this day. I haven't seen you in a bit. Yes, Brownie, left a lasting impression on me and my siblings as the best dog any child could have growing up. Maybe it was his just having three legs, yet he adopted us, so maybe he felt the same about us ...children needing his unconditional love.

I appreciate your generous comment here about this hub.

God bless you

Harish Mamgain from New Delhi , India on May 10, 2015:

A very passionate ode to Brownie, such an affectionate dog. Your words reflect your immense love for Brownie. Faith, You have poured so much love into this poem. I loved reading this great hub.

Faith Reaper (author) from southern USA on March 08, 2015:

Thank you so much, peachpurple. I will never forget Brownie. God surely placed the most wonderful dog a child could ever have in our lives. He will never be forgotten.

We needed his unconditional love during our entire childhood.

peachy from Home Sweet Home on March 08, 2015:

beautiful but sad poem, i am sure brownie still loves you

Faith Reaper (author) from southern USA on September 23, 2014:

Hi Vellur,

Yes, he was the best childhood pet that any child could have ever wished for indeed! Well, I am sure he had all legs when born, but when he adopted us as his family, he only had three legs, and we soon found out why, as he loved to chase cars. It was amazing just how fast he could run even with just the three legs. The other front leg was so very muscular and he had no trouble at all getting about.

We have had many pets, but Brownie will always hold a special place in our hearts.

Thank you so much for reading and leaving lovely comments.


Nithya Venkat from Dubai on September 22, 2014:

A very lovely tribute for Brownie, he is totally adorable. Sad that he never had a leg but he was awesome with a fantastic spirit. You must miss him very badly.

Faith Reaper (author) from southern USA on July 10, 2014:

Hello dwelburn,

Wow, thank you for reading and sharing that with me! Yes, our three-legged dog was sandy in color and I do not believe he was a pedigree Lab either. What is even more ironic, when my children were small, we had three labs and one was named Sandy too : ) She had all her legs though.

I will never forget my sweet Brownie boy. He was the best childhood pet any child could have ever been blessed with no doubt. I truly believe he adopted us and not the other way around.

Thank you again for stopping by to read.

David from Birmingham, UK on July 09, 2014:

Ha; that's weird. My grandparents had a three legged dog and it looked almost identical to this one. He was a sandy color and although looked very similar he was not a pedigree Lab; he was a mongrel. Sandy was his name in fact. I remember him well.

Faith Reaper (author) from southern USA on July 07, 2014:

Hi Rebecca,

Thank you for reading my Ode to our sweet Brownie boy. Even with the three legs, he still could run fast as lightening. He never left us throughout our childhood and we know he adopted us as his family for sure and stayed with until all the way up until high school.

We still miss him to this day.


Faith Reaper (author) from southern USA on July 07, 2014:

Hello ologinquito,

Thank you for sharing about your great aunt and uncle with the three-legged dog. Brownie was a childhood dog who truly adopted us as his family and grew up with us into high school. We will never forget him.


Rebecca Mealey from Northeastern Georgia, USA on July 06, 2014:

Aww, a very sweet tribute to Brownie. Brownie is a good dog name for any dog!

ologsinquito from USA on July 06, 2014:

I have very fond childhood memories of a great aunt and uncle who lived in a little shack, out in the country, with a three-legged dog. Thanks for writing this beautiful tribute.

Faith Reaper (author) from southern USA on June 06, 2014:

Thanks Kevin!!! I just knew my sweet Brownie Boy was a sweet Lab. You are awesome to go through all of that trouble to research for me.

Bless you so much for taking time out to return here with the added insightful and comments, which make me happy thinking about sweet Brownie Boy.

Hugs and blessings for a great weekend ahead

The Examiner-1 on June 06, 2014:

I am not an expert but comparing him to the data I studied for the Hub, he looks like a Lab to me. I also Googled the Rhodesian Ridgeback. It is from Africa and its second name is "African Lion Dog". Compared to the Lab, the R. Ridgeback is not sociable, responsive, or intelligent. It did not happen every time but the Ridgeback has reports of attacking children and it does not seem to come in that color.


Faith Reaper (author) from southern USA on June 06, 2014:

Thank you so much, Kevin!

I am glad you love it. Yes, those other kids tried to steal "our" dog : ) ... Brownie was so faithful to us ever since he happened upon our little homestead. We think he was a Labrador, but he could have been a Rodesian Ridgeback? I appreciate the vote up, pin, Google and share ... Wow ... Bless you!

The Examiner-1 on June 06, 2014:

I loved it Faith! It was a beautiful poem, and I really loved the part where Brownie stuck with you guys instead of returning to the other ones. They are probably why it lost its leg and left home. I voted it up, shared it, pinned it and Googled it.


Faith Reaper (author) from southern USA on October 14, 2013:

Thanks Crafty, he was a beautiful dog, who loved us unconditionally, and we attempted to love him back unconditionally. Yes, my siblings and I will never forget Brownie. Babe sounds adorable too.

Hugs and love,

Faith Reaper

CraftytotheCore on October 14, 2013:

Aw, Brownie was beautiful! Looks a lot like my childhood dog Babe. She was too a yellow lab. What happy memories.

Faith Reaper (author) from southern USA on October 07, 2013:

Dear Kim,

Yes, our wonderful poet and friend, Romeos, has such a sweet heart to write such of my most wonderful childhood pet ever, Brownie! I was so touched by Romeos doing such for me as a gift. Romeos must have studied my Ode here pretty good to write what he did in his fabulous poem and gift to me. I am humbled and blessed by his act of kindness.

I am so glad you did read Romeos' tribute and now are here to read my Ode.

I know you loved your Diamond too. They truly do leave their paw prints on our hearts forever.

Thank you for sharing about Diamond. Maybe Brownie and Diamond are good friends in that place where our lovely pets go, and hopefully, we will see them all again one day. That is a comforting thought, but we will just have to wait and see.

Tons of hugs and blessings to you this day,

Faith Reaper

Faith Reaper (author) from southern USA on October 07, 2013:

Hi Dear Liz,

Thank you so much for reading about Brownie. We did love him so very much, and I can still remember the very day he hopped into our yard while we were outside playing. He just came for a visit and never left, and brought much joy into my siblings and I lives, for pretty much our whole childhood. He already had the one bum leg and we figured out it must have truly been from chasing cars, but we really do not know. Back in those days (sound like one of the older folks now) we never really had fences and such much back then and he was such a good dog and just happy to be around all of us and the neighbor kids going on our adventures and such. Back then, children played outside all day long, unless during school time. Wherever we went, Brownie went right along with us... even to school. We tried to keep him from walking to school with us, as it was truly a good stretch to walk, thinking about it now. He would never leave us, even at school, he would be waiting on the playground under that shade tree all day long! No one ever bothered him or tried to run him off, and when he saw my brother and I then, he would get up and make the walk home with us. It was just his thing. He truly had a great bond with my brother. In thinking about Brownie now, when those unknown kids came riding down our street from out of nowhere and were calling for "Skipper" ... well, I think deep down in our hearts maybe we knew he may have been their dog at one time many years prior, but we know they did not care for him, for it did not take much for them to just give up on their "Skipper" and ride on back from wherever they came. However, we would have never given up our dog "Brownie Boy" ...never! And I think Brownie knew that, and that is why he may have left them long ago, because I think we were about in the fourth and fifth grades when that happened or even older.

I say he was a yellow lab, but he could have very well been a Rhodesian Ridgeback, just not sure. His coloring was just like that of that first picture at the top of the hub.

I could write a whole book on the adventures of Brownie and my siblings and I growing up. There were many wonderful adventures back in those days for children and their childhood best pet in the whole world.

Bless you and your love for dogs and all you do to bring awareness to your cause in helping all dogs.

Hugs, Faith Reaper

ocfireflies from North Carolina on October 07, 2013:

Dear Faith,

I did not know about this hub/experience until after reading RQ's tribute. What an awesome story. What an awesome dog. My Diamond grew very old and in the end, he could no longer even walk. We were one day from taking him to be put down gently when he passed on. I think he somehow knew how we were grieving over what was the best thing to do for him. How I miss that dog even today.

So many blessings I send your way,


Elizabeth Parker from Las Vegas, NV on October 07, 2013:

How beautiful that Brownie adopted your family. What a wonderful tribute to him! I'm glad that you did not have to give him to the kids that claimed him to be their dog years later and that he got to live his days with your family. It's clear how much you loved him!! Thank you for sharing this beautiful and heartfelt hub.

Faith Reaper (author) from southern USA on October 06, 2013:

Hello Duchess DuCaffeine,

I love your hubber name clever, and I can relate! So nice to meet you. Thank you for reading about our three-legged dog, Brownie.

Dogs are truly devoted and love unconditionally ... we are blessed to have them in our lives no doubt!

I appreciate the kind comment.

Blessings, Faith Reaper

Faith Reaper (author) from southern USA on October 06, 2013:

Dear Romeos,

Thank you for taking the time to read about the best childhood pet any child could have ever had, at least from my point of view, which I know I am biased. He was a true blessing to my siblings and I throughout our childhood to know of the unconditional love that a pet provides. Thinking back I do realize he adopted us as his family instead of the other way around.

Oh, yes, dear Romeos, after becoming an adult and having my own family, we have had three labs, and one that reminded me of Brownie, and my children loved them so much too. Then we have had two other dogs since, both have died too. They are not with us long, but the time they are with us is cherished. We have had many other pets to include cats, birds, etc.

What is amazing to me about Brownie, is that he came to us as small children, and appeared to be already grown, and then we grew up with him into our high school years. So, we know we were extra blessed that we had him in our lives for so long.

Yes, I have seen those little wagons that help disabled dogs with no back legs around. Brownie, just having the three legs, did not slow him down one bit, for he ran as fast as lightening.

Have a lovely weekend too, dear Romeos.

Hugs, Faith Reaper

DuchessDuCaffeine from United States of America on October 05, 2013:

Faith Reaper, how well you know the soul of a dog!

Romeos Quill from Lincolnshire, England on October 05, 2013:

Faith, what a wonderful story- you kids were so lucky to have your Brownie; a fine looking hound, and the vid was cute - did you ever find that missing leg? :) Looks like a pirate:)Ever thought about having another dog with a similar breed? ( I know it's impossible to replace any pet ). The funniest pet I remember seeing was when my little sister and I were walking down the high street, and we saw a toy dog with both its back legs missing, but the owner had fashioned a little trolley on wheels to replace the hind quarters - it looked like a mini chariot racer from a doggy version of Ben-Hur, but the animal looked really happy though, still.

A lovely weekend to you and your family, dear Faith,

Warm Regards,


Faith Reaper (author) from southern USA on September 13, 2013:

Hi Jamie,

Aw, how sweet! I know that Joey will no doubt bring you and your family much joy and unconditional love as only our loving pets do so love.

I am thrilled you shared that with me, and I appreciate you sharing about my sweet Brownie Boy on FB so that your family may enjoy. I do so hope they will enjoy. I could probably write a whole book about Brownie, as we literally grew up with him. It was amazing, for he seemed to be already grown when he adopted us!

Have a lovely weekend with Joey!

Faith Reaper

Jamie Lee Hamann from Reno NV on September 13, 2013:

We just adopted a three legged black lab named Joey. I am going to share on FB so my family can enjoy. Thank you. Jamie

Faith Reaper (author) from southern USA on August 13, 2013:

Hello truthfornow,

Aw, thank you so much for understanding so well about how my siblings and I felt about our beloved Brownie. Yes it was so very hard to not have been able to say goodbye. That is a good thought to think ... that he was protecting us from seeing him die, but we just did not like the thought of his dying alone, after having been there for us throughout our childhood.

They are indeed priceless.

God bless you. In His Love, Faith Reaper

Marie Hurt from New Orleans, LA on August 12, 2013:

Sweetest story. Brought a tear to my eye about how you never got to say goodbye. Brownie seems like he was protecting you all from seeing him die. So sad. Brownie sounds like the best dog ever, and I am glad you have such fond memories. Pets can bring so much into our lives ~ they are priceless. And it is heartbreaking when they have to leave us.

Faith Reaper (author) from southern USA on August 12, 2013:

Hi Sunny River,

So nice to meet you and I love your hubber name!

Yes, sweet Brownie boy was truly the most cherished childhood pet ever, and he came to us already grown and with only the three legs. Dogs are truly some of the best creatures on earth no doubt, always providing that unconditional love. We all could learn a lot from them no doubt!

Thank you for sharing that this write pulled at your heartstrings. I always get a lump in my throat when I think about that day my poor brother just kept calling and calling for Brownie to no avail. We cried.

God bless, Faith Reaper

Sunny River from A Place Without A Name which resides somewhere between Fantasy and Belief, just north of Reality on August 12, 2013:

Oh Faith that was so sweet! Dogs are some of the best creatures on earth and this poem and story really pulled at my heartstrings. Thank you for sharing it. :)

Faith Reaper (author) from southern USA on August 12, 2013:

Ha, no, that is my middle sister, the Harley rider one. I am the oldest of the siblings, and I sure did not look happy out in that cold, in those outfits!!! LOL

Oh, I wish I was there when that happened to get the before and after photos of the girls with hair, and then no hair, during Vacation Bible School week. Their daddy loves the new hair styles, even the new Lily without any beautiful curls, much to our surprise. LOL

They are still beautiful as ever. I should have written on it when it happened.

Thanks for the vote up and sharing

God bless, Faith Reaper

Jackie Lynnley from the beautiful south on August 12, 2013:

I could have sworn that sassy looking one in front was you! When do we get the story and pictures of the bible school granddaughters? Just waiting for that, you know everyone will love it!

Up and sharing.

Faith Reaper (author) from southern USA on July 15, 2013:


Thank you so much for your lovely comments here. Yes, Brownie was the best childhood pet any child could have ever dreamed of having no doubt, at least in our eyes!

Hugs and blessings, Faith Reaper

Devika Primić from Dubrovnik, Croatia on July 15, 2013:

You write this so beautifully about Ode the three legged dog, such a courageous pet and so full of life. Voted up, interesting, and useful

Faith Reaper (author) from southern USA on January 31, 2013:

Hi Laurinzo,

Thanks for visiting with my "Sweet Brownie Boy," the best childhood pet any child could ever have asked for no doubt!

I appreciate your kind words. LOL on the '70 pic! It's a hoot, no doubt, well, at least out clothing! LOL

God bless. In His Love, Faith Reaper

LJ Scott from Phoenix, Az. on January 31, 2013:

"... it was he that adopted us..." I like that line ...this is indeed a beautifully told story poem and it is a heartwarming tribute to childhood experiences...

Nice pic too... the 70's... I remember them fondly WOW

Faith Reaper (author) from southern USA on January 17, 2013:

Hi Rolly,

So glad you came by to read about my sweet Brownie boy, who was the most faithful dog any child could have had growing up . . .

Thanks so much for the wonderful comments. Yes, they sure can teach us a lot no doubt!

Hugs and love, Faith Reaper

Rolly A Chabot from Alberta Canada on January 17, 2013:

Hi Faith Reaper... awesome story and one that touches the heart of any animal lover. If they are loved they are faithful and can teach us all so much if we take the time to listen to them and live as they do.

Thanks for sharing with us...

Blessings and Hugs

Faith Reaper (author) from southern USA on December 05, 2012:

Hi Thandi,

Wow, right back at you for such a lovely comment!!! Brownie was the best dog any child could have ever been blessed to have growing up! He actually adopted us. A blessing from above no doubt.

I am so glad you enjoyed and feel positive after reading about my "Sweet Brownie Boy."

I appreciate you stopping by to read.

God bless. In His Love, Faith Reaper

Alexander Thandi Ubani from Lagos on December 05, 2012:

wow! Such sweet and heartfelt story and i really love it.

such a great story and to know that it is true is virtually and absolutely wonderful.

I am glad and quite positive after reading this piece.

great job Faith.


Faith Reaper (author) from southern USA on October 22, 2012:

Awww Audrey,

Now you are going to make me cry. Brownie was the best childhood pet anyone could ever wish for in this life. Dogs give that unconditional love, and my siblings and I were so blessed to have him adopt us as his family no doubt. He was such a devoted dog throughout his long life, as he really did have a long one it seems.

Thank you so much for your lovely comments which add so much to this hub.

God bless you too dear one. In His Love, Faith Reaper

Audrey Hunt from Pahrump NV on October 22, 2012:

Dear Faith -This is the sweetest, most precious hub. Tears filled my eyes as I read each word about "Brownie." The photos are just marvelous. I love dogs more than people...I really do. How deep their love is for us. It takes so little to make them happy. God bless you Faith and thank you!

Faith Reaper (author) from southern USA on October 07, 2012:

Hi Midnight Lights,

So glad you found my Ode to the sweetest pet a child could ask for on this planet. You have a kind heart towards animals, which speaks volumes about a person. Yes, Brownie was very, very old when he left us to go off to die. When Brownie first adopted us, he was not a puppy and stayed with us throughout our whole childhood.

God bless. In His Love, Faith Reaper