Monk E. Mind Books
Bug World the Novella
Bug World is a reconstructed civil war era home refurbished by an entomologist as a roadside amusement center and educational facility that gives tours showcasing all kinds of insects and sells ant farms, butterfly gardens and more...
Howard "Bugs" Smithton, proprietor-entomologist, also teaches at universities and consults with coroners and law enforcement officials as a forensic entomologist like TJ with Bones and Gil Grisham of CSI.
Other characters are newspaper man and his family, reporter, Sheriff Clete Beecher, a physics professor and a biology professor at a nearby university. The profs are noticing certain trends that indicate the extinction of man. Bugs Smithton understands that we are, as he says, "temporary guests in a bugs world."
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A Curious Chain of Events -
Published in New Worlds, 1939, Arthur C. Clarke responded to the editors, authors, and fans who bemoaned: 'All ideas in science fiction have been used up.' "Notwithstanding the pessimists, there are a million million themes that science fiction has never touched."
He went on, "As long as science advances, as long as mathematics discovers incredible worlds where twice two would never dream of equaling four: so new ideas will come tumbling into the mind of anyone who will let his thoughts wander, passport in hand, along the borders of Possibility."
Arthur C. Clarke was close, little did he know that he was predicting how science would turn out, not science fiction. Today we see that the lines are blurred between science fiction and scientific "Possibility".
“2+2=5 for extremely LARGE values of 2.” – Lawrence Krauss, Theoretical Physicist, Cosmologist.
Today, we live in a world where two plus two can equal five. Theoretical physicists weave fantastic yarns of multiple dimensional realities, mass-less particles with infinite densities, and numbers that can add up to anything.
Science has replaced magic and superstition, with Quantum Mechanics and Superposition, magical incantations with mathemagical forumulations, supernatural deities with multi-dimensional realities, and God Creation with Big Bang Creation. It is a great time for science and for science fiction!
A Curious Chain of Events seeks to address the main issues of science and the philosophy of science. What is the difference between an object and a concept? What is truth and love? What does it mean to be alive, to have consciousness and intelligence? What is reality? What does it mean to exist? What is motion and what is time?
A Curious Chain Of Events is a story about the love between a man and his wife. Paul is a scientist and Rhonda was a philosopher. Paul is grieving over the loss of his wife who died recently in an auto accident. Rhonda is always on his mind, and he attempts to hold on to her memory by obsessing over their previous conversations.
They were often on opposite sides, but Paul had learned to respect, and even depend on Rhonda's point of view. Paul comes up with many ideas while reliving their discussions, and is working on a number of projects at his company's laboratories centered mostly on synthetic biology, DNA, artificial intelligence, and various single celled organisms. Paul will do anything to keep Rhonda's memory alive. Anything.
Paul's company, LoTech Laboratories, has developed a new type of photo voltaic, oil eating bacteria, pollution absorbing phytoplankton, Large Cell Technology, Smart Jeans (yes, with a J) and more. Kept secret from the rest of HiTech Labs, Paul and a small team have created an artificial intelligence that lives in a neural network in a hidden lab. The story brings to the reader's attention many philosophical ideas and ethical concerns about the sanctity of life and bio technology.
Although the story is fiction, it is based on cutting edge science and technology. Be prepared to stretch your imagination and your reading comprehension. Expect to be challenged intellectually and philosophically, to expand your borders, and to possibly step out of your comfort zone.
Short Shorts - Short and very short stories
The End Of The Trail
He walked along the trail with all the other workers. They had toiled all day in the field, and now were heading back to join the rest just over the hill. His kind had lived, and worked this land for over a thousand years. They are the hardest workers anyone has ever known.
They were all tired, and hungry, and it was quiet as they mindlessly shuffled down the trail. He had walked this way many times before, as they all had, without a single thought about the individual sacrifice each has made for the collective. This is the way it has always been. His large strong body moved forward with no thought about what tomorrow would bring. In fact, he didn’t think anything at all. None of them did.
Suddenly a bright white intensely hot beam of light shot out of the sky. His legs curled up underneath him as he collapsed, instantly dead. His insides were cooked, and a single puff of smoke rose from his body with a pop.
“Time to eat” Jimmy’s mother called from the back porch. Jimmy put his magnifying glass in his pocket, and muttered under his breath, ”Stupid ants."
Grow Up and Be a Man
Grow Up and Be a Man is really not so much about my opinion on what “being a man” is but more of learning from example, from our own experiences, and then setting our own course.
Life doesn't come with instructions, and folks are pretty much responsible for writing their own book of "care and feeding" or they're likely to live a life wholly instructed by others. That's not always so bad, and sometimes can be quite good. But…in each life there comes a time when one has to pull up their anchor, unfurl their sails, and chart their own course.
Atheism: The Dumbest Religion On Earth
Atheism is a religion, according to the Supreme Court and 7th Circuit Court of Appeals.
Atheism is a religion according to the Seven Dimensions of Ninian Smart.
Atheism is a religion according to the Military
Atheists have their own Chaplains in the military
Pray at City Council Meetings
Have their own Churches
Have their own bibles
And you can even become an ordained Atheist minister!
The Best of Rational Science
Fifty chapters from previous volumes of rational science covering topics such as the Rational Scientific method, science and technology, dinosaurs, space, dimensions, energy, mass, Big Bang, Black Hole, planetary formation, solar system formation, Steller Metamorphosis and Transformation Hypothesis.
Rope Hypothesis and Thread Theory
A single closed loop thread forms a two strand electromagnetic rope which connects every hydrogen atom in all of existence.
Join me and other rational scientists as we apply the Rope Hypothesis towards a Theory of threads for electricity, magnetism, gravity and light. Listen in on our conversations as we explore the philosophy of science and apply that philosophy to another major discipline: physics. Enjoy the fascinating world of eternal and continuous, interconnected matter in motion.
Modern physics studies the four “known forces” of nature; Gravity, Electromagnetic, Weak and Strong nuclear forces. However, “known forces” is a misnomer because hundreds of years of investigation have not lead to any clearer understanding. In short, scientists do NOT know what these forces are. In this book we will cover, with the luxury of detail, the history and current investigative nature of particle physics and the so-called forces.
Chapter One - Rope Hypothesis
Chapter Two - Rope Theory, Thread Theory?
Chapter Three - Causality and Inevitable Recurrence
Chapter Four - Self Organizing Systems, Thermodynamics, Gravity and Life
Chapter Five - General Systems Theory
Chapter Six - Thermodynamics and Living Systems
Chapter Seven - Thermodynamics and Evolution on a Cellular & Planetary Level
Chapter Eight - From Molecules to Galaxies
Chapter Nine - Thermodynamics on a Cosmic Scale
Chapter Ten - The Laws of Eternal Dynamics
Chapter Eleven - Rope Hypothesis and the Constant “c”
Chapter Twelve - Energy, Mass, Rope Hypothesis and Thread Theory
Chapter Thirteen – A Rational View of Beta decay, the Half Life of Free Neutrons, and the Periodic Table of Elements
Chapter Fourteen – Isotopes, Elements and Plasma Physics, Part One
Chapter Fifteen – Isotopes, Elements and Plasma Physics, Part Two
Chapter Sixteen - Isotopes, Elements and Plasma Physics, Part Three
Chapter Seventeen - Isotopes, Elements and Plasma Physics, Part Four
Chapter Eighteen – Why is Life Carbon Based?
Chapter Nineteen - Theoretical Mathematical “Physics”
Chapter Twenty - Matter-less Motion
Chapter Twenty One – Aperiodic Monotiles
Chapter Twenty Two - AC/DC and Particle/Wave Duality
Chapter Twenty Three - Beckenstein Bound, Holographic Principle, Degrees of Freedom and Black hole Thermodynamics
Chspter 24 - Amplitude/frequency Duality and Equations of the Rope
Bonus Chapter from next book:
Twenty Five - Artificial Intelligence Isn’t
Monk E Mind (author) from My Tree House on September 26, 2018:
The Rational Scientist Magazine
Monk E Mind (author) from My Tree House on November 08, 2016:
Jason Howard on May 09, 2015:
Thanks for the invite.
Monk E Mind (author) from My Tree House on May 05, 2015:
BTW, you can join the Rational Scientific Method Facebook Group.
We discuss the topic there, and many of the Hub articles and book chapters arise from our conversations there:
Monk E Mind (author) from My Tree House on May 05, 2015:
Thanx! Jason. Skip Vol. III since it is has many of chapters from I & II.
Jason Howard on May 04, 2015:
Hey monkeyminds
I ordered volumes I and II of your books. I've read about half of the first. Good stuff so far.
Monk E Mind (author) from My Tree House on April 26, 2015:
Atheism - The Dumbest Religion on Earth available on Amazon as an E-Book:
Monk E Mind (author) from My Tree House on December 03, 2014:
Rational Science VOl. IV available on Amazon as an E-book. Audible to follow in January. Print copy available next week.
Monk E Mind (author) from My Tree House on November 18, 2014:
Bug World the Novella is now available on Amazon:
Monk E Mind (author) from My Tree House on February 27, 2014:
Bug World - The Short Story is available as an E-Book on
Monk E Mind (author) from My Tree House on December 07, 2013:
Short Shorts is available as an E-book and in Print on Amazon:
Monk E Mind (author) from My Tree House on November 26, 2013:
Rational Science Vol. III 59 chapters from Vol. I and Vol. II.
Monk E Mind (author) from My Tree House on August 20, 2013:
Monk's Amazon Author Page:
Monk E Mind (author) from My Tree House on August 15, 2013:
Now available on Amazon...Rational Science Vol. II:
Rational Science Vol. III...Now available as an Ebook
Monk E Mind (author) from My Tree House on August 03, 2013:
A short from Short Shorts: Don't Read This
Monk E Mind (author) from My Tree House on July 12, 2013:
Rational Science Vol. I now available on Amazon as an EBook:
Monk E Mind (author) from My Tree House on June 26, 2013:
A customer review on YT:
Monk E Mind (author) from My Tree House on June 16, 2013:
A Curious Chain of Events now available in paperback on Amazon:
Monk E Mind (author) from My Tree House on June 12, 2013:
E Book available here: