Journey of Life Part 3 of 3
Death comes to those who do not believe in the teaching of the lord
The time is now, the moment is here, when apocalypse move to a stand
These bars our entrance to thine kingdom come, the path to enlightenment and life
For these are the miseries of the world
The path of sin we mortals took, cannot be cleaned and cleansed
The awe and majesty of the second coming will herald the age to come
And what of those who are left behind, lost souls who do not know
Which path to take, which road to walk, in blundering darkness they trek
Ever searching for the light of right, the path to god our savior
Alas, not all is lost to those who knows
Because their faith is strong and true
Ever faithful to those they love, ever true to all
Let the light shine on those we call prophets of good
Forever they guide the sheep that was lost
With pureness of heart, a clearness of though, the basic ingredients of right
Follow the teachings of the holy scriptures, passed on by the old and wise
The laws of god and not of man, that is the ultimate geis
To become one with him and the heavens above, the highest of all goals
To attain the happiness, eternal contentment
Fulfilment and satisfaction to thine
And this will lead to a return in kind by spreading the peace and love to all
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- Journey of Life Part 2 of 3
Journey of Life Part 2 is a 2nd part of 3 short poem that refer to the second stage of our life when we are determine to be success.
manatita44 from london on May 25, 2013:
Interesting thoughts. I hear you.
cebutouristspot (author) from Cebu on April 11, 2012:
@frogyfish - Thanks for reading the entire poem. Its stages in life that's why I have broken it into 3 poem to symbolize the 3 stages I am trying to emphasize.
frogyfish from Central United States of America on April 10, 2012:
I had to click several buttons on this beautiful writing. Thank you for a poetic expression of truth that shall be remembered!
cebutouristspot (author) from Cebu on March 01, 2012:
@alocsin - Thats the sad part we realize it at the end :(
Aurelio Locsin from Orange County, CA on March 01, 2012:
Wise words and I think the smart person realizes these things before he is near death, so he can make changes for the better. Voting this Up and Beautiful.
cebutouristspot (author) from Cebu on January 08, 2012:
@teaches12345 - Thank you! I appreciate the visit. I do believe that no matter where our life journey take us it is ours to take and make on which path we will travel but no matter what we choose God will be there to lend a helping hand whenever we invite him to enter our life.
Dianna Mendez on January 07, 2012:
Read all three parts of this hub. Very deep thoughts! I believe is God who keeps us on our life journey... we must find that path first. Great writings!
cebutouristspot (author) from Cebu on November 18, 2011:
@gjfalcon Yes. I agree with you.
I am glad that I have inspired you in one way or another.
I am planning to feature/write similar inspiring poetry :D
gjfalcone from Gilbert, Arizona on November 18, 2011:
"The path of sin we mortals took, cannot be cleaned and cleansed": it doesn't mean we can't try though right? I mean, essentially I agree, we return to our core beliefs, in the end. But; do we not have a responsibility to our principled values toward resolving others pain, at least until such time our creator deems our time here is through?
Thank you for the inspiration. Looking forward to the next installment of your perspective into our "Journey..."