In the Human Zoo: a Poem About Today's Society
Are We Really Free?
Most of us feel sorry for animals that are kept in captivity, in zoos and the like. We feel they should be free to roam the wild without a care..other than things like finding enough food for survival and avoiding predators.
We think that we as humans experience the ultimate freedom to make choice, do the things we enjoy, party and the like. But do you ever consider that in many ways we are just like those animals trapped in a zoo. Most of us need to work to put food on the table and a roof over our heads to protect us from the elements.
Many are tied to jobs they don’t like and work for much longer hours than we have to spend on recreation. We are tied down by bills, having to pay our rent or mortgages, for utilities like electricity, gas, credit cards.
Cars, and essential appliances often need replacing or repairs..and it is a constant cycle of needing to make money to support our lifestyle. That said, I put the question to you: “Are we really free, or are we just captives in the human zoo?”
In the Human Zoo
A good education
will take you far,
minimum wage,
or the local bar.
9 to 5
or graveyard shift,
do you really
get the drift?
A fair day's pay
for a hard day's work.
But the CEOs
get all the perks.
Pay your taxes,
don't complain.
If you don't save
it's down the drain.
Prices rise
of food and fuel.
Governments treat us
like we're fools.
Ignore the homeless,
they're a blight.
Move them on
out of sight.
The rich get richer,
the poor get less.
Wealth distribution
is a mess.
Do you own a home,
or does the bank own you?
You're just one animal
in the human zoo.
Wealth Inequality in the USA
Wealth inequality is the unequal distribution of money and other assets within a population. The United States exhibits wider disparities of wealth between rich and poor than any other major developed country.
This situation is particularly distressing when we look at the statistics of racial breakdowns. In 2010, the the Economic Policy Institute’s The State of Working America, revealed that the typical white household had a net worth of about 20 times more than the typical African American household and 75 times more than the typical Hispanic household.
Other Links
- Wealth Inequality |
Wealth inequality is the unequal distribution of financial assets among a population. The rich and poor in the United States have vast disparities between them. - Income and wealth inequality: how is Australia faring?
© 2014 John Hansen
John Hansen (author) from Australia (Gondwana Land) on April 23, 2016:
Hey, Paula. Thanks for reading and the great comment. Glad you enjoyed this hub, poem and stats. Have a great weekend.
Suzie from Carson City on April 23, 2016:
Jodah.....LOVE the poem. Great rhythm, catchy rhyme.....enjoyed the video and appreciate the stats! All in all a Fabulous page!
John Hansen (author) from Australia (Gondwana Land) on April 23, 2016:
Thank you for reading this Stella. It is amazing what you can say in just a few words if the issue is important enough to you. Poetry is good for that. Have a great day/night/weekend.
Stella Kaye from UK on April 23, 2016:
All so very true. You've said so much in just a few words. I love the photo at the beginning.
John Hansen (author) from Australia (Gondwana Land) on March 02, 2016:
Thank you for the encouraging comment Bella. Yes, I find poetry the most effective vehicle for spreading social commentary and trying to give my opinion as to how to make the world a better place. I will be over to check your hubs soon.
Annabella on March 02, 2016:
Brilliant! It is great to see another Hubber who spreads awareness through poetry about Society. I salute you and your skills. A great read and very enlightening :)
John Hansen (author) from Australia (Gondwana Land) on February 23, 2016:
Thank you for reading . Unfortunately this seems forever timely and things don't seem to change no matter who is in charge. I do ty to promote thinking in my poetry. Glad it worked in this. Cheers.
Demas W Jasper from Today's America and The World Beyond on February 23, 2016:
Timely topic when it was written, and even more timely now, especially for us here in the USA where the political sifting process is supposed to set national goals for going forward. A thinker's read.
John Hansen (author) from Australia (Gondwana Land) on June 20, 2015:
I appreciate your visit to my hub Buildreps, your kind comment etc. Thanks for reading my message.
Buildreps from Europe on June 20, 2015:
Great poem, and the message is clear and absolutely true.
John Hansen (author) from Australia (Gondwana Land) on February 23, 2015:
Thank you Randy. It's an important issue that concerns me. The statistics are disturbing aren't they?
Randy Horizon from Philadelphia on February 23, 2015:
Great poem Jodah with a real message. Love the title and the stats to back up your poem.
John Hansen (author) from Australia (Gondwana Land) on December 26, 2014:
Thank you for the kind comment Arachnea. Glad you enjoyed this, and you are welcome to stop by whenever you have the time.
Tanya Jones from Texas USA on December 26, 2014:
A very nicely done poem, Jonah. I like that you touch on several different aspects of the problem. I think your layout works well with the poem and then the support materials. I've missed stopping in to read your poetry.
John Hansen (author) from Australia (Gondwana Land) on December 06, 2014:
Hi Kevin, glad you liked the poem and found the information interesting. Thanks for the vote up, share and pin.
John Hansen (author) from Australia (Gondwana Land) on December 06, 2014:
Hi Kevin, glad you liked the poem and found the information interesting. Thanks for the vote up, share and pin.
The Examiner-1 on December 06, 2014:
The poem was beautiful. I liked the Commodore video, unless that was FF they could really dance. That information very useful and interesting John. I voted it up, shared and pinned it.
Taiwo Kareem from Salford on November 23, 2014:
ita a pleasure Jodah
John Hansen (author) from Australia (Gondwana Land) on November 23, 2014:
Exactly Right Anthony, mainstream media is a big corporation and one of those at fault. That song verse says it perfectly. Thanks for sharing.
John Hansen (author) from Australia (Gondwana Land) on November 23, 2014:
Thanks for reading taiwokareem, and for the kind comment.
John Hansen (author) from Australia (Gondwana Land) on November 23, 2014:
Thank you as always Phyllis, your support is always appreciated. yes Genna covered it all well.
John Hansen (author) from Australia (Gondwana Land) on November 23, 2014:
Thank you for your insightful comment Genna. I agree with everything you said. Yes we need to increase education and awareness so things can be turned around. I appreciate the vote up and share.
Anthony Altorenna from Connecticut on November 23, 2014:
Powerful message, and one you won't see on the mainstream news stations. Reminds me of another song:
"Poor man wanna be rich, rich man wanna be king, and a king ain't satisfied till he rules everything..."
Taiwo Kareem from Salford on November 23, 2014:
well thought of, well written
Phyllis Doyle Burns from High desert of Nevada. on November 23, 2014:
Very good write, Jodah. I could repeat all that Genna said, however, she says it well and I agree with her.
Up, I and H+
Genna Eastman from Massachusetts, USA on November 23, 2014:
John, I am cheering this poem. Your photos add volumes to this distressful dynamic. The last recession/depression taught corporations to hang on even tighter to their bottom lines and profits. Interesting since they helped create the mess to begin with – especially the financial services industry that continues to maneuver the purse strings. They wanted “too big to fail” and they got it with the repeal of Glass Steagal in the US.
We are no longer a world of countries, territories and boundaries…but dollars, yen, dinars, euros, and so forth.
I see this every day. The Middle Class has been dissolving. I still believe that better education is key toward a better solution. We must begin with awareness. Voted way up, and shared.
John Hansen (author) from Australia (Gondwana Land) on November 22, 2014:
Thanks for your insightful comment Flourish. We certainly do need to find a way.
Elaina Baker from USA on November 22, 2014:
Education can be a great equalizer, a path to rise from poverty (although not always -- because it's not enough simply to be educated. You have to choose wisely and sometimes make very difficult decisions.) People need to find ways to take back their personal, social and economic independence.
John Hansen (author) from Australia (Gondwana Land) on November 18, 2014:
If you are passionate about the message in this hub check the links above for a wonderful hub by Iris Draak called "Slaying Dragons".
John Hansen (author) from Australia (Gondwana Land) on November 17, 2014:
I appreciate your kind comment as always Harish. These words need to be said as often as possible so that one day the people and the Governments of the world may take notice. Thanks for the vote up.
John Hansen (author) from Australia (Gondwana Land) on November 17, 2014:
Thank you Suhail, glad the message came across clearly and you agree. Have a great day.
John Hansen (author) from Australia (Gondwana Land) on November 17, 2014:
Thanks Mel for your kind comment. Here it is the radio 'shock jocks' like Alan Jones and the Rupert Murdoch run newspapers that control the power. The three richest people in the country, two mining magnates and one media empire leader have as much money as the bottom 75% of the population or something crazy, yet the Government has been trying to bring in cuts to social security, increase university fees, and cuts to education and health spending, defence force wages etc. Also huge companies like Apple, Google etc are making huge profits in Australia and paying virtually no tax through off shore havens and write offs. It's crazy.
Harish Mamgain from New Delhi , India on November 17, 2014:
If a common man finds it too difficult to get even his basic needs, we may imagine the extent of his miserable existence. John, no wards can describe it better than this very creative poem. You have said in a few words what tomes try to divulge going to great lengths. Voted up.
Suhail Zubaid aka Clark Kent from Mississauga, ON on November 17, 2014:
Sweet with a simple straightforward message! Loved it!
Mel Carriere from Snowbound and down in Northern Colorado on November 17, 2014:
That was an outstanding poem, and I wholeheartedly agree with the message. When more and more working people support the media agents of the elite like Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, etc., talk show hosts that you may or may not be familiar with down in Australia, I scream at them to quit cutting their own throats but no one listens. The recent election results here demonstrated quite clearly that the 1% has us duped and it is not going to get better anytime soon. Great hub!
John Hansen (author) from Australia (Gondwana Land) on November 13, 2014:
Hi Devkia, thank you for your encouragement and kind words. Glad you enjoyed this and thanks too for the vote up.
Devika Primić from Dubrovnik, Croatia on November 13, 2014:
Great one! Your message is direct and clear. You have chosen another wonderful idea. Loved it! Voted up and interesting and useful.
John Hansen (author) from Australia (Gondwana Land) on November 12, 2014:
Thank you for reading Alicia and for the kind comment. The idea for the title hit me first and I wrote a poem to suit. Glad you enjoyed it.
Linda Crampton from British Columbia, Canada on November 12, 2014:
Thank you for combining your poetry with a very important social message, Jodah. The title of the hub is very appropriate!
John Hansen (author) from Australia (Gondwana Land) on November 11, 2014:
Thank you for sharing that Jaye. Why does that story seem so familiar.. It seems to be a common story of hugely overpaid CEOs bringing companies to their knees and still walking away with millions and onto the next job. A few years ago I thought I heard Barack Obama say we was going to put a maximum ceiling on CEOs pay..did that ever come to fruition? Even if they did I'm sure they would just be given more perks as in shares, property etc.
John Hansen (author) from Australia (Gondwana Land) on November 11, 2014:
Thank you for that info Audrey. It is perfect for the theme here. I will do a YouTube search.
John Hansen (author) from Australia (Gondwana Land) on November 11, 2014:
Good to see you LadyFiddler, glad you liked this poem. I will try my best :)
Jaye Denman from Deep South, USA on November 11, 2014:
There's are several major messages there, John.
The line about CEOs reminds me of a particular CEO of a multinational corporation (for which I worked nearly a quarter of a century) whose terrible decisions nearly ruined the company and tanked the stock. While his idiocy financially hurt thousands of employees who weren't responsible for the problems, Mr. CEO got his 'golden parachute.' Loaded down with $$$--a buy-out of his contract, stock options that would be worth millions after someone else rescued the company, and many other perks (instead of being fired as he should have been), the last I heard of him...he took his monetary spoils, moved to California, married a young trophy wife and started a vastly different 'new age' type career....which he could well afford to do on the $$$ earned by employees much farther down the corporate ladder.
I went through that long tale to illustrate my opinion that there are very few CEOs (if any) who are actually worth their huge compensation packages while 'regular' employees take pay cuts, lose benefits or--even worse--get downsized.
Voted Up+++
Audrey Hunt from Pahrump NV on November 11, 2014:
The name of the song is "Ain't we got fun" written in the early 30's. "Every morning, every evening, ain't we got fun. Not much money, oh but honey, ain't we got fun. The rent's unpaid dear, we haven't a dime, but that's okay dear,we're hav'in good times. The rich get rich and the poor get poorer, etc. etc. Youtube most likely has it in their library. :)
Joanna Chandler from Caribbean on November 11, 2014:
This was spectacular Jodah :) i love the poem
~~~ keep up the good work ~~~
John Hansen (author) from Australia (Gondwana Land) on November 11, 2014:
Thank you peoplepower73. That is a very good comparison between the present society ad that of the Medieval period. I agree it is very much the same as Royalty vs serfs all over again. Thanks for the vote up and share too.
Mike Russo from Placentia California on November 11, 2014:
I love the poem and the video. I look at what we are going through is much like during the medieval period. The politicians, corporations, and big moneyed interests have formed alliances. They are like the royalty of the middle ages. The rest of us are like serfs serving indentured servitude to them. They operate to serve their own interest under the guise of democracy, but their campaigns are funded by the royalty and they are only beholden to each other. They do not represent the people because the people can not fund their campaigns. Great hub, keep up the good work. Voting up interesting and sharing.
John Hansen (author) from Australia (Gondwana Land) on November 11, 2014:
Great to get that insightful comment from you Mary. I wish this poem was just a parody of society but alas it is fact. That is a good question, but I am sad t say that I think we are the animals in the cage. Thanks for the vote up too.
Mary Craig from New York on November 11, 2014:
Its amazing how you manage to take a few words and mold them into such a meaningful poem! There are so many truths here it almost hurts. Your pictures are so a part of the whole picture (excuse the redundancy). The question here would be are we the animals in the cage or the visitors at this zoo?
Voted up, useful, awesome, and interesting.
John Hansen (author) from Australia (Gondwana Land) on November 11, 2014:
I greatly appreciate your encouraging words MsDora, thank you for reading another of my poems. Glad you enjoyed the experience.
John Hansen (author) from Australia (Gondwana Land) on November 11, 2014:
Thanks for reading another of my hubs Suzette. Glad you liked the metaphor, and yes I too wish this wasn't a true reflection of society.
Faith Reaper from southern USA on November 11, 2014:
Yes, I think your idea about another hub on that aspect of the term would be intriguing to say the least, especially being you have already done a lot of research. Here, your choice of the Commodores' song and video is perfect. Love the pics too. Thank you for your kind words here. Blessings always
Dora Weithers from The Caribbean on November 11, 2014:
The poem is a good format in which to present the harsh realities of the "human zoo." You just keep getting better at your craft. Thanks for the additional facts also.
Suzette Walker from Taos, NM on November 11, 2014:
The human zoo - great metaphor with a strong and true message. Well done - I like your poem and the message you send. Too bad the message is so true.
John Hansen (author) from Australia (Gondwana Land) on November 11, 2014:
Thanks Mary. I couldn't think of a better way to describe society other than a "zoo". Glad you can relate and agree with my point of view. Thanks for the vote up and share too.
Mary Hyatt from Florida on November 11, 2014:
You did a great job in "telling it like it is"! I've lived long enough to see the Human Zoo in action, and your message is so correct.
Voted UP, etc. and shared.
John Hansen (author) from Australia (Gondwana Land) on November 11, 2014:
Yes Ann, a lie is a lie is a lie.. you can't trust them to do what is right.
Ann Carr from SW England on November 11, 2014:
They tell you it means something, they'll make a difference, if you vote for them, then they do exactly as they please.... and so it goes on!
John Hansen (author) from Australia (Gondwana Land) on November 10, 2014:
Thank you Audrey, and I appreciate the sharing. What's the name of that song?
Audrey Hunt from Pahrump NV on November 10, 2014:
The rich get rich and the poor get poorer. There's actually a song about this. Fantastic Jodah and loved the title! Sharing like mad. - Audrey
John Hansen (author) from Australia (Gondwana Land) on November 10, 2014:
You are one of those selfless people Faith. Thank you for your kind words, glad you liked the title too. When I was researching pics, songs, books etc on "human zoo' I was quite shocked with what I found. Maybe I'l write an article on that different aspect of the term in future. Blessings back.
Faith Reaper from southern USA on November 10, 2014:
What a creative title and your poem is just as creative and unique expressing your message.
It seems that the mindset is Me, Me, Me ... and forget about others who may need our help ...although I do know of many wonderful people who truly love others with compassion and selflessly.
John Hansen (author) from Australia (Gondwana Land) on November 10, 2014:
Thanks for reading travmaj. Yes to me it feels like we are stuck in our cages just reliant on the Government and Big Business to care for us as they think best and throw us a few scraps now and then. Someone needs to free the animals and see what happens.
travmaj from australia on November 10, 2014:
Well said and straight to the point. I like the zoo connection - makes a great deal of sense - perhaps we are all in our cages waiting for the next catastrophe - got your message loud and clear.
Randi Benlulu from Mesa, AZ on November 10, 2014:
Yes. In fact, it seems to be getting worse.
John Hansen (author) from Australia (Gondwana Land) on November 10, 2014:
Thank you for reading Tolovaj and for your insightful comment. You are right that these social injustices etc at least give poets and writers material for their works.
Tolovaj on November 10, 2014:
I like the song and the message. As somebody who was born in socialism, where 'everybody is equal, just some are more equal than others', and experiencing the capitalism in its fundamental, primitive form, I can only say, there is no much difference. Government works for government in both cases, rich want to be richer in both cases, and poets write songs, which is probably one of the best parts of life anyway ...
Thanks, Jodah, for your food for thought!
John Hansen (author) from Australia (Gondwana Land) on November 10, 2014:
Yes Shauna, so we have to start to change them for "the good". We need to force the Government's worldwide to listen to the power of the people not the big corporations.
John Hansen (author) from Australia (Gondwana Land) on November 10, 2014:
Thank you Nikki, I appreciate your comment and agreement.
John Hansen (author) from Australia (Gondwana Land) on November 10, 2014:
Hi Ann, thanks for reading another of my hubs. It's the same here in Australia and getting worse by the day. We have to find a way to make the Government's listen. I thought in democracies the will of the majority of people was supposed to mean something.
John Hansen (author) from Australia (Gondwana Land) on November 10, 2014:
Thanks for reading Jo, and your continued support. We all have to spread this message as best we can to change things for the better.
John Hansen (author) from Australia (Gondwana Land) on November 10, 2014:
Thanks is sad that nothing is being done to fix the problems.
John Hansen (author) from Australia (Gondwana Land) on November 10, 2014:
Thank you for reading Dragonfly..there should be a law against inequality :)
John Hansen (author) from Australia (Gondwana Land) on November 10, 2014:
Thanks Ruby, I feel poetry is my most effective tool for getting my political or social message across. Thanks for your support.
Shauna L Bowling from Central Florida on November 10, 2014:
Yep, these times they are a changing and not necessarily for the good.
Beautiful Garbage from Louisiana on November 10, 2014:
Great job and too true.
Ann Carr from SW England on November 10, 2014:
You've got it in one! Superb poem and statistics to back up the problem.
A human zoo is exactly what it looks like as some people are treated no better than animals or even worse. What's the matter with these governments? They do nothing except look after themselves and, worst of all, they don't listen.
Rant over! Just the same in Britain though.
Enjoy your day!
Jo Alexis-Hagues from Lincolnshire, U.K on November 10, 2014:
John, you've shown that poetry can be a very effective vehicle for a powerful message. Well done.
Randi Benlulu from Mesa, AZ on November 10, 2014:
Wow! Definitely up, interesting and awesome!
I loved the poem! What a sad world we live in.
dragonflycolor on November 10, 2014:
To the point, and very descriptive of the subject matter here. Inequality is engrossed in all facets of the zoo we live in. Thanks, Jodah!
Ruby Jean Richert from Southern Illinois on November 10, 2014:
I'm glad to see you write about the disadvantaged here in America. Political satire in poetry fashion is a great way to highlight the problem. Well done my Aussie friend...
John Hansen (author) from Australia (Gondwana Land) on November 10, 2014:
Thanks Bill, excuse me for getting on my soapbox too. I appreciate your comment.
Bill Holland from Olympia, WA on November 10, 2014:
Poetry with a political and economic favorite kind of poetry. Yes indeed, we lead the world in this type of inequality...sure is something to be proud of, don't you think? I'm being facetious in case there is someone who thinks I'm serious. Well done, John!
John Hansen (author) from Australia (Gondwana Land) on November 10, 2014:
Yes Graham you are right. many of those born wealthy unfortunately don't appreciate the struggle others go through and their social conscience is subsequently lacking. Thank you for reading and your wonderful comment.
John Hansen (author) from Australia (Gondwana Land) on November 10, 2014:
Thanks Eric.. oh yes imagine if there was an income category in the stats for writers..haha..that would certainly be low.