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Hot Sexy Cat Pics

Sexy Cats Unvealed

This is my cat Zorro's sister Perdy letting it all hang out! I told her not to sit this way but she doesn't listen to me....... Source: Dorsi Diaz

This is my cat Zorro's sister Perdy letting it all hang out! I told her not to sit this way but she doesn't listen to me....... Source: Dorsi Diaz

This has got to be the King of Sexy Cats

One of Jens favorites (InpsirePub) This cat epitomizes the meaning of sexy, don't you think?

One of Jens favorites (InpsirePub) This cat epitomizes the meaning of sexy, don't you think?

Fur-Babies Exposed !

I know you have all been waiting patiently for the FIRST annual HOT SEXY CAT PICS to arrive and here it is - fur-babies exposed for the first time! After the raging success of the sexy hot hubber pics, I just knew that I had to give our fur-baby friends some ample time in the spotlight.

So without further ado, here are the sexy hot cat pictures from our fellow hubbers!


Zorro- #1 Sexiest Cat in our Household

I got lucky one day and got this exceptional picture of my cat- very sexy kitty wouldn't you say?

I got lucky one day and got this exceptional picture of my cat- very sexy kitty wouldn't you say?

So what makes a cat sexy anyway?

Can cats be sexy? Can an animal be sexy for that matter? Well according to several writers here the answer is a resounding YES! And here are the sexy cat pictures to back up their claims.

So what makes a cat sexy? Could it be the way they look at you with those "come-hither" eyes? Or could it be the way they display themselves to the world without a trace of embarrasment? Or maybe it's in their cuteness, that oh-so-cute cat sex appeal that all of us cats lovers know and love- those looks that say- Look at me! Pay Attention to me! Aren't I the greatest thing you've ever seen?

Or could it be the way they walk, they talk and puurrr................grwww........

As an avid cat lover (I've got 6 of them) I have been able to capture many of my cats in cute and sometimes "revealing" poses. Without any modesty, they have consented to me posting these pics of them , which makes me wonder, have they no shame???

Enjoy the pictures and look out for my next hub on HOT SEXY DOG PICS!

(If you enjoyed my article here please give me a rating with a thumbs up- the cats will appreciate it!)

Zorro the authors cat- A Very Sexy Cat!

I think this is one of Zorro's best shots. Those eyes just take the cake on the meaning of sexy!

I think this is one of Zorro's best shots. Those eyes just take the cake on the meaning of sexy!

Boo's Sexiest Cat Pose

According to his mom, this is Boo's sexiest pose- Definitely got lots of sex appeal with those eyes! (photo courtesy of Susan K.)

According to his mom, this is Boo's sexiest pose- Definitely got lots of sex appeal with those eyes! (photo courtesy of Susan K.)

There's Nothing Sexier Than a Working Cat...

There's nothing sexier than a cool cat named Leopold that can bring home the bacon and spin disks at the same time.... (photo courtesy of DJ Funktual)

There's nothing sexier than a cool cat named Leopold that can bring home the bacon and spin disks at the same time.... (photo courtesy of DJ Funktual)

Cute is Attractive

This cutie pie definitely has lots of sex appeal (photo courtesy of the Bard Of Ely)

This cutie pie definitely has lots of sex appeal (photo courtesy of the Bard Of Ely)

Freya's Sexy Cat Belly

According to mom Stacie N.- Freya is "so seductive with her belly". I think so too- what do you think?

According to mom Stacie N.- Freya is "so seductive with her belly". I think so too- what do you think?

This One Might Need Some Cat Therapy...

Ely and I need to have a talk about this "body image" fetish his cat has.... could be sexy and healthy but it might not be.

Ely and I need to have a talk about this "body image" fetish his cat has.... could be sexy and healthy but it might not be.

Wisdom Is Sexy

Can't you just see the wisdom in those eyes! Ely's cat definitely has it going on.

Can't you just see the wisdom in those eyes! Ely's cat definitely has it going on.

A Man and His Cat- Now How Sexy Is That?

I've always told my sons that the best way to find a girlfriend is to take the dog for a walk- I wonder if the same applies for cats? (DJ Funktual and Cat)

I've always told my sons that the best way to find a girlfriend is to take the dog for a walk- I wonder if the same applies for cats? (DJ Funktual and Cat)

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Don't Miss SEXY HOT DOG PICS Coming Soon!

If you have a sexy dog please send your pictures to me so that your fur-baby can be in my next hub!

If you have a sexy dog please send your pictures to me so that your fur-baby can be in my next hub!


This picture was sent in by Jen (InspirePub) Although this is not her cat, we felt this cutie deserved an honorable mention.

This picture was sent in by Jen (InspirePub) Although this is not her cat, we felt this cutie deserved an honorable mention.


prasetio30 from malang-indonesia on July 06, 2014:

Beautiful pictures and I love all of them. Thanks for sharing with us. Meeowww....and voted up!

Dorsi Diaz (author) from The San Francisco Bay Area on July 06, 2014:

Thanks Dzy and so glad you enjoyed this oldie but goodie!

Liz Elias from Oakley, CA on May 18, 2014:

MOL!! Too, too cute! Mrrrpp!! Mrrrooww!

Of course, cats are the best at posing. We used to have an adorable black kitty who would sit much like your "Perdy." All it needed was the caption, "Now, where's the remote and my beer?"

Loved these kitty photos. Cats are just so expressive! They say so much with those eyes, those facial expressions and that body language!

Voted up, funny, beautiful and awesome!

Dorsi Diaz (author) from The San Francisco Bay Area on May 18, 2014:

lol Nell, I look back at this and still smile at the writers kitties and all their sexy poses :-)

Nell Rose from Buckinghamshire UK on May 18, 2014:

LOL! now this is different, and I love it! Meouw! Purrrrr!

Dorsi Diaz (author) from The San Francisco Bay Area on December 21, 2011:

@Eranofu) Your welcome! Thanks for reading.

Eranofu from Europe on December 21, 2011:

Haha, at first I was o.O Cats and sexy?

And then I was xD

Meow! Thanks. ^^

Dorsi Diaz (author) from The San Francisco Bay Area on December 01, 2011:

@tammy) lol glad you enjoyed it!!

Tammy from North Carolina on December 01, 2011:

I couldn't stop laughing.. Thanks for that. Very cute!

mukthar on November 01, 2011:

I love meaw

Dorsi Diaz (author) from The San Francisco Bay Area on September 05, 2011:

Glad you enjoyed it Izzy! I'm thinking it's time to do another sexy cat hub! Since we have polls now I could actually have people vote...ROTFL..who would have thought sexy cats would be so popular?


IzzyM from UK on September 05, 2011:

What a great hub! And great idea with all those sexy cat photos! Love it :)

Jordan on May 19, 2011:


Dorsi Diaz (author) from The San Francisco Bay Area on November 13, 2010:

bumbo lizzie) TY. Glad you like the sexy cats!!

bumbo lizzie on November 11, 2010:

i think all of theese sexy pics r well ........ seeeeeexy !!!!!! wait till u see my cat better than all of the ones on here! :p

emily J on November 02, 2010:

hahahahahahahahahahahaha from emily samantha comingmer

andrea on August 28, 2010:

hahah they sooo sexy

tyrell on June 03, 2010:


amyg on May 15, 2010:

its so rude it is but nice lol

Dorsi Diaz (author) from The San Francisco Bay Area on March 10, 2010:

Shabarigirish) Thanks for stopping to check out the pretty kitties. I was actually just telling my husband today how funny it was how many people actually search for sexy cat pics on the internet...hehehehehehe....

shabarigirish on March 10, 2010:

Great collection of sexy cat pics Dorsi.. Meow Meow..

eyemakeart on December 26, 2009:

Here's another sexy house cat you might like

Bengali Bratisha from Italy on December 18, 2009:

Great hub!! Very funny!!

BkCreative from Brooklyn, New York City on December 17, 2009:

Oh, I love these goodlooking cats. I'm sure they know they 'have it going on' - thanks!

Looking at photos of cats and I always have to smile!

Tatjana-Mihaela from Zadar, CROATIA on December 20, 2008:

Great Hub, It will be evergreen on Hubpages.

I could not stop lauging (your humor is great) and enjoying gorgeous pics!

Thanks for bringing me wide smail on my face this morning, Dorsi.

Your Hub is perfect. Thanks!

magnoliazz from Wisconsin on October 03, 2008:

AWESOME!!!! Just wondering, do your cats tolerate lingerie? I think you should make a cat centerfold calendar. I wish I could give this hub more than just a thumbs up!

hot dorkage from Oregon, USA on August 11, 2008:

So where's the hairless pu... ahm.... kitty in this collection? Can I send u a foto of my dog for your sexy dogz hub? She's fixed, does that matter?

CherylTheWriter from Humble, Texas (the ultimate oxymoron) on July 02, 2008:

Dorsi, this is hilarious. My vote goes to Zorro--those eyes are deadly.

I'll try to get some pics of our two 14-year-old mutts for your sexy dog Hub. They give a whole new meaning to AARP sexy.

Eric Graudins from Australia on June 28, 2008:

Our cats are far to modest to appear here.

But I'll send you a couple of pics of Finn, our German Shepherd, who will win the dog's title paws down!

guidebaba from India on June 23, 2008:

I'M Loving it.

Stacie Naczelnik from Seattle on June 21, 2008:

Thanks Dorsi. Everyone pronounces Freya's name wrong. Fun hub!

weblog from 1India on June 18, 2008:

Dorsi, once again you rock in this sexy hub. Great fur babies :)

Dorsi Diaz (author) from The San Francisco Bay Area on June 18, 2008:

Thanks Stacie for pointing that out- your name is corrected- that's kinda funny cuz I got Freya's name right

Thanks for stopping by!

Stacie Naczelnik from Seattle on June 18, 2008:

I love it! Freya is so happy to be famous. But, you spelled my name wrong. :(

oberbreckling on June 14, 2008:

well I like Zorro but i have two that look like Freya and your right what do you do give them all the 1st place ribbon

DJ Funktual from One Nation Under a Groove on June 14, 2008:

My cat's name is Leopold. We really should have named him Brain though because He thinks he's Rock Star Brian Setzer, I kid you not.

He don't bother chasin mice around.....oh no

He slicks down the alley, looking for a fight,

Howling to the Moonlight on a Hot Summer Night!

Singing the blues while the lady cat's cry

Wow Leopold you are so damn fly

You wishes he so carefree and wild,

but he's got cat class and he's got cat style.

Meow. Yeah, don't cross his path!

joy2blue on June 14, 2008:

cute cats, i have cute cockatiels, lol

jim1307 on June 14, 2008:

I loved the shot of Zorro the authors cat, he looks a real bundle of joy! Good piece too, meow baby!

Susan Keeping from Kitchener, Ontario on June 14, 2008:

Well done :)

Steve Andrews from Lisbon, Portugal on June 14, 2008:

Hi Dorsi! :) Thanks for including all my sexy kitty pics in your gallery here! Another excellent hub!

andrews on June 14, 2008:

Really origanal! (LOL) My vote goes to king of sexy too!

Dorsi Diaz (author) from The San Francisco Bay Area on June 13, 2008:

Thanks GamerGirl and Crash for coming by- I have made the changes to reflect the upcoming hub "sexy hot dog pics". Send those pictures and postcards in!!

Kiz Robinson from New Orleans, Louisiana on June 13, 2008:

Woo! Where's the sexy dogs hub? I'll send a picture for that!

crashcromwell from Florida on June 13, 2008:

My vote goes to the King of Sexy! Great Hub Dorsi!

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