From The Ashes…
I don't care at all because I care too much
Lost everything even the way our souls touch
Feeling nothing but Torment and pain
Blocking my thoughts Just to stay sane
The more I learn the less I know
Jumbled memories become my greatest foe
Hope for the best but plan for the worst
At times it feels As though you've been cursed
Remember the good but remember it past
Hope without action will never last
What makes us most human? Is love and remorse
The feelings in others you can never force
Anger is usually a product of fear
To block out the truth we don’t want to hear
Knowing the truth is only the start
Acting on knowledge plays the biggest part
Along the way you are bound to make mistakes
The bigger the change the higher the stakes
Don’t lose hope in your resolve
It may take time for your problems to solve
And now I move along playing the game
Making things better not just the same
Strength Courage and Wisdom are now my tools
Rise up above the naïve, ignore all the fools.
© 2013 Eric Niehoff
Jane on January 04, 2015:
The forum is a brhgtier place thanks to your posts. Thanks!