How to Make Maleficent Horns (With Free Template)
DIY Maleficent Horns
There are lots of ways to make your own handmade headpieces and horns for Disney's best-loved villain, Maleficent. However, when I looked for a fast way to make up some really simple and easy designs using inexpensive and readily available cardstock or even craft foam—well, I didn't find any. And my daughter was desperate to get into character already, so I made a free, printable template that is readily available for anyone to use for their Halloween costume or for dressing up.
The pattern on this page can be used in slightly different ways, so I have not one but two quick craft tutorials to create a very simple elastic 'mask' as well as an even cuter headband version. Both of these can be used for kids and adults. It is sized to work for either, although you can of course enlarge or reduce the template as you see fit. And be simply Magnificent!
All personal Images belong to the author of this article, Marie Williams Johnstone.
What You Should Know Before You Start
Before you gather what you'll need for this project, decide whether you want to make the mask using the paper cutout or if you want to make the version using the headband.
I show you two different and easy ways to use my free template pattern: you can either opt to make a simple elasticated mask worn around the top of an adult's or child's forehead or, alternatively, you can make a horned headband worn in the hair. Either way works great.
For the horned part, you can use a stiff black cardstock (stick a couple of thinner pieces back to back to strengthen!) or you can opt to use a thick piece of craft foam, felt fabric stuck onto a thick card backing, or even black vinyl sheeting.
As long as the material is thick enough to stand up and not flop down like paper or fabric, you can use it. Black cardstock is a good option for this particular craft; if it doesn't feel thick enough, just stick two pieces together.
1. Easy Maleficent Headpiece Mask Using a Paper Cutout
Want the fastest and easiest way to make a very quick set of horns based on the ones worn by Angelina Jolie in the Maleficent movie? Using my template on this page, you can cut out and quickly assemble a 'mask' that fastens around the head with elastic.
Time required: 10-15 minutes
Difficulty: Easy
- Elasticated band (1/4 inch wide)
- Cardstock to print the pattern on
- Thick cardstock in black (or color of choice)
- Scissors
- Pencil
- Hole punch
1. First, save a copy of the pattern on this page to your own computer and print out a copy onto cardstock to make a template—or print onto paper and use adhesive to stick it to the back of any spare card you have going like a cereal packet.
If you don't have a printer, you can always look at the design to draw up your own. You should aim to fill the width of a standard sheet of cardstock. I'm making this one in purple (why not!) but the best color is going to be black since that matches the main look of the evil fairy queen.
2. Cut the template out carefully around the black lines. I like to keep all my templates to re-use again, so they get stored in binders.
3. Trace around the template onto your choice of cardstock. If the card is flimsy, you can always stick two pieces together to make it stiffer and more suited to making a mask. Alternatively, you can use thick craft foam or stick some felt onto a cardstock backing. It needs to be fairly firm so it stands up well.
4. Cut out the design and then punch a hole on either side near the bottom of the pattern piece. I used a 1/4" hole punch to fit my 1/4 inch elastic through easily. Black elastic will look better if you're using that color of cardstock, but I only had white on hand.
5. Cut off a piece of elastic that will go around the head of the person wearing this homemade accessory, leaving enough spare elastic to tie off too. This photo shows the back of the mask. Thread the elastic through the holes so the bulk of it sits at the reverse of the mask where it won't be seen.
6. Tie around the head of the wearer; a double knot works well for this. Cut any spare elastic off. Now enjoy wearing it! See a photo below of my daughter demonstrating this and also view my second tutorial on making a cute headband version.
2: Quick Maleficent Horned Headband
If you don't mind investing just a little bit more time (not a lot) then consider making this cute headband version which is my daughter's favorite to wear. I happened to have a sheet of shiny black plastic which looks really good as it shines in the light. But you can use a thick cardstock or a thick craft foam.
You also need a plain black headband; we found some in our version of the dollar store. You can always use spray paint on a plain plastic headband or cover it with black ribbon.
Time required: 15-30 minutes
Difficulty: easy
- 1 black hard headband hair accessory
- A piece of thick black cardstock
- Some cardstock to print the template on
- Pencil
- Scissors
- A hole punch
- Some thin black cord or twine
1. Save the pattern on this page and print it out onto some plain cardstock. Cut it out ready to use. Unlike the first project, you don't need to use the whole template for this headband design.
You want to trace around the portion I have shown lined up over my black cardstock. Later on, I made a plastic version and used a biro to trace the pattern.
2. Once you've traced this section, position your headband at the bottom and use it as a guide for where to trace and cut so that the horns will fit on your particular headband perfectly.
You can see with the photo what the finished cut-out piece looks like and how the curve at the bottom fits the headband you traced around.
3. Cut out the horns design carefully.
4. You need to punch three holes across the bottom—one in the middle and one on either side. These holes are used to attach the design to your band.
5. Make sure you have the back of the pattern piece facing you; any drawn lines should be at the back so as not to spoil the finished piece.
Starting with the middle hole, tie a small piece of cord or twine through the hole and around the middle of the headband. Pull firmly but not too tightly or you risk ripping the card. I tie in a double knot to secure and cut away the ends.
The alternative option is to use a hot glue gun to stick the horns to the headband. Use a black glue stick for a more professional look.
6. Repeat with the other two holes to use the cord to tie the design onto the band.
7. Ta da! Here are two finished headpiece accessories that Maleficent would be proud of! I hope you've enjoyed reading my lens or article today, thanks for your visit. Don't forget to grab the template below and bookmark this page so you can see how to make these designs up.
© 2014 Marie
Julia on September 21, 2014:
I needed this for school. And I was almost going to rent a $25/day one! Phew! Thanks for this! No I don't need to spend so much!
Lee Hansen from Vermont on July 08, 2014:
Ooooh, great Maleficent horns template!
Susan Deppner from Arkansas USA on June 27, 2014:
I won't, but I love reading your tutorials anyway. Such a great job!
Corrinna Johnson from BC, Canada on June 27, 2014:
What an awesome play craft for girls who love the movie! Thanks for the fantastic tutorial and printable!
Ibidii on June 27, 2014:
I have not seen the new movie, but I loved the original Disney Animated version. Great ideas lens!