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Free Vintage Christmas Angel Cards

It's Christmas in July for me, because I'm creating this page on July 25, 2009. But that's OK. Even though these vintage angel cards were created for Christmas, they're appropriate any time of the year.

I'm a big fan of bold colors, so many of the images I chose feature them. There are many vintage angel Christmas cards in my personal collection but I chose the ones I thought would have the most universal appeal. I hope you enjoy using them as much as I like sharing them.

It's a little hard to pin down the exact dates most of these cards were printed but I do have that information on one of them. The horizontal card that reads "A Happy Christmas to You" is actually marked with the year 1726. I don't know about you but I find it amazing that something so beautiful and fragile could travel down through the years and end up on our computers. It's such an interesting time to be alive. :-)

Download Instructions for the Free Vintage Angel Christmas Cards


Before downloading, please read the Terms of Use in the Rules of the Road graphic further down on the page.

To download an image, choose a thumbnail version of any of the vintage angel Christmas cards in the right column. When you click on one, it will appear larger.

If you're a Mac user, control-click the image until you get a pop-up menu that will give you an option to save the file. If you have a PC, right-click and save the final version of the artwork to your hard drive.


Want More Free Vintage Christmas Cards or Other Image Freebies?

Check out the Free Clip Art Sourcebook, which contains links to my extensive collection of free vintage and contemporary clip art, vintage holiday cards, scrapbook images and party invitation templates for virtually every occasion.

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Carla Chadwick (author) from Georgia on December 18, 2011:

Thanks, Phoebe! That's very nice of you to say.

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Phoebe Pike on December 18, 2011:

How do you come up with such an amazing hub? You are incredible!

vajrayogini on December 13, 2011:

You mentioned the bubble vintage ornaments. I loved these as a kid and found them again at Vermont Country Store.

You site is simply amazing!

Carla Chadwick (author) from Georgia on October 23, 2009:

You're welcome, Mariangela!

Mariangela Buch on October 23, 2009:

This is very nice of you to submit free postcards. I enjoy looking at all of them. Thank you.

Carla Chadwick (author) from Georgia on August 06, 2009:

Thanks, Betsy!

BetsyIckes from Pennsylvania on August 06, 2009:

I just love these cards! Great hub!

Carla Chadwick (author) from Georgia on July 28, 2009:

Too true, Lisa. :-)

lisa42 from Sacramento on July 27, 2009:

It's never too early to start thinking about Christmas. :-)

Carla Chadwick (author) from Georgia on July 27, 2009:

Hi Nancy: Those five months are going to zoom by!

Hi Mavanti: Good luck on HubPages. Thanks for your comment.

mavanti from Umpqua Valley, Oregon on July 27, 2009:

Totally cool. I too collect antique postcards, have since the 70s. I love them. Nice to see them here. Now you have my head spinning with so many images. Thanks for sharing all your amazing info and knowledge. I am new to hubpages and kicked off my first venture yesterday.

Nancy's Niche on July 27, 2009:

I love vintage art especially at Christmas time and its only five months away...Yikes!

Carla Chadwick (author) from Georgia on July 26, 2009:

Hi, jill. It is amazing, isn't it? I love vintage art in general but it makes me particularly happy when I run across something like that.

jill of alltrades from Philippines on July 26, 2009:

Wow! The angels are beautiful! One of the cards is dated 1726? Amazing!

Carla Chadwick (author) from Georgia on July 25, 2009:

Thanks, Catlyn, both for your comment and for having a WordPlay hub bookmark file! :-)

I hope you enjoy using these Christmas cards. I used some of them to make handmade cards last holiday season, decorated with glitter glue. They turned out beautiful (if I do say so myself).

Catlyn from Somewhere in the OC on July 25, 2009:

DElightful! I have this saved in my "WordPlay Hub Bookmark File!"

Thanks ever so

Carla Chadwick (author) from Georgia on July 25, 2009:

Thanks, Bob. :-)

Bob Ewing from New Brunswick on July 25, 2009:

I like the look.

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