Truth of My Demise
If you’re faint of heart,
Draw not close enough to hear
For my story might even bring
A calloused soul to tears
My departed soul returns
To entreat of you this day
That justice might prevail
For evil that came my way
On a cool brisk autumn morning
With dew upon the ground
I sat alone meditating,
The sun above me shining down
Oft I heard a turtle dove
Softly cooing on the breeze
Not noticing the scoundrels
Stealthily sneaking behind me
They took me to a house
Of which I’d never seen before
And carried me around the back
and through the kitchen door
They placed me on a table
with newspapers all around
And shoved a knife inside me,
There was no hope to be found
They shoved a spoon inside
And scraped my entrails from within
Then with an evil gleam
They started cutting me again
As they continued, the horror
Suffered is painful to describe
The morbidity of this
may make One feel queasy deep inside
They cut away my nose
and left a morbid frightful mess
And as to what they started next
was maniacal at best
The shoved the knife into my face
And carved a gruesome smile
With a kind of sickening joy
They jested, laughing all the while
They set my hollowed carcass
On the porch that night you see
And to add humility
They placed a candle inside of me
They left me out there all night long
In the damp and cold night air
Like a trophy from a conquest
They left me sitting there
But these charlatans weren’t finished;
They weren’t yet done with me
The worst was yet to come
when finally morning came to be
They carried me inside
And too the kitchen table once again
Then chopped me into pieces
and peeled away my skin
In a pot of scalding water
they put my body in
Cooking it down to mush
for them to use again
This travesty continued
as They made some pies from me
And served me as desert
for all their friends to see
There’s no evidence to offer,
Not a crumb of pie crust left
My seeds were washed and toasted
And shared amongst their guest
From the field they took me,
They’re plowed and seeded once again
And the remnants of my existence
are but a memory now my friend
Though my soul has departed from me
And set to haunt eternally
Within the gloomy shadows
Until the season comes again to be
On a cold dark Halloween’s eve
If ghost stories should arise
Perhaps you share this epitaph
And the truth of my demise
Jack O’Lantern Postscript©
must65gt (author) on October 23, 2012:
lol.....thanks ...this was fun to write and as a point of interest, will be published on 10/29/2012 in the DeLand Beacon just in time for halloween. I really appreciate your taking time to stop by and read....God Bless
frogyfish on October 18, 2012:
OK, I just knew you couldn't be really grisly, so I decided to catch on when 'they shoved a spoon inside and scraped my entrails...'. The more I read the more sure it had to be a pumpkin! Yay! You did grisly good! :-)
Annette Donaldson from Northern Ireland on November 15, 2011:
Still one of my favourite hubs by you Stuart. Just had to read again to witness your play on words. Well done.
must65gt (author) on November 05, 2011:
haha, glad you enjoyed it. It was fun to make up as I went. Thanks for reading and commenting
Julianna from SomeWhere Out There on November 04, 2011:
Hilarious! lololo! Poor pumpkin I will never look at a pumpkin the same again. How sad. :(lolol! :D
must65gt (author) on November 02, 2011:
lol..thanks Chuck. sometimes the proverbial Pat on the literary back is enough to drive us on. Thanks for stopping by.
Chuck on October 26, 2011:
Now if only you got money for the words of horror and sadness. Tis a sad injustice, there is no more compensation than a friendly pat on the literary back...:)
must65gt (author) on October 24, 2011:
thanks very much Blue...SO glasd you enjoy it.
Annette Donaldson from Northern Ireland on October 24, 2011:
Had to visit and read again Stuart. Brilliant imagination you have got, and the awesome talent to turn into a great read.
must65gt (author) on October 23, 2011:
lol.....the idea was to set you off track. Many people have stated they won;t be able to carve a pumpkin this year!. Thanks fro reading Hello and I am glad you found it entertaining...
Hello, hello, from London, UK on October 23, 2011:
That was absolutely great. Half way through I felt grizzly but then I thought hang on there is something more to it. Great idea and well done. Thank you.
must65gt (author) on October 19, 2011:
lol.....Thanks Annette, hope I didn't ruin your holliday's
Annette Donaldson from Northern Ireland on October 19, 2011:
Stuart, you certainly caught me out with this one, especially at the beginning. I didn't dream that you were writing about the humble pumpkin. I don't think I will ever feel comfortable making pumpkin soup/pie again. lol