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18th Birthday Poems for Friends, Relatives and Near Ones

Every birthday is not the same. Among the landmark birthdays, 18th is the very special one. This birthday marks the entrance of a new man or woman in the world of the grown up. Now, if you are going to attend your friend's 18th birthday party you may be wondering what to write in the card which will accompany the gift package. You may choose a cool 18th birthday wish or what about a high quality 18th birthday poem?

If it is your daughter or son or the niece who is going to be 18 soon, you have the poems for them too. This hub is specialized for the poems for those who are becoming eighteen and I think you can choose a good one from the below.

18th Birthday Card

18th Birthday Card

An 18th Birthday Poem to Sister

You shall find your way

To the vista of success,

That’s what we all want

In this glorious day of

Your 18th birthday.

We all knew that

You have become

A very beautiful woman

Who will be our pride

For ever dear sister.

Eighteen is the Age of Transition

Eighteen is the age of transition…

Eighteen is the time to discover

That you are child no more.

Eighteen is the time to think

And to rejoice for the years

Which will make or break you.

Eighteen is the time to grief

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For the lost childhood..

The days of carefree roaming

Is no more..

Now you are alone

In the vast ocean of time.

Happy 18th birthday my dear friend!

18th Birthday Quote by Liv Tylor

A famous 18th birthday quote

A famous 18th birthday quote

Hey Buddy

Hey buddy you are eighteen!

Let’s dance and give a spin.

You can go the pub at night

And to the jail after a fight!

With all sincerity we do pray

For you, have a grand birthday!


Welcome to you here

In the world of the grownups.

When you were a little child

The wind talked to you

In your ears to make you smile,

Sun smiled at you everyday,

When you went to school

And with the friends to play,

Now you have lost the ear

To hear the whispering air

Or the eye to smiling sun,

You are eighteen now

And so be ready with

The false ears and the blind eyes

Of the grownups;

Welcome to you!

It is the Time to Party

It is the time to party,

It is the time to rejoice,

It is your 18th birthday,

Let us dance together

And yell in joy

For your coming of age,

Enjoy the day!

18th Birthday Song

A Great 18th Birthday Poem

Birthdays comes and birthdays goes

But the 18th is the very special one,

It is the time to party and to run

To the great, grand world,

Enjoy the day and heighten your spirit,

Be prepared and meet the world,

Catch success and be a big hit.

Oh My!

Oh my! Our little Johnny is 18 now!

Who can believe this?

And who can afford to miss

The moment of his birthday?

Who will not want to say

To our Johnny,”Happy birthday!”?

Little Bird

Little bird, little bird where are you going?

It is the birthday of a sweet little girl

And I am going to attend.

Little bird why are you going?

I can’t wait to see the little girl

Has now become a beautiful woman

Who will soon be the pride of her parents

And will be loved by everybody.

My Sister's 18th Birthday Poem

My sister has become grown up,

She is growing non stop,

My love and admiration for her,

We shall be close and near,

For the entire life,

As siblings should be.


A Collection of 18th Birthday Wishes

It is possible that you do not want to write a poem on your friend's birthday card. It may seem too melodramatic to some. For you, prosaic guy, there is another hub about 18th birthday wishes and messages.

Here you can find a many such wishes which are truly original. The list is already long and it is being updated regularly.

What do You Think?

Are you happy with the poems above? If not then don't worry this hub will be updated with more new poems soon. Come back later to pick another poem from the list.

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Angie on February 01, 2018:

today's my son's 18th birthday.i don't think my son whats a poem,but these are short, sweet,& to the point..thanks SO much.

pinappu (author) from India on March 23, 2013:

Thank you very much Vector design for your kind comment.

Saim from California on March 17, 2013:

Interesting Hub. these poems are so good.

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