Men's Health & Wellness
Conquer Stress: Proven Stress Management Techniques for Men
Stress affects everyone, but men often feel the weight of it even more. According to the CDC, nearly 1 in 5 men report experiencing mental health issues due to stress. Society pushes men to be strong leaders and providers. These can pile on stress, affecting both their mental and physical health.
Night Sweats in Men: Is it Something to Worry About?
Men get them, too. But the reasons for night sweats in men can be either caused by harmless environmental factors or something sinister. In other words, they can be sign of a serious health issue.
What Makes Men in Their Cologne Masculine
A gentleman's scent is that which makes others feel easy, calm, cozy, sensational and simply mystic.
No Girlfriend Ever? Then Stay Away From Psychiatrists!
Are you a man who has never had a girlfriend in your life? You are not alone, and you are not a rarity. There is advice floating all throughout the Internet on how a man can deal with this kind of situation. In any event, avoid psychiatrists altogether at all costs. They don't care about you.
The Turning Point: Escapism — Breaking Free from Its Vicious Cycle
At some point, many of us might running after drugs or alcohol—things that can start to imprison us in cycles of destruction. True change is self-reflective, and uncomfortable; it involves consistent choices to break from these harmful patterns and move towards a healthier, more fulfilling life.
Breast Cancer and Men
Male breast cancer is a serious health concern often overlooked. Early detection is crucial for survival. Men should perform regular self-exams and seek medical attention for any changes. Understanding the disease and its progression, then taking proactive steps can save your life.
Lipstick For Men?
Although lipsticks for men are now increasingly available, there is an existing and growing male market based on similar products such as tinted lip balm given lip moisturization has been a necessity with both sexes for health reasons.
Prostate Cancer: A Silent Threat
Prostate cancer is a significant health threat affecting men, and one that often progresses silently. Early detection is crucial for successful treatment including surgery, hormones, targeted therapies, radiation, and even cutting-edge nanobots sent to hunt and kill cancer cells deep in the body.
Manopause: PMS for Men
Men suffer a gradual decline in testosterone throughout their lives. These changes have a profound impact on the individual and his loved ones. Do you understand the facts about Manopause?
Unseen Wounds: The Impact of Trauma On Men's Mental Health And A Path To Healing
Men often feel a societal pressure to suppress or even dismiss their trauma and it can sometimes lead to devastating consequences. June is Mens' Mental Health Awareness Month and I hope to help men recognise and honour their victories in their battles against poor mental health & get support.
A List Of Less Commonly Known Signs Of ADHD In Men And An Insight Into It's Daily Impact
Men who live with undiagnosed ADHD likely struggle to understand why they have to work so much harder than their peers to achieve the same results. There are far too many people giving themselves far too little grace and compassion because they're unaware of their ADHD.
My Giving up Sugar and Flour Products for Their "Bad Vibes"
These two groups of foods are vibrationally incompatible with spirituality.
Improving Testosterone in Men
Basically, there are two ways to improve low testosterone levels in men. One, is via use of prescription medications from a doctor after a blood test, and the other is via natural herbal combinations, which only some have been proven to work.
Men’s Health in the Modern Age - How to Handle It Properly
Today, men’s health has declined due to the modern ways of life, but there are a number of ways to handle it
Secrets to Preventing Premature Balding
Hair loss, or balding can be attributed to various factors such as genetics, hormonal changes, and lifestyle choices. While some causes of balding are beyond our control, adopting proactive measures can significantly contribute to preventing or slowing down the process.
Navigating Brachytherapy for Prostate Cancer
Explore the depths of brachytherapy – a targeted radiation treatment offering hope for very low- to intermediate-risk prostate cancer.
Erectile Dysfunction Cure
Treating erectile dysfunction can be a rewarding endeavor. Not only will it lead to better sex life and intimate relationship, but also to an overall health and well being.
Satisfying Our Partner, Part 1 - Foreplay
The average men's ejaculation time is 5 min., while the average women's orgasm time is 12 minutes. This huge gap leaves many men and women in a relationship sexually frustrated, which leads to relationship problems and separation. Foreplay can close this gap.
What is mental fitness? A how-to for exercising your brain
Likewise with actual wellness, mental wellness has sweeping advantages. In any case, what's the significance here to practice your psyche? Could the cerebrum at any point do crunches? We know the significance of actual wellness. Furthermore, we have numerous choices to foster it: with a mentor at t
Can Porn Cause Erectile Dysfunction? This Is The Answer
Porn addiction has been an underestimated issue that went unnoticed for a long time, but with the rise in erectile dysfunction cases in men under 40, experts have started to look closely at it. Is porn damaging and we hadn't realized it?
Health Tips - Sona Uncle & The Charm of Real India- Part lV
Many visitors to the hubs published on the life of the great man (Sona uncle & the charm of real India) sought to know more interesting information on him. Even a few wished to know how he could live a healthy life for relatively long years despite the fact that he had a very irregular life style being a confirmed bachelor. As already assured to them the writer here tries to answer the same.
Brain Wellness: How Can You Work Your Brain?
The brain is an essential component of the human body and requires proper care. Brain exercises can raise your cognitive capabilities and increase your memory. Meditation, and more specifically mindful meditation, can help you focus better and exercise your brain.
Tips for Men Facing Midlife Crisis
As men approach midlife, conflicts arise regarding family, relationships, and career. Midlife crisis in men is a common phenomenon causing deep introspection, internal struggle, and indecisiveness.
9 Ways to Cover Up Hair Loss if Nothing Else Works
Here are ways to hide hair loss to make it less noticeable, including wearing hats or caps. Find out what to do if you've tried all of the available lotions and potions.
Best Teas for Testosterone
Harness the natural power of herbal teas—green tea, oolong tea, and ginger tea—to elevate hormonal balance and amplify testosterone levels. Embrace these delightful brews as your trusted companions on the path to enhanced vitality and overall wellness.
A Complete Guide to Stopping Hair Loss
These are tried-and-tested solutions to stopping and slowing hair loss. This is my personal story about how I stopped my hair from falling out.
Do Women Find Bald Men Attractive?
Do women find bald men attractive? Studies suggest that baldness is in! In this article, I've included all of the facts and figures that led to this conclusion.
Caffeine Shampoo: Does Alpecin Work at Preventing Hair Loss?
This article will examine if Alpecin caffeine shampoo is effective at preventing hair loss.
Motivation: Unlocking Your Inner Drive to Achieve Success
Motivation is the key that unlocks our internal drive and propels us towards achieving success. It is the driving force that compels us to establish objectives, take action, and persist in the face of obstacles.
Satisfying Our Partner, Part 2 - Be in Control
Just as foreplay is an integral part of sexual intimacy, being in control is also a must.
Men's Mental Health: Breaking the Stigma
The stigma surrounding men's mental health and its impact on their well-being. Society's expectation for men to be strong and unemotional has created a culture where men feel ashamed to talk about their feelings, leading to isolation and worsening of mental health conditions.
Unleashing Masculine Medicine: The Path to Optimal Male Health
Unleashing Masculine Medicine: The Path to Optimal Male Health explores the holistic approach to unlocking the true potential of men. The article delves into key principles of Masculine Medicine, including nutrition, supplementation, mindset, and holistic well-being. It emphasizes the importance of
Male Self-Pleasure Must Be Illegal
The creation of life is sacred, which is why abortion is now illegal. Let's make male self-pleasure illegal as well, since it also snuffs out life.
Benefits of Eating Salad Once a Day
Salads, which come in varied colors, are loaded with vitamins and minerals. Read more about this in the following article.
Succeeding as a Total Man
The journey to total manhood starts with one step at a time. Leaps required build-up, and it all starts with the right mindset.
The Four Pillars of Health
Experience has by now told us what the main pillars of a healthy human existence are: sleep, hydration, physical activity, and attention. In this article, we explore why they are important and share an approach to balancing them.
The True Story of a Man Who Survived Being Stranded on the Ocean for 438 Days: José Salvador Alvarenga
José Salvador Alvarenga made human contact on January 30, 2014, for the first time in 14 months. Before this, he had been adrift in a fishing boat in the Pacific Ocean. His ordeal began on November 17, 2012. Alvarenga survived by drinking rainwater and eating raw turtles, fish, and birds.
Can Jesus Trust men?
Jesus found that men were not trustworthy. The challenge for our men since we have accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior is learn their responsibilities from NT scripture. Christian men should stand out among men in their community.
Winter Season and High Blood Pressure
The fact that BP is consistently higher in the winter than in the summer is well-known.People with hypertension and people whose blood pressure is normal should both be aware of this
Embracing Masculinity: A Guide to Health and Well-Being for Men
This article aims to provide men with practical guidance and tips for improving their health and well-being through this generation. It is often recognized that traditional masculinity can sometimes be harmful to men's mental health. This article will include the positive side of masculinity.
It's Hard for Men to Cry
This article gives the history of the acceptability of men crying in public, focusing on current trends and some recent studies. Today is has become more acceptable for men to cry in public and of coursse privatly they may do what they want.
Testosterone Naturally
The article highlights ways to boost testosterone levels naturally
How to Get Rid of Peyronie's Disease Naturally
There are some common food items to speed up the healing process of Peyronie's plaque. Different foods are known to have components that can help to remove penile curvature or decrease the Peyronie's plaque size.
Beware of Femi-Nonsensical Science Regarding Older Fathers
If your father was over 45 years old when you were born and some obscure scientist tells you that you should be ugly because of it, then that person is sadly mistaken. My article says why.
Beware of Junk Science Regarding Older Fathers
Men over 45 years of age who are considering fathering children or people who were fathered by men 45 years of age or older will feel relieved after reading this article.
Beta Sitosterol Prostate Treatment for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)
As men age, occurrences of BPH and prostate cancer rise. Beta sitosterol, a common plant phytosterol, has shown remarkable promise in reducing BPH and fighting prostate cancer. Read on for everything you need to know.