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Healing PETS with Homeopathy and Reiki



Animals have been always my best patients. They easily respond on many ways of natural healing: especially on:

  • homeopathy,
  • energy healing (as Reiki and therapy with gems).
  • with herbal remedies one needs to be careful, because some combinations of herbs are not always acceptable for animals, altough animals react great on right chosen herbal remedies as well.

But certainly homeopathy  (especially in combination with energy healing) is the best possible option for animals: it works usually very quickly, without side-effects and very tenderly. ( I always prepare mixtures of homeopathic remedies, according to the dyagnosis, symptomes and needs of the body), so on that way, if given in proper time, therapy must work.



It is easier to heal animals then people on natural way


Animals are certainly more conscious then people think they are. And much more intelligent then many people assume, just they express their intelligence on completely another way then people.

Usually, it is much easier to heal animals then people. Why is that?

  • their minds do not complicate things (they nor exaggurate neither hide their symptomes, like many people usually do)
  • animals are not sceptics, so they cannot spoil their own healing while imagining the worst (like many people do)
  • animals do not read medical reports about certain diseases, so they do not get frightened because of their health problems (people are so often ill just because they believe that their health conditions are not cureable)
  • they do not compromise with their health on the way people often do - if animals want to get healed, they just use the cure and if cure (remedy) is OK, they simply get healed in appropriate time (they do not have aggravations of symptoms, emotional cleansing in the process of healing, return of old symptomes and they do not develop new symptoms like many people do in the process of healing).
  • They have clear focus towards their goals, much more then humans, so if they want to be healthy, they just get healed easily and smootly (of course, chronic conditions require much more effort and time).




Healing the pets


Pets are deeply connected with people, they are members of family, and they strongly emotionally respond on prevalent good or bad vibes in family where they live. In many cases their health condition have roots in some emotional or existential problems and tensions that are caused by their human companions: if any of negative emotions, lack of harmony is prevalent in family, pets can also develop various health problems because of exposure to constant stress that pets cannot understand and cannot cope with . Intensity and complexity of human problems and emotions are certainly different then that ones in animal kingdom and can affect health of pets, especially that ones who are all the time with their human family.

Pets who can go out freely (f.E. in the garden etc) have part of life on their own, much more freedom and they are much less affected by human behaviour and due to that, they are usually much more healthier then ones who cannot go out.

Various electrical and electronic equipment we use in our life can also negatively influence health of pets - who are far more sensitive then we are.

Health problems that usually occur as a product of stressful life with people can be -

  • nervousness and oversensitivity,
  • various levels of fear,
  • various behavioural problems,
  • aggressiveness,
  • epilepsy,
  • lack of vital energy,
  • various autoimmune disorders,
  • various hormonal problems
  • some pets develop even tumors / cancers if they are constantly exposed to human negative emotions and our human traumas....etc.
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Many pets are also so energetically connected with people, that they "pick up" completely same health problems like their human companions... because they are more sensitive, symptoms of their health problems can even be obvious earlier then that ones of people who with they live.

In the process of healing, pets, as well as people need love, tenderness and as much attention they ask for although sometimes they prefer to be left alone on some quiet place where they can regenerate in peace. Because they are so sensitive and respond on human emotions, try to be as positive as you can and help your pet with love (please if your pet has health problem, do not panic and do not tremble from fear - too strong negative emotions do not help to ill animal, on the contrary, they just disturb natural process of healing).


Pets need touch with the nature - my happy cat in the garden

Pets need touch with the nature - my happy cat in the garden

Neutering and spaying of pets and impact of that procedure on health


Pets are usually sterilized what can also cause various health problems over the time . Inspite sterilization, problems are not always seen immediately: for some time body produces needed hormones even if sex-organs are removed - especially if some part of tissue of that organs is saved. Sex hormones build whole body and lack of them can cause many troubles to the pet over the years, because without sex hormones body cells cannot properly regenerate. It is good to know that these sex hormones can be also naturally replaced by certain homeopathics. I prepare homeopathics for exactly that purpose, so if you are interested to order them from me, please contact me on . I am sending them worldwide, and I also prepare various combinations of homeopathics according to the needs and illnessess of people and pets. They work quickly,tenderly and they are highly effective. Price for each remedy is 30 US$.

If you need online (e-mail) health consultation, please consider that the price for that service is 50 US$.



Reiki and Long Distance Treatments of Pets (Animals)


All animals very easily respond on Reiki healing treatments that help them to replace missing vital energy and activate process of self-healing. So often animals are able and willing to accept much higher vibrations then many people. As animals have telepathic abilities more developed then people, they easily, quickly and very positevely react on long-distance healing treatmants (I am providing them for many years and so often ). It is also interesting to mention that during the long distance healing healer is able to send much more healing energy then during the direct contact. Price of each treatment is 30 US$ for 30-40 minutes of sending healing energy.

In many cases it is best to combine homeopathy and Reiki.

My cat and turtle in the garden

My cat and turtle in the garden



As well as people, pets need a lot of love and respect, regular touch with nature, time on their own, a lot of fun, enough of sleep on the quiet place as well as vitamins/minerals to be completely happy and healthy so we can share together the most special moments of our companionship.


Tatjana Mihaela Pribic

Healer, Homeopath and Reiki Teacher



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Yoda on May 28, 2012:

I've started a blog for Homeopathy, Reiki and Dogs, though I must say your experiences sound much more positive than mine.:)

Still, I've discovered a gentler way to heal combining Reiki and homeopathy that I've outlined and was wondering if you have had the same experience.

Please come by and share your views - (You don't have to publish this if it feels like advertising:).

Tatjana-Mihaela (author) from Zadar, CROATIA on May 09, 2010:

Hy Lynn - many dogs cannot stand raw meat - especially small ones like chihuhaha is. She is not wild woolf, LOL ! Give her what she likes - cooked or baked meat and fish, vegetables... and she will be healthy and happy creature again.

Lynn on May 09, 2010:

I just wanted to add that when she cleans up under table, it is nothing more than small insignificant crumbs, but she still has a very satisfied look when she gets to do that. Thanks again.

Lynn on May 08, 2010:


I so enjoy reading your hub!! I have a question about diet for dogs. We have a small chihuahua mix. Based on what I have read about the natural diets of dogs, they thrive best on raw meat and bones. She is very unhappy about her diet and only eats when she just cannot wait any longer. She pouts and lets us know this with her eyes. I have tried lots of options on the raw diet from B.A.R.F. to making homemade raw mixture. Still very picky and not happy. When I tried giving her mixture of raw and some of our cooked scraps (We are very picky about our diet as well and eat completely organic.) she liked that most and was very happy. The result was that she got runny eyes and fleas. She had never had these problems. I must add that I also tried some organic dry around this time out of desperation. Anyway, I went back to all raw meat and bones and she is unhappy again. Am I creating this reality for her or is it o.k. to give her our food and her remain healthy? She loves to clean up under the table. We have 5 small children. Thank you for any advice you can offer and blessings of love and peace to you!! You have brought much to me in your writings!!! Lynn

Tatjana-Mihaela (author) from Zadar, CROATIA on May 04, 2010:

Well, if his choice is only dry food, you really cannot do too much about it, LOL. Cats can be very stubborn.

I did mean that Cosequin IS great, because protection of his joints (from possible damage of oxalate crystals, that over the time cause inflammation of joints)is extremely important. If cosequin can possibly protect his bladder coat, even better.

Oxalate crystals do cause various inflammations in body, (no matter, human or animal) whatever dyagnosis is... Whisper is very happy to have YOU to help him.

Thank you, Sage...

Sage Williams on May 04, 2010:

Tatjana, thanks so much for all your great info. I was referring to the white cat in your hub. Getting back to your reply. I have been giving whisper both distilled and regular water. He is a very finicky cat, (Of course) only likes dry food. I have tried given him some gourmet fish before or other special treats and he refuses all.

I have tried to add a little more water to his food and he won't eat it. The vet said the cosequin sometimes helps to coat the bladder so it is less irritated, that was the only reason for the cosequin.

He has not been diagnosed with a UTI, just oxalate crystals. I do appreciate all you have said and am interested in talking more to you. I will try to email you soon.

Thanks so much,


Tatjana-Mihaela (author) from Zadar, CROATIA on May 04, 2010:

Thank you very much, Pmccray, I am honored.

Tatjana-Mihaela (author) from Zadar, CROATIA on May 04, 2010:

Thank you very much GGzaino, if you feel that Elliot needs cleansing, he obviously does...just be very tender and temporary put him on lighter diet. Dogs very often eat literally everything, and their digestive system suffers.

Thank you for the visit and comment.

Tatjana-Mihaela (author) from Zadar, CROATIA on May 04, 2010:

Thank you very much Healthy Hanna - I cannot agree more with you - animals are great teachers. Thanks for visit and comment.

Tatjana-Mihaela (author) from Zadar, CROATIA on May 04, 2010:

Thank you so much, Mary, for your beautiful comment. Love and Hugs

Tatjana-Mihaela (author) from Zadar, CROATIA on May 04, 2010:

Thank you very much Suziecat.

Tatjana-Mihaela (author) from Zadar, CROATIA on May 04, 2010:

Dear Sage,

2 of my cats (have 3) do not want to eat any food for cats (they do not recognize that as food at all, from early age) and only this white one eats sometimes feline canns (but I do not give them all the time, because they usually have a lot of fat which is in sauce) but he does not want to touch ANY dry food. This can make us think! F.e. all three adore fish (canned or fresh backed,etc), chicken meat...(plus what they hunt outside the home)

Altough Royal Canine SO sounds great, you can try to add to Whisper´s meals some "normal" cooked (or baked without too much oil) fish (trout is excellent, some sea fish), maybe some cooked vegetables. Why? In the nature, cats would not eat only canns and dry food. Ok, they would not eat cooked fish or meat as well, they would eat it fresh, but cooked fish or meat is more natural then any food produced by factories, even if it is the best one. Combination produces the best results, many cats and dog suffer a lot because today they rely only on factory produced food.

Cosequin is great for health of the joints, but does not solve crystals in urine.

Destilled water is also good in the process of healing, but should not be given all the time, because it does not have any essential minerals we all need, destilled water is completely empty of minerals and empty of vital energy- some of that minerals in water can also help to balance acidity. I would suggest that you give him at least two times per week mineral water (without CO2 - of course) to prevent problems with immunity.

OPC supplement is good for everybody, LOL.

Homeopathic first aid is Natrum Phosphoricum 6X - 8-10 pellets dilluted in bawl of water, but this is only first aid. It neutralizes acidity in the body - but does not heal urinary tract.

For long term use I would suggest that I prepare mixture(s) of homeopathics for him - this could help him to completely regenerate urinary tract, prevent infection, neutralize acidity etc, so you could be sure that your cat will be completely OK.

Sage Williams on May 03, 2010:

My cat Whisper could pass for a twin to your cat. He is only two years old and has some crystals in his urine. I have changed his diet to Royal Canine SO and have him on distilled water. I also sprinkle cosequin over his food, a suggestion from the vet.

I thought I had pretty much everything under control but noticed a tiny spot of blood in his urine today. I had a cat prior to my Whisper for 18 years and had him on an OPC supplement. I was thinking of getting the same for Whisper. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

He has been diagnosed with Lower feline urinary tract disease which is very broad. He has had oxalate crystals in his urine. Seems to be drinking plenty of water.


Tatjana-Mihaela (author) from Zadar, CROATIA on May 03, 2010:

Thank you for the visit and comment, Katiem.

Tatjana-Mihaela (author) from Zadar, CROATIA on May 03, 2010:

Thank you for the comment, Dohn...between healing animals and people there is no difference...expect that is easier to heal animals.

Glad to see you here again.

Tatjana-Mihaela (author) from Zadar, CROATIA on May 03, 2010:

Thank you very much GL, Peace and Love.

Tatjana-Mihaela (author) from Zadar, CROATIA on May 03, 2010:

Thank you very much for the visit and comment, Hello, Hello.

Tatjana-Mihaela (author) from Zadar, CROATIA on May 03, 2010:

Dear BKC -

thank you very much for your beautiful comment.

BTW, my cat does not have any hearing problem, on the contrary, his ears are cocked because he is carefully listening bunch of sounds he is exposed to when he goes out and these sounds differ from that ones in our home (sounds of the nature - birds, insects, winds plus sounds of the cars that sometimes pass by, people walking on the street and talking...etc).

Cats are always carefully listening what is going on in the natural environment. That is their natural instinct.

pmccray on May 02, 2010:

this was a wonderfully informative hub, bookmarked and rated up.

greg g zaino from L'America- Big Pine Key, Florida on May 02, 2010:

this is very interesting tatjana... 'elliot the dog' could use a cleansing i'm sure. i have faith in natural cures all the way around.

a simple example of natures implants on the canine/feline brain is eating different leaves and grasses to relieve discomfort. peace my friend!

HealthyHanna from Utah on May 01, 2010:

I think pets (animals) are great teachers. And they show what can work for us. What is good for one living thing, almost always, is good for another.

Thanks for showing and explaining how healing works without introducing a pill.

VioletSun from Oregon/ Name: Marie on April 30, 2010:

I have often wondered if animals who are in the wild,free from human contact, heal faster when they get ill, I bet they do. I am not surprised that animals are better patients for you. A very informative hub and lovely photos! :)

suziecat7 from Asheville, NC on April 30, 2010:

Great Hub - love the dog and kitty photo.

Shalini Kagal from India on April 30, 2010:

Tatjana - what a wonderful hub and I fully agree with you. I am amazed every time I give my dogs Bach, biochemic or homeopathic medicines and the way they take effect so quickly. The Reiki treatment sounds great too - I'm afraid I don't know too much about it but have only heard good things. Thank you Tatjana!

Katie McMurray from Ohio on April 30, 2010:

WOW this makes really good sense! They give so much healing daily to all around them so why not! Great and inspiring facts. Just looking at all the amazing pics cured what ailed me today. Keep all animals safe, loved and healthy! thanks and peace :)

dohn121 from Hudson Valley, New York on April 30, 2010:

Wow, Tatjana-Mihaela. I had no idea that you could heal pets as well! However, I can see how they would be easier patients to deal with rather than humans. You really do have a gift :) Awesome hub as usual.

Hillary from Atlanta, GA on April 30, 2010:

I love the way you describe an animals innate ability to accept and respond to natural medication and energy. A great hub, Tatjana. Thanks.

Hello, hello, from London, UK on April 30, 2010:

Well, I would have never thought. Thank you for an interesting and informative hub.

BkCreative from Brooklyn, New York City on April 30, 2010:

Such a brilliant hub here - and I so appreciate you pointing out the issues that we should consider when we sterilize our pets - we just do it without thinking about how it will affect our pets and how can we need to compensate.

And you put such a smile on my face when you talked about all the reasons pets makes such great patients - so true, people complicate all - and they are responsible for their own bad health - making no effort to eat properly.

Love seeing your kitty in the garden - I noticed how her ears are cocked - does she have hearing problems?

Thanks for a great hub with great photos - we must seek alternatives. I'll bookmark this for reference. And rated up of course!

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