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Health Benefits of Yoga: For Sound Mind, Body and Soul

Yoga for sound mind and body

Yoga for sound mind and body

Yoga for good physical and psychological health

Yogasanas, or the Yogic Postures are simple actions for keeping the internal and external parts of the body in good health.

  • No activity in our regular lives can be performed well, unless the internal and external parts of the body are not in good health.
  • The Body and Mind are closely interrelated, and both should be fully taken care of. 'A sound mind in a sound body', is the famous saying.
  • Yogasana is a Sanskrit word. The word ‘Yuj’ means, to bind the yoke. ‘Asana’ means to sit still.
  • The conjunction of these two words becomes ‘Yogasana‘---an activity which is practiced to maintain the physical and mental health.
Different Yogic postures

Different Yogic postures

What is the Importance of Yogasana?

There are seven ways for the elimination of waste matter, produced in the body due to the daily physical activities and, functioning of the digestive system.

1. Through left and right nostrils,

2. Through left and right eyes,

3. Through left and right ears,

4. Through the mouth,

5. Through the anus,

6. Through the genitals,

7. Through the skin.

Most common ailments, are the result of, the absence of sufficient and regular elimination of waste matter, such as urine and stool etc. from the body.

Yogic exercises help the process of elimination of waste matter from the body and help us to maintain sound health.

Simple Yogic exercises to keep you healthy and fit

Simple Yogic exercises to keep you healthy and fit

Why prefer Yoga, over some other forms of Physical Exercises?

There are certain reasons why I, like many others, prefer Yoga Asanas over some other forms of physical exercises.

  • In other systems of physical exercises, the internal organs of the body do not get proper exercise, while Yogasanas give sufficient exercise to the internal organs as well.
  • Only a small airy and open space is required for practicing Yogic exercises. You do not require heavy machines as in a Gym.
  • Yoga asanas can be performed even in the quiet space of your home.
  • Yogasanas have a greater impact on the mind and the senses than other form of exercises.
  • As a result, they make you mentally strong, with a cool and calm attitude.
  • It is not expensive at all.
  • Since elimination of waste from the body is done properly, the body has more resistance to keep ailments and diseases away.
  • Immunity system becomes perfect.
  • Body becomes flexible and agile.
  • One who is a regular practitioner, looks younger and lives longer and healthIer life.
  • The power of contraction and expansion of vital organs such as lungs, heart and others is increased.
  • Yoga asanas provide flexibility to the spinal cord and other bones, thereby keeping bone related diseases such as Arthritis away.
  • Yoga Asanas help the mind to experience and achieve Tranquility.
  • Yoga Asanas stimulate different Glands of the body. As such they produce secretions in proper proportion, thus ensuring proper and well balanced growth.
  • Diseases like Constipation, Diabetes, Blood Pressure, Hernia, Headaches, Thyroid, Women specific diseases, Arthritis etc. can be controlled and cured by practicing Yoga. There are specific Asanas for each of them, which can be learnt by qualified Yoga Practitioner.
  • There is no restriction for age or sex for Yoga aspirants.
Yogic exercises are beneficial for the internal as well as external organs

Yogic exercises are beneficial for the internal as well as external organs

Yoga— For physical and psychological health

Yoga— For physical and psychological health

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How to take full advantage of Yogasanas

Any person who wants to practice Yoga Asanas, must learn the proper techniques of performing them.

You can join the Yoga classes under an expert, or buy DVDs from authorised persons.

To get the maximum benefit, doing it correctly is very important, especially the breathing pattern must be understood, before trying them out.

Taking proper guidance from a Yoga Guru is advisable.

  • Yogic exercises are non violent activities. Least possible physical energy is required to practice them, and thus the practitioner feels less tired after the Yoga session. No force or jerk is required.
  • Early morning is the ideal time to practice Yoga. Before practicing the yogic exercise, the bowel should be emptied. It is considered better to perform the exercises after bath.
  • One can take bath with warm water after practicing the Asanas as well.
  • Choose a place, which is quiet, clean and practice on a mat or carpet.
  • Wear light loose clothes, and take light food.
  • One should remain silent and concentrate on the breathing and limbs movement, while practicing the Asanas.
  • Concentration is necessary for all round progress of mind and body.
  • The duration of exercises should be increased gradually.
  • As the body becomes flexible, the duration can be increased safely, to accomplish a perfect state in each Asana.


  • If someone is suffering from fever, or some other complicated disease, one should not practice Yoga Asanas.
  • Women should not practice Yoga Asanas during Pregnancy and after Pregnancy.
  • Women should not practice Asanas during Menstruation.
  • Haste or quickness should be avoided.

Yoga Asanas are supposed to prove advantageous for health. If you are getting tired and feeling some kind of uneasiness or discomfort, you must consult your physician.

As is the diet, so is the health

An improper diet is an obstacle to get full benefits of Yoga.

A proper diet nourishes the body, while an improper diet damages the body and you might not achieve your desired goal by Yoga.

Eat as much as is required by the body. Overeating, eating too much fatty food, stale food should be avoided.

Yogasana and Pranayama

Yogasana and Pranayama are closely inter related.

Pranayama is helpful in practising and maintaining asanas.

It helps in proper expansion and contraction of the lungs and thus plenty of oxygen is supplied, so that the body becomes healthy and the mind content and delightful.

One can master a particular asana, by following both, in coordination with each other.

Yogasana practices make you disciplined---Individually and Socially.

One develops Concentration power, Control over Senses, and Breathing.

One can also enhance the power of Meditation.

The power and effect of Yoga and Pranayama helped, Mahatma Buddha, achieve


Chitrangada Sharan

Simple Yogic exercises for your eyes

Brisk walking: The easiest and the safest form of exercise

An Insightful Guide Book for Yoga Teachers and Students. Learn the basics and advanced correct method of Practising Yogasanas

15 Minutes Yoga routine for beginners, Source: YouTube

Performing Yoga in open air is very beneficial for mind and body

Performing Yoga in open air is very beneficial for mind and body

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2013 Chitrangada Sharan


Chitrangada Sharan (author) from New Delhi, India on June 23, 2019:

Thank You Marlene, for reading and sharing your thoughts. Yes, I agree with you that as we age, practising Yogic exercises to remain fit, is a better choice.

Thanks for appreciating the article and the videos.

Thank You and good day to you.

Marlene Bertrand from USA on June 22, 2019:

I taught aerobic dance for over 13 years. It was good for me at the time, but now that I am older, I want something a little more serene. I think yoga will do it. Thank you so much for including the videos that accompany your most helpful article. Have a beautiful weekend.

Chitrangada Sharan (author) from New Delhi, India on August 08, 2017:

Thank You John for your kind visit and positive feedback!

Glad to know that Yoga is an important part of your life.

I also practice it everyday for my fitness.

Thanks for appreciating the article!

John from India on August 08, 2017:

Great article about Yoga with holistic information. I do Yoga regularly myself. Everyone should make yoga a part of life

Chitrangada Sharan (author) from New Delhi, India on June 25, 2016:

Thank you Venkatachari Ji, for reading and commenting on this hub!

I am really happy that you liked this. I agree with you that Yogasana can build health as well as personality.

Thank you!

Venkatachari M from Bangalore, India on June 25, 2016:

This is an excellent and wonderful hub about the benefits of Yoga, Yogasana that can boost your health and personality development.

Chitrangada Sharan (author) from New Delhi, India on March 28, 2016:

Thank you Nithya, for reading and commenting on this hub!

Glad you found it informative.

Nithya Venkat from Dubai on March 26, 2016:

Informative and useful hub about yoga. Yoga can keep us fit and boost our immune system.

Chitrangada Sharan (author) from New Delhi, India on July 13, 2015:

Thank lex123, for your kind visit and comments!

I have been practising Yoga since I don't remember when! It keeps me agile, calm and happy. You are right, its a routine way of my life.

Thanks for appreciating and voting up!

lex123 on July 12, 2015:

Yoga is a wonderful way of maintaining good health. Once you find the time and interest it becomes a routine way of your life. Well presented hub. Voted up.

Chitrangada Sharan (author) from New Delhi, India on June 20, 2015:

Thank you Thelma Alberts, for your kind visit and positive comments! Glad you liked this information about Yoga.

Thelma Alberts from Germany on June 20, 2015:

A very well explained and informative hub. Thanks for the informations. Voted up and useful.

Chitrangada Sharan (author) from New Delhi, India on January 03, 2015:

Thank you Mary, for your kind visit and positive comments!

Besides walking, practicing some yogic exercises is very essential for flexibility of joints and internal organs.

I am glad that you are getting inspired by this hub.

Wish you all the best and thanks for the votes and share!

Mary Hyatt from Florida on December 31, 2014:

Yoga is high on my list of things to do for 2015. As I age, I realize I need Yoga. I do walk about 2 miles a day with my dog.

I am inspired to start Yoga because of your Hub. Thanks.

Voted Up etc and shared.

Chitrangada Sharan (author) from New Delhi, India on September 14, 2013:

Thanks ChristyWrites, for your visit and insightful comments!

You have rightly pointed out the Peace factor, which we achieve by means of Yogasanas.

Thanks for voting up and sharing!

Christy Birmingham from British Columbia, Canada on September 13, 2013:

The harmony between the internal and external body is well explained here... It creates a sense of peace... Yogic exercises have such peace about them. Vote up and sharing too!

Chitrangada Sharan (author) from New Delhi, India on August 28, 2013:

Hi thelyricwriter!

Thanks for reading this hub and your positive comments.

I would be glad if this hub inspired you to start working out or perform Yogic exercises to keep yourself healthy and calm. I am sure Yogasanas will help you in achieving a healthy body and peaceful mind and your stress levels will eventually reduce.

Thanks for your support, votes and share!

Take care!

Richard Ricky Hale from West Virginia on August 28, 2013:

Voted up, useful, interesting, and shared on FB. I've always heard that Yoga is very beneficial. This is certainly something that I would love to try. I stayed stressed out to be honest and I know it isn't healthy. I'm going to bookmark this cause I really need to start working out, body and mind. Very informative, well done!

Chitrangada Sharan (author) from New Delhi, India on August 03, 2013:

Thanks MarleneB, for visiting this hub and your positive comments!

Your children are right, Yoga has a positive impact on the senses too. It makes you peaceful and calm, ready to take the everyday challenges of life.

Thanks again and have a great weekend!

Marlene Bertrand from USA on August 03, 2013:

This is very interesting. My children practice this on a regular basis. They start their day with Yogasana. They say it has gone a long way toward helping them cope with whatever happens that day.

Chitrangada Sharan (author) from New Delhi, India on July 30, 2013:

Hi Ruchira!

So nice to see you here! Since you practice Pranayam, you will naturally understand its amazing benefits.

Many thanks for your positive comments, votes and share!

Ruchira from United States on July 30, 2013:

Such a beautiful insight into Yoga, Chitra.

I practise pranayam each morning and the energy I get from it is wonderful

Voted up as awesome/interesting

Sharing it across!

Chitrangada Sharan (author) from New Delhi, India on July 30, 2013:

Thanks Nell, for your visit and support!

I truly appreciate your comments and all the encouragement you always provide.

Thanks for the votes and tweet!

Chitrangada Sharan (author) from New Delhi, India on July 30, 2013:

Thanks CharronsChatter, for your enthusiastic and positive feedback!

You made my day!

I am happy if this hub motivated you. In fact sometimes, it is the lack of motivation, which restricts us from keeping fit and healthy.

Thanks for your lovely comments!

Nell Rose from Buckinghamshire UK on July 29, 2013:

Hi, I agree with Charron above, where's my mat? this was fascinating to read, and definitely bookmarked to have a go! lol! voted up and tweeted, nell

Karen Kidzu from California on July 29, 2013:

I adore this HUB. I am ready to log off, and grab a mat...:) I couldn't agree more that the mind and body are a cohesive unit, and that they must work together to achieve optimum health. I can't wait to try that sketched exercise...I am thinking I could do that one!

Brava, and more!!

Chitrangada Sharan (author) from New Delhi, India on July 29, 2013:

Thanks for reading and appreciating the hub!

I agree with your views.

Thanks and welcome to HubPages!

Gratitude Journal on July 29, 2013:

Great read. Just 5-10 min of asana in the morning can make a huge difference in the way you experience your day.

Chitrangada Sharan (author) from New Delhi, India on July 29, 2013:

Thanks Rajanji, for your visit and support!

I am glad you liked the hub.


Rajan Singh Jolly from From Mumbai, presently in Jalandhar, INDIA. on July 29, 2013:

Yoga and pranayama will make the body and internal organs healthy. It is very important we practice both together. Very useful and interesting info presented in this hub. Thanks.

Chitrangada Sharan (author) from New Delhi, India on July 28, 2013:

Thanks SavannathEve, for stopping by and your appreciation! I am glad to know that you are a Yoga practitioner.


Chitrangada Sharan (author) from New Delhi, India on July 28, 2013:

Thanks Imogen French, for your visit and lovely comments!

Anyone who practices the Asanas understands its beneficial effects on their body and mind, as you have experienced and mentioned here.


Chitrangada Sharan (author) from New Delhi, India on July 28, 2013:

Thanks Devika, for reading and appreciating the hub! Yes, Yogasanas definitely make you feel good and young.

Chitrangada Sharan (author) from New Delhi, India on July 28, 2013:

Thanks bizarret81, for stopping by and your comments! Glad you found it informative!

Suzi Rayve from California on July 27, 2013:

What a great hub! Yoga really helps me wind down and stretch my whole body. Thank you!

Imogen French from Southwest England on July 27, 2013:

I love yoga, and have always found it beneficial in keeping me supple and helping me to cope with stress in my life. There are so many benefits, as you have pointed out, and you have also included some great tips - good hub, thank you :)

Devika Primić from Dubrovnik, Croatia on July 27, 2013:

A great way to feeling good and younger the benefits are incredible

Elizabeth Barrett Kearney from Maine on July 27, 2013:

Yoga changed my life after having my son, so I think this is a wonderful and informative hub!

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