Walking and Meditation
There are many benefits to walking
One of the most basic and easiest exercises to do is walking. Whether it is a beautiful spring day or a day in the middle of winter a brisk walk can be invigorating. Besides strengthening your leg muscles and building your stamina up you are also outdoors taking in the fresh air (of course that depends where you walk). But walking is more than that it can also be a form of meditation where you receive the benefits of releasing the stress and anxiety of everyday life.
Walking makes you feel good
If you take walks on a regular basis then you know how good you feel when you’re done. It almost becomes addictive because of the benefits that you receive. Why is that? When we exercise, we release chemicals in the brain such as serotonin, dopamine among others which helps with stress, anxiety and it elevates our mood.
Different ways to walk and meditate
What is interesting about walking and meditation is that it has been practiced by some religious groups for quite a long time. Buddhist monks use walking meditation as a daily ritual. The Taoist tradition also incorporates walking and meditation for spiritual enlightenment.
The best place to start walking is of course outside. While you walk try to concentrate on your surroundings, but don’t fight the thoughts that come to mind. With time you will find that it becomes easier to clear your mind.
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This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.
David Stillwagon (author) on May 05, 2011:
thanks I appreciate it
keepitnatural from Yorkshire, UK on May 05, 2011:
Great hub! I do this myself & always feel good after, definitely a good method for clearing the mind & getting your thoughts in perspective.