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Top 5 Benefits of Azeztulite

Rare, Unique, and Powerful

An extremely rare crystal, Azeztulite has a very powerful energy that most cannot handle unless you are a professional crystal healer.

An extremely rare crystal, Azeztulite has a very powerful energy that most cannot handle unless you are a professional crystal healer.

Not Very Common

Azeztulite is a fairly uncommon crystal, with its origins being placed in North Carolina of the United States. The crystal itself is usually white or colorless (clear) and can be very hard to find, making it very expensive to purchase if you are lucky enough to find one being sold. This crystal is also very powerful and as such, is usually advised to use with caution. Because of the high vibrational energy that this crystal omits, it is probably only safe for use by a professional crystal healer, so if you intend to use it or want to reap the many advantages that this stone brings, make sure you get a crystal healer to help you with your journey.

1. Vibrational Energy

One of the most notable traits about Azeztulite is the high vibrational energy that it emits. This can make the crystal very powerful and hard to handle to any novice. It is known to be one of the purest forms of vibrational energy, and because of its rarity and limited supply, it is seen as extremely powerful. The refined minerals in this crystal make it vibrating as such a higher frequency than anything else in nature. As such, this stone is used in many cases for endeavors of the spiritual healing.

2. Spirituality and Awareness

Azeztulite is most notable for its ability to bring awareness to the spiritual realm. The high vibrational frequencies of this stone make it ideal for spiritual journeying, out of body experiences, and connecting with higher states of being and consciousness. As a spiritual stone, it can help to create relaxation, calm, and a sense of "nothingness" during meditation. Additionally, it can help with visions and inspirations, helping one see into the future and what future outcomes may be.


It has been reported that because of the purity and rarity of this stone, it is vibrating at a very high frequency.

It has been reported that because of the purity and rarity of this stone, it is vibrating at a very high frequency.

3. Purity

The purity of this stone makes it so that it does not need to be cleansed. It is so pure, in fact, that if used properly, it can emit positive energy to almost anything around it. This crystal acts as a great cleanser which can make it very advantageous in crystal healing, meditation, and spiritual guidance.

4. Third Eye and Crown Stimulation

Because of the high energy that this stone emits, it works in tandem with both the third eye and crown chakras to open up your mental awareness to a higher state of being. Ascension, one of the highest forms of spiritual awakening, is something that could potentially be achieved if using this stone in the right manner. Again, the powers that this crystal possesses make it extremely difficult to use unless you are practiced in spiritual awakening and healing, but if you are, it can bring you to a whole new level of being entirely.

Opening Up The Senses

Azeztulite is most commonly associated with the third eye and crown chakras, making it a very spiritual stone.

Azeztulite is most commonly associated with the third eye and crown chakras, making it a very spiritual stone.

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5. Other Attributes

Something unique about this stone is that it mostly only works on healing in relation to the spiritual, and not so much on the physical aspects of the body. It has been claimed that it can help in the treatment of cancer and inflammation, but the majority of the work this stone does relates to the mental and emotional rather than the physical. Perhaps the healing related to cancer was not a physical healing, but a mental healing from within that can strengthen one's will to live and continue on in this life.


Azeztulite is definitely a very interesting and unique stone. While it doesn't have many different uses, the uses that it does have are very powerful when used properly. Because it is advised against using unless you are very practiced, most crystal healers will suggest you start with a more simple stone such as Aquamarine if you are interested in opening up your third eye and crown chakras. Whatever the case may be, remember to always seek the advice and help of a professional crystal healer when dealing with this stone, as there have been reports of people who had side effects from trying to use the crystal without proper training. The high energy of this stone requires much care and tolerance if you are to use it properly.


I certify that I am not a doctor and none of these ideas should be used to treat conditions alone. It is recommended that you always seek the help and advice of a medical doctor if you are dealing with medical issues. Crystal healing is beneficial, but should not be used as a replacement for any kind of treatment you are receiving from a doctor.

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