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How Do You Live a Quiet and Simple Life?


There probably is no person on earth who doesn’t wish for some quietness in life. With the kind of "noise," modern living sheds these days, choosing things that can make life easier may lead to a desire to live simply.

This is the common ground why you too might be asking yourself, "How do I live a quiet and simple life?"

Get Rid of the "Too Busy" Caprice

I was wrong when I thought I could do everything. Like you, I too have had commitments, but to accomplish them beyond my capacity has been the draining part.

Being too busy robs us of our inner peace.


Over-committing to something is not impressive. Other than getting burnout, it robs you of your inner peace.

  • Are you already skipping meals because there's no more time to eat?
  • Are you consistently tired from running schedule after schedule?
  • Are there people who have stopped asking for your time?
  • Are you forgetting meetings and appointments?

If you have reached these points, you're beginning to get things to an alarming level of "being too busy." Over-committing is a trap that forces the brain to keep justifying why you don't have enough time. It may look like you are important, but over time, it pulls you away from living a balanced life.

To get busy is normal, but it doesn't have to reach a point where your life tips over because you're too overloaded with commitments. There is nothing wrong with saying "No" to over-committing. Disclosing that you're not able to commit to another project at the moment is mind-saving.

Avoid Procrastinating

In today's come-and-go lifestyle. Priorities are taken for granted. Do you get sidetracked by a friend's call, chatting online, social sites, or your favorite TV series? Do you keep telling yourself there is tonight to finish a task, or that your child can wait until you have the time to talk?

The best way to set priorities is to avoid procrastinating. Stop delaying. Find a way to complete tasks accordingly, especially on matters that give meaning and happiness to you. Your family, your health, your relationships - are all priorities that you probably are putting a lot aside.

You may not perfect it but prioritizing goals sets the model for minimalism. It helps keep things to do organized and will give a smooth flow of your mind and routine.

Don't Be Consumed by Any Thing


Another principle behind the secrets of living simply is finding value in a lifestyle that is not founded upon greed. Too much of a thing is expecting more of something than what is reasonable.

To be fashionable is not about collecting all types of clothes but in the provenance of an item. A dream home can be found in a relaxing haven to come home to than a place of glitters.

Only from taking the realistic steps that you can live in serenity. Make the most of what you have. Obtaining it in any other way is an illusion. The wonderful thing about life is that nothing is ever wasted when used wisely.

Take Some Time to Plan Ahead

Planning means preparing ahead so you'll be able to take the right action, weigh, categorize, and focus on initiatives towards achieving your visions.

Preparing helps identify what exactly it is that you want to accomplish. It lets you organize tasks and how you intend to get things done. Aligning your schedules according to priority helps you to avoid racing time.

Let's say you’re rushing to a meeting so you needed to run and speed up. It might get you a minute earlier, but chances are you may be forgetting an important document, look hurried in front of everyone, and experience mental stress.

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Beware as these unrealistic stratagems will rob you of the opportunity to take charge and conquer the moment. A daily planner can help you spot the things to do from the start of the day. Planning ahead gives space for your brain to breathe.

Appreciate Being with People

Being happy with people is one of the chief joys of life. A negative attitude towards someone certainly will not help. When you set out to face the world, watch that your manners will not put them off.

If you feel that you are suffering from inhibitions in your dealings with others, the cause is generally the fear of being rejected. Why would others do that to you in the first place? Overcome it at all costs.

Enthusiasm for those around you can be responsible for the feelings of happiness in simplicity.

You can converse, your clothes are clean, and you are a nice person. Tell yourself that everybody should meet one more attractive friend and that you are going to be that person. The best way to initially get on in the initial stages of cordiality is to follow your own line and be quietly agreeable.

Refrain from Spending Too Much


There's a saying that goes,

It is simple for a rich man to buy anything he wants, but if he does not know how to use his money properly, it cannot bring simplicity to his life.

This is my story.

Once I have been enjoying the use of credit cards that gave me a lap of luxury. Then I started getting a share of headaches. When I stopped using cards (after bills and bills to be paid off), I felt life became simpler and more relaxing.

Though I was limited to buying only what my cash could afford, the "no more bills, no more headache" allowed me to enjoy and value my hard-earned money.

For twenty years (yes, 20 years!) without credit cards, living within my means taught me to get the things I needed more than those I wanted. It also brought great values back into my life - contentment and simplicity.

Take it from me, if you know how to handle your credit cards wisely, you are doing the right thing. Keep that up!

Give Special Time for Silence


Parking your car somewhere quiet so you can meditate for a moment after work gives you time for solitude. Look at the stars in a cool night sky, how does it feel? Wake up as early as the birds start to chirp and thank God for the wonderful sleep, what effect has it on you?

If you find inner peace sitting at the park watching people and cars passing by as the sun sets, it means you already have learned to be comfortable with your own silence.

Sometimes you don’t need to go to places or a group of friends to have a good time. Even an hour of putting the cell phone away, shutting down your laptop, and freeing yourself from anything is already giving time for solitude.

I find complete solitude in the Holy Mass. I find peace and happiness. Asking for God's help and healing is a very Powerful Grace after a day's work. Coming home filled with the LORD JESUS CHRIST is a very beautiful feeling. It's so replenishing.

Find It in Your Heart to Forgive


Losing my mom affected my father so much. What added to the burden was when the person he trusted rigged his business out ending him brokenhearted and broke.

I was grasping for some "old friends and kinsfolk presence" but there seemed no one there for Dad through those tough times when there used to be "them" around.

My father's philosophy was always "pick yourself up and start again," but he never again composed back. I realized that we began pulling away and live quietly going by a little lost and hurt.

I believe the most valuable esteem dad built over the years was a heart for forgiveness. He never allowed bitterness to brew hate, and though it was VERY hard to do that, little by little it honed me to do the same.

Dad was never defeated. He remained rich in the love of Christ. He was right that in any life's crisis, you can still live a peaceful, successful, and happy life if you forgive.

Have you read my other hub, the 10 definitions of healthy living? It's here.

Concluding Thoughts

Living simply is one of the best ways to achieve a level of contentment from which inner happiness can sprout from. This desire does not mean living away from the world. It simply embraces the life that allows you to work less and live more.

When you have decided to choose this kind of life you want to attain, go ahead. Remember that one small, hard-won accomplishment is often sufficient to set you on the right track.

Hopefully, my little story can help you get a quiet and simpler life too.

© 2012 Tonette Fornillos


Tonette Fornillos (author) from The City of Generals on January 15, 2012:

Hi prasetio,

Glad to know you learned something from the hub, many thanks for the vote too. All the best!


prasetio30 from malang-indonesia on January 12, 2012:

Very inspiring hub. Thanks for writing and share with us. I learn many things from you. Rated up and take care!


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