Living Longer, Healthier Strategies
Free Radicals Definition
I came across some information about eliminating free radicals from your body. Although it's old news, I thought I would share it with you if you have never heard of it.
I am sure you are familiar with free radicals and how they damage the body. Free radicals age our bodies and work from the inside out. Poor diet, stress, environmental toxins, and lack of exercise cause them. There can be other causes, but those cover it and explain why you must take your daily vitamins and antioxidants.
To live to old age and reach the golden years, you must practice effective ways to neutralize free radicals.
Protandim seems like a valuable supplement that can help those who feel the effects of aging. Watch the video and let me know your thoughts on this supplement.
By definition and based on Sally Freeman's book "Every Woman's Guide to Home Remedies," Freeman writes free radicals are "rogue molecules produced when an organism burns oxygen. They damage cells and are thought to be at least partially responsible for a host of ills, including aging, cancer, and cardiovascular and lung diseases."
In the same book, Freeman defines antioxidants as "A nutrient that helps prevent retard (slow or delay) oxidation and scavenges free radicals. Vitamins E and C and beta carotene are examples of antioxidants. Many herbs, especially rosemary, green tea, sage, and fruits and vegetables, are excellent sources. "
Dr. McCord is a world-renowned scientist with four nominations for the Nobel Prize.
Scientific Method
The scientific investigation of free radicals and oxidative stress began in the late 1960s with Dr. Joe McCord and a small group of scientists. Dr. McCord has dedicated over 45 years of research into free radical biology and the process of aging. He is a world-renowned scientist who has been nominated for the Nobel Prize four times.
Free Radicals Influencing the Body
"I gotta tell you, right at the top of my list would be taking vitamins. I know that over the years doctors have said they're ridiculous and all that. But I started taking my vitamins at an early age. And I take them every day. Every bloody day! So I think that's number one. For whatever reason, I feel active and pretty good at my age."
— Regis Philbin
Fountain of Youth
The first 20 years of life are a period we call our "youth." It's a time when our body produces an abundant supply of three powerful and vital antioxidant enzymes called "survival genes" (superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione). These enzymes slow down and regulate the natural occurrence of aging.
At the age of 20, your body starts to decrease its production of these vital enzymes, and that's when "the real aging" process begins.
Ideally, we should discover how to reduce the aging process. Many have achieved this by eating well, exercising, and taking supplements. A healthy lifestyle impedes aging, so we can live long, healthy, and youthful lives.
What Do You Think?
Doctor Talks About Protandim
Treat the Cause Not the Symptom
Living better and healthier is a lifestyle most of us would like to practice. People are so quick to take a Tylenol or other painkillers. All they are doing is masking the cause of getting old.
Taking supplements, eating better, and exercising will help older people live longer and pain-free. It would help if you talked to your doctor about alternative ways to avoid prescription drugs. You might want to consider visiting a naturopathic doctor. A naturopathic doctor identifies and treats the cause.
Becoming and staying healthy through natural means is a journey, not a quick fix. It is best done by reading and discovering what works for you.
Foods That Fight Free Radicals
Certain foods in our diets fight free radicals more effectively than others. The list below includes the most effective foods available for preventing free radicals from affecting our bodies.
- Broccoli - The vegetable contains fiber for proper elimination and the antioxidant sulforaphane.
- Apricots - The seasonal fruit contains vitamins A and C and antioxidants lycopene.
- Watermelon - The fruit's dark red pulp is full of lycopene.
- Artichokes - Vegetables are excellent for the body and tasty. It contains the antioxidant silymarin.
- Spinach - The vegetable contains protein and helps the body in many ways. Beta-carotene is abundant in spinach.
- Raspberries - The fruit is an effective anti-inflammatory with an abundance of antioxidants. Ellagitannin is the most notable.
- Cherries - Anthyocyanin comes first in this fruit, but the seasonal fruit is full of antioxidants in general.
Healthy Lifestyle
A healthy lifestyle increases your chances of living longer with a more youthful outlook. Defining a healthy lifestyle requires considering the many levels of living healthy.
According to pioneers like Jack LaLanne, a fitness expert from the 1930s, exercising used to keep you young and vibrant, though he eventually included nutrition. Lalanne lived to the age of 96 and stressed the importance of eating healthy and exercising.
Organic whole-food vitamins and vegan and plant-based diets keep you young today.
Diet today and lifestyle are personal. You need to decide what is best for you and stick with it. As you enter your golden years, you can adjust as necessary to maintain your health.
- Free Radicals, Antioxidants in Disease and Health
Antioxidant supplements are compounds that come from natural foods or supplements. Taking them helps your body. - What are Free Radicals? How Antioxidants and Functional Foods Help?
Newer approaches use research and technology with traditional health principles, yielding a healthier lifestyle and improving your health.
This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.
© 2015 Kenna McHugh
Kenna McHugh (author) from Northern California on June 24, 2015:
Interesting point, but I can see how that would make sense. Can of reverse cause and effect. I would like to review those studies.
peachy from Home Sweet Home on June 24, 2015:
a lot of people use scientific technology stuff to stay young even they are aging but once they stopped using it, they aged faster