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The Spice Drug: A Dangerous New Drug


There’s a drug popular with teens in the U.S. that many parents may never have heard of, but worst of all – it is legal. This drug, called “Spice” or “K2” is said to give the user a marijuana-like high. Sold in shops and online as incense, it is being smoked as a legal alternative to marijuana. But this drug appears to have far more dangerous side-effects and without the necessary regulation, consumers have no idea what they’re really getting.

Spice originally appeared on the scene in the late 1990s, but didn’t really become popular until 2008. As the drug gained popularity in Europe, scientists began conducting research into the composition of this drug and any potential effects on the body. As a result of these investigations, many countries subsequently banned Spice including Germany, France, Chile, Poland, Russia, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland, Austria, and the U.K. The United States currently has no such ban on the drug, likely due to the fact that it has only recently become popular in the U.S.

German researchers were able to determine that Spice contained a variety of synthetic cannabinoids, which are chemical compounds devised to produce marijuana-like effects. There was a high quantity of other synthetic chemicals found as well, indicating that a user really has no way of knowing what they are being exposed to. Worse yet, Spice appears to have many negative side effects that marijuana does not such as anxiety attacks, hallucinations, nausea, and a chemical dependency. Three teenagers in Roswell, GA were recently hospitalized after using Spice. One teen had a severe reaction to the drug, resulting in swelling of the brain.

Currently there is no way to test for the use of Spice, as it is not a regulated drug. Theoretically, children under the age of 18 cannot buy the drug, as head shops and online stores are not supposed to sell to minors. As this drug is still legal in the U.S., many people may be led to believe that it is a safe alternative to marijuana. This could not be further from the truth. Parents, teachers, and lawmakers need to be made aware that this drug is out there and that it has the potential to harm the lives of our children.


Deutsche Welle: Germany Bans Cannabis-Like Drug

Times Online: 'Spice' Ban As Tests Show Legal Drug As Potent As Cannabis

Wikipedia Entry for "Spice"

Mind Hacks - Spice Flow: The New Pharmacology

My Fox Atlanta: Roswell Police Warn of Synthetic Pot

Creative Loafing: Spice Is A Helluva Drug

Drug Use and Abuse

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Justme on December 13, 2011:

Ok I smoked the crap the other night and felt like I was going to die!!! One hit that's it!!! This is not a good, healthy or safe drug!!!

John on December 12, 2011:

My son, Jake, smoked Spice for about 9 months and then killed himself! He was 19 and a sophmore in college. This stuff gradually gave him a severe addiction and he felt he needed it constantly to make him happy. Unfortunately, when he was not smoking Spice, withdrawal would force him into a deep depression with frequent intense thoughts of suicide. As a result, he would smoke more and more to try and feel happy. This cycle ended when he ran out of money to buy Spice and he succumbed to his chemical induced psychosis and his frequent thoughts of killing himself. He was a very successful young man who used this product because it was legal. He was the last person that anyone would expect to commit suicide. This synthetic marijuana has led to numerous suicides over the course of the last year. Please don't open the door to this life threatening substance.

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Anthony on December 12, 2011:

ok soo ive been smoking spice for about 3 months i got arrested yesterday cuz i had it on me at work and its been 3 days since i smoked and i still dont feel right is this normal?

damn on December 11, 2011:

All of the negative people sound the same. like Anon said, "i thought i was gonna die omg blah blah blah". YOU SMOKED 2 GRAMS in ONE NIGHT!!! wtf do you expect from that??? it isnt weed! i smoked weed for 5 years and had to quit so i use this a few nights a week taking 1-2 or 2-3 hits gets you PLENTY high for 30-45 minutes. there is NO reason to be smoking 2 grams in one night, or bowl after bowl after bowl that is just stupid. it takes a minute to kick in just be patient and dont over do it. that is where you guys are making the mistake take it slow. when i smoke too much yes it feels shitty and weird but i know i just over did it so you have to wait it out til it wears off for being an idiot and not being patient lol. YOUR NOT GONNA DIE you just did too much. let the people who know how to use it have our fun dont ruin it for us because you guys over-do it and freak out like your gonna die.

josh bentley on December 11, 2011:

Ive been smoking spice for about a year, smoked it when I got home and before bed, sometimes you smoke to much get paranoid twitches headaches etc. smoked every day but the more you smoke the less fun the trips are, I just smoked and the high lasts about 40m-1h30, that being said Ive had my fair share of terrible trips, 2 big gravs and you will wish you diddnt smoke so much, you will be twitching like a crack head with a dome splitting headache. if you smoke it dont be a dumbass and hit it like bud, cause its not you cant rip it like that.

azn_spice on December 10, 2011:

whatever i smoke at least 8 grams of space a day pot doesnt even phase me anymore love spice its all about the xxx hysteria!

Christina on December 07, 2011:

my son is selling everything in my house just to buy spice he is addicted to spice and goes thru withdrawals when he doesnt have any it should be banned

Rickybobby on December 06, 2011:

My senior year of high school the police did a presentation on spice and I learned many things I didn't know about spice. Unlike marijuana (I have tried both) spice is not a plant, it's a powdered substance produced in China. The powder is very dangerous because it can dissolve in water and be ingested causing a powerful and intense trip that can last up to 48 hours. When used spice can have effects similar to that of PCP. Mood swings and delusions are common. The worst part about the drug is many head shops do not ID and overdose can cause many negative side effects. This is not the only problem. The drug comes in so many derivatives that the US, in order to ban, has to ban each strain individually, which could take a while. From personal experience I do not recommend this drug AT all. I experienced euphoria at first, but vomiting and muscle spasms came with too much of the drug, which is not fun, especially when paranoia sets in. If you're trying to have fun, there's many other fun things to do.

(common sense) on December 05, 2011:

wheather or not it is used as a drug that is not its purpose and people should stop making a big deal out of it to try and make it illegal...just like caugh medication people are using that to get high as well so why not make that illegal also stupid really i think its the parents responsibility to make sure anything that can is in their kids hads is used properly if u are so concerned cause no matter watt as of now it is still legal....

vortex girl on December 05, 2011:

its really big around here and seems to be a CARNI THING; since we got drug tested people wanted to get high without showing up in their system.....and i don't care what anyone has to say, I like smoking spice so much better than weed, because its affordable and easier to get...and i've never had a problem with it except it does the same to me as weed does but makes me feel SO MUCH BETTERRR!

Barack Obama on December 03, 2011:

Spice is now banned in the u.s which is good it is very harmful to your health. spice will soon be off the streets people are not going to want to go thru the hasle to get spice when they could just buy weed. 6

Justin on December 03, 2011:

I've been blazed on spice before and my friend didnt tell me it was spice. I didnt know if it was ever going to end and i didnt know who i was or my friends were. luckyly i still maintained control but my advise is to stick with bud and never try this stuff.Very VERY stronger than weed

Justin on December 03, 2011:

I've been blazed on spice before and my friend didnt tell me it was spice. I didnt know if it was ever going to end and i didnt know who i was or my friends were. luckyly i still maintained control but my advise is to stick with bud and never try this stuff.Very VERY stronger than weed

Chris on December 01, 2011:

spice is bad

Symbiotic Stupidity on December 01, 2011:

SEE?! It's Addictive, and Habit Forming, and Dangerous to your Health! I Was Someone who Believed it was Harmless... Even After I Got so Sick I Really Didn't Think it was the Spice... I Really Believed it was like Weed, it's Not. Scared the Shit Outta Me So Bad I'm Up at 4am Reading Random Boards & Posting Long Ass Rambling Posts that No One'll Ever Read Anyway. All I Know is This Shit Almost Killed Me & I'm rDone. The Only Person in this World I Really Have Control Over is ME & I Always Believed I'd Never Get Hooked on Any of that Synthetic Chemical Shit... Well Guess What... I Did. Hooked So Bad thar Even After I Got So Sick I Kept On Smoking It. Always Thought I was Smarter than That...

Oh Yes, Apologies for the Typo's and Random Odd Words... I'm On my Phone & it has this Auto Fill Feature that likes to Randomly Insert Words...

pmp8668 on November 30, 2011:

I am a grieving mother looking for answers. I lost my 19 year old son on the 17th of this month. Just six days after his 19th birthday. I have been searching for the answers to why this happened and so I thought I would try some where where someone might could give me accurate information on "spice" My son had found this as an alternative to marijuana and on the day of his death he had supposedly smoke a lot of it and had a zanex as well.I am still waiting for tox report. I was trying to find out if that was a deadly mix and may be the reason for his delusional suicidal thoughts that night. Just desperately looking for answers so I can inform others and hopefully get peace in the process. ty

BJ on November 28, 2011:

well i just want everyone here to hear this story from someone it affect directly... i am 18 and a senior in High School with a GPA of 2.97.... 0.03 from graduating with honors!!! I just recently started using spice, going out to clubs while high and driving, and multiple other activities... today is my first day sober and i have been sick all day... i lost my BF and future husband because of this... im addicted and there is nothing i can do about it.... i feel like spice should be illegal granted lets face it... in an economy like this, its no wonder the Government wont take away one of leading stocks in our country... i think that whoever reads this should listen to me... its not worth it... what i remember of the past 3 weeks in my life it wasn't worth it... end it before it ends you!- Thank you BJ

gobuddy on November 27, 2011:

I tired spice for the first time on Friday. The only thing I have ever smoked before that was Hookah. One thing I have to say is that you MUST KNOW YOUR LIMITS! I smoked a bit too much and my body got very, very numb. I experienced short term memory loss, gaps in my concentration, elevated heart rate; the sensation of the world moving around me. I knew I was rocking back and forth but couldn't seem to get myself to stop.

I had a bad first experience. That is a fact. But once I came down from the high I actually found it to be very interesting. I'm planning on trying it again, only much less than I did on Friday.

Based on everything I have read, people had similar or even worse experiences than I did. It is not safe. That is a fact. I'm lucky I didn't get hurt or suffer any permanent damage (as far as I know). Each person in the world has a unique chemical makeup. When introducing new chemicals to that makeup, there are unforeseen reactions. Just be smart. Try it if you must, but even I (a non-weed smoker) would prefer you use actual cannabis as opposed to this synthetic stuff. The risks are far greater when you smoke spice, regardless of how much or how little you smoke.

yeah on November 27, 2011:

I tried it once because I knew it was legal and therefore assumed it was safe. It only lasted an hour and a half but it felt like forever. It was like my brain knew what was happening but I couldn't control my body. It freaked me out. Anyway, I agree that there needs to be more information known about it... I'm ashamed that I tried it without looking up what it was.

The effects I had were very similar to everyone else's. I got dizzy, couldn't walk/talk. My mouth was dry, my heart was beating very fast, and I kept shaking and twitching. Honestly my body didn't feel completely normal until about a month later at the least. I would still get random twitches and my mind would every once in a while feel like it wasn't attached to my body.

concerned mother on November 27, 2011:


My son read your post today. He said he also say tunnels only he had three. One was what he thought was real, one was to a cartoon world, and one was black? He said he tried to focus on the one he thought was real but that the cartoon world kept pulling him in.

Another problem that i am having with my son is he doesn't understand "big words" anymore. Words like assume, occasionally or other words similar? He use to have a very wide vocabulary. Does your girlfriend have any of the same problems?

concerned mother on November 27, 2011:

It has been over a month now since my son took spice. He still isn't right! He has breathing problems. He explains it as several quick breaths at a time as if he has been crying for hours and is trying to stop. His heart still beats irregular. The doctors don't what is causing him to do it other then it didn't start until his spice overdose. He is getting regular headaches now too. I don't know how to help him! It scares me. He is only 14 and may has messed up his body forever! The doctors tell me that this drug is still to new to know all of the side effects and that new ones are being listed everyday! What are these kids thinking? I wonder to myself everyday. Is life really that bad that you have to use a drug like this one? Thank you to all of you that have been supportive to all of the families that are having issues with this. I hope and pray that all of our loved ones come out of this without any long lasting effects!

NONAME on November 27, 2011:

I tried it lastnight and one toke was all it took for me to go on a mission. I don't know whether to call this a good experience or bad. I blacked-out, then remember lets just say hot and bothered, (putting it nicely) for two hours.Then I fell asleep just to wake to having two seizures and dry mouth. I don't feel its for me. Today I woke up still feel out of it and a headache.

To each his own. just be safe and aware and know your own body.

slutsy on November 26, 2011:

I don't recomend smoking spice. I've done it a numerous amount of times before, but after yesterday evening, never again. I took one long, good, hit. I coughed, and it came out my nose. It gave me an instant high. Everything was moving, my body kept twitching and shaking. I was really dizzy. I couldn't keep my eyes open, and my head kept rolling back. I kept repeating the same thing over and over, asking if I was okay. My insides were freezing. It wasn't that feeling like when you're cold, but the INSIDE of me was cold. My eyelids felt cold too. I was scratchign at my face, and pulling my hair trying to "get it out". My heart beat went from exom extremely fast to extremely slow. I kept forgetting to breathe, too. When the people I was with all talked at once, it hurt my ears so bad. Honestly, I felt like I was going to die. We went back to my boyfriend's house, and he layed there, holding me, telling me I was going to be okay. I tried not falling asleep in fear that I wasn't going to wake up.

floresl on November 25, 2011:

spice attttttaaaaaacccccckkkkkkkkkk spice what can i say its good stuff. to a point. iv smoked the stuff spice can and will blow a hole in your pocket and also comes with a sort of addiction. the body grows this bond with the stuff causing withdraws. over consumtion of the product will also have very bad negative effects.i myself have smoked a large amount followed by advanced heart rate loss of thoughts and trouble breathing,not to mention the hallucinations its as if no ones in the room and you can be surrounded by three hundred suggestion if this ever happens to you remain at a level laying down position drink plenty of water and food then just hold on cause your going for a ride. in your head that is

legalize on November 24, 2011:

If all the natural things that God put on this planlet for us to enjoy like marijuana and cocaine were legal people would be happy with that. You wouldn't have people making meth in their trailers and you wouldn't have kids doing spice. People just want to have something to get high and feel better with. So let's make the good stuff legal so no one gets hurt. Cause let's face it, people would smoke dryer lint if they thought it would get them high.

Btruthful on November 24, 2011:

N e 1 can OD on n e thing 13 aspirin = last day alive. Moderation n common sense goes a long way ppl. Of all da bad reaction ive read the most common were to much n over time (too much again) seriously r u ppl dumb if u r gaining a tolerance ur smoking to F*&%ing much to soon can/will b come addicted or dependent n need a stronger dose. N if ur dumb enuff to jump n 2 something ur new to u may die. I'm sry 2 hear that some of u lost ppl close to u but as u see banning things make the situation worst research probation 4 an example(plus look around). There all ways will b a new to get hi period.

So if u have bad exp n r scared off stay away and if ur not gudluck n i hope it doesnt ya.

Btruthful on November 24, 2011:

if u lie to make people take caution or not to do something u may kill some1 (@ those who r lying bout how bad their exp was) bcuz most ppl will try just to c the hype. So save a life give ur concerns but b truthful.

oh just like with ne drug especially synths never add ne thing, never try the enhance version (flavors, blends or brands etc..) n bcare who u get it from.

P.s. ive nvr did drugs n my life n i only drink socially n ive seen drug abuse n many forms.

In my opinion weed n it's natural form is safe ever thing else is dangerous especially synths like crack, spice, meth n ne designer drug. n dont let me get on those legel over da corner drugs yeeesh!!

stoner magee on November 24, 2011:

i smoke dis shiz like er get me soooo high and i only had 2 seziures so it aint 2ooo badd.

alli on November 24, 2011:

spice no good.

knowswhatsup on November 24, 2011:

im smoking spice reading thiz ha

jedibritt on November 23, 2011:

ok straight up i have smoked alot of spice in my short life. from red magic to 420 ultra so i know what im talking about when i say dont underestimate this drug. while driving home from college i took 2 rips literally just 2 of 420 ultra and i was tripping balls. just that morning i was with my friends and after those 2 hits i remembered nothing. i couldnt remember or even try to understand the concept of who i was, where i was, why i was in a vehicle, and what i had done to get myself this way. basically i was to the point where i thought i was going to die.. side effects consisted of rapid heart rate, shortness of breath, lack of feeling in all limbs and also my face, a pressure in the frontal lobe of my skull, o and cant forget the hallucinations and anxiety attacks... for anyone reading this im not saying dont smoke spice or weed trust me im not the type of person who would ever want to stop smoking just be careful when you do it some batches of spice are stronger than others. and parents and non smokers dont give me shit about smoking this article is actually here to warn people about this drug.. would i say its dangerous? yes IF its used in a unresponible way. spice is LEGAL just like tobacco and liquor and should be used in a responible manor the same as any other legal substance.

Cali on November 23, 2011:

First of all Ive smoked the green for at least a decade and can only remember maybe 2 bad trip. I think the biggest mistake I made when smoking spice was smoking it like it was weed. IT'S NOT WEED. It doesnt slowly ramp out it just hit you. The first time I tried I was actually driving some friends home. They were passing the blunt like normal, what I'm used to. But what I wasn't use to was after taking only 2 drags, I was pretty dam high. I had to pass. Ive never had to pass after just 2 hits with weed. So my friend lived in an area Ive never been to before, I tell you it took alot of concentration to get my navigational bareings back online, and when I finally drove to familar territory, my bareings still tried to drop away making me feel lost. The key simply calming down, being in the moment and simply enjoying the ride. I was releaved to finally get home. Remind you people this was after only 2 pretty lite hits. The for me was stressful mainly because of having to fight off the feeling of being lost, my motor skills felt fine. Once in the house the high was fine much like weed. Well day 2, it was late, and I was like how high can you get with this fake weed stuff (no respect, and a mistake). This time I took 4 big hits and held each of them for a while before exhaling. By the time I walk upstair to my room I felt the Ultra-high coming on. I was excited at first, but the it just ramped, and ramped, and ramped up exponentally. Nothing like weed. I mean it was to the point that I know the key to it all was me staying calm because I knew Ive been this high before. Apart of it was cool how the TV looked, but like the others this strong surge of panic came over me which I knew was weird because thats just not my disposition to worry about EVERYTHING at once, but I was lossing the fight I felt like the only thing I could do was go to bed. And it was a slight struggle to get there. I strugged a bit to calm down and went to sleep. What does this all mean? Well for me this spicy stuff is like the Everclear of weed. It doessnt have any kind of top out effect the way weed does, the user actually has to be more responsible and have more control. I couldn't imagine a teen let alone a group of teen have eiither of the two qualities. For the teens that are smoking this ad posting about their bad trips thats all good, seriously, but what the heck are you guys out there doing smoking this stuff. Where your parents, this is strictly for adults. But control I think is the key, I dont see why anyone in their right mind would hit this stuff from a bong, there then teens. It you over do spicy hitting it the way you would weed it will stinken steamroll you. That all I really wanted to say.

Josh on November 23, 2011:

OMG i almost forgot to say, DO NOT, I REPEAT DO NOT MIX WITH ALCOHOL. I havent had this happen to me but i did witness it many, many, many times. When spice is mixed with alcohol, for some people it will cause them to throw up uncontrollably. I swear i watched this for myself, my friend was crying to me for help as he threw up for at least five minutes straight. I was afraid he was going to die in the passenger side of my car. Although this hasn't happen to me and some of my other friends, i wouldn't suggest you find out what group you fall under. Again, stay safe, stay lifted.

Josh on November 23, 2011:

As someone who use to smoke this stuff everyday, multiple times a day. I think i can give some well needed advice to parents and new users. First off stick with the mr. nice guy brand. They high feels better and the side effects aren't as bad. It's not marijuana people it is a drug and does have side effects like all drugs. Again I can't stress how much this isn't marijuana and is sometimes 10x or even 100x stronger. Most people make the mistake of smoking this stuff for the first time and smoking entirely too much. This stuff takes a minute to work. Give it time. This stuff was made for you to take one or two hits and be high for an hour or two. A lot of the newer K2, K3 and spice brands have more immediate and intense highs. These are the most dangerous and you need to be the most cautious because these have the worst side effects. Also some brands are made to freak you out, to cause you to hallucinate or to induce weird dreams. Even mr. nice guy brands do this, though they normally leave a clue on the pack. For example a kid smoked way too much of Panic, a mr. nice guy brand spice, and it caused him to kill himself. I had the experience of smoking this brand it does exactly what it says it going to do. I smoked two bowls with my friend(3 hits each per bowl), I was high for a total of 8hrs. It cuased me to become extremely paranoid and was not a high that I was enjoying at all, so i decided to go to sleep. Even though I went to sleep, I woke up still as high as I was when i first did it and still has paranoid. I stress to you that you should research the spice you smoke before you smoke it. No one really knows all the ingredients of the spice and almost all contain a chemical that hides all the other chemicals it contains and studies are still be conducted on spice now. My honest advice to everyone is that if you have to smoke spice only smoke the regular mr nice guy and mr. nice guy stuck. Mr. Nice guy stuck is the closest high to the high of marijuana. But of course this stuff effects everyone differently and everyone has different side effects. The indicator that caused me to cut back was the constant short term memory loss. I was forgetting words, passwords, homework assignments. But it got so bad that one day I was in the middle of a sentence and I stopped, i had no idea what i had been talking about, no idea what i had say or was about to say. It took me a minute to remember. A lot of research analysis' say that it can cause a chemical dependency, I would say that it does, even though i was able to stop cold turkey. For people who have problem breaking habits i wouldn't suggest you start smoking spice.Advice for all parents, spice still leaves some of the same indicators of marijuana such as red eyes and the "muchies" and others such as short term memory loss, unlike weed there is no distinct smell that spice leaves other than the smell that something has been burning. I hope this helps everyone. Stay safe guys, and stay lifted.

anonymous on November 22, 2011:


old man on November 22, 2011:

this article sounds like the articles i read back in the sixties and early seventies.

there seems to be a legal alternative to pot and now that they have pot legalized to a point that it is taxable, now the egg in the frying pan surfaces once again but against but dont over use...

anonymous on November 21, 2011:

its funny that society is complaining about people using drugs that kills them and ruins their lives. instead of bitching about the situation how about legalizing weed. seriously what is so bad about weed. why is weed so damn bad that it is illegal but yet alcohol is legal?

utahman on November 21, 2011:

This stuff has got so out of control... This is a drug. And if used a lot it will eventually consume the user until they die. I have used it from many different states and finally after quitting, I feel it has ruined my life. I am 38 years old, family of 5. Please people, listen to what is going on... It is killing people.

Drew on November 21, 2011:

My uncle died from the use of spice just this past weekend. His heart had begun beating so out of control that it exploded. He leaves behind his wife and two children, one of which is 5 with autism and was left home alone for several hours after his father died before the mother returned from work. The cops saw what he had used, picked it up and put it back down saying that it was legal. They also said that they are getting called onto more and more calls where people have just suddenly died after use. It's not something to mess around with! No high can be worth that risk. I'm not trying to tell you how to live your life I just want to make sure that it is known that death is not only possible from the use of this drug but that it is currently on the rise. RIP Matt.

anonymous on November 19, 2011:

Well if the U.S would legalize weed than nobody would be smoking spice or K2...

thatguy on November 19, 2011:

If you smoke spice, you need to creep in on it. dont smoke six bowls on your first time. thats how those stupid dont do it storys come from! Just hit it once and see if you like it then continue.

loadedguninhand on November 19, 2011:

I was addicted to spice (monkey family) to the point to where i Woud wake up in the morning with a stomach ache like I had ulsurs.. as soon as I smoked it went away.. I have freaked out more than once thinking I was going to die, like last night when my girlfriend found me passed out in a puddle if puke, doesn't mix well with alcohol.. yet I still smoke it.. I was withdralwing because im addicted and that's the same reason I relaps.. I wish I could smoke weed but its too hard to find in this small town and drugtests are always on my mind.. please don't smoke spice or potporri, stick to the herb if you can.. im going to suffer with this addiction for the rest of my life and it may just take my life

boobies on November 18, 2011:

F*** spice just smoke the real stuff or go home

Kittykat on November 17, 2011:

i know my husbands in danger but dsnt listen to me its like hw is gone.. I dont knw what to do I hate him for ever doing it.. He expirienced the sidefects the 1st time but still does it . I even forced him to zmoke weed but now he dssnt even like it he smokes that stuff any chance he gets and drives like that too I have no idea what to do! He is like so stuck in a cloud looks so stupid dsnt remember what im saying when we argue and cant stand straight he is hooked on this stuff n I hate what it does to him n me bec if he has none he is so mean to me and dsnt eat anymore and and is always sleepy I dont know what to do.. I feel like I lost my husband

grieving sis on November 16, 2011:

my brother jason dean brody is dead now because of a legal drug known as spice. his favorite brand was black widow. he smoked pot before with no negative side effects. being that he wanted a job and life out of trouble he switched. Now instead he is cold alone and dead. This could have been prevented. It took him only 7 months to die couching up his lungs and vomiting his stomach contents. He now has A beautiful little girl that will never know what a smart ambitisious kind hearted man her father was. So yes i am angry because how many of YOU SPICE SMOKERS are going to be here to support a grieving family or raise a child. Instead of being angry at a post for a concern maybe u should plan ur funeral or find a cheap ass doctor to heal ur dumbass when u hit the negative end of ur fake, flavored pot. if it was so safe why then doe it have its own page on poisin control websites and 89% more negative rateings than any othe illeagal drug.

fucu on November 16, 2011:

spice is why smoking weed should be allowed. so people dont smoke worse synthetic s*** instead.

Nicol on November 14, 2011:

My brother had a seizure from smoking spice. The perimedics said it has been seen quite often in people who smoke it. It is very dangerous and I hope it is outlawed very soon.

ty on November 14, 2011:

spice is wack...Im on probation and i still smoke bud.

illy on November 14, 2011:

i've smoked it a few times but the most recent time i got extremely sick . i spaced out , got dizzy , began throwing up & couldn't walk . i still suffer anxiety attacks from it . i'm glad its illegal .

ussoaps on November 14, 2011:

Yes best of luck to you concerned mother! I know how you feel. I am concerned sister but yet have to watch my mom go through this as well. Seeing your son, girfriend, brother or whoever freak out over this is just crazy! Why is it easier to get your hands on spice rather than marjuana. How do you talked to someone that doesnt realize how is he acting? Best of wished to your girfriend carson!

Carson Gregory on November 13, 2011:

hey concerned mother, last night i had a similar experience. minus the hallucinations. i got spice from our roommate. last night my girlfriend smoked it. only 2 hits from a normal sized glass pipe. she never smokes weed but we were told that it had the same effects as pot. curiosity almost killed the cat. she ended up in the hospital cuz she thought she was going to die. b4 i called 911, she had the most scared yet serious look on her face and kept repeating to me that she was going to die. she was 100% sure. she also kept saying..."there are 2 tunnels. one where i think its real, and one where i think it isnt." over and over and over. turns out it has a PCP effect. FAR from marijuana. i also smoked some but it didnt effect me nearly as bad. i want this shit off the streets! how can something like this be legal? its been 12 hours and she is still kinda trippin, but coming down slowly. sorry about ur son concerned mother =(. i hope my girfriend isnt permantly damaged as well =(

concerned mother on November 13, 2011:

I have heard about spice from some friends before however as of two weeks ago I have first hand experience with this drug. On October 25thabout 4:30pm I got a phone call from the EMT’s. They told me some lady had found my son lying in the middle of the road, passed out and unconscious. They told me to come down to the seen. My son was covered in vomit. I asked him what he took and he said he didn’t know. He was crying uncontrollably and started freaking out. He kept telling me that dinosaurs were chasing him and that a tiger was ripping his arm apart. I looked at his arm and it was purple and swelled! He started crying to me saying “Mom can’t you see I’m dying here and no buddy is helping me. I don’t know mom but I’m dying here. Can’t you see it! I’m dying and no buddy is helping me!” He started pointing out to the road and saying “can’t you seem them mom. They are right there. They are chasing me and this tiger is eating my arm. I can feel it and it hurts so bad!” my son then began to push at the tiger. He kept saying “mom get it off of me.” I couldn’t see anything and I couldn’t help him!

The police officer said my son grabbed him and said “hey dude shoot me please!” The cop refused to shoot him. He asked the cop what he needed to do to get the cop to shoot him. He then proceeded to fight the cops so that they would shoot him.

I had the EMT’s take him by ambulance to the hospital. We were there several hours. He was hooked up to all kinds of IV’s and heart monitors. His heart almost stopped during his ride to the hospital. His heart only had one beat in 30 seconds! After the ER visit he spent 12 days in a mental hospital to finish detoxing. He almost died that night! He only took 4 hits off of the pipe and it almost killed him. He smoked it with three other kids that day and none of them had a reaction like he did. I thought he was going to die. It is a really bad drug. My son to this day still isn’t right? He is very angry and continues to have suicide thoughts.

chastina on November 12, 2011:

i smoke spice and it works for me i cant smoke weed rite now so it works i just wish i knew what was in it

spicesmoker on November 11, 2011:

i've smoked spices do to employment drug testing and i've noticed that when smoked too frequently and in larger amounts it causes serious paranoia, (which would explain why so many idiots are freaking out over it), but otherwise it creates a legit high. i don't know what's going into my body but otherwise don't care, its your own choice people stop blaming others and man up to your decisions. LEGALIZE MARIJUANA

ussoaps on November 11, 2011:

I have tried spice about a year ago, just one hit and it made me feel like walls were closing in on me, once i pulled myself together, i swore i would never smoke it again. Still to this day i refuse to smoke it. I have a little brother who is 18, he has had an ADHD problem since he was 2 and was on all different kinds of medicine. when he turned about 16 years old, he began to smoke pot. I will agree that it did help him. He began to be more civil and not so angry, he began to help around the house and just all around be a nicer person to be around. About a year ago he was introduced to spice, not that i agree with it, but its legal, so at first me and my mother didnt think anything of it. He started to smoke it more and more, more than he smoked weed. He would just sit in his car for hours. If you tried talking to him, he would just stare at you,as if he seen a ghost. this has been going on for months now! His temper and lack of respect is out of control. He had it all too. He graduated from high school and had scholarship for acting in california, brand new truck, and a job. One night as he is smoking this spice, i get a phonecall that says "please come get me, i have been in a wreck and totaled my truck" i went to the scene. He is lucky to be alive today! His truck was totaled and so was the other vehicle. Luckily no one got hurt! He spaced out and swerved and hit another car on the other side of the road. My point here is that SPICE IS HARMFUL! FOR THOSE WHO THINK IT IS OK, ITS NOT! They say it affects everyone differently, yes i agree, but when is enough? No kid who thinks he is cool is gonna know when he has had enough. My brother has turned into a zombie, i cant even talk to him or spend time with him or even get him to take trash out. What do you do? Kick him out? why so he can go stay with friends and get more high? Or have him rebel against us even more? He is big and mucsle tone, so ther is no simple ass beating for him these days. I truly dont know what to do? Im trying everything to be here for him, but what happens when its too late and he ends up in the hospital? Im a very concerned sister and would love to bring my brother back to normal!