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Simple and Easy Exercises for Pregnant Women

Simple and Easy Exercises for Pregnant Women

Are there simple and easy exercises for pregnant women? Yes, there are some exercises which are simple and easy for pregnant women to do.The joy of pregnancy is the joy of womanhood, that being said, you need to take care and protect your baby and yourself from harmful events or always keep in mind to achieve the best of health for the mother and the baby. From yoga to walking, swimming, biking and jogging etc., there are simple and easy exercises for pregnant women and they should be done with caution. Fitness and exercises should be done in moderation always as you need to protect your back muscles and the uterus plus your overall posture and health. Moderate exercise is good and don't overdo it. During pregnancy it is recommended to exercise for the overall health of the mother and the baby. It is recommended to ask the help of your health provider before embarking in your exercise routine.

Simple and Easy Exercises for Pregnant Women


The Benefits of Simple and Easy Exercises for Pregnant Women

  • Most of women who are pregnant are prone to different sickness as there is physical, hormonal, emotional changes occurring in their bodies which make them at times easily tired (fatigue), gain weight, change in moods or mood swings, tenderness plus swelling in their feet or different parts of their body. They also experienced constipation, headaches, cramps and other lots more physical and emotional changes occurring. Simple and easy exercises for pregnant women are recommended to make life easier for pregnant women do that they become healthier.
  • Exercise is also helpful for your baby and it will ease the pain of your labor specially yoga as you will use proper breathing technique learn when in pain during labor.

The Benefits of Simple and Easy Exercises for Pregnant Women __ Tips for Exercising During Pregnancy

Simple and Easy Exercises for Pregnant Women --Swimming

  • Many ob-gyne and other health providers attest to the fact that swimming is a nice exercise for pregnant women. it will help in helping you maintain weight allowable to the months of pregnancy you are in plus you become more tone in general. Plus it is also beneficial to your joints. it is important to avoid overheating and swimming raised your heart rate to a level which is not dangerous.

Kegel Exercise

Simple and Easy Exercises for Pregnant Women -- kegel exercise

  • Kegel exercises are safe and it is easy to do and it also aims to improve the muscle tone in your pelvic area. Kegel is a popular prescribed exercise for pregnant women women to prepare the floor of your pelvic for physiological stresses of the later stages of pregnancy and giving birth in the vagina. It is an exercises that is said to be good for treating vaginal prolapse and preventing prolapse of the uterine as well. Kegel exercises may be beneficial in treating incontinence in relation to urinary functions in both men and women plus hemorrhoids. Kegel exercises can also increase sexual gratification.

  • In general "Kegel exercises are also recommended after pregnancy to promote perineal healing, regain bladder control, and strengthen pelvic floor muscles. The best thing about Kegel exercises is that they can be done anywhere, and no one knows you’re doing them."


Simple and Easy Exercises for Pregnant Women -- Walking

  • Walking is the easiest exercise and this is easily done. it is the cheapest fitness and cardio exercise to regulate the heartbeat and make you more alert and not feeling tired. According to APA, "walking is very beneficial because it is safe for your body plus it is easier on your knees than running and can be easily worked into your schedule". However it is recommended to start slowly and be sure you stretch well before you begin and set a realistic goals and wear good shoes to decrease the risk of falling or pressure on your back.


Simple and Easy Exercises for Pregnant Women


  • Running and jogging is fun during pregnancy as it helps your heart. Perhaps if you are already running before you were pregnant, there is no problem as you can continue running, but then if you are just embarking on a new regimen, it is best to consult your health provider.There are some basic precautions when you are embarking on running and jogging, be sure that you ate healthy foods for pregnant women and you drink plenty of water, and avoid slippery shoes. proper attire which is loose and comfortable is needed.

Simple and Easy Exercises for Pregnant Women


  • Aerobics is fun and easy to do specially if you have been doing it before you were pregnant, it is important to take control of your steps and balance as you might have bad fall, but in general aerobics is also safe and good for pregnant women. it is recommended that you should take a class for it and inform the instructor you are pregnant if the class is not for pregnant women plus avoid exercise lying flat on your back for extended periods of time.


  • Dancing can be done in your home or at a gym that offers special classes for pregnant women. When you dance you should avoid s lot of turning around, spinning, leaping, and jumping. There are available DVDs for these and I will write about it in my next hub.


Simple and Easy Exercises for Pregnant Women

Stair Climbing Machine

  • Stair climbing is a good aerobic exercise and it is generally recommended for pregnant women, the rails on the sides give support and it is also convenient as you can do it in your own home

Simple and Easy Exercises for Pregnant Women


  • Yoga is very useful in pregnancies as it relieve stress, fatigue and pressures on your body. More so it also helps in breathing techniques which is needed for labor when you give birth. There are also available yoga classes for pregnant women and you can avail of these by contacting the local telephone directory. if you cant find the nearest one, you can attend yoga class for ordinary people but inform your instructors about your pregnancy.. Avoid lying flat on your back for extended periods of time and try not to overstretch. Usually, ob-gyn recommend light cardiovascular exercise, for example walking with a relaxing, muscle-toning exercise, in this case, yoga to maintain health during pregnancy. It is also helpful for the overall health, mental, physical and support purposes and happiness when you're pregnant.


Simple and Easy Exercises for Pregnant Women


  • Biking is recommended when you re pregnant because it helps support your weight thus your body is not stressed out. A bike which is stationary is recommended as it is safer than the moving bike per se. APA said that "as you grow, your center of gravity is shifting so your are at an increased risk of falling. As your abdomen grows, it can put a lot of stress on your back. It is recommended to start slowly and do not over-exert yourself when doing the bike exercises.
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Overall Safety Precautions When Exercising During Pregnancy

  • According to the American Pregnancy Association (APA) before you begin  any fitness or exercising, you should always remember to consult first your health provider. The APA also added that "If you are already exercising, you may be able to keep up with your routine and adapt it as you grow. Keep your heart rate under 140 beats per minute and avoid overheating, especially in your first trimester
  • Be careful not to engage in skiing -- water, snow, horseback riding as it is slippery and when swimming, be very cautious about diving.
  • When dancing, avoid slippery footwear and avoid spinning and turning around. Balance is very important so take extra precautions
  • Avoid strenuous workout and lying in your back for longer periods of time
  • Always drink sufficient liquid and eat healthy foods that goes with healthy exercise



There are benefits of simple exercises when a woman is pregnant. The simple and easy exercises for pregnant women are : kegel exercises, yoga, bicycling, simple climbing stairs, machine, aerobic dance, running, jogging and walking.

However, there are also overall safety precautions when exercising during pregnancy and it is always best to ask your health provider if you embark in a new exercise regimen.

Pregnancy hub

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Patrizio Racco on July 01, 2015:

Very good hub, thanks!

prettydarkhorse (author) from US on April 21, 2012:

Thanks for dropping by!

Anoop Aravind A from Nilambur, Kerala, India on April 21, 2012:

good hub

Anita on October 24, 2011:

I started using the Jointec Aquabike and it's great!

shilu on March 10, 2011:

thankx. great to read.

prettydarkhorse (author) from US on May 22, 2010:

hi preggy, I hope you find this hub useful, Maita

preggy on May 21, 2010:

nice excercises here :)

prettydarkhorse (author) from US on April 15, 2010:

thank you Katrina, Maita

Katrina Ariel from The Highlands of British Columbia, Canada on April 14, 2010:


There are a lot of choices here! I think it's very important for pregnant women to listen to their bodies and make sure they get as much exercise and fresh air as they can without overexertion. Great hub!

prettydarkhorse (author) from US on April 12, 2010:

Hi FD, thnak you for your comment Mam, Maita

prettydarkhorse (author) from US on April 12, 2010:

Hi Ron and it is good for women when they are pregnant, I am recommending it, Maita

prettydarkhorse (author) from US on April 12, 2010:

Kuya Dave, I think that you can never get preggers hehe, Thank you for the read, Maita

prettydarkhorse (author) from US on April 12, 2010:

Thank you Marisa Wright, you're correct as long as they have been doing it befoe, it is ok but they still need to consult a health provider first! Thank you Mam, Maita

Andria on April 12, 2010:

What a great hub PDH - really well thought out and informative! Sure to be a big help to pregnant women that prefer to continue exercising during their pregnancies or for those looking for an alternative form of gentle exersise.

rprcarz50 on April 12, 2010:

Wow there is so much to know about Yoga. Nice Hub you have written!

Thank You


As Always also a2z50

Dave Mathews from NORTH YORK,ONTARIO,CANADA on April 12, 2010:

Gee Ate' Maita, I don't know if these exercises will do me any good at all I can never get pregnant to try them.

KUYA Dave.

Kate Swanson from Sydney on April 11, 2010:

Prettydarkhorse, pregnant women should never start aerobics or dancing for the first time when they're pregnant. It's only OK if they were doing those things already, before they got pregnant. Both are too strenuous. The exception is belly dancing, which is safe for expectant mums if done correctly. I wrote a Hub about it.

"Quill" on April 11, 2010:

Thanks for the information and I must say glad I missed out on the need...smiles...

Blessings and Hugs

Shari from New York, NY on April 11, 2010:

been there done that. .hehehe Great Hub Maita


MM Del Rosario from NSW, Australia on April 11, 2010:

When I was pregnant my only exercise that I did was walking, but that was a long time ago.....

prettydarkhorse (author) from US on April 11, 2010:

Mam Mellieanna, thank you, I can still give birth and I am sharing my experiences! nice to be fit always! Maita

Nellieanna Hay from TEXAS on April 11, 2010:

How happy am I not to need them for that purpose. But they could be equally effective for someone past that stage of life! Thank you!

prettydarkhorse (author) from US on April 11, 2010:

thank you kowality, and yes I checked it out, I don't know why it is highlighted I don't have a hub like that and I cant edit anything the HP is playing up, Happy Sunday, Maita

kowality from Everywhere on April 11, 2010:

Good exercises. Some great stuff for folks that are just starting a training routine. Check your "moderate exercise" link in the first paragraph. It seems to be broken. A very good hub. Thank You

prettydarkhorse (author) from US on April 11, 2010:

hello, thank you,

prettydarkhorse (author) from US on April 11, 2010:

RevLady, bless and thank you, Maita

prettydarkhorse (author) from US on April 11, 2010:

Thank you Pam, Maita

prettydarkhorse (author) from US on April 11, 2010:

Mick, you made me smile, go on be preggers hehe, take care and thank you, Maita

prettydarkhorse (author) from US on April 11, 2010:

bl, thank you dear, Maita

prettydarkhorse (author) from US on April 11, 2010:

thank you drbj, Maita

prettydarkhorse (author) from US on April 11, 2010:

thank you Mam Sandy, Maita

Sandy Mertens from Wisconsin, USA on April 11, 2010:

Great job on this information.

drbj and sherry from south Florida on April 11, 2010:

Never dreamed there were so many types of exercises for pregnant women. What a lot of research here! Valuable information.

blpelton on April 11, 2010:

Just saying hi ! How's it going? Good hub!

bl :)

Micky Dee on April 11, 2010:

I just came by to say hi! Hi! I don't foresee any miracles so I might read this later!

Pamela Oglesby from Sunny Florida on April 11, 2010:

Very good hub as exercise is so important and you did an excellent job. Thumbs up!

RevLady from Lantana, Florida on April 11, 2010:

Wonderful hub. Very thorough job. Blessings!

Forever His,

Hello, hello, from London, UK on April 11, 2010:

You have done a great job with writing this hub. Very informative.

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