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Leave the Stagnant Life Behind By Consciously Creating Each New Day


Live Life on Purpose

The first step to living a life filled with passion and purpose is to literally live life on purpose. Don't just leave things up to chance.

The power to choose is an amazing gift. Proactively utilize this gift as much as possible to create the life that you really want to have.

If you aren't sure what kind of life you want to have, take some time out from whatever you're doing and figure out what you really want out of life.

Dream big! What would your perfect life look like? What would the perfect day look like! Think about how you want to feel. Figure out what types of activities make you feel that way.

Write your ideas down. When you write things down they become more real to you rather than just feeling like abstract ideas.

The power to choose is an amazing gift. Use this gift as much as possible to create the life that you really want to have.


Create Each Day By Setting Goals Each Night

Once you know what kind of life you want to live, it's important to have a way to hold yourself accountable so that you can achieve this lifestyle.

The best way that I have figured out to create a perfect day is to write down some goals before I go to bed.

I try to be really thoughtful and even prayerful about what purpose I want the next day in my life to serve. Then I write down a few things I would have to do in order to make my day serve that purpose.

Maybe I want to do a secret good deed for someone or just do something to cheer someone up. Maybe I want to weed my garden or organize my dresser. Maybe I want to take some time to sing or play the piano.

Your goals are going to be completely unique to you and the type of life that you want to create.

I am so thoroughly convinced that if we don't set goals in our life and learn how to master the techniques of living to reach our goals, we can reach a ripe old age and look back on our life only to see that we reached but a small part of our full potential. When one learns to master the principles of setting a goal, he will then be able to make a great difference in the results he attains in this life.

— M. Russell Ballard

Review Your Goals In the Morning

Take a few minutes in the morning to review and evaluate your goals. This will keep your goals fresh in your mind as you go throughout your day. It also provides an opportunity to change a goal if for some reason you feel like it isn't a priority anymore.

For example, sometimes I wake up in the morning feeling inspired to do something that is not on my list of goals, so I might add it to my list.

If accomplishing my new goal is going to make it impossible to accomplish one of the goals I set the night before, I have to figure out which goal is the most important to do today.

Remember that you have the power to create the day that you want to create, so feel free to edit your goals at will, but make sure that whatever goals you choose to follow through with are bringing you closer to the quality of life that you want to have.

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Also, don't be too afraid of not finishing all of your goals. Sometimes I make a list of goals that ends up being too much for one day, but most of the time when this happens, I discover that I was still able to accomplish a lot more than I would have if I hadn't started out the day with all of that ambition and a destination in mind.


Celebrate Your Accomplishments Before You Go to Bed

Before you create your goals for tomorrow, make sure to celebrate what you accomplished today. You will see major progress in your life as you establish a routine of consciously creating each day, and you deserve to celebrate your achievements.

Some people like to check off each goal that they accomplished. Others like to write down how they feel about what they were able to do. Find a way of acknowledging your achievements that works for you.

If there are goals that you aren't able to accomplish, don't beat yourself up about it. Remember that tomorrow is a new day, and that you always have time to try again. Empower yourself knowing that you can and will do better tomorrow.

Before you create your goals for tomorrow, make sure to celebrate what you accomplished today. You will see major progress in your life as you establish a routine of consciously creating each day, and you deserve to celebrate your achievements.


SAQIB from HYDERABAD PAKISTAN on June 14, 2015:

well written hub

Michael Higgins from Michigan on June 08, 2015:

Great suggestions, Becca Linn! Thanks for sharing this. Voted up!

Rachel L Alba from Every Day Cooking and Baking on June 08, 2015:

Hi Becca, A very interesting hub. I was like that for a while, but now I find that I have to take care of my 7 year old granddaughter most days and boy did I forget what that was like. lol I'm 66 now and I raised my girls a long time ago. I also like to make lists of everything I want to do or else I would forget most of them. Thanks for taking the time to write this hub. I voted up and interesting.

Blessings to you.

Rebecca Young (author) from Renton, WA on June 07, 2015:


eternisemoi on June 07, 2015:

I'm also one of the free spirit types, but I've come to terms with the fact that goal setting and planning are important for achieving what you want. I wouldn't want to die knowing I didn't do everything I could have.

Rebecca Young (author) from Renton, WA on June 07, 2015:

Thanks! I'm glad you found my hub useful.

Karine Gordineer from Upstate New York on June 07, 2015:

Great suggestions for having a more productive day and life!

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