How to Deal With Problems in Life
Problems Prepare You To Face Bigger Challenges In Life
Embracing Challenges: The Paradox of Success and Problems
One of the frequent complaints we hear from the people around us is the various types of problems they often face in their lives. Every day and everywhere, there are problems. Many times, we find it very hard to stay happy because when one problem is resolved, another one arises.
People have money problems, work problems, relationship problems, family problems, health problems, and the list goes on. We are tempted to think that happy and successful people experience fewer problems than us. When we look at successful people, we say, "Look, they don't have any problems in their lives." They have the money they need, they enjoy the job they love, they have good friends, obedient kids, a successful business, and an affectionate family, among other things.
Everything seems to be going well for them, which is why they are content and successful. However, the reality is that the more successful you are, the more problems you have to face. More success means more challenges and more risks.
The number of problems they face contributes to their success. In India, people frequently go to forests or solitary places like mountains or valleys to sit silently and meditate, seeking a peaceful life. These people are called "Sadhus" or "Sanyasis." They leave behind their obligations to family, relatives, and society. They find contentment and peace to some extent, as they are running away from the problems of this life. The other group of people who don't have problems are those who rest in peace at the graveyard. Otherwise, everyone has problems, one way or another. It's no wonder that if everything goes well with you, you would be delighted.
Young and old, rich and poor, successful and unsuccessful, educated and uneducated—all have problems. The difference lies in the level of their problems, which varies from person to person. Wealthy and successful people encounter acute problems, while the poverty-stricken and unsuccessful people face minor problems. However, everyone has problems that they can handle if they want to. It requires clear thinking and an efficient strategy to face such challenges. Successful people are successful because they are prepared to face severe problems and are able to resolve them.
Embracing Challenges: The Path to Growth, Success, and Happiness
Most people lack interest in challenges, resulting in a prevalence of mediocre or miserable individuals around us. Wealthy individuals are a rarity because they are prepared to face challenges that the less fortunate are unwilling to confront. That is the fundamental difference.
Winning the US election brings immense happiness to the President. However, as a new US president, he must confront even greater challenges. He must make accurate decisions and introduce innovative programs for the people, or else risk losing his position. To maintain his position, he must confront increasingly demanding challenges and exercise utmost caution in governing the country. Despite appearances of luck, happiness, and success, I believe that as the US president, he has to face a multitude of challenges.
You might ask, "If our lives are filled with problems, how can we find happiness?"
The answer is remarkably simple: find happiness while tackling your problems. Approach your problems with an independent mindset. Learn to find humor in the obstacles encountered on your life's journey. Life on this earth is a singular event; therefore, do not take it too seriously. Avoid worrying about things beyond your control. It is crucial to remember the key strategy of the greatest philosopher to have ever lived in this world:
"Therefore, I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?'
On the other hand, problems are necessary for our growth.
Problems are inevitable for growth as they enlighten us on how to handle complex situations and accelerate our path to success. When a problem arises, it is a signal that we need to change our way of life or improve ourselves and our behaviors. If you find yourself in conflict with your spouse or partner, regardless of who may seem at fault, it is a sign that you need to modify your behavior and improve communication within your relationship.
As a responsible husband or wife, if you take the initiative to introspect and implement positive actions such as spending more quality time with your partner, expressing more love and appreciation, listening attentively, and communicating honestly, you will be able to resolve many problems and become a better person in the process. Personal growth occurs when we face and overcome challenges.
The same situation can affect individuals differently. I once heard about two brothers—one incarcerated, the other a successful doctor at a reputable hospital. Both were interviewed by a correspondent. The brother in jail, who had turned to a life of crime, attributed his circumstances to his father's neglectful behavior and his decision to follow in his father's footsteps. In contrast, the doctor brother revealed that he too experienced similar circumstances with their father's neglect but made a conscious decision not to repeat his father's mistakes. He took life seriously, abstained from drugs, pursued his studies diligently, and ultimately became a successful physician. He now supports and cares for his own children. This example illustrates the impact of identical situations and the differing approaches to life.
If you are facing financial difficulties, it is an indication that you need to improve your money management skills. Analyze your financial status and learn to manage your money wisely. Avoid unnecessary expenses and prioritize value for your expenditures. Focus on increasing your earnings. Do not chase after branded items or first-class services if you cannot afford them. By evaluating and rectifying your spending and investment habits, you can overcome financial problems. Learn to be content with what you have and extract valuable lessons from your problems. Trees that grow in unfavorable conditions develop resilience to withstand challenging weather. Similarly, to become strong, you need challenging problems in your life. Problems contribute to personal growth and mold you into a better individual. Each time you encounter and conquer a certain level of challenge, life propels you to a new level of success. Consequently, problems serve as stepping stones toward personal growth, success in business, and a fulfilling family life. They enhance your relationships with your spouse and friends.
Navigating Problems for Personal Growth and Success
When you avoid problems or fail to address them properly, it signifies a lack of growth in your life.
Allow me to explain. Suppose you have a minor disagreement within your family. Instead of handling it appropriately, you may choose to evade the issue or ignore it, while placing blame on others. Over time, this problem will escalate, severely damaging your relationships. You may then enter into another relationship, hoping for a better life, only to discover the same problem in a more intensified form. You will start longing for your previous life, considering it better than your current situation. If you continue to ignore the knocks of life and refuse to change, life will deliver an even more devastating blow, crushing you with something bigger and heavier. Your situation will deteriorate from bad to worse. We often come across shattered and embittered individuals who have experienced this cycle. Hence, it is essential to be cautious when facing problems, address them properly, and focus on personal growth. While you cannot change others, you can change yourself, and that is the good news.
When you encounter financial difficulties, it is a warning from life. If you avoid or neglect the issue, you will soon find yourself bankrupt. Consider the case of Mike Tyson, who earned around $300 million during his boxing career but eventually lost everything and filed for bankruptcy in 2003, burdened by a $27 million debt. Numerous successful individuals have also lost their fortunes due to reckless living. They may achieve success in one area but fail in other aspects of life.
Unless you improve yourself, the same problems will continue to manifest in every facet of your life. However, by learning and changing, life will guide you towards a higher level of success.
Have you ever noticed some people who repeatedly encounter the same problems in every company they work for or in every relationship they enter? They often fail to realize that they are the ones consciously or unconsciously causing these problems. Instead of blaming others, they need to transform themselves. What they truly need is self-reformation.
Resolve issues when they are minor.
Problems often begin with minor disagreements. Neglecting them leads to occasional conflicts. If still disregarded, these conflicts occur frequently and escalate into severe fights that may result in separation or the end of the relationship. As you can see, problems gradually develop over time.
Successful people understand the importance of addressing problems effectively when they are still minor. By doing so, they experience far fewer problems in their lives, contributing to their contentment and success.
When successful individuals encounter minor financial issues, they know how to manage their money promptly. They take action, address the problem, and correct it. This is why they face fewer or no financial problems in their lives.
Similarly, when facing minor health problems, taking proactive measures such as managing one's diet can lead to success, good health, financial prosperity, and fulfilling relationships.
Jesus imparted his instruction to his disciples, saying, "In this world, you will face troubles. However, take courage! I have conquered the world." Undoubtedly, trouble exists in this world. Each one of us, in one way or another, will encounter various kinds of hardships in our lives. While the nature of these difficulties may differ from person to person, place to place, and culture to culture, the presence of troubles remains universal.
God could have prevented Joseph from being thrown into jail, spared Jeremiah from being cast into a slimy pit, shielded Daniel from the lion's den, ensured that Paul didn't endure three shipwrecks, and saved the three Hebrew young men from being cast into the fiery furnace. However, He allowed these challenges to occur, and as a result, each of these individuals drew closer to God.
When we navigate through troubles and problems, they bring us closer to God. They prompt us to turn our gaze towards Him. They facilitate heartfelt and earnest prayers to God. It is during these times that we offer sincere and authentic supplications. God alone possesses the power to deliver us from all our troubles. As the Bible states, "A broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise."
This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.
© 2009 Jacob
Roshan Koirala, Nepal on December 28, 2013:
Whatever life will go on so don't worry about future just live in today.
You will achieve happiness, success and your bright future.
Daffodil on September 27, 2013:
Don't warry about problems ,just face it !learn to appreciate things you have and find positive aspects in everthing you can.
Anna on February 06, 2013:
All people do have problems. And this doesn't depend upon the fact, how rich or how successful they are. Different people treat problems in different way and that's the point. Sometimes we tend to exaggerate things, but the devil is not so black as he is painted. Sometimes we get extremely upset with trifles, we are constantly complaining and grievhow unlucky we are. At this time think about people, who suffer from mortal diseases or have gone through real distress.
Learn to appreciate things you have and find positive aspects in everythig you can.
viji on December 20, 2012:
thank u for our useful comments
problemsproblems on November 22, 2012:
good article. but nothing helps in this world to deal with problems.
Monika on November 07, 2012:
Its Great job ! A goodway to live happy and make other happy
Prince on November 04, 2012:
Thanks . Master our religion said that how to deal with problems ,big problems . This religion is islam .do you know muslims they are very good and they have good life .think about it
silesia on October 30, 2012:
Thanks all fro your good advise
May the Lord bless this beautyful Message
Jacob (author) from Delhi, India on October 04, 2012:
Thanks all for your kind visits and comments.
May God bless you all
THUITA on October 02, 2012:
KN on September 29, 2012:
thank you all very very useful
Alex Adam on September 26, 2012:
Very interesting blog post thank you for writing it I just added your blog to my favorites and will be back :) By the way this is a little off subject but I really like your blogs layout.
Jacob (author) from Delhi, India on September 11, 2012:
Thanks for highlighting the mistakes.
Also thanks for taking time to read my hubs.
johngreat on September 10, 2012:
correction: people who face problems ! sorry.
johngreat on September 10, 2012:
spelling mistakes like bare for bear etc. quite a few. avoid them. it reads well. some encouragement for people face problems...
anitha on August 09, 2012:
everything mentioned above is easy to talk, but very difficult to adopt & accept in real life
poornima on August 04, 2012:
wonderfull article.
Thanks for sharing.
i have self experienced really what u have written.
Sincere prayers,immense faith in God & honest efforts makes your life journey worthwhile & more experienced
Manoj on July 14, 2012:
I am very happy with my problems because it helps to live happy life in future THANK FULL TO YOUR THOUGHTS.
Raghvendra Sharma on July 05, 2012:
Very well written article. I'll try to implement the given suggestions.
sri on June 27, 2012:
its a good advice but lets see how it works on my life
mayette on May 27, 2012:
i loved it..thanks for being an inspiration. God bless..:-)..
P-black on May 21, 2012:
Thanks very much,i realy enjoy reading it
satish.k on May 10, 2012:
Excellent message to those who struglling for life problems.
shamlee on May 07, 2012:
great reading, superb advice!
Rhysally on April 23, 2012:
i agree with you, will try to apply now to myself and see if will work..
saeed on April 14, 2012:
good advises
bhagdkbose on April 13, 2012:
guy on March 04, 2012:
Yeah good advise; my problem is I try to do good but life sucks I try to plz my wife all the time but the more I do for her the more she wants never can be plz I'm tired what should I do
nory on March 04, 2012:
Thanks hubs...good advice!it helps me a lot
nory on March 04, 2012:
Thanks hubs...good advice!it helps me a lot
aren on February 21, 2012:
Thanks for these.... it really helped me.. speciall in my philosophy of life...
saeed on February 18, 2012:
good tips
sandip on February 16, 2012:
it was really a nice tip,,,, it can anyones life,,,
GOLD on February 15, 2012:
aya on January 25, 2012:
thank you , good advic
.ll on January 17, 2012:
SIBIRITION on January 01, 2012:
We face problems to grow thus a good one there. thanks very much that is wonderful work done. happy new year and stay blessed.
Nazar on December 17, 2011:
Wow wat an inspiring words and thoughts , face the problem with guts and self confidence
malik on December 16, 2011:
thank u very much its a good one. NO PAIN NO GAIN
saeed2011 on December 04, 2011:
A nice and good advice
Betty Bolden from Bucyrus Ohio on November 28, 2011:
oh life problems are all over me..thank you for this
KAHSAY NEGASH on October 10, 2011:
kahsay negash(ethiopian) on October 10, 2011:
that is a good advice & this makes me to be successful in my problems.And i want also to advice you to continue with your good works.
good bye
isha on October 08, 2011:
good job
Suzette on August 23, 2011:
Totally agree...I learn more about life.
sweetie1 from India on June 14, 2011:
Beautiful hub and i do agree with you that everyone has problems. Infact the day you come on this earth your problems start and don't end till you end. Though i don't beleive that sadhus don't have problems. They do have problems of food, health, clothing infact everything and on top of it they have to beg for everything. Yes they have run away from responsiblities like cowards but their problems don't end there.
Arpana on June 11, 2011:
YEs........ liFE gives us lessons to learn.
jose on May 20, 2011:
I am very impressed and to confess, I have learn so much. I pray that with this lesson learn from your article will help me deal with life problems. ofcourse i take life very serious which i believe have led to continuous stress and unhappiness i faced on a daily basis.
SimpleSystemWorks on April 12, 2011:
Interesting insights! I personally feel that understanding ourself first is the key to solving most problems in our daily life. It is the key to lead you to where your heart really belongs!
Jacob (author) from Delhi, India on March 31, 2011:
Dear Noluthando,
Whether you did right or wrong is not the question. The question is how you are dealing with the the wrong doers. Are you dealing with it? Are you making them aware that they did wrong? Do you communicate that you cannot continue with or tolerate the wrong they are doing? Deal it with a free mind. You are worthy. You have rights and obligation while in relationship. Know about it and act upon it. That is the key to lead a successful life.
Thanks for your visit and comment
Noluthando on March 31, 2011:
what if you did not do wrong? what change do you adapt in, how do you cope with it? what reasons must you have for it to flash sometimes can be unfare
jam on February 18, 2011:
it's really accommodating for those who have problems to read some article like that!!!
emma on January 17, 2011:
lot have been said... i think am in the right place at the right time..........all i can say is thank you for these good words
jaz on December 20, 2010:
really good advice....!!!!
Jacob (author) from Delhi, India on December 02, 2010:
Thanks all
I do appreciate all the love and support people have been sending my way. The extra social support really helps. Knowing that people are finding value in these updates gives me more motivation to keep going. So thank you for that!
Jacob (author) from Delhi, India on December 02, 2010:
Thanks all
I do appreciate all the love and support people have been sending my way. The extra social support really helps. Knowing that people are finding value in these updates gives me more motivation to keep going. So thank you for that!
layeni nurudeen atanda on November 19, 2010:
i thank u very much 4 ur advice,it is quite no is 08077664335.lagos nigeria.
Nittu on November 06, 2010:
Well i agree to you and your words.But I would like to add something to this.Situations get worse when u hangup yourself to small issues and keep banging your head on thinking of the reasons and asking yourself why,why, why ????? it happened."Forget" and "Forgive" are two good words we have which will let us feel quite relax .
denden mangubat from liloan, cebu, philippines on October 05, 2010:
nice hub
Yogesh Bailwal from India on September 26, 2010:
Very practical advice, really good hub.
Johnyboy on September 11, 2010:
To answer the title question I would say "With Calm" :D
sudheer on September 11, 2010:
its something useful in one's life to develop in all respects.....
Jacob (author) from Delhi, India on August 19, 2010:
Thanks shihab eldeen for your kind visit and comment
shihab eldeen on August 15, 2010:
thank you for all
I think The size of your problem defined by your efforts to convince your self that isn’t a problem
Jacob (author) from Delhi, India on August 04, 2010:
I do appreciate all the love and support people have been sending my way this week. The extra social support really helps. Knowing that people are finding value in these updates gives me more motivation to keep going. So thank you for that!
sanjay on July 22, 2010:
nice tips,really very helpful
Sudhish on July 14, 2010:
Really valuable & motivating comments. I am ready to face any problem now.
Vaibhav on July 10, 2010:
Simply great advice and article to deal with all sort of problems in life. Thanks you so much Mr. Jacob for enlightening people in today's gloomy scenario, where world is saturated with problems.............! Keep up the good job.
God Bless U.
kevintuga on June 13, 2010:
Excellente and interesting article, you said in a small text a important Word's How problems in life can be resolve and not be ignored .
Thank's for HUB continue with your Good work :D
Coment my hub's
x on June 11, 2010:
Excellent article. So much so,that I've linked to it.
Pamela Lipscomb from Charlotte, North Carolina on June 07, 2010:
It is important to teach children at an early age, how to handle stress' and problems.
artlia garcia on May 18, 2010:
thank you for your very2x good advise.. I've learned a lot...
nikitha p from India on May 15, 2010:
Nice article
Jacob (author) from Delhi, India on May 13, 2010:
Thanks for your comment Fucsia.
I think money problem can be overcome by our actions.
fucsia on May 11, 2010:
I agree with this kind of mindset, but some problems can't be resolved and sometimes can't be accepted. I think, for example, those who have money problems, real problems. There are many people in the world that can not ward off the cold, eating, sleeping in a bed. perhaps these are problems that can only be solved by the entire population, only with the help of all.
another problem that is can't be resolved is a serious disease, although by disease we can always learn a lot.
Jacob (author) from Delhi, India on May 03, 2010:
Thanks all
Thanks Pollyannalana,
Thanks lovelife999 ,
Thanks Paul Stretton ,
Thanks curlyqt5 ,
Thanks gudiya ,
Thanks Madison22,
Thanks RUEL,
Thanks Styling,
Thanks kims3003
Thank you very much for your visit and encouraging comment.
kims3003 on May 01, 2010:
An extra special hub. Great writing
Styling on April 25, 2010:
First of all, the word ‘problem’ is so negative that even labeling situation as a problem we already have a problem. There’s no such thing as ‘problem’. We need to realize what we call problem is actually change of ‘set of circumstances’. Things in life are never static, everything is constantly changing. The most wonderful things in life are bound to change but good news is with ‘bad’ things too. Nothing ever stays the same. Once we accept changes as part of our life, only than we can shift our perception about ‘problems’. It’s never situation which cause suffering, it’s only our interpretation about certain situation. Let’s start with something small; try calling ‘change of circumstances’ instead ‘problems’ and see how you feel. You might suddenly realize that problems do not have the same impact on you as they used to. You might be surprised.
RUEL on April 23, 2010:
Its a great advice, just remember all people living this world have different problem, just have faith in our almighty and solution will come in the right time.
We must enjoy our life in every moment.
Madison from NYC on April 21, 2010:
Excellent advice! Thank you for sharing them. :-)
gudiya on March 27, 2010:
Great advice, thanks for posting!
curlyqt5 from Bay Area on February 22, 2010:
Nice hub! I enjoyed reading it!
Paul Stretton on January 21, 2010:
Great advice, thanks for posting!
Paul Stretton on January 21, 2010:
lovelife999 on January 10, 2010:
really awesome, great hub.
Pollyannalana from US on January 07, 2010:
I agree with RevLady but with you that when problems do come we need patience if our mates aren't as quick to solve or learn. Whether we want them or not problems will come and our knowledge, attitude and willingness to do the right thing will decide how bad or how often. Like learning to walk I guess, and we go on learning throughout life.
Jacob (author) from Delhi, India on December 26, 2009:
Thanks Rishfa for your comment
Rishfa on December 25, 2009:
Awesome :):) thanks for the great advice
Jacob (author) from Delhi, India on December 25, 2009:
Thanks stars439 and Hanna Ministries for your comment
It's encouraging..
Thanks once again
Hannah Ministries on December 25, 2009:
Isn't it great that we really need the problems to grow? God Bless you. I love your hubs. Became a follower.
stars439 from Louisiana, The Magnolia and Pelican State. on December 24, 2009:
Good Advice. God Bless You
Jacob (author) from Delhi, India on December 22, 2009:
Thanks all for your visits and comments
Harsh Sharma from Mumbai,India on December 22, 2009:
Good food for thought.Its all in the mind Jacobkuttyta and a matter of taking ownership and responsibility.
losestomachfat from Australia on December 19, 2009:
Some top shelf hubs, very useful information for everyone!
Nate Kelley on December 19, 2009:
Very good thoughts and ideas... Keep up the good hubs
Hussains from Olympia, WA on December 16, 2009:
Nice article, great advice.
losestomachfat from Australia on December 15, 2009: