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How to Throw a Meditation Party

Meditation Party Ideas

Group meditations are not uncommon, but why not turn a group meditation into a meditation party? Meditation does not always need to be about sitting quietly and clearing the mind. There are some fun and unique ways to meditate that would be perfect for a party, while increasing the meditation experience.

To start with, be sure to make the area comfortable for guests. Invite guests to bring their own meditation mats and cushions, but be sure to have some ready for those who don't have any of their own. Not everyone likes to sit on the floor when they meditate, so be sure to have some comfortable chairs or a couch to sit on.

Have the room well lit, but not too bright. You want to create a warm, relaxing atmosphere. If you have a meditation alter and it's moveable, you can bring it into the room. Otherwise, create a space where you can place crystals and meditation candles to enhance your guests' experience.

Choosing Meditation Candles

If you decide to use meditation candles, choose candles that are natural such as ones made out of beeswax or soy wax. This way you're not putting any toxins in the air.

As far as the scent goes, it's really a personal choice although different scents are known for having different properties.

Lavender is one of the most popular candle scents and is known for its calming effects. If you're looking to relieve stress and anxiety, a good choice would be lemongrass.

For a warm scent that helps promote mental clarity, sandalwood would be a good option. Sage candles have a cleansing effect and can remove negative energy.

Wish Fulfillment Meditation

A wishing meditation is for helping to manifest something that you are dreaming of. Have your guests get comfortably seated, close their eyes and take several long, deep breaths to clear their minds.

Next, have them imagine a wish of theirs coming true. Don't see it as something in the future, but in the here and now.

For example, let's say you are wishing to have a beach vacation in the Bahamas. Envision yourself lying on the beach, feeling the warm sunlight caressing your body while the waves of the ocean gently tickle your toes. Hear the far off sound of tropical calypso music in your ears. Experience the warmth and relaxation the beach is making you feel. Try to imagine it as if you were really there.

After several minutes, asks your guests to imagine a warm, golden, glowing light entering the room and surrounding everyone. At this time ask everyone to send out good wishes to everyone in the room to help manifest that their dreams and wishes come true.

Dance Meditation

Have some fun with a dance meditation. No experience needed and it doesn't matter if someone has two left feet. It's all about movement and the are no wrong or right ways to do it. In fact, if someone doesn't want to stand up, they can do this meditation even while sitting down. The whole idea is to feel the music and to let your body go to experience it.

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There are different types of music that will work with this. You can put your guests in an enchanted mood with some instrumental fantasy music. If you prefer to be more active, there is meditation drumming music.

Once you put the music on, let guests move at their own pace. Some may just want to sway back and forth while others may decide to spin in circle across the room. This is all about letting go and feeling free.

Dance Meditation Music

Food Meditation and Mindful Eating

It's a nice gesture to have some refreshments to serve your guests and there are foods out there that go well with meditation. Skip the traditional party food and go with natural foods. A vegetable platter would work or some fruit kabobs. Nuts are said to be a good meditative food, so you can put out a bowl of almonds or walnuts.

Green tea is quite beneficial when it comes to meditating as it promotes both relaxation and alertness. You should also have plenty of fresh water for your guests as well.

You can now turn your food into a mindful meditation. Once people have their food, have guests take a really good look at the food. Let them observe the different colors and shapes. Have them imagine what that food is going to taste like once it reaches their mouths.

When picking up food, focus on the texture of the food. You are trying to involve as many of your senses as possible. Once in the mouth, chew slowly, really savoring the taste of the food. This process of eating slower will also aid in digestion.

Coloring Mandala Meditation

Coloring can be a great form of relaxation and a way to bring out your artistic side. Mandalas are quite popular for coloring meditation and simple to do. You can print some pages from various online sites for free. All you need now are a variety of crayons.

Put on some peaceful music and let guests color at their own pace. Have them focus on the colors and the movement of their hands. This is a wonderful way to clear the mind and reduce anxiety.

Group Laughter Meditation

Let your guest leave on a high note by having a group laughter meditation. Laughter can help get rid of negative energy and bring positive energy in. Being in a group setting, that positive energy is heightened even more.

This is a very simple meditation. Start by taking a deep breath, then let out a partial laugh. On the next breath, let out one whole laugh. With each breath increase the laughter until everyone is laughing like Old St. Nick.

Guests can now leave filled that positive energy and carry with them some great memories from the party.

Guided Laughter Meditation

© 2023 Janis Masyk-Jackson

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