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How To Get Rid of and Kill Norovirus Germs

How to kill norovirus and other germs is not as simple as many people are led to believe. Norovirus is a ribonucleic acid (RNA) virus that causes a majority of the non-bacterial outbreaks of gastroenteritis that affect people of all ages. Gastroenteritis, which is also commonly known as gastric flu, stomach flu (it is not actually influenza), and stomach virus, is inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, involving both the stomach and the small intestine, which results in acute diarrhea and abdominal discomfort, sometimes accompanied by vomiting. Getting rid of norovirus cannot be done using traditional household cleaners, because these cleaners are incapable of killing norovirus and many other germs that make people sick.

How To Kill Norovirus Germs: Your Home Is Not As Clean As You May Think

Many people mistakenly think that if they clean their home with common household cleaners, they will get rid of norovirus and other germs that cause illnesses. However, these illness causing bugs are not destroyed by common household cleaners, and seemingly clean surfaces could actually be teeming with norovirus and other germs that are still capable of making people who come into contact with them sick. Even many chlorine based cleaners that kill the common cold and flu viruses, such as chlorine wipes, are ineffective against norovirus and many other germs, because the chlorine is not concentrated enough to inactivate the germs that cause you to get sick.

Fortunately, a whole new class of safe silver ion based household cleaners have been developed that use silver ions to effectively inactivate norovirus and many other viruses and germs, including bacteria and fungus. The silver ions deactivate structural and metabolic membrane proteins in viruses, bacteria, and fungus, leading to the microbial inactivation of viruses (viruses are not living organisms) and the death of bacteria and fungus. The virus, bacteria, and fungus microbes view the silver ion containing active ingredient in the cleaners as a food source, allowing the silver ions to enter their interior. Once inside the virus, bacteria, or fungus, the silver ions destroy the microbe’s DNA, which halts the virus, bacteria, and fungus’ ability to replicate and leads to inactivation or death, rendering them incapable of causing human illness.

Silver Ion Based Household Cleaners Kill Norovirus Germs

Where do you find these new silver ion based household cleaners that ensure that when you clean an area, norovirus and many other germs have actually been inactivated or killed and no longer pose a health concern? They can be purchased on the Internet at websites such as, and are not commonly sold in many stores.

Silver ion based household cleaners are extremely effective and safe silver ion based household cleaner that deactivates norovirus and many other viruses, bacteria, and fungus. I have used this product numerous times to clean, and it appears to work effectively with no discernable odor. It's really quite a benign cleaner without the caustic chemical smells that some chlorine based cleaners give off.

These silver ion based household cleaners have a United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) IV toxicity rating; the lowest rating assigned by the USEPA. They ares non-flammable, non-corrosive, and odorless. It does not give off fumes or cause skin irritation that is associated with traditional disinfectants.

These cleaners is applied to a surface with a spray bottle to rid it of viruses, bacteria and fungus, just as one would apply other common household cleaners. Although silver ion based household cleaners are effective against some viruses, bacteria and fungus in as little as 30 seconds, it is a good idea to let the cleaning liquid sit on a surface for ten minutes to allow it to reach its full potential of deactivating viruses and killing bacteria and fungus.

Silver ion based household cleaners are effective against the following germs:

Bacteria: Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella enterica, Listeria monocytogenes, Vancomycin Resistant Enterococcus faecium (VRE), Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), Community Associated Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA), Community Associated Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA-PVL), Escherichia coli 0157:H7, Acinetobacter baumannii and Campylobacter jejuni.

Fungus: Trichophyton mentagrophytes (which causes athlete’s foot).

Viruses: Herpes Simplex Type 1, Rotavirus, Human Coronavirus, Norovirus, Avian Influenza A, Influenza A Virus, Rhinovirus and Polio Virus Type 2, HIV Type 1.

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Kill Norovirus Germs: Protect Yourself and Family From Norovirus and Other Common Germs

Silver ion based cleaners provide you the power kill norovirus germs and to protect yourself and your family from norovirus and many of the common germs that cause people to get sick. Using silver ion based cleaners is the most effective way to kill norovirus germs, Cleaning and killing norovirus and common germs is a prudent action to reduce the chances that you or your family will fall ill from norovirus spawned illness, such as stomach flu, and illnesses caused by common germs that are present on surfaces within your home. It is important to understand how to clean surfaces of norovirus and other germs, and to not waste time cleaning with ineffective cleaners, so you can effectively kill norovirus germs and other common germs in your home or place of business before they make yourself or other sick.

Silver Ion Based Household Cleaners Can Be Purchased In Bulk

How PureGreen24 Silver Dihydrogen Citrate (SDC) Kills Bacteria and Viruses

How Quickly PureGreen24 Kills Germs

An example of an effective Silver ion based household cleaner that I have used against germs such as norovirus

An example of an effective Silver ion based household cleaner that I have used against germs such as norovirus

A Comparison Between a Popular Silver Ion Based Cleaner and Other Cleaning Products

A Comparison Between a Popular Silver Ion Based Cleaner and Other Cleaning Products

© 2011 John Coviello


John Coviello (author) from New Jersey on December 11, 2017:

It's that time of year again when cold and flu viruses are making people sick. Traditional cleaners just aren't that effective against this tiny microbe bugs, but this Pure Green stuff is. Glad everyone found this article useful.

KenDeanAgudo on August 26, 2013:

Great hub as always =) love to learn more

Dr. Amilia on April 14, 2011:

God, makes me sometimes wonder, how ae we still alive? Thank God for immunity.

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