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How To Soothe Tired Eyes

Soothing My Tired Eyes With The Eye Pillow


Tired Eyes, A More Recurring Problem Today

Not long ago life without computers and smart phones was a lot simpler. There were three main activities that would make our eyes tired. These three activities were reading, watching television and driving. Having tired eyes were not as common as today. Now, with the use of computers and smart phones, the problem of tired eyes is very common. For people like me, with age catching up, having tired eyes is a constant problem. I spend most of my time on the computer, staring at the monitor screen, day and night. So I need to constantly find ways to soothe my tired eyes. Some time ago, I have written an article on how to soothe tired eyes. Now I would like to share with you the latest method that I find most convenient and effective to soothe tired eyes.

If you wish to read about my previous article on how to soothe tired eyes, please click on the link on the right column of this article.

Why Our Eyes Get Tired

The greatest culprit that causes our eyes to get tired easily is the computer screen. Even right now, my eyes are tired. They get tired very easily and very quickly nowadays. Why? The light emitting from the monitor screen hits directly into my eyes continuously. The close proximity of my eyes to the computer screen makes it worse. This strains the eyes and makes them very sensitive and slightly irritating. The first line of defense for me is to give my eyes a rest after every 30 minutes on the computer. But unfortunately, I always worked “overtime”! That is my main problem. The second line of defense is of course finding ways to soothe my tired eyes.

Eye Wash Or Eye Lotion


My Eye Pad Or Eye Pillow


My Eye Pillow In The Fridge Freezer


Two Methods To Soothe Tired Eyes

Presently I like these two methods. One is “bathing“ my eyes with “eye wash or eye lotion”. You can buy the eye lotion in any pharmaceutical store, or even in supermarket. When I used it, my eyes felt comfortable. The eye drop is not compatible with me. Whenever I used the eye drop, my eyes felt uncomfortable.

The other method is by using a cold eye pad or eye pillow, a gadget I just discovered recently, and I am here sharing the information with you. I got this eye pillow from my daughter who bought it from a spa shop. Take a look at the photos. It looks like an eye-shade or sleep-mask; you know the black gadget we wear over our eyes to block light from the eyes, especially when we are trying to sleep or rest in lighted areas? This special eye pillow is filled with flax seeds and scented with lavender.

This is how it works. The eye pillow is kept in the fridge freezer to make it cold. Place the eye pillow just like the way you wear the eye-shade. It is very soothing to the eyes with the cold temperature emanating from the cold flax seeds into the eyes. I found this to be the best method so far. It is very relaxing, and I use it even for short naps.

Try this method and I am sure you will enjoy soothing your tired eyes.

Relaxing With My Cold Eye Pillow, Real Soothing

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Justin Choo (author) from Malaysia on March 14, 2015:

Sorry Sunil i don't have any info that may help you. hope you get well soon.

Sunil on March 14, 2015:

Good guy.ur comments r helping the lives of millions..appreciate your service to the core.

I am 30 years old and have multiple lipomas on my you have any cure/solutions for this.

Justin Choo (author) from Malaysia on June 12, 2013:

Hi Tebo,

Thanks for visiting and comment. It's people like you who made the "1 million" possible.

By the way I was a student at Vic U in Wellington, way back in 1970!! And returned to live in Auckland in the early 90s, but realized that there was no place like home, Malaysia. So I came back to my hometown.

tebo from New Zealand on June 11, 2013:

I do like the sound and look of the eye pad filled with flax seed and lavender. Obviously you find it very useful. Thanks for the suggestions for our society where we spend so much time looking at screens of various types and by the way congratulations on your 1 million views of hubs. Magnificent and inspiring.

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