Nutritional and Health Benefits of the Lotus Plant
Lotus Plant Benefits
The lotus is the national flower of India and Vietnam. It has cultural and religious significance in many Asian traditions. In India, the lotus is considered sacred and revered by Hindus. Some deities, including Lord Vishnu, Lord Ganesha, Goddess Lakshmi, Goddess Saraswati, and Goddess Ganga, are portrayed standing or sitting on lotus flowers. Likewise, the lotus has religious significance in Chinese Buddhist traditions.
Lotus plants offer many health benefits, as well. Different parts of this beautiful plant can be used for health and nutrition. Read on for more about how to use this plant and how it grows.
Latin name: Nelumbo nucifera
Medicinal Uses of the Lotus Plant
For centuries, lotus flowers, seeds, leaves, and parts of the underground stem (rhizome) have been used to make medicine.
- Lotus flowers are used to stop bleeding. Lotus seeds are used for disorders of the digestive tract, including diarrhoea.
- Lotus flowers have been used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat diarrhoea.
- The seeds are used to treat inflammation and skin problems, including acne. When combined with green tea, an emulsion of lotus flower applied to the skin significantly reduced acne breakouts when used for 60 days.
- In traditional Chinese medicine, the embryo of lotus seeds is known as Lian Zi Xin. They are used to treat nervous disorders, insomnia, and cardiovascular diseases (hypertension and arrhythmia).
- Mixed with honey, a powder of lotus seeds is useful in treating cough.
- Recent studies show promise for lotus seed embryos as a treatment for lung cancer. An alkaloid present in the embryos has been shown to inhibit the growth of lung cancer cells.
- A study conducted in Japan found that dietary lotus root powder may help alleviate fatty liver disease (non-alcohol-related liver disease).
Lotus Roots Nutrition Facts Profile
- Provides 74 calories per 100 g.
- Good levels of dietary fibre, about 13% of the daily requirement.
- Low in fat and no cholesterol.
- Excellent source of Vitamin C, with 73% of RDA per 100 g.
- Provides a number of B-complex vitamins and several minerals, along with good amounts of copper and iron.
- Low in sodium and high in potassium and has the optimum 1:4 ratio of these minerals.
- Seeds are rich in protein and minerals.
- Lotus contains several alkaloids and flavonoids.
Nutrient Levels Per 100 g of Lotus Root
Nutrient | Amount | % of USRDA |
Calories | 74 | 3.70% |
Carbohydrates | 17.23 g | 13% |
Protein | 2.60 g | 5% |
Total Fat | 0.10 g | 0.50% |
Cholesterol | 0 mg | 0% |
Dietary Fiber | 4.9 g | 13% |
Folates | 13 mcg | 3% |
Niacin | 0.400 mg | 2.50% |
Pantothenic acid | 0.377 mg | 7.50% |
Pyridoxine | 0.258 mg | 20% |
Riboflavin | 0.220 mg | 17% |
Thiamin | 0.160 mg | 13% |
Vitamin C | 44 mg | 73% |
Sodium | 40 mg | 3% |
Potassium | 556 mg | 12% |
Calcium | 45 mg | 4.50% |
Copper | 0.257 mg | 29% |
Iron | 1.16 mg | 14% |
Magnesium | 23 mg | 6% |
Manganese | 0.261 mg | 1% |
Selenium | 0.7 mcg | 1% |
Zinc | 0.39 mg | 3.50% |
Lotus Stems and Roots
If you see something called "lotus sticks" in a produce market, keep in mind that these are the stems of the plant, not the roots. The roots are fine and thin and are found below the stem in the mud under the rhizome.
The stems have a stiff exterior and have several hollow, tube-like, symmetrical canals that run their lengths in a circular fashion. These can be seen when the stem is cut horizontally into sections.
Since the stems may harbour parasites, they should be cleaned thoroughly to remove mud and then cooked before eating.
The Lotus Fruit (Seed Head)
The fruit or seed head resembles the spout of a watering can. Amazingly, the seeds remain viable, under the right conditions, for hundreds of years. Seeds as old as 1,300 years old were found in a dry lake bed in China and were still viable enough to germinate.
Cooking Uses of the Lotus Plant
All the parts of the lotus plant—the stems, leaves, flowers, seeds, stamens, and seed pods—are edible.
- The stems are eaten as a vegetable. The younger stems are also pickled. These can be used in soups or salads, stir-fried, deep-fried, or braised.
- The large leaves are used to wrap around sticky rice as they do not stick to the food. Dried leaves are used to make lotus tea.
- The seeds can be made into a paste to make soups and are also used in cooking and baking.
- Ground, roasted seeds can be used as a coffee substitute.
- The flower petals are used as a garnish. Dried lotus stamens are used to make tea.
- The seeds can be eaten as a snack when roasted, boiled, or candied. They add a lovely flavour to food. Ground into a flour, they can be used to thicken soups or to make bread.
Lotus Stem Pickle (Kamal Kakdi Achar)
How Lotus Plants Grow
Lotus flowers are called "Kamal" in India. They are aquatic perennials that grow in tropical to subtropical climates. Native to tropical Asia and Australia, they are commonly cultivated in water gardens for show as well as for their edible parts.
Lotus leaves float on the surface of the water, while the flowers grow on stalks that rise well above the water's surface. The stem and leaf surfaces are coated with a waxy substance that makes them water-repellent.
Lotus plants are typically about five feet tall. The leaves are thin and large, sometimes as big as two feet across. The flowers, too, can be big, sometimes as many as eight inches in diameter. The flowers are pink and white.
Lotus plants are among the few species of plants that can regulate the temperature of their flowers within an optimal range to attract cold-blooded insects for pollination. In fact, a study conducted at the University of Adelaide, Australia, found that even when the environmental temperature dropped to 10 degrees C, the flower temperature was maintained at 30 to 35 degrees C.
Sources Cited
- Fanous, S. (2016, June 16). The Power of the Lotus. Retrieved November 24, 2017, from
- Effects of Lotus Root (the Edible Rhizome of Nelumbo nucifera) on the Deveolopment of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Obese Diabetic db/db Mice. (n.d.). Retrieved November 24, 2017, from
- In What Nutrients Are Lotus Roots High? (n.d.). Retrieved November 24, 2017, from
This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and does not substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, and/or dietary advice from a licensed health professional. Drugs, supplements, and natural remedies may have dangerous side effects. If pregnant or nursing, consult with a qualified provider on an individual basis. Seek immediate help if you are experiencing a medical emergency.
© 2013 Rajan Singh Jolly
kahoot on May 03, 2018:
what do they eat
Kirt on March 18, 2018:
Thanks. For this. Information since my mother with cancer in 2002 i found my self becoming investigative in herbal. Cure for illnesses. Every or most herbs i found. Growing. In my in my environment. I goes online to get details. About it and it uses i wish here in Guyana one day to to cure cancer with herbs
p srinivasulu on February 22, 2018:
Good very helpfull
Karthik on February 13, 2017:
Nice article and also very useful information about the lotus uses and its beneficial functions
Jeff on January 09, 2017:
Hi very informative thanks! I have a question, does lotus plant purify the waters and provide oxygen to the fish in a pond?
Rocie on May 25, 2015:
I learned passed a year ago that I'm allergic to wheat,rye, barley and I'm Celiac. Since then I have made it a mission of mine to only eat things that can help heal my body. In this mission I was fortunate enough to learn about Lotus, you helped me a lot. I now cook with it every day and I don't miss any of the wheat, rye, and barlye in my life!!!!! :D Thank you Rajan Jolly!!! xoxoxoxox!
Rajan Singh Jolly (author) from From Mumbai, presently in Jalandhar, INDIA. on March 07, 2014:
Thanks Deepa. Your comments are much appreciated.
deepa on November 03, 2013:
I came through your link on B profile. each of your hubs are superb. I have bookmarked many for showing it to all. Thanks for taking the pains to write such beautiful masterpieces. btw we have a lotus pond
Rajan Singh Jolly (author) from From Mumbai, presently in Jalandhar, INDIA. on July 25, 2013:
Yorja, thanks for reading and leaving your comments.
Yorja Rahmani from India on July 25, 2013:
Till now I only liked Lotuses because they are so damn pretty and is our national flower But after reading your hub, it is marvelous that the plant has so many benefits in so many spheres. Its amazing that the seeds can stand the test of time for thousand plus years.
Rajan Singh Jolly (author) from From Mumbai, presently in Jalandhar, INDIA. on June 27, 2013:
Thanks for stopping by, Rosemary.
Rosemary Cole from Cape Town, South Africa on June 27, 2013:
So interesting, I love the lotus did not realise that it was edible as well.
Rajan Singh Jolly (author) from From Mumbai, presently in Jalandhar, INDIA. on May 20, 2013:
@Indian Chef-I like the pickle as well as bhein vegetable. Never tried the pakoras though! Thanks for the votes and sharing.
Abdus Salam from Bangladesh on May 19, 2013:
very very informative hub about health benefits. thanks @rajan jolly for sharing this hub.
useful voted!!
Indian Chef from New Delhi India on May 19, 2013:
Rajan I liked eating lotus pickle ( bhey ka aachar) and the pakoras of lotus stem but I did not know they are so beneficial for the human body. Voted 5 stars, up, awesome, sharing here and on twitter.
Rajan Singh Jolly (author) from From Mumbai, presently in Jalandhar, INDIA. on April 19, 2013:
Thanks Radhika for all the votes, read and sharing.
Radhika Sreekanth from Mumbai,India on April 18, 2013:
Lotus is the sacred flower believed to be the seat of Goddess Saraswati. Certainly, it's precious with a rich set of nutrients in all its parts. The picture of the lotus flower is very beautiful.
Up, useful, beautiful, awesome and interesting. Shared as well.
Rajan Singh Jolly (author) from From Mumbai, presently in Jalandhar, INDIA. on April 17, 2013:
I do hope you try them. Thanks for reading.
swathi180 on April 16, 2013:
I love makhana sabji in roti. Never tried the lotus stem before, now after reading this hub I will definitely try them.Useful and voted up
Rajan Singh Jolly (author) from From Mumbai, presently in Jalandhar, INDIA. on April 16, 2013:
@Lizam-thanks for the appreciative comments and for the continued support.
@Joe-thanks for you kind words. Your visit is always appreciated.
@Devika-I'm glad this info is useful to you. Thanks for coming by.
@shining-I'm glad you could glean useful info from the hub. Always a pleasure to see you. Thanks.
@Peggy-it does look like water lily though they are not related. Thanks for reading, voting and sharing.
@Jo-good to know it provided you with new info. Appreciate the vist, read and sharing.
@My Cook Book-thanks for stopping by.
@Rasma-thanks for sharing. I'm glad you found this informative.
Gypsy Rose Lee on April 16, 2013:
Thanks for sharing this interesting and informative hub. I knew about lotus but not about all of the benefits and other things one can do with it. Great videos. Passing this on.
Dil Vil from India on April 15, 2013:
Excellent hub! Very informative and useful. I have learnt many new things from this hub. Great work! Thanks for the info. I voted it UP
Jo Alexis-Hagues from Lincolnshire, U.K on April 15, 2013:
Wow....another incredible food source, and a fascinating read, I used to think of the Lotus only as a beautiful flower; I now know it is also very nutritious. Thank you for sharing, I'm passing this on.
Peggy Woods from Houston, Texas on April 15, 2013:
I have only seen dried seed pods of the lotus plant used in dried arrangements. To my knowledge I have never eaten it. Amazing plant since all parts of it are edible. It would seem that it also has many health benefits. That is an amazing thing that seeds as old as 1300 years could still germinate! The photos remind me somewhat of water lilies. Thanks for writing this hub. Up, useful and interesting votes + sharing.
vandynegl from Ohio Valley on April 15, 2013:
Awesome information! It is amazing how many uses this plant has!
Shining Irish Eyes from Upstate, New York on April 15, 2013:
Rajan - I found this article so useful and interesting. Although I was very familiar with the pleasing aesthetics of the Lotus plant, I did not know it was edible. What an amazing creation, able to regulate its own temperature. I also was under the misconception that the roots were harvested. Now I know it is the stalk of the plant itself.
Excellent review on this and filled with interesting info.
Voting up
wetnosedogs from Alabama on April 15, 2013:
Amazing. Such a beautiful flower.
Devika Primić from Dubrovnik, Croatia on April 15, 2013:
The lotus plant sounds a wonder plant, I had no idea of this plant or the benefits, you somehow manage to find something new to write about and I enjoy so very much to read such information. Voted up and interesting!
Hawaiian Odysseus from Southeast Washington state on April 15, 2013:
Now all of this was brand new information for me. I didn't realize, for one thing, that the stems of the lotus plant are edible. The health benefits of lotus are also interesting. You've once again provided your readers with an "encyclopedia in a nutshell" article about another wonderful health and nutrition source. Thanks for consistently doing a marvelous job of research and writing, Rajan! Aloha!
Lizam1 on April 14, 2013:
Rajan, how do you do it? You are such a prolific hubber with so many great tips for health and wellness. Thanks for all you share with us.