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HSP Topics: OK, so I'm an HSP-- NOW what?


This article is part of an ongoing series about the realities, joys and challenges of living life as a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP). For more background information about HSPs please read my original article The Highly Sensitive Person: An Introduction which also contains a listing of all my other HSP-related articles.


Having Doubts? Not sure you WANT this "HSP thing" to be true...?

Discovering, understanding and coming to terms with this idea that you're a Highly Sensitive Person doesn't always happen overnight. And whereas it can be very exciting, it's not always comforting, nor does it necessarily fall in line with how we perceive ourselves. I know these certainly were considerations for me...

Most people are familiar with how it feels to have a new insight. Some insights are powerful, wonderful and fill you with instant joy and excitement, while others are not so positive... and some can even leave you with an uneasy feeling in the pit of your stomach and a sense of "Greaaatt... I'm not really sure I want this to be true."

Maybe you find yourself at that point, right now-- having discovered that there is this "thing" that seems to fit you to a T, yet not overjoyed at the idea of being officially labelled "sensitive," and perhaps even feeling offended by the idea that there's a "label" that applies to you.

Maybe you already sort of knew that you were "sensitive" because you have been described that way by family, friends and/or co-workers-- but likely it has not been a positive "label," but perhaps a cause of shaming and anxiety.

Maybe you're bothered by the fact that you thought there was something genuinely "wrong" with you-- something that could potentially be "fixed"-- and now you're having to face the reality that this "thing" isn't actually fixable...

These are not at all unusual responses!

The Highly Sensitive Person: THE Book!

A quick note, before we go any further...

Not everybody who's exploring "being highly sensitive" arrives on this page because they have read Elaine Aron's book on the topic. ►

So if you're reading these words because you are "curious" or because "other people have told you" that you're highly sensitive, or "an empath," you really owe it to yourself to read this book! I'm not saying that as some kind of "sales pitch," but because Dr. Aron's insights about the HSP trait turn out to be life-changing for most who read them.

Seriously, it's the best $8-10 you'll ever spend.

The second reason I feel it's important that every HSP or potential HSP reads "The Highly Sensitive Person" is that there's a lot of opinion and speculation about what it "means" to be highly sensitive... opinions that actually have little or no basis in fact, but a lot of basis in people's needs to either manipulate each other, or even deceive themselves.

Understanding what high sensitivity really IS (as opposed to what you "think it might be") is an important part of learning to live peacefully with the trait.

A good place to continue learning

So, back to this "sensitivity" thing...

When I first learned about the trait-- in 1997-- I was actually pretty resistant to the idea. In fact, I felt pretty sure that-- whereas the description fit me-- this was just another "New Age Mumbo-Jumbo Label," invented to make socially awkward people with anxieties feel better about themselves, while allowing some author to sell self-help books.

Sounds pretty cynical, right?

Perhaps my reluctance was also fueled by the fact that I am male, and conventional societal values regard sensitivity as a "less than desirable" attribute when it comes to male characteristics. In time, I came to realize that male HSPs face an additional set of challenges, when it comes to integrating their sensitivities into daily life... and that made me doubly resistant.

Still, I couldn't escape the fact that the words I had read in Elaine Aron's book "The Highly Sensitive Person" represented an uncannily accurate description of how I had experienced my life.

The first thing I had to come to terms with was that it couldn't hurt to at least examine this "trait."

The idea of sensitivity was not exactly not exactly new to me. When I had previously studied the connection between intelligence and introversion, I repeatedly came across the research of Kazimierz Dabrowski, a Polish psychiatrist and psychologist, which included findings that as person's IQ/intelligence increased, so did the likelihood that this person would display symptoms of heightened (or "Hyper") sensitivity. Whereas this was interesting to me, I didn't pay too much attention to it, at the time. I felt like I had been offered a partial explanation, but gained no real answers on how it would affect my interaction with the world.

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Next Step: Start learning, learning, learning...

For most people, the best way to get comfortable with a new topic is to simply learn about it-- as much as possible. As one of my Teachers once pointed out:

"Our thoughts about a thing are usually much worse than the thing, itself."

There's a great deal of truth in that statement, and it didn't take me long to realize that my initial dislike of "sensitivity" had more to do with societal biases (including some of my own!) than with the actual fact that I was just "highly sensitive." I soon accepted that even if I never told another soul that I was highly sensitive, learning about the trait and how it affected me could obviously help me negotiate life a lot more smoothly.

And so, the first step in your journey to understanding what it "means" to be a highly sensitive person should be to learn enough-- for yourself-- to understand what the trait is really about. It's a much better approach than relying on "what you've heard," or perhaps other people's opinions (or even your own preconceived notions) about what it means to be sensitive.


HSP or Introvert? Or Both?

Throwing OUT some misconceptions about High Sensitivity

It's important to understand that the term "HSP" can't just be arbitrarily applied to the host of different cultural interpretations and "meanings" of "high sensitivity." The term applies to a pretty specific set of characteristics.

No, high sensitivity isn't "the same thing" as being an introvert. Some introverts are HSPs, some introverts are not. Many HSPs are introverts, but 25-30% are not. HSP Introvert Susan Cain's best selling book (see inset below, right) is also highly recommended reading for HSPs. Ms. Cain also happens to be an HSP.

No, "getting your feelings hurt easily, ALL the time" does NOT alone make you an HSP. Which leads to another, greater, mis-assumption: Emotional sensitivity is NOT specifically the single defining factor of someone being a Highly Sensitive Person, as Elaine Aron defined the trait.

It's also important to understand that being an HSP is an inborn trait. It's not something you "develop" or "have" or can be "diagnosed" with. It's something you ARE. It's as much a part of you as "blue eyes" or "big feet." And just like you can't "fix" blue eyes, you can't "fix" sensitivity.

A word of caution about "becoming highly sensitive:" A number of people assert that they "became" HSPs at some point in their lives. Whereas I don't want to negate anyone's experience, it is impossible to "become" an HSP... usually something else is present.

Most likely, what they really became is a particular form of "hypervigilant" that typically arises from prolonged abusive situations and trauma resulting in complex PTSD. Whereas I-- in no way-- wish to diminish the reality of such sensitivity, it is not the inborn trait Dr. Aron identified. Insisting the two are the same is akin to insisting that allergies and a cold are "the same thing" because the symptoms show up as a runny nose.

Last-- but not least-- sensitivity is NOT anxiety, ADHD, social phobia, Asperger's, SID or any other clinical "disorder." In fact, being an HSP is not a "diagnosis," at all.


Understand the Different Aspects of Sensitivity

For a number of HSPs, sensitivity can be almost exclusively environmental. I largely fit into that category, myself-- very sensitive to noise, harsh light, loud sounds, acrid smells and so forth. In my case, none of those have anything to do with the emotional side of sensitvity.

As I learned more I also recognized, for example, that my reluctance to participate in "exciting" and "thrill seeking" activities are not about dislike or fear, but about the fact that my body releases adrenaline very quickly (high startle response) but metabolizes it very slowly.

Phrased differently-- I'm not afraid of the actual rollercoaster ride, I just dislike that I end up feeling "jittery" for a couple of hours afterwards, while everyone else seems to have settled down again, five minutes later. That's an effect of physical sensitivities, and it has everything to do with physiology, and nothing to do with "being a sissy."

Another place I experience being highly sensitive is in a medical context, or being at the doctor's office. My body is very sensitive to the effects of prescription (and other) drugs. I can often get the desired effects from 1/3 to 1/2 of what's considered the "normal" dose, while the full dose might actually result in my feeling worse. This is confusing to many people, as I am a rather large person.

Some HSPs experience their strongest sensitivities empathically-- they feel everything people around them feel and take on other people's feelings and emotions like a sponge. Crowds completely overwhelm them. Violence and pain on TV and in movies horrify them.

Yet others deal with the more "traditional" interpretation of sensitivity: their feelings are very easily hurt.

For many, a blend of these are present.


DOES: Elaine Aron's 4 Basic Aspects of HSPs

In the course of two decades of research into, and study of, Highly Sensitive Persons, Dr. Elaine Aron has established that HSPs basically just have four fundamental "building blocks" in common-- shortened to the acronym "DOES."

Depth of Processing-- This is where conscientiousness, creativity, "mulling things over," making decisions carefully and having a deep understanding of "actions and consequences" manifest.

Easily Overstimulated-- this refers to being more readily overwhelmed by noise, deadlines, pressure, stress and having to work in groups or generally chaotic environments.

Emotional Reactivity-- This is an important aspect to understand; refers to reacting strongly to feedback, easily moved to tears by a variety of inputs, deep feelings of empathy for others, worries about how others are feeling. Keep in mind that this much more than "hurt feelings."

Sensitive to Subtle Stimuli-- in an HSP, this means noticing small things others generally miss, from slight changes in temperature to slight changes in someone's mood; often thought of as very detail oriented.

HSPs in Relationship

HSP Subcultures-- or "Not All HSPs are the Same"

Jacquelyn Strickland-- a leading expert on what it means to be Highly Sensitive-- has identified a number of "HSP Subcultures." On her web site, she outlines and describes more than a dozen distinct "types" of HSPs. These are all very different people... and yet? They all fit the criteria for being "A Highly Sensitive Person."

You might also consider reading my previous article "Not All Highly Sensitive People are the Same," which goes into greater detail about the many ways HSPs are unique and individual people.

Key learning point: Familiarize yourself with all the different facets of high sensitivity, and then spend some time examining what applies to you, and how your sensitivity manifests. Very few people are going to fit Elaine Aron's "standard" definition 100%.

I also recommend reading the books shown on different parts of this page.


Moving Forward: HONOR your sensitivity, but don't IMPOSE it on people

Once you have a basic understanding of the way being a highly sensitive person is reflected in your daily life, it becomes time to look at ways of making your daily living a little easier.

But first, a caveat: There's often the temptation to go "on the offensive" and go overboard on telling everyone "I'm an HSP, and here's what I need." Not a good strategy, even though I have come across scores of people who try to do just that.

Embracing high sensitivity, and creating a lifestyle that incorporates the trait is primarily about how you choose to approach living, not about making demands of others to accommodate you. And while "others" sometimes are part of the process, I highly recommend working towards compromise, rather than making demands.

Perhaps this sounds obvious, but a surprising number of people turn their difficulties in living with high sensitivity into "an issue about other people." If you feel unsure about this distinction, please a moment to read the companion article "Highly Sensitive or Highly Touchy?"

Point of learning: Always remember that high sensitivity is a neutral trait, not a pathology. And whereas it may be tempting to hide behind the "I'm an HSP" label, being an HSP does not grant us license to stop being engaged in life, nor to blame others for our struggles.


Making HSP-friendly choices, and living an HSP-friendly lifestyle

Using your new learning about the HSP trait, and incorporating it into your daily life can take many forms, from a few tiny changes to a complete re-invention of your lifestyle. The degree to which you make changes will-- of course-- vary from person to person. Here are a few basic concepts most HSPs can apply to their life:

Get enough rest: One of the points Elaine Aron makes about HSPs is that because we get easily "overstimulated," it is also extremely important that we get enough rest. And keep in mind that it is not merely the quantity of rest that matters, but also the quality.The "quality" of your sleep can be improved by following a schedule that gives you some time to "get calm" before you actually go to bed. Make a point of spending 30 minutes before bedtime reading, meditating, or engaging in some kind of "low stimulation" activity. One person I know simply plays with and pets her cats before bed, essentially using them as "therapy animals."

Spend your energy wisely: You may have identifiied some situations or people that overstimulate you easily, but don't necessarily want to cut them out of your life. Instead, give yourself a time limit. Maybe you enjoy going out with friends, on Friday night-- do go, but make an agreement with yourself that you need to go home by a certain time-- and then stick to the "agreement." Or if you enjoy some activity or sport, by all means participate, but learn to recognize when you're "on the way" to becoming overwhelmed, and then stop, even if you think "I'll be OK for a while longer."

Learn to say NO: Highly Sensitive People are often "people pleasers" and find themselves getting involved in activities, and with people, they really don't care that much for. As part of the "HSP self-care" process, it's essential to develop good boundaries, and to learn to say "no" when presented with options that really don't fit us. Saying "no" can be difficult sometimes, because we want people to like us, but ultimately we'll be better off by only saying "yes" to those activities and people that give us energy, while saying "no" to those that feel draining and overwhelming.

Examine your habits, and "take inventory"

Stop comparing yourself! HSPs often get in trouble because they compare themselves to other people and feel like they "should" be able to do the same things. Whereas comparisons are-- perhaps--part of human nature, we tend to fall into patterns of only comparing negatively. Remember: Your life is your life, not someone else's. Also, remember that it may seem like some friend can "keep going forever," but there are also many things/talents you have that they don't.

"Don't should on yourself!" Related to the negative patterns of comparisons, telling ourselves that we "should" be able to do things generally serves little purpose other than to create frustration and negative thought patterns. Everybody has strengths and weaknesses. As HSPs, it sometimes might feel like our "weaknesses" are things everyone else takes for granted. But we also have strengths and abilities relatively few others have. Rather than do battle with things you believe you "should" be able to do, put your energy into developing your strengths.


Longer Term: take Inventory of your life: Part of the process of embracing sensitivity involves literally pausing to examine our life, and what's in it. The reason this is so important-- especially when the idea of being a highly sensitive person is new-- is that our life-to-date has been based on assumptions that didn't consider the HSP trait. "Taking inventory" means looking at our habits, our work, our choices, the people in our lives, and asking whether they actually serve our best interests.

For some, this can be a challenging and even unpleasant time of self-discovery. We may have to come to terms with the fact that we have friends we're "holding onto" who really don't fit us, but we have kept because it seemed like we "should" be friends with them. Perhaps we continue to try to have a relationship with a toxic family member, out of a misplaced sense of loyalty, even though we feel bad about ourselves every time we spend time with that person. Maybe we're clinging to a job that stresses us out, for no reason beside other people telling us we're "successful," or we have persuaded ourselves we have "no other options."

This "taking stock" process is a long-term project. Depending on the core issues you're looking at, it can take from a few months to (possibly) decades. However, it is crucial to most HSPs' well-being.

Befriend other HSPs: One final, and quite important, suggestion is to find and befriend other Highly Sensitive People. Although many HSPs describe themselves as introverts and loners, having a "peer network" of fellow HSPs can make the self-discovery path much easier. After all, nobody else "gets" what it's like to be an HSP, like another HSP. For more specifics about where and how to befriend other HSPs, I suggest reading the articles "HSP Gatherings, Groups and Workshops" and "The Challenge of Friendships."

In summary: Learn what it means-- to you-- to be a highly sensitive person. Once you have a good understanding of how sensitivity affects you, make adjustments to your lifestyle and choices that honor that sensitivity, but do so without becoming disengaged from life.

© 2008 Peter Messerschmidt

Talk back! If you are an HSP, how long have you known? Have you identified how the trait works for you? What steps have you taken to adjust your life?

Peter Messerschmidt (author) from Port Townsend on June 25, 2015:

@peachpurple, since high sensitivity is not actually a "diagnosis," people arrive at the conclusion that they are HSPs mostly through some combination of personal study of the trait's attributes to see how it "fits," combined with perhaps getting a suggestion from a knowledgeable doctor or mental health professional to consider that they perhaps are an HSP.

Peter Messerschmidt (author) from Port Townsend on June 25, 2015:

@Ellen, thanks for your comnent! I think the "New Age" movement likes the idea of high sensitivity as a trait because of its proponents' predisposition to regard everything as "natural" rather than as something we can "do" something about. Whereas there are positive sides to that, it also puts people into a sort of myopic state where they feel justified in never "dealing with" anything that come their way. Pop psychology or not, we can still take the useful bits and use them to help us find smoother sailing in life.

peachy from Home Sweet Home on June 25, 2015:

Do you diagnose yourself or the doctor told you that you are a HSP?

Ellen on May 21, 2015:

Like you I too when discovering 'highly sensitive person' (in about 2000) was a fit to me, a large fit, I thought it just another mumbo jumbo new age pop-psychology thing. I filed it away and didn't revisit it.

However, just today upon hearing a radio show host mention a news item I have found myself revisiting Elaine's website and other articles. The difference now being that brain science seems to be validating Elaine's findings.

Ironically the news item headline that led me to re-visit my HSPness smacked of pop-psychology.

Seems to me a lot of 'HSP' traits would be seen as desirable by many of new age persuasion and of course there will also be HSPers (perhaps a great many) who see their traits in terms of new age beliefs.

To what extent the HSP temperament will become steeped in new age and pop-psychology meaning, I guess only time will tell.

Then again, perhaps it is my definition and belief about the meaning of 'new age' that needs to be examined! Just thinking about this wears me out!

Joel on January 21, 2015:

I grinned at the start of this post baesuce I too have been called a pessimist, and I always answer back that I'm a realist!! Self-help books have helped me over the years as have some good conversations with close friends. Being open to any kind of positive influence AND living in the moment can help us move forward to create something better for ourselves. I love that you are exploring your thoughts and that you've recognized that you are a flangipropper! Good gosh, that word just SOUNDS negative!!

electra on November 20, 2014:


Please could you remove the offensive reference to aspergers disorder. We don't have a disorder, we have a difference. You could replace this with 'being on the austistic spectrum' . Thank you

Kristy on August 21, 2014:

Your article is much appreciated and very refreshing.Like so many others say,it's a real relief to know I'm not the only one on this earth who feels this way.I'm an introvert and a loner but it's still nice to know that there are in fact so many other highly sensitive people out there.I've known for a while that I'm a HSP but am still accepting it because since a very young age I've felt rather 'alien'.I'm 36 and still struggling to find my place in the world.It often gets me down how I feel so disconnected and like I don't fit in.I feel the most at home,however,with my Mum and son who are also HSP's.These two are kindred spirits who I cherish and they accept me for me.I have not yet come across many HSP's outside of my family but I'm on the search.It's so important to remember all the positives for being this way.I'd much rather be an empathetic,sensitive and creative person than a cold,attention seeking loudmouth with no compassion or kind understanding of others.I've come across too many of these and I personally find them to be toxic and exausting.I'd much rather have zero friends than people like these in my life..I live a quiet,stable life and I rely on alone time the way people rely on oxygen.I feel emotions intensely,I avoid loud over stimulating environments and I'm known for my EXTREMELY sensitive sense of smell.I'd choose reading,gardening or daydreaming any time over a big social gathering where I'd be expected to make boring,false small talk.I'm only able to focus on ONE task at a time and I'm better one on one when it comes to people.The smallest situations in life completely overwhelm me and I take my time healing from things life throws at me.I'm also always in my head.I think more than I speak,love to analyse and am an effective listener..One of my biggest struggles,though,is the career situation.Being a stay at home Mum for 10 years has been great but when it comes time to getting out of my comfort zone and seeking work that suits someone who is a HSP,I just have NO IDEA.Just one big fat question mark...

Suzie from Carson City on August 13, 2014:

I have such a warm sense of peace. I have so many answers now. I feel vindicated, validated....even valuable! the letter, "V" it is........I feel VICTORIOUS..................Viva La HSP!

hsptweets from San Francisco on June 13, 2014:

Peter is really such a great and prolific writer on the subject of HSPs!

This particular article serves as an excellent blueprint or road-map for those with a beginning awareness of the trait and what to constructively do with it. The books he mentions provide further insight and guidance of how to build your own life as an HSP on your own terms.

I read Elaine Aron's The Highly Sensitive Person in 1997 and felt that it had been written about me personally. I checked every item in her Self Test [ ].

I had always known I was a 'sensitive' person but did not have a positive framework for it. My experiences of it had always been mostly negative in the context of other people with some rare exceptions. Today I am grateful for the increased societal awareness of this trait and that there are communities such as this one where we can openly connect and communicate with one another.

Taking inventory of my life, as Peter mentions in his article, is a continuing process for me. Our lives have many layers to sift through and this will take time (it's a lifetime of work really). As I have gained more awareness I look for ways to engage in life in more meaningful ways as an HSP on my own terms. I've learned it is possible to be a good citizen of the world and an HSP at the same time.

Peter summarizes this process well at the conclusion of his article:

"Learn what it means-- to you-- to be a highly sensitive person. Once you have a good understanding of how sensitivity affects you, make adjustments to your lifestyle and choices that honor that sensitivity, but do so without becoming disengaged from life."

I would love to hear further comments from others here about your experiences, discoveries, and learning!


Brittany M on November 18, 2013:

I need support, wisdom, help of any kind.. I'm in between open/closed right now.. If that makes sense. I know everything, but cannot see it all. I'm on Dexedrine and Cymbalta for debilitating ADHD, sensory processing, depression, anxiety, chronic pain, chronic sleep disturbances, bla bla bla.. Final diagnoses highly sensitive, overly aware, one of you ❤ please help me to move on happily in life, I'm at peace right now, I've always known, just felt it needed to be proven to family and friends to properly understand and respect me, something I've never had. With how I have been left, medicated and aware of my abilities, the gift, but no guidance I feel as though I'm getting very sick, people are killing me slowly, and spirits are overly attracted to me but I'm blocking it, or the meds are. I'm fully aware they're there or to their direct thoughts, my daughter talks about them, and my many animals see them as well. Please please please help me or pass this on to someone willing to share the wisdom or guidance I am lacking and that I can not receive from anyone but myself or one of us. My healing abilities are out of this world, I'm sure there are people who know exactly what I'm talking about. I just need to meet the one to take the last bit of hesitance away from me and I can no longer do it alone ❤ Brittany

Kimberly on January 13, 2013:

Thank you so much for sharing your insight, wisdom and encouragement with the world. I have always known that I am different and have felt completely out-of-place in the world. I have struggled considerably as an adult, in relationships, trying to navigate a world that overwhelms me. I've chosen to hide away, which has just led to unhappiness and frustrating those who love me most. But no more! My vow to myself is to learn to embrace my differences and to see them as strengths and take back my life before anymore time is wasted on hiding away. Your articles have been so inspiring and helpful to me and I cannot express my gratitude enough. You're a great gift to this world!

David on October 10, 2012:

Like you stuff man. Good work. The funny thing is when I discovered the "Highly Sensitive Person" book by Elaine Aron the next day I found a book by Doreen Virtue called "Earth Angels". I discovered that the characteristics of a "HSP" as described by Elaine is very similar to the characteristics that Doreen has given to "Earth Angels".

For any HSP I would highly recommend looking into the topics "Earth Angels" and "Light Workers" by Doreen Virtue. Doreen sees "Sensitivity" as a "gift". The sensitivity has positives like being able to sense people's emotions. The positives of sensitive people make them particularly suitable as healers, teachers of the world.

Boo McCourt from Washington MI on July 14, 2012:

Just was informed a day ago I am HSP. Your article helps put it into perspective, because right now it is a little weird to process. I don't know where to begin incorporating it into my life now that I know there is actually a name for what I feel like. Your hub gives me a start, thank you. Tweeted!

Abii on June 09, 2012:

I've just found out that i am a HSP. I've always cryed at pretty much everything but i always thought i was really week, now i know it's not just me being a wuss. I know theres going to be hard times to come especially as i'm just staritng my GCSE's, and i can't talk to teachers as a result of too much respect, but at least i can now reaserch into the matter and face it

jasmine on April 03, 2012:

I like this article. It describes exactly how I felt when a therapist told me I was highly sensitive; I didn't want a label, thought it was kinda hokey and thought it made me a weak person.

But now I've realized that it'd be in my best interests to accept and respect it.

I also appreciate that you mentioned our responsibilities as HSPs -- that other people shouldn't have to cater to us; that we can *choose* our lifestyles/our approaches to life. That was very freeing and I needed to read that. I'm not a baby, I'm a young adult with capabilities...

thank you...

Julia B on February 24, 2012:

I only discovered HSPs yesterday. It's like finding a detailed profile of myself online. I tick every box. It's so helpful. I had worked out a lot of it myself but finding there are so many people like me (not a freak after all) is hugely comforting. Now I know why I cry so much at music, get stressed when I have to do too much at once, need my own little room to disappear in, can't drink coffee after lunch, can't bear my husband's untidiness, retch, shiver, and instantly lose weight when some often quite minor crisis occurs, can't bear to watch or read about violence - even James Bond etc etc. Don't know yet what I am going to do with the information but just knowing about HSP is already helping me. Is there much research being done on this subject?

Carly on September 02, 2011: