Twelve Ways to Stop Gambling Addiction Forever
The Gambling Addiction
Gambling addiction is brutal and highly destructive. It can lead to dire consequences that run the gamut from bankruptcy, job loss, depression, anxiety, loss of friends and family, and even suicide. It is so important for the addict to stop gambling sooner rather than later.
This addiction does not discriminate. If the propensity is there, and the gambler crosses that invisible line into problem gambling, addiction can occur in anyone’s life. It does not matter whether the person is rich or poor, educated or uneducated. An addiction like this can send people to jail and cause major social and occupational problems, mental instability, and financial devastation that can last for years.
Studies show that problem gamblers are more likely to commit suicide than all other types of addicts combined.
It is important to get help as soon as possible. It isn’t easy to quit gambling, but there are ways you can help yourself before you get to the point of no return. Here are twelve strategies to use to stop gambling and reclaim your life!
Remember the feeling when you lose a lot of money at the casino, online, or through sports betting. Allow yourself to feel that despondency when you are having thoughts about gambling again.
Twelve Tips to Help You Quit Gambling Forever
1. Take a Short Break
When you wake up, decide that you will not gamble, just for this one day. If you have to do this an hour at a time, that is okay. Some might have to work one minute at a time, which is fine too, as long as you promise yourself that you will not gamble and keep the promise. Schedule your day in a very structured way, so you do not have much free time. Forbid yourself from entering a casino, downloading online gaming apps, or visiting gaming websites.
2. Find a Replacement Activity
Find something to replace your gambling. Exercise, go shopping, go out with friends, or do some cooking. You can also rent a movie, listen to some music, or do some reading — do whatever it takes to keep yourself busy. You could pick up a new, exciting hobby, like bike racing or climbing or welding.
Your goal is to stop gambling, and it is not easy when you get such a high from it. Finding replacements, however, can help. Try and see how it goes.
3. Remember How Bad It Feels to Lose
Remember the feeling when you lose a lot of money at the casino, online, or through sports betting? Allow yourself to feel that despondency when you have thoughts about gambling again. You may be less likely to go out and place a bet. I have done this before and must admit that these feelings have stopped me from taking that ride to the casino. This hasn't worked every time, but many times this tool has helped.
4. Educate Yourself About Gambling Addiction
Read as much as you can about gambling addiction. Educate yourself, especially about your particular type of gambling. Find out what type of gambler you are and whether you have a gambling problem and have crossed this invisible line. Are you an escape or an action gambler? Find out what some of your triggers are, as this can help a lot. When you read about gambling addiction, especially the power that it can have on your psyche, you may think twice about going out and placing a bet.
The resources at the end of this article may be of some help to you.
5. Find Self-Help Materials
Seek help. Look for books or courses. Self-hypnosis for gambling problems can also be helpful. Consider joining an online gambling addiction forum. Even if you do not join, reading other people's stories may help you realize that you are not alone. You must realize that you are not the only person with this problem. Many share your plight and are looking for answers and support from other gamblers.
Again, there are resources at the bottom of this article that may help you.
6. Find a Support Group
Attend a Gamblers Anonymous meeting for group support. If you do not want to do a 12-Step program, there is an online program called Smart Recovery. Support from other gamblers who also want to quit is an important part of your recovery. Just talking about gambling with others who understand what you're going through can be really helpful.
7. Hand Over Control of Your Money
Ask a close family member to handle your money. If you do not have money on your person, you will be less apt to gamble money away impulsively. It will be hard, but it is an important step in your recovery. Also, do not allow yourself access to ATMs or credit cards. Just keep a small amount of cash with you, so you cannot spend the money gambling.
8. List the Cons of Gambling and the Pros of Quitting
Make a list of how your gambling problem has affected your life in a negative way. Write as much as you can. Make a list on the left side of a sheet of paper, so you have room on the right side. On the right side, write about how your life will change for the better when you stop gambling.
9. Make a Financial Plan
Talk to a debt counselor about your gambling debts. Ask for advice about relieving financial pressure and solving financial problems caused by gambling. The financial stress that you have from gambling addiction debts can drive you back to gambling if not addressed. Financial problems are the biggest consequence of gambling, and help is available. Be sure to use a non-profit debt assistance agency and not one that is for-profit.
10. Get a Good Counselor
See a counselor that specializes in addictions, especially gambling, and talk to this person about your problem. If your addiction is severe, you will need as much support as you can get to stop gambling now.
11. Get Help for Underlying Mood Disorders
Many people with a gambling problem also suffer from depression, anxiety, stress, or other substance abuse issues. These can both trigger compulsive gambling as well as make it worse.
12. Get in the Right Environment
Surround yourself with people you trust who want to see you recover and avoid any kind of environment where you might be tempted to gamble, which could be anything from a casino to being at home alone with your smartphone. Delete gambling apps from your phone and tell casinos that you have a problem and want them to block you from entering.
Some Final Thoughts
Gambling is a dangerous addiction because of the related risk of suicide. Find help now and make a plan to begin quitting. Take it one day, or hour, at a time and keep in mind how great you will feel when you have come clean and stopped gambling with your life.
More Information About Problem Gambling
Do You Have a Problem With Gambling?
Many terms are used to describe gambling problems, including "problem," "at risk," "compulsive," "disordered," and "pathological."1
The American Psychiatric Association uses the term "gambling disorder" in the 5th edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders to describe the most severe form of gambling problems. Keep in mind, however, that individual experiences with gambling can differ wildly from person to person.
According to the Manual, a gambling disorder is characterized by:
- A preoccupation with gambling
- The perceived inability to cut back or control one's gambling
- Irritability or restlessness when one tries to cut back or stop gambling
- Risking more money to reach the same levels of excitement as before
- Gambling to escape problems or depression
- "Chasing" gambling losses with more gambling to try to make up for them
- Deceiving family and friends with regard to gambling habits
- Risking or losing jobs or relationships because of gambling
- Relying on others for the financial needs caused by gambling
If you're experiencing any or all of the above to any degree, it's likely that you don't have a normal relationship with gambling. You don't need to be completely out of control to have a gambling problem.2 In fact, problem gambling is any kind of behavior that disrupts your life, regardless of how much you gamble or how much money is at stake.
Gambling addiction is frequently seen alongside other forms of psychiatric disorders, such as depression and anxiety.3 It is also seen frequently alongside other kinds of addictions.4
Just because you have a problem with gambling does not mean you are a weak-willed, irresponsible person. Strong-willed or responsible people are just as likely to develop a gambling disorder as anyone else.
A Note on Recovery
The path to recovery differs for each individual, and there is no consensus in the scientific community regarding the best treatment for addiction. Some people recover spontaneously; some do it alone or one-on-one with a therapist, others in group settings or a combination of the two.5 Half of all addictions end by age 30,6, but only 1 in 10 of the 23.5 million teenagers addicted to alcohol and drugs seek treatment, and when they do, it's often in places that do not use evidence-based care.
This is just to say that addiction treatment is a complex issue. In your journey, don't be afraid to try many options for treatment, even ones that might seem contradictory. Relapse is likely, but so is regaining a life without addiction.
Some of the tools people have used include:
- Cognitive behavioral therapy
- Group therapy
- Harm-reduction techniques
- In-patient treatment programs
- Marriage and credit counseling
If you need to reach out to someone, you can call:
- US: The National Council on Problem Gambling Helpline — a free, confidential, 24-hr helpline for problem gamblers and their family members
- UK: Gamcare — a UK-based line offering help and support to those struggling with gambling addiction or their family members.
HelpGuide's list of resources (at the bottom of the article that the link sends you to) is very extensive — It's a good place to start.
Sources and Resources
1. "What is problem gambling or gambling disorder?" 2016. National Center for Responsible Gaming. Accessed April 12, 2017.
The website for the National Center for Responsible Gaming, which has information for researchers about grants they can apply for, research projects funded by the NCRG, and some resources for public education about gambling.
2. Segal, Jeanne Ph.D., Melinda Smith, M.A., and Lawrence Robinson. "Gambling Addiction and Problem Gambling." April 2017. HelpGuide. Accessed April 12, 2017.
A comprehensive resource to compulsive gambling, with many resources for people to begin their recovery journey including worksheets, websites, and support groups, as well as step-by-step guidelines and advice for both compulsive gamblers as well as the people who love them.
3. Martin, Ryan J., Stuart Usdan, Jennifer Cremeens, Karen Vail-Smith. "Disordered gambling and co-morbidity of psychiatric disorders among college students: An examination of problem drinking, anxiety and depression." February 21, 2013. Journal of Gambling Studies. Accessed April 12, 2017.
A scholarly article studying the relationship between gambling and other mood and substance disorders.
4. Nordqvist, Christian. "Gambling Addiction: How Is Gambling Bad for You?" August 19, 2015. Medical News Today. Accessed April 12, 2017.
An article about gambling addiction, its triggers, and treatment for it.
5. Brody, Jane E. "Effective Addiction Treatment." February 4, 2013. New York Times: Well Blog. Accessed April 12, 2017.
A blog post on the current state of addiction treatment in the United States, on the myths that perpetuate it, and on how to choose a treatment program.
6. Szalavitz, Maia. "Can You Get Over an Addiction?" June 25, 2016. New York Times: Opinion. Accessed April 12, 2017.
An article from someone who was formerly addicted to cocaine and heroin about the changing perception of addiction in the United States and new methods for treatment.
This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and does not substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, and/or dietary advice from a licensed health professional. Drugs, supplements, and natural remedies may have dangerous side effects. If pregnant or nursing, consult with a qualified provider on an individual basis. Seek immediate help if you are experiencing a medical emergency.
Saddo on January 12, 2020:
It’s true that’s the only way and just play poker for fun maybe. Hope I can win one day but no bookies or roulette ect.
Benny usa on January 11, 2020:
Yeah! 2020 a good start....the only way to to stop gambling !
Saddo on December 31, 2019:
No bet today and no bookie bets for 2020 maybe just a fun game of poker to pass the time away
Christopher1985 on December 30, 2019:
To all:
Let's not gamble at all in 2020. That is my goal. I foresee a bright 2020 with no gambling.
Next time you think about making a bet, think about all the negative feelings you ever had after taking a loss.
Use your time wisely. Each second we waste gambling we will never get back.
Your time can be better served to the world by volunteering and doing positive things that could help your well being.
Saddo on December 29, 2019:
No bets for me today just been laying in bed all day to keep me away from it all
Saddo on December 28, 2019:
Almost done 700 today but about 60 lost in the end as I done Man U Man U. Even ran over to cover the bet. No bets for me 2020
Saddo on December 11, 2019:
I lost a 1000 in one day on the horses 2 weeks ago and just getting over. Sudcide thoughts everything
Clo79 on December 10, 2019:
I know Im chasing the high of winning even though I can never come out ahead. I spend until I lose even if Ive won. Im stressed out, getting divorced and I think depressed. I know Im chasing the high of winning to feel the high I feel when winning. Feels good to get that out an be hoest with someone evn if its a stranger. I don't know how to feel happy that is really what my problem is. I haven't wasted an amount of money that I cant recover from yet so thankful for that but I have definitely wasted a lot of money.
BennyUSA on November 30, 2019:
I lost a lot of money from this gambling illness ...the only way to win to stop ! I’ve been from ga meetings,gambling therapy, all depends on you !theres hope is good .....move on in life.....leave this miserable life of gamblers !
Sinead on November 30, 2019:
Lost a 1000 today as Man City let me down for big money and a bribver dare 2 to 13 lost and head just went. I hate this illness but no more now
Sinead on November 26, 2019:
Lost 600 last month and all confused and unhappy hope it gets better for my after Christmas.
Bennyusa on November 25, 2019:
Same here! Stop gambling !
Laura on November 24, 2019:
This is me I’m close to losing everything. I’ve been a gambler for years and it is destroying me and my relationships. I can’t get control I’m at a loss
Cherry67 on November 24, 2019:
Just found this site - while desperately searching for help at 4:00 am.
All these feeling are like my feelings - I can't believe I am not alone.
Hope we can help each other. This will be my first step to recovery.
Day One. I pray for all of us. These are all good advice. I am going to take to heart. Thank You for the Forum.
goldbar7s on November 14, 2019:
Please stop! Be happy with what you have. That is what I say to myself constantly.
Gary Thompson on November 11, 2019:
I done a course called the landmark forum and I stopped gambling that day 23/08/19 and have not gambled a penny since. Google it, you’ve nothing to lose
DaisyRuth on November 11, 2019:
I like your help suggestions.
I am gonna try them, starting now.
sourav on August 30, 2019:
hello all
I am 16 years and I have heavily addicted to cricket betting since 2 years. at first I used to play with 200 to 300 rs(3-4 usd) then day by day the limits got increased to around 15k even 30k . I am from a middle class family and I used to play with my dad and my brothers savings without telling them anything.and now I have lost all my dads savings around 250k(5000 usd) and they didn't know anything about it....I am now in heavy depression ..I don't know when my dad know about these things what they'll do with me...give me ssome solution sir.... otherwise I am going to end betting with my life....thank you goodbye.
Sinead on May 16, 2019:
What a terrible day down my mums as felt terrible and lost 50 on Leeds in the playoffs and felt like rubbish in the night and over eat too
Sinead on May 15, 2019:
At house last night and acting like a fool
Melissa Etherington on April 24, 2019:
Good blocking software is a great tool to help prevent the temptation of gambling -
Slimbo on March 27, 2019:
Hi looking for some support as I feel myself falling into a habit of thinking I can luckily make more money to help me pay bills due
goldbar7s on January 18, 2019:
Good to hear, Christopher. Good Luck to everyone.
Rovy on January 12, 2019:
Gambling is a terrible addiction ! I used to work at casino ...I saw so many people addicted & I can't believe I'm one of them .. Many time driving home from casino .. Im so mad & angry to myself & I still come in back .... One day as the time ... I'm trying to stay away from casino ..I work 2 job , Try to cover the money I lost ( so so stupid ..) .. Hopefully read all these post from this program will help .. Be strong people .. Remember casino don't open business to give money ... They are open we need business to take our money ..
Christopher1985 on December 23, 2018:
Sorry didn't see your message. I haven't made a bet in about 18 months. It's funny, I never thought I could live without gambling but there are different ways to spend your time in healthy way. I don't miss betting very much. I hope things are getting better for you.
goldbar7s on December 22, 2018:
Life is not at the casino. Life is at home or with your family or at your job. No matter how small it is, that is where life really is. Please cherish every moment of your REAL life. Christopher, I am sorry you are having problems again. The best of luck to you!
TLKG on November 17, 2018:
Thank you very much for your support, yes you're right, more time about living! Today is day#4 and I feel so good. Today I'm going to Costco with my family. How long has it been for you? Thank you god bless and stay safe. TLKG
Christopher1985 on November 16, 2018:
Hang in there. Every day not gambling is a good day. Forget about what is lost. The only thing we have is our time and we need to cherish our time. We can not spend any more time gambling. We need to spend our time living.
TLKG on November 15, 2018:
I have read everyone's comments, how is everyone doing? Update please? Don't really know how this website works, wish I could click on your comment and we could start chatting. I'm praying for ALL OF US, GOD HELP US ALL PLEASE!
TLKG on November 15, 2018:
I have been gambling for 21 years in Vegas and so over it! I get so bored and to Dotty's and sit there for over 8 hours to come home BROKE!!! I'm asking for help from others how to stop, I've gone 5-7 no gambling and then I get hit....UGH I feel so good in those 5-7 days, but I must say keeping busy is a hard thing, the machine keep us busy!
Today is my 2nd day.
goldbar7s on November 02, 2018:
Have not been gambling. I keep getting offers of free slot play from the casino. Have not been going. It will just get me back into it and the SPIRIT will take me over again.
Sam84xx on November 01, 2018:
Need to stop gambling. Been doing it for years. I get paid and my money is gone within a matter of days. I do pay my bills but thats it then end up getting loans. My husband is fed up and so am i. I really want to stop but its so hard
MADGAMBLER on August 28, 2018:
damn....gambling robs you of small pleasures in life...missing out on my children growing up..excessive amounts of alchol going with the gambling and after loosing R50 000 over a week end I feel crap for about 2 days..get busy at work and the urge comes back...recently stopped smoking again and its tough...been gambling on and off for over 15 years I am 47 and need to see the world again...instead of making the big bosses rich at casinos.....strong mind where are you ????
Benny USA on July 09, 2018:
You are not alone my friend! Just move on ..... stop if you can, if not.... gamble only what you can afford . Play low! Don’t hurt yourself..... remember, there’s always tomorrow! I used to play big ... knocked off all my savings.... and I’M 60 years old .. almost there to retire! Stay busy my friend.. make gambling for reacration only ..... there hope ... life is good ! Enjoy money to enjoy life not to waste it for nothing.... forget the past .... start a new life ..... !
Gotta stop on July 08, 2018:
I'm taking my first step to stop gambling. I know I can do it, I just, need to stay focused. My problem is I let myself believe I'm only going to spend a little and then when I start losing, I start withdrawing more and more money! Last night I lost $1,800 usd and I, felt so horrible! I now know I just have to stop completely. The only time I've been able to stay away for a week is to give my husband my debit and credit cards. I need to stay disciplined but it's so hard. I love the excitement it can bring but hate the depression after I lose so much money. I thought if I posted here, I can start my life without gambling. I'll keep reading your posts, so keep them coming!
Tracy on June 02, 2018:
I have had a problem with gambling for over 5 years now. I try and quit and am usually successful for about a year and then stress and financial problems drive me back to the casino. I play one slots game maybe two. I will sit for hours at this one machine and veg out. I am so unhappy and it is putting a big strain on my marriage. I leave usually with all my money in that machine and nothing left but depression and fear of facing my husband and tons of guilt. I just don't know what to do
Inrecovery69 on April 10, 2018:
My first post was almost 8 months ago and have posted a couple of times since then. I am proud to say that i haven't gambled one penny in all that time and have worked hard to clear my debts. Last time i checked i had
£3,500 on credit cards, and was just over £3,000 into my overdraft. 10 months ago i was £26,000 in debt with a lot owed on loans. It's been hard but well worth it. In fact, just last week my wife and i purchased a new home. Getting a mortgage was a distant dream 12 months ago. It shows how much you can accomplish if you can give up gambling. I have, and it is wonderful! Now that i have a mortgage to pay i have even more reason to stay away from gambling. I keep on top of my credit card payments and make more than the minimum payments each month, something that has greatly helped my ceedit score. Next step is to wait a few weeks and take out a balance transfer credit card. This will help reduce what i have to pay as no interest will be added for 3 years. I am aiming to be totally debt free within a year. Please be a winner and not let the bookies or casinos win. Giving up is hard, but you can do it if you really really want to. I did it after gambling forr nearly 30 years. Good luck.
Dsuhe29 on April 09, 2018:
thanks my dear friend, i am thinking that i can stop but still not stop yet.
i hope after i read all comment from dear friend i can stop and no more casino. i've been play casino many years and been worked at many country such germany, macau, dubai but i dont even save some money from my worked. i am really tired but still difficult to go away from gambling.
i will be happy if someone have good suggestion and share more experience.
thanks from Indonesia
Stay strong on March 21, 2018:
Please stay strong people! Into my first week gamble free myself! God bless you all
mark on March 21, 2018:
just came across this site and sounds like everyone feels like I do or have. I have gambled for 15 years and lost my house and marriage. 4 months ago I went to GamCare and I haven't gambled since. Something just felt different this time and although I will always have an addicted gambling problem I really feel like I wont gamble again. In 4 months I am no way debt free but so much better than before and amazed how I managed to spend 100k gambling last year when I earn half that! However things do get better. Its one day at a time but every day you are not making it worse, you are making life better. I believe you can learn to despise gambling and as much as momentum makes you gamble more and more, momentum can make you NOT want to gamble more and more. I am terrified of gambling again after 120 days and starting from 1 again. I know if I have one bet I will have 100 so cant gamble. Have to start with 1 day away from casino or bookies, then build and build. More days you don't go the more scared you are to start again and gamble. Know its hard as I swore never to gamble again more times then I can remember. However it can be done guys and f**k the casino and bookies is what I think now. Its always been my fault I gambled but now I despise anything to do with gambling and feel in a good place because of it.
Carly01 on March 08, 2018:
Soooo tired of this. I’ve been doing really well over the last 4 years and every year around this time I end up back at the casino. I know I can quit. I’ve stayed away for long periods of time with help from a 12step group but, it’s like I make the decision to go out of he blue and end up downtown losing money I’ve worked really hard for. I come home and look at my son and cry. I want to save money for him and I can’t get ahead trying to win money for the high of it? This has gone from crazy obsession (gambling every day) to a few times a year...the damage I do in those few times a year is something I can’t seem to understand. I struggle with anxiety and depression so I know it has to do with that along with alcoholism (I’ve been sober for 4.5 years thanks to aa). But, something triggers me. I’m exhusted of this and want to live a completely clean life. I know I’m capable of better and that’s the worst part. I’ve never written this out bc I’ve been to scared to address it. Thanks for reading. Hope and healing to all.
Layed 350 mistake on February 11, 2018:
Well my head messed up as looking to lose just under 350 by mistake! Crazy!
goldbar7s on January 18, 2018:
We will never outsmart the casino. The only way to survive is to not go.
Benny usa on January 18, 2018:
You are not alone my friend..... were Just in the same boat! I’ve been in your stuation so many times..... feeling low ,remorse ,guilty , have debts , body is tired !...hey man, Let’s stop this gambling habit !...I’m 59 yrs old ..... I would rather spend my money in doing something else ! Soon , I’ll be 60... in planning to travel and see the world !.. I don’t mind if it cost me lots of money.... at least I reward myself ..... way better than to donate it to casinos! Live to learn ..... there’s hope!
Dontgiveup on January 17, 2018:
Hi everyone, it's me again, and I just went on another gambling bing! Trust me, its not easy when you don't have money but I found a way to waste another $1200. Maxed credit cards, personal loans, borrowing from future (4 401K loans outstanding) having to cancel my vacation to Disney, it just goes on and on. I have posted for the past 6 months and there were times when I stopped for a few weeks, but like a drug addict, I need my fix. But I will never give up (and I don't want any of you guys either). Life is a blessing, no matter what happens, today can be a new beginning. Its been 4 days for me now, but the weekend I spent about 8 hours at the casino, cursing at the machines, cursing at myself (under my breath) up and down, but mostly down, and definitely down before I left. I knew there a big fight waiting for me when I got home and there was another huge fight - this the only thing we ever fight about - I wonder why, right?! Thank God I am one lucky SOB to have the most amazing person to share my life with! I am soo tired of feeling this way, of being broke, and disappointing myself (and my family). Please continue to post Benny USA and Dave, and others. We can stop, we must stop! God Bless!
dave on January 13, 2018:
i lost a lot of money at casinos for 9 years in a row, and finally had to quit, maxed out credit cards and lines of credit , i actually quit for about 13 months, and was doing good ,but then started all over again, im back at square one,and need help and have to learn to quit all over again
Benny usa on January 11, 2018:
Stop the pain ....stop gambling! U got 2 choices.....gets life better or gets life worse.....that’s how simple it is!. Remember there’s no winnngs in gambling...u win today , tomorrow , the next days..... but comes a time u lose everything happen to us, right ?.. is there anybody out there that is up in money from gambling ?.... it’s your choice my friend .... there’s HOPE to change for better..... we can do it!
First week. on January 10, 2018:
I got to give this up so this is my first week
Quitter from Nigeria on January 09, 2018:
My dream was to see myself in a classic position tomorrow and become boss of my own not until I tasted the fruit of sport betting which completely futile my dream!
I exhausted what I can call "future" and even created problems for my tomorrow, (... Let me rather say "problems for my yesterday") until I lost and I found myself in Christ! Now, I can see my tomorrow glowing and brighter than yesterday. Halleluyah!!!
Ginger on January 05, 2018:
Hi it has been great reading comments, I would like to give up slot machines chasing the last pound I lost. I lost £260 today which I am not proud about hopefully reading other peoples comments will help me quit,