35 Things Every Adult Should Do to Have Success in Life
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When someone thinks of success, what comes across is having success financially, being wealthy and having millions of dollars come your way. That's one part of being successful. But for the young adult and full adult success should mean prospering in every area of their lives, in family relationships, in the workplace, in romantic relationships, in their education, in friendships and in their routine lives. Here are tips for any young person to be and feel successful.
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1. Explore New People- Spend time with someone from a different culture or race and be very open to it- choose from Indian, Mexican, Irish, Cuban, etc
2. Explore New Hobbies- horseback riding, sewing, knitting, play sports (basketball, volleyball, baseball, collecting, hiking, bicycling, swimming
3. Explore New Ways of Shopping- shop at stores you would not usually shop at- if you are a fan of Borders and Ace try other stores like Forever 21 & New York and company.
4. Develop a New interest in Things - cooking, sports, gardening, painting, learning a foreign language and theatre.
5 Ride an Elephant
6. Skydive
7.. Go on a Hot Air Balloon- this can be quite interesting
8. Take the stage alone- karaoke, night find an opportunity to be alone on a stage in front of a crowd.
9. Learn to play an instrument- if you have not learnt to play an instrument or already played an instrument, try another one- guitar, violin, organ, etc
10. Live in the Big city, Suburban town, a small town or in the town- and see the disadvantages and advantages. I have lived in a suburban town and small town. There are lots of benefits.
11. Run a Marathon- this can be quite challenging, but push us to do great things.
12. Develop a plan and the necessary steps to make your career choice come to pass.
13.Choose a career or passion that you genuinely enjoy and one that does not just pay your bills.
14. Recognize those times when you must work odd jobs to pay your bills- like flipping burgers, store clerk, cleaning, janitor, nanny etc.
15. Have a resume and keep it updated- it is wise to create resumes for different jobs.
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16. Create a wise Budget Plan- track your monthly income and see how much you should spend for each area in your life, groceries, clothing, bills (electric, gas, college bills,etc)
17. Learn to Balance the Checkbook -
Have a Savings Account in the Bank or at home - learn to save at least $1-5 a week or whatever you can. This will make life much easier.
Use Credit Cards only in Emergency Situations
Purchasing everything with credit card is quite foolish and will end up in debts beyond your limit. Be wise and determine when the use of a credit card is necessary.
Engage in physical activity for at least 30 minutes every day or three times per week - do some physical activity like basketball, tennis, baseball, football, soccer, ride a bike, horseback riding etc.
Budget Your Time Wisely- Find time for Yourself, find time to Spend Time with People and cut off time wasting activities.
Maintain a regular bedtime
Determine the best time to go to bed. For me, the latest is 11pm on weekdays. Don’t stay up late till 2am. You need a good night sleep, so you will be free from stress and be refreshed for the next day.
For a Great Spiritual Health- Look for a Church that believes in the Bible, with a great group and Bible Study
For Better Emotional Health- find someone who you can express your true feelings to, during times of crisis, stress, disappointments and heartache.
Express a Thankful Heart for all things daily- the small things as well as the big things
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Live with people- experience living for relatives, friends and alone and see which is best - when I was younger I lived with my folks, then I lived with another family in another state and I usually rent rooms from older women.
Invest in small groups to get know a variety of people-
Do an inventory in your area, city, town, state of different variety of groups such as book clubs, group, moms group, group for single men that enforce character principles and groups for single ladies.
Don't hold onto anger and offenses- be a forgiving person
Choose to recognize when you are being fooled, manipulated, used, controlled in any way.
Practice Good Manners to All- show Respect and kindness to All
Keep your apartment and house clean- clear out all the clutter, don't leave clothes hanging around, wash the dishes, keep your things organized, clean your bathrooms at least once a week,
Learn to change a tire and jumpstart a car.
Learn to maintain your car- Check oil level and washer fluid and fill when needed
Learn to Be wise in buying a car without getting ripped off
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Janellegems (author) on April 29, 2017:
Thanks DDE for your encouraging feedback.
Devika Primić from Dubrovnik, Croatia on April 29, 2017:
I had to stop by here again. Your ideas re useful and worth trying to be happy, confident and to show the real you.
Janellegems (author) on March 20, 2017:
Thank you DDE for your feedback. Thanks for stopping by.
Devika Primić from Dubrovnik, Croatia on March 20, 2017:
Share everything together and know yourself better. You shared useful points here.
Janellegems (author) on March 14, 2017:
Thanks James for stopping by and reading my Hub. I appreciate your feedback.
James C Moore from Joliet, IL on March 13, 2017:
Amen to your #1 nugget of wisdom. It's good to be comfortable in the skin your in. Also, it's too bad when you have to learn #28 the hard way. Good list.
Janellegems (author) on March 10, 2017:
I am glad to hear that, MsDora. Thanks for your feedback and for your comment. I appreciate you stopping by and reading my Hub.
Dora Weithers from The Caribbean on March 10, 2017:
All great ideas, Janelle and "Do Daring Things" is the most appealing section for me. I'm up for 12 and 15 if I ever get the chance, and for 19 if only in my dreams. The challenges could only be rewarded with more courage and more confidence.