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7 Games Like God Of War - Other Action Adventure Games


7 Games Like God Of War - Other Action Adventure Games

Did you enjoy the God of War series? Are you looking for other games like God of War? Try these other popular action adventure games that are similar to God of War.

God of War is a popular third person hack and slash style game that is available exclusively on the PlayStation. The games have received critical acclaim with every main game scoring 90% or higher on Metacritic.

This list of games provides a collection of adventure orientated games and also strives to offer some games like God of War for PC users.

Don't forget to stop by the comment section to share your favourite God of War like games or recommend another action adventure title not included on this page.



1 - Devil May Cry (Series)

Devil May Cry is a popular series of games like God of War that is available on numerous platforms. The games offer a create hack and slash experience that is similar to what is on offer in the God of War series. The game also has some horror style elements creating a great adrenaline rush.

The gameplay of Devil May Cry focuses on providing a fast paced style of combat where players focus on combo attacks while dodging unfriendly attacks. The games also include adventure style exploration and some puzzle solving although to a lesser extent.

The games are all very well rated scoring constantly above 80 on Metacritic. If you are looking for a great hack and slash game for your console or computer you can't look past the Devil May Cry series.

Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition (Steam)



2 - Prince of Persia (Series)

Prince of Persia is another popular series of games like God of War. The series started back in 1989 and now has over a dozen available games (don't worry you don't need to play them all).

The recent games in the Prince of Persia series are available on PlayStation, Xbox, Wii, PC, Nintendo DS and PSP. This means that regardless of your preferred gaming platform this game will be available for you.

While the games vary the core gameplay is essentially the same in all the games with slight differences for the mobile, Wii and PSP games. Players can fight large mobs of enemies at anyone time and must focus on using their abilities and combo attacks while also evading enemy attacks and crowd controlling effects in order to stay alive.

Just like the God of War series the games also combine quick time events for finishing moves and boss kills to give you that feeling of power that everyone enjoys.

With so many games available you can't look past this game like God of War.

Prince of Persia Trilogy (GOG)

Prince of Persia Trilogy

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3 - Heavenly Sword

One Of The Best Games Like God Of War On PS3

Heavenly Sword is definitely one of the best games like God of War for PS3. The game combines adventure gameplay with fast paced hack and slash action to create a very fun gameplay experience.

Players play as Nariko who wields the "Heavenly Sword", this sword has the unique ability to change between three difference forms based on the players chosen stance.

Players can choose between speed, ranged or power stances based on the situation and their preferred playstyle. This game feature also means there is plenty of varied gameplay to keep the game fresh throughout the game.

Heavenly Sword also incorporates a number of quick time events during combat and exploration to break up the hack and slash gameplay.

Heavenly Sword



4 - Dante's Inferno

A Game Like God Of War For Xbox 360 & PS3

Dante's Inferno is a popular action adventure game that takes a lot of its inspiration from the God of War series. The game was released in 2010 and is available on Xbox 360 and PS3.

Players take on the role of Dante as he journeys through Hell in attempt to reclaim the soul of his beloved.

Dante's Inferno offers a mixture of action and adventure using fast paced combat and environmental puzzles as the basis of its gameplay. Dante has two weapons available to him; his scythe which is used for melee attacks, finishing moves and combos. He also has a a holy cross which can fire ranged attacks at enemies.

Dante also has a number of magical abilities available to him essentially creating 3 different playstyles for players to use.



5 - Ninja Gaiden (Series)

A Large Series Of Games Like God Of War

Ninja Gaiden is another long running series of games like God of War that started back in 1988.

Since then the game has been re-invented a number of times and is available a cross a large number of platforms. The game series is known for its crisp action gameplay, great soundtracks and well presented cutscenes. The games are also known for their high difficulty level making it a great game for people interested in a challenge.

The more recent additions to the game franchise are console focused and available on Xbox 360 and PS3. The recent games have also focused on large scale boss battles which makes for some truly epic fights.

The God of War hack and slash feel is definitely present in this game like God of War.

Ninja Gaiden Z (Steam)



6 - Darksiders (Series)

Another Series Of Games Like God Of Wars On Multiple Platforms

Darksiders is another popular action adventure game that has two games in its series that run parallel to each other so players can play them in any order. The games are available on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC.

Darksiders offers a great single player action adventure where players take control of one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Players will slowly unlock locations,weapons and combos as they advance through the game. Darksiders also combines platforming and puzzles to break up the combat.

Combat of Darksiders mostly focuses on performing combos but players can also dodge, block and counter allowing good players to thrive in combat by relying on skill and timing rather than button mashing.

Both Darksiders games have scored well and hold ratings over 80 on Metacritic.

Darksiders II (GOG)



7 - Alice: Madness Returns

One Of The Best Horror Games Like God Of War

Alice: Madness Returns was releases in 2011 and offers a great action adventure experience. The game also uses psychological horror to create a great game atmosphere.

Players take control of Alice in an Alice in Wonderland inspired universe and play from a third person perspective.

Players have a number of weapons available which all can be used in unique ways which can also all be upgraded to increase their potency.

The game scored a number of strong reviews from critics and fans alike making it a great adventure game for fans of the God of War series who are looking for a twisted fantasy adventure.

Alice: Madness Returns

Which Of These Games Like God Of War Is Your Favourite? - Or Know Any Other Games Similar To The God Of War Series?

uvm on December 21, 2016:

There's castlevania lords of shadow 2 , combat is much better than most of the games you have mentioned

The Khaos on August 31, 2016:

I just find it amazing that no place ever mentions The Legend of Spyro Dawn of the Dragon which is a game very alike and with extremely good story, plot and fighting mechanics.

Pat Servin on June 05, 2015:

Prince of Persia is one of my favorite video games of all time. I have played all of them.

WriterJanis2 on January 31, 2013:

Prince of Persia.

ImmatureEntrepr on January 30, 2013:

I'm just glad that there ARE other games out there like God of War. Such an amazing series.

pumpum on January 30, 2013:

I have played all of these games except for Alice. Devil may cry is my favorite, although I like all of these that you mentioned, very good games.

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