Easy Christmas Gifts for Kids to Make
Easy Gifts For Children To Make
Children just love making their own gifts. With a little help from mom, dad or an older sibling, hours of fun lie ahead. Make sure you have a definite goal before you begin. Here are a few suggestions:
- Create a design on a plain coffe mug or paint a name on it.
- Hand paint red-clay flower pots - any size.
- Paint a picture for grandma and frame it.
- Decorate a plain picture frame.
- Frame a childs handprint.
- Design easy friendship bracelets. Use things around the house (buttons, 1 lone earring, a tiny bow, or add a small heart )
- Decorate a hanger - use yarn, crochet, rafia, paint - use your imagination
- Decorate and make your own book cover.
- Decorate a plain scarf. Add sequins, braided flowers, assortment of buttons. Take a look around the house. You'll be surprised by what you find.
- Add a decoration to the ceiling fan ( a feather, beads, a braid, tassel or ribbon ).
- Photocopy school pictures of the kids in black and white. Let the child decorate a plain wide frame of his own picture.
- Sketch an "I love you " 8x10 or 5x7 card to frame
- Grab some yarn and a couple of knitting needles and help your child learn how to make a simple pot holder for grandma.
- Flower pots are inexpensive and kids love decorating them. You might even have an old one laying around or you can always pick one up at a garage sale. I've bought several and only paid .25 to a dollar per pot. Clay pots work best but plastic pots will do if needed. Just be sure to provide your child with plenty of decorating options.
Bake delicious cookies and fudge and put them in a home decorated box or small basket. Shrink wrap and add a bow or raffia. Add a little bouquet of straw flowers to the bow.
As you can see, there is no end to coming up with very inexpensive Christmas gifts. Even more important are the good times and memories you are building to store in a child's memory bank.
And remember...be patient, forgiving and spread joy wherever you go.
Inexpensive Gift Ideas
Make a handprint
Easy-to-Make Gift Bag For Christmas
Make Your Own Gift Wrapping Paper
It doesn't make sense to make your gifts by hand and then wrap them with expensive store-bought Christmas wrapping paper and bows. Making your own wrapping paper is clever, unique, fun and saves money. Remember, you are also teaching your children to be frugal and not waste money. Here are some ideas:
- Buy plain wrapping paper in bulk. Ikea will sell you a recycled paper on a 10m roll for about $8.
- Recover a shoe box in wrapping paper and decorate. Odd shaped items fit nicely in a recycled shoe box.
- Allow children to draw their own decorations with crayons such as Christmas trees, snowmen, Santa, Bells and Reindeer. They can draw "Merry Christmas" on paper, Christmas packages, stars, The Three Wise Men - they love to use their imagination.
- Use pieces of jewelry, buttons, glitter, cut-outs and small-wrapped candy canes for decorations.
- Make a "ho-bo" bag out of scraps of fabric. Cut up an old shirt or sweater, fill it with goodies and tie with a clever bow.
Amazing Gifts for Kids to Make
Gifts To Make That Cost Nothing
Everyone can always use a bookmark. Children can make these so easily and decorate them a number of ways. I've made these for years for Christmas, Birthday and other occasions. Just use your imagination. The sky is the limit. Here are a few ideas that I have used:
Steps For Making a Bookmark
1. Using a heavy cardstock paper, cut the paper into a bookmark about 2-3 inches wide. Be sure you don't make the bookmark longer that the book which is traditionally 6 inches long. For smaller size books, cut the paper shorter. Paint on both sides.
2. Now comes the fun part. Using just about anything around the house begin applying the design. I've used cute buttons, colored or painted macaroni, feathers, glitter and lace, photos, even jewelry. Kids love to draw pictures of their pets. Dried flowers work well and you can also print a favorite poem or recipe.
3, After decorating, you can punch a hole in the top of your bookmark and tie a ribbon, macrame or beads through the hole.
Children's handprints make an endearing and lasting gift for grandparents and family members.
1. Gather up paint and any other materials.
2. Cover area with protective newspaper.
3. Paint inside of child's hand using a brush. Be sure to get complete coverage of the fingers.
4. Guide the child's hand to the paper or wood and gently press down. Remind the child to hold their hand very still. Lift the hand and allow time for the paint to dry.
5. Repeat this process for the other hand. Remember to use non-toxic paint.
One thing is for sure these fine home made gifts will be treasured for years to come.
Teach Kids How to Make Christmas Gifts
Fun, Easy Christmas Gifts Your Kids Will Love to Make
Conclusion ~
Christmas is the best time of the year for kids. And it's even more fun and memorable when they learn how to make their own gifts.
And yes, It is the time for giving. It is also the time for receiving. When children learn how to make gifts for others, they receive as much or more joy than the recipient. "I made it myself", gives the child pride and confidence.
When teaching children to craft, keep it simple. The more they can do for themselves, the more they will enjoy the process.
- Avoid all criticism - Suggest instead. (What do you think about this idea?) Offer choices.
- Be patient and gentle. Allow plenty of time for the project so you won't feel hurried.
- Give praise along the way. This is not a time for perfection. In fact, the project won't look as though it was made by the child, if it looks store-made.
This is a wonderful and fun time for bonding with your children or grandchildren. Why not think about inviting someone who may be lonely, orphaned, homeless or needs somewhere to go to celebrate Christmas. Serve home made goodies and a nice cup of hot chocolate.
Merry Christmas to all ~
This is Where It All Began
© 2010 Audrey Hunt
Audrey Hunt (author) from Pahrump NV on December 05, 2013:
Dear Nell - I'm so darn happy to see you here. I appreciate you so much! And in case I get too over-loaded,"Merry Christmas" to you Nell, my sweet friend. ~ Audrey
Nell Rose from Buckinghamshire UK on November 27, 2013:
You did a great job Audrey, this was brilliant, have a great day tomorrow! happy Thanksgiving, I know, not Christmas, but hey! lol!
Audrey Hunt (author) from Pahrump NV on November 03, 2010:
Youngcurves19 - How great to see you here. Thank you so much for leaving a comment. I am on my way to enjoying one of your hubs right now!
Youngcurves19 from Hawaii on November 03, 2010:
good ideas ^_^ LOVE IT! thanks
Audrey Hunt (author) from Pahrump NV on November 03, 2010:
Katie - Thanks for checking out the products. Appreciate it. And a special thanks to you for all of your help.
Have an amazing day!
Katie McMurray from Ohio on November 01, 2010:
Great product hub. I saw many favorites of my girls and some new and exciting toy fun for kids this Christmas. May you have a blessed and happy holiday season. Thank you for the great gift ideas for kids. Love and Peace :)
Audrey Hunt (author) from Pahrump NV on October 31, 2010:
sid_candid - Thanks for reading my hub and leaving your comment. Really appreciate it. Thanks so much.
Audrey Hunt (author) from Pahrump NV on October 31, 2010:
Dear Micky - I, too, miss the days when my children were little and wide-eyed at Christmastime. It's never quite the same when they grow up. But I have a whole lot of kid in me and then, the memories are always available.
Thanks, Micky.
Audrey Hunt (author) from Pahrump NV on October 31, 2010:
toyboyclip - Welcome to my hub! Very nice to see you here. Have a super day.
toyboyclip from India on October 31, 2010:
Nice Hub
Micky Dee on October 30, 2010:
I kind of wish my daughter was having her Christmas as a child again. She's graduating Appalachian State soon. It's easy to see that smile though. nice of you to bring that back to me tonight. Thank you Dear vocalcoach!
Audrey Hunt (author) from Pahrump NV on October 30, 2010:
prasetio30, my dear friend - you are a true example of the way we all should be. For me, the term Christmas is a feeling more than a representation of christiandom. The world would indeed come together if people were more like you. Love and hugs.
prasetio30 from malang-indonesia on October 29, 2010:
Although I am a Muslim, but I can felt Christmas atmosphere in your hub. I always appreciate other religion, like Christian. I hope the world more peaceful without differences between others. Thanks for bringing us the beauty of Christmas.
Audrey Hunt (author) from Pahrump NV on October 28, 2010:
EmmaMedu - I want you to know that I am pleased you read my hub. Thank you for using some of my suggestions. That's just great!
EmmaMedu on October 28, 2010:
You gave me some great ideas here. Sometimes some family members ask me what I want for my daughter as a Christmas present, so I have to come up to several ideas. I will use your suggestions for sure.
Thanks for this hub!
sid_candid on October 27, 2010:
Nice Gift Ideas for Christmas. Well done!
Audrey Hunt (author) from Pahrump NV on October 27, 2010:
Hello Hello, Thank you for leaving your comments and liking these suggestions. Blessings to you, my friend.
Hi Carrie450 - I am delighted to have you as an HP friend and thank you for visiting and supporting my hubs. Have a super great day!
carrie450 from Winnipeg, Canada on October 27, 2010:
Great suggestions for my grandchildren, thanks
Hello, hello, from London, UK on October 27, 2010:
They are wonderful suggestions. Great hub.