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Advanced Chess Puzzles and Tactics

All chess players, especially advanced players, are always looking to improve their game. Winning chess strategies and chess tactics can be found in many different areas and advanced chess puzzles like these are a great way to improve.

For the good player who has worked past the beginner and intermediate levels, advanced chess puzzles and mate in 3 chess puzzles can really help improve one’s game. Working on chess openings and chess endgames are other great ways to improve your chess tactics and playing ability.

Taking chess lessons can help a lot too because you get instant feedback on your games and it is tailored directly to you.

The chess end game puzzles shown below came from a chess book by Bruce Pandolfini, titled Padolfini’s Chess Challenges, 111 Winning Endgames. Bruce is one of the top chess instructors in the U.S. and was portrayed by Ben Kingsley in the 1993 movie, Searching For Bobby Fischer. I just published my first chess book, Chess 101, Everything A New Chess Player Needs To Know! and am proud to say that I have Bruce’s endorsement on the back cover.

Please scroll down to check out the advanced chess puzzles.

Please scroll down to check out the advanced chess puzzles.

“The sign of a master is his ability to win a won game quickly and painlessly.” Chernev

Irving Chernev (1900 - 1981) was a Russian-born American chess author and national master-strength player

Advanced Chess Puzzle #1 (White to Move, Mate in 3)

Advanced chess tactics puzzle. (Click to enlarge)

Advanced chess tactics puzzle. (Click to enlarge)

Answer to Advanced Chess Puzzle #1

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The correct move is h6. This buys a move and because the bishop cannot cover both e5 and d8 and is now forced to move, white wins. If black plays B-d6, then white plays N-d8 and follows with mate on f7. If black moves the bishop and continues covering d8, then white plays the knight to e5 and again mates with N-f7.

Advanced Chess Puzzle #2 (Black to Move, Find the Winning Move)

Adavnced chess strategy puzzle (Click to enlarge)

Adavnced chess strategy puzzle (Click to enlarge)

Answer to Advanced Chess Puzzle #2

The correct move is R-a7. After this, the black pawn cannot be stopped. If Kxa7, then a2 and queens next move. If after Ra7, white plays 2. R-f8, black plays a2 and then 3. R-f1 black queens and white must lose the rook.

Advanced Chess Puzzle #3 (White to Move, Find the Winning Move)

Advanced chess tactics puzzle  (Click to enlarge)

Advanced chess tactics puzzle (Click to enlarge)

Answer to Advanced Chess Puzzle #3




The answer is for white to play K-d5. After this the black bishop is lost. If black plays B-f8, then white plays R-f7+ forking the bishop and king. If black plays B-e5, then white plays R-f7+ and drives away the black king. If black plays Bb8, then white plays 2. R-b7, Be5 3. R-f7+ and lastly, if black plays Bb4, then white responds with Ra4 pinning and winning.

Chess Puzzles

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