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A collection of 100 ideas for hobbies.

Fun stuff we like to do in our spare time.

As well as being enjoyable, hobbies are big business, we spend billions every year on doing things to fill our time. I have a lot of hobbies, (writing and photography being two of them, both of which are demonstrated here) and I'm fascinated by learning about what other people do and I have yet to try. Most people take up a hobby just for fun and others turn their hobbies into a wage.

I have compiled a list of 100 hobbies for you to enjoy and maybe even try for yourself, the first 10 are featured here just to give you a taster.

You can find this image to buy on zazzle.

1. Stamp Collecting.

The first postage stamp was british and it was called the penny black.

2. Fishing.

If you do decide to take up this hobby you will need a fishing license.

3. Patchwork Quilting.

If you make a good quality or specialized patchwork quilt they sell for as much as $100 on eBay.

4. White water rafting.

This can be extremely dangerous so please make sure you have all the necessary equipment.

5. Walking.

This is great way to start being more active if your trying to lose weight or if you want to start exercising more but don't want to do anything too strenuous.

6. Creating a scrapbook.

This is great if you like craft, cutting out, collecting things and getting sticky with glue.

7. Painting.

This can be a very lucrative venture if you have a talent for it.

8. Dancing.

Since shows like strictly come dancing and dancing with the stars have graced our screens again, this hobby has grown considerably as a popular pass time.

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9. Playing with a Yo-yo.

This hobby falls in and out of fashion every few years, its one of the cheapest hobbies to invest in and there are plenty of cool tricks to master if your willing to practice enough.

10. Dealing in antiques.

This is a very specialized hobby and you really do have to know what you're doing, however you can make a fair deal of money if you get good enough at it.

Well that's the first 10 of my 100 ideas for hobbies, I hope you enjoyed them and they have given you something to think about. If none of these have yet to appeal to you don't worry there is another 90 to come.

  • 100 ideas for hobbies. (part two)
    Hobbies are fun and they are a good way to indulge in doing the things that you enjoy. If you haven't read the previous hub to this one you might want to read it 100 ideas for hobbies. Here are hobby ideas 11-20, I hope you get a few ideas that...


wrenfrost56 (author) from U.K. on January 14, 2013:

Thank-you for commenting tammpa, very glad to hear of your success :)

tammpa123 on September 16, 2012:

hobbies its so wired in a way many people look at these sights and don't have success but some do as i did!!!

wrenfrost56 (author) from U.K. on May 27, 2012:

Hey what's up dude, good to see you again my friend. Yeah sorry its been a while since Ive been on hp, been having a crazy busy time but it's all good. Can't wait to sink my teeth into some more of your hubs man, you know I love them. :)

Chris from Atlanta, GA on May 27, 2012:

Wren! Long time, no see! You have some awesome ideas for hobbies! I'll definitely try a few.

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