"Slap Ya Mama" Cajun Seasoning Spice Will Wake Up Your Taste Buds
One of My Favorite Spices
For all you spice lovers out there you must try this amazing spice called “Slap Ya Mama” a Cajun spice. Wilda Marie Fontenot started making this award winning seasoning blend in 1956 using it on food sold in her convenience store. Out of their store this family sold French fries, chicken and corn dogs. All of their customers were raving about this Cajun spice and told Wilda that she should package and sell it in the store.
Louisiana, USA
Where do These Spices Come From
“Slap Ya Mama” is now owned and operated by the Walker & Sons and is located in Ville Platte, Louisiana. Added to the list of products that they now sell is three more Cajun blend spices, hot pepper sauce, seafood boil, Cajun fish fry and etouffee sauce which is used to create authentic Cajun meals. All products made are MSG free.
Where Can I Buy These Products
There are many stores that carry this wonderful product, which includes Albertson’s Wal-Mart, Winn Dixie and many specialty spice stores. If you are unable to find “Slap Ya Mama” at your local stores, they do have a website that you can order directly from or these products are available at amazon.
In Orillia, Ontario, Canada you will find these products downstairs at Apple Annie's in the Mariposa Market.
For the cook in your family a “Slap Ya Mama” gift pack would be a great Christmas addition to their gifts. If you need a hostess gift this would be surely welcomed.
Ways to use this wonderful spice
Once you sprinkle this spice on your food or use it to cook with, you will never want to be without it.
You can use it on anything from eggs, rice, potatoes, nachos, and use it in so many recipes.
Want to spice up your shrimp dip use “Slap Ya Mama”. On the container of the original Cajun spice is the recipe for Mama’s Shrimp Dip.
Stir fry Cajun shrimp will make your mouth water for more.
What are you waiting for? Order some today!
Nothing But Great Reviews
Reviews on all of the Walker & Sons products are fantastic. People from all over love, use, and recommend “Slap Ya Mama” with gusto and high praise.
Susan Zutautas (author) from Ontario, Canada on June 18, 2013:
Rebecca, The first time I heard my father in law say, Do want me to Slap Ya Mama on that, I turned around so quick with my mouth open and said, what did you just say? .... It was pretty funny.
Rebecca Mealey from Northeastern Georgia, USA on June 18, 2013:
What a colorful name for a spice mix. I love Cajun food.
Susan Zutautas (author) from Ontario, Canada on June 17, 2013:
Peg, Once you try Slap Ya Mama you'll probably want to use it all the time on everything :)
Peg Cole from North Dallas, Texas on June 17, 2013:
Lately I've been craving spicy food like bad for you Salsa Verde Doritos (so hot it hurts). Going to give these spices a try for my next batch of home cooked burritos. I usually use Gebhardt seasoning. Thanks for the tip.
Susan Zutautas (author) from Ontario, Canada on October 21, 2011:
point2make, Thanks Cajun Rocks :)
L.L. Have to tell you these products are MSG free but unfortunately they are not salt free.
GNelson, Thanks.
GNelson from Florida on October 21, 2011:
Did I hear cajun? I'm there!!! I will try it.
L.L. Woodard from Oklahoma City on October 20, 2011:
I've been using another brand of cajun seasoning that I really enjoy, but it has salt in it and would prefer a product that does not. Will have to check out your recommended brand.
point2make on October 20, 2011:
I love cajun flavor but I have never tried this product. I will thank-you in advance Susan for the meal I will soon have thanks to your hub. Voted this one up.....how could you not it's cajun!!!
Susan Zutautas (author) from Ontario, Canada on October 20, 2011:
weestro and Ruchira, Thanks for your comments. I found Slap Ya Mama in Florida a few years back and have been using it ever since.
Ruchira from United States on October 20, 2011:
love the name...it says it all :)
Pete Fanning from Virginia on October 20, 2011:
Will definitely try this, thanks!
Susan Zutautas (author) from Ontario, Canada on May 07, 2011:
thejovial that is exactly what I thought :)
Fay I am getting low on mine and hope to buy more soon. Thanks so much.
Fay Paxton on May 07, 2011:
I love spices. Happy to learn about this one. Thanks
voted up/useful
thejovial from United States on November 21, 2010:
What a hilarious name of spices.
Susan Zutautas (author) from Ontario, Canada on November 11, 2010:
If you like spice mythbuster you will like this product! :)
mythbuster from Utopia, Oz, You Decide on November 11, 2010:
Just finding out about these products from reading your hub. Sounds like something I'll have to look for and try. Very strange name... probably something that belongs in mythbuster's pantry! :)
Stan Fletcher from Nashville, TN on November 06, 2010:
Just tried this for the first time about a month ago. Love it!
Christy Zutautas on November 05, 2010:
Very good hub Sue, I've heard of this stuff, but I've never tried it before, I think I'm going to try it on nachos:)