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How to make Harira

Soup as the Ultimate Comfort Food

This soup is just about the ultimate in comfort foods. And I am all about the soothing benefits of food! This is especialy good on a cold winter day. It warms you from your head to your toes! But...if you have a taste for in the summer, just turn on the air conditioner and enjoy!

Variations of Harira

Like any ethnic dish, Harira has several different styles depending on mho makes it. My recipe came from my Moroccan mother-in-law. My Tunisian friend makes hers with a tomato base sauce and my Israeli friend uses soup noodles (usually the alphabet ones) instead of dumplings. Some people put chunks of stew-like meat (as pictured above) and others use chicken. Basically, the sky is the limit with this soup. You can deviate from this recipe and still have an amazing, hearty soup!

Cook Time

Prep timeCook timeReady inYields

10 min

1 hour 30 min

1 hour 40 min

6 people


  • 1/4 pound ground beef
  • 1 medium onion, chopped
  • 1 can chick peas, drained
  • 1 lemon, juiced
  • 1 bunch cilantro, chopped
  • 1/2 tomato, chopped
  • 1/2 cup flour
  • 6 cups water
  • 2 tbl powdered chicken broth
  • to taste salt and pepper
Browning the meat and onions!

Browning the meat and onions!


  1. Brown the ground beef and onions in a large soup pot. Drain excess oil
  2. Add cilantro and chick peas, chicken broth, tomatoes and salt and pepper
  3. add the 6 cups of water. Put on high until almost boiled, then switch to low and let it simmer for about an hour.
  4. squeeze the juice of 1 lemon in the pot and mix
  5. Take out 1/2 cup of broth and mix in some of the flour. When it is smooth, add it to the soup.* Keep doing this until your soup has a smooth, creamy consistency.
  6. *we like some "lumps" in our soup, so we let some of the flour form dumplings. There are some people that add a small package of soup noodles instead.

My mother-in-law serves this as a starter but it is such a hearty soup, I generally serve it as a the main course. My kids like to squeeze a little more lemon on it. I think it would be great coupled with this this recipe for herbed bread rounds by pstraubie48 which is also part of the 14 in 14 challenge! Of course, you will probably want to add a few salads, as well! May I suggest.....

tasty carrot salad


traditional Israeli salad

Enjoy! B'Tayavon!


Randi Benlulu (author) from Mesa, AZ on November 24, 2012:

Thank you so much, Alex! I just took a pot of Cous-cous off the stove. I made it with the wings from the Thanksgiving turkey (I separated them before cooking) and my house smells amazing! I can't wait to come home from work and eat it!

SilverGenes on November 24, 2012:

This looks and sounds so good! I love chickpeas and cilantro and am always looking for new ways to use them. For sure, this will be next on my list to try!

Randi Benlulu (author) from Mesa, AZ on October 27, 2012:

Thank you, Eddy! You have a great day as well!

Eiddwen from Wales on October 27, 2012:

Thank you so much for abother delicious sounding recipe and enjoy your day.

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Randi Benlulu (author) from Mesa, AZ on October 26, 2012:

Thank you, Leslie! It is definitely yum and I am all about the comfort factor! are apparantly not from the middle east! But will sound quite enlightened if you have the opportunity to discuss Harera (something that will probably happen quite often in your life!) Have your daughter try this one. It's really good!

Audrey, thank you!

Audrey Howitt from California on October 26, 2012:


Martin Kloess from San Francisco on October 25, 2012:

Wow... What planet am I from? The first I've ever heard of this. Can't wait to try.

Karen Silverman on October 25, 2012:

Wow..just wow!

You are an adventurous one, aren't you?

my daughter's a chef - i'm passing this on...


Randi Benlulu (author) from Mesa, AZ on October 25, 2012:

You are welcome, Bill. Don't feel bad, if I hadn't married an Israeli guy, I probably wouln't have ever heard of it either! Definitely yummy, though!

Bill Holland from Olympia, WA on October 25, 2012:

Sheez, I have never even heard of this! I would definitely try it if it were offered to me, since I'm into different ethnic dishes. Great info Randi!

Randi Benlulu (author) from Mesa, AZ on October 25, 2012:

Thank you, Carol! It really is delicious! I really appreciate your support and comments!

carol stanley from Arizona on October 25, 2012:

This really sounds unusual. I am enjoying all these ethnic dishes. Good ingredients you cannot go wrong. It has been fun visiting Miriam's kitchen. Voting UP.

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