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Cook The Temperature You Want Using The Thermapen ONE Cooking Thermometer


An old friend once told me there are only 10 people in the world and 8 of them are hamburger. Now you might argue that his number count is so off as to be silly, but when it comes to hamburger there are a lot of people who give it a thumbs up. As they do to all kinds of food that you cook — be it from the animal kingdom or something leafy or boiling in a pot. There’s all kinds of things you can cook and they all take time — time which is often measured in temperature, for example, “cook xxxx for 20 minutes or until the internal temperature reaches 390 degrees”

Now cooking something based on time is easy because you can use a stopwatch or your wristwatch or the wall clock or whatever that is telling the time and just watch as the minutes add up to what is needed. But that doesn’t mean the food is cooked correctly, because time is arbitrary while basing the cooking time on the food’s temperature is better. Not just more efficient but better because it means that the food won’t be overcooked and so junky. That calls for running into a phone booth and turning into Super Coking Thermometer. Or better yet into the Thermapen ONE Cooking Thermometer.


The Thermapen ONE has a lot going for it, which is why it’s not some pencil thin device like others of its genre are. It’s hefty enough to let you get a good grip on it, and big enough for the LCD screen that is its main contact with the person holding it to be easily seen — not needing the eyeballs of a 15 year old and ignoring the lack of those eyeballs on older folks. As its only function is to give you a temperature reading, it makes sense that the temperature probe cavaliers out from its body and is long enough so that you’re not putting your hand right up to the food (or the heat that is there either). The LCD display mentioned earlier has been factory set to be accurate and Thermaworks makes a big deal out of this as they should. Because regardless of whether you’re looking at Fahrenheit or Celsius, it had better be accurate. So maybe it’s overkill that they include a NIST-traceable calibration certificate, but we’re not going near anybody that takes it to that level — it’s crazy good but c’mon.


So you’ve picked up the Thermapen ONE (having chosen F or C already). The battery inside is working because it’s a replaceable “AAA” and not rechargeable that should last for about 2000 hours without backlight or well over 1000 hours if using backlight is a biggie (like who doesn’t have a few “AAA”s on hand anyway?). No ON switch to worry about because it turns itself on when you pick it up and goes to sleep when you put it back down (and yes you can set the “sleep” mode or disable it). Doesn’t matter whether you are a lefty or righty since the display will auto rotate what it shows to accommodate, even when turning this thermometer upside down. You don’t need to squint either or turn on a backlight because a sensor will look to see if the light is low and, if it is, turn on the LCD’s back light for you.

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We’re not psycho to the point of having to describe how we used this cooking thermometer on food in excruciating detail, but the best part of the Thermapen ONE is how fast it reacts — as in one second (imagine how useful that is for a poke when pulling out the air fryer basket for a quick check-- we can because that's what we did with it). The factory setting is at 1 degree but you can change that but right now we’re just talking about a fast response. Which is good when dealing with anything you can stick the probe into (and really good for a fast reading before closing the lid on the BBQ grill). The range is 58-572F/-49-299C, with accuracy of +/-1.8F/+/-1C. That will do Pig, that will do

And that it’s balanced nicely so holding it isn’t a cramped hand in the making helps too.


The Thermapen ONE comes in a lot of colors. Lot and lots of colors. Plus it’s IP67 waterproof so it can handle the environment probably better than us humans. You want to know more, then you gotta go to

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