Isaac Matthew Holmes Is Not a Diaper Sniper
Most Of Us Long For Something That We Missed Out On Earlier In Life
Isaac Matthew Holmes' Missing Teenage Years And Lost Adolescence
Isaac Matthew Holmes has had YouTube channels under the names of Blackpilled Joker, DarthNihilist, and Marshall Mathers the 4th. He has spent most of his time venting his life's frustrations on these same channels. To the best of my knowledge, he has never broken any laws, although he has sharply questioned and criticized the fairness of the criminal justice system and the lawmakers who determine what is to be done with its time and resources.
You may or may not know about Mr. Holmes. He identifies himself as an incel. Oh, how I hate that term. Anyhow, he is well into his twenties, and he admits that he has never had a girlfriend. Since when is that a crime?
Mr. Holmes has produced interesting videos, although he has become melodramatic in some of them. YouTube suspended his channels for said violations of community guidelines. I don't really know what the specifics were of those same violations. I do feel that he has the right to exercise his freedom of speech.
There is a YouTube channel that goes by the name of "Isaac Holmes: The Blackpilled Raging Incel Virgin." When I first stumbled across this same channel, I had thought that it was a new channel that Mr. Holmes himself had set up. It turns out that it belongs to someone else who uses it for the sole purpose of making fun of Mr. Holmes.
Although I highly disapprove of this same YouTube channel inasmuch as I don't feel that Mr. Holmes deserves this kind of derision from anyone, this same channel has given me the opportunity to view some of Mr. Holmes' older videos that I have never seen before. One video that caught my attention in a concerning manner was Mr. Holmes' video in which he verbally condones a 20-year-old man having a romantic relationship, among other things, with a 14-year-old girl.
As I watched the video, I deduced that Mr. Holmes must have been 20 years old back when he recorded it. Below is that same video.
Isaac Matthew Holmes Claims That A 20-Year-Old Man Is Not Too Old For A 14-Year-Old Girl
I don't know why the YouTuber who re-posted the above video put a coloring book in its thumbnail, because teenage girls don't play with crayons. I guess he was merely being sarcastic in a cynically humorous way. Who can really say?
Nevertheless, I'm not going to pretend that nobody has batted an eye at this video. I'm not going to encourage any 14-year-old girl to get involved in an intimate relationship with a 20-year-old man either. At the same time, I will not accuse Mr. Holmes of suffering from any kind of paraphilia. It is not as though he has kidnapped a toddler from a playground to do the unthinkable to that same child.
In my humble opinion, this gentleman was merely nostalgic at the time that he recorded this video. That is, he was a 20-year-old man who wanted to go back to being a 15-year-old boy and experience his first love with a 14-year-old girl. He has complained in his videos about everyone else his age having had a girlfriend but him during his formative years. Why make this scenario into something disturbing that it is not?
According to Mr. Holmes' video, he contends that there is nothing wrong with a 20-year-old man dating a 14-year-old girl. All right. I'm not going to bash this man. However, at the same time, I'm also going to have to be brutally honest.
One time when I was reading a newspaper from El Salvador online, I stumbled across this one advertisement in the personals of it in which a 23-year-old man was seeking to date a girl between 15 and 20 years of age in hopes that their relationship could lead to something serious. Now if that same man had been living in the United States and had placed that advertisement in an American newspaper, the police would probably have been pounding on his front door in no time at all.
Other cultures that are non-English-speaking don't seem to frown upon 14-, 15-, and 16-year-old girls having noticeably older boyfriends and even sharing intimacy with them. If Mr. Holmes had met a 14-year-old girl back when he was 20 years old and she wanted him to be her boyfriend, she probably would have attempted to pass him off to her parents as a 15- or 16-year-old boy so that they would give their full approval of the relationship.
Under other circumstances, a 14-year-old girl's parents would have likely become alarmed that a man his age wanted to date their daughter. Then again, who can really say? When I was in middle school and high school, I did encounter parents who had no problem allowing their 14-year-old daughter to date a man in the collegiate age range. I wouldn't doubt that such parents exist nowadays.
Now, when Mr. Holmes talks about thinking it is acceptable for a 20-year-old man to marry and even have sexual intercourse with a 14-year-old girl, I can understand where he is likely to run into criticism and even backlash from those who hold that the status quo should never be questioned. The Puritanical Establishment is a colossal animal to challenge in the American culture, especially whenever it involves teenage sexuality.
When I was working for a cable company, there was this one co-worker named Beatriz whose mother was 14 years old and father was 26 years old when they got married to each other. She also informed me that her parents had been happily married for over four decades.
Also, one summer when my mother and I were vacationing on the Eastern Seaboard so many years ago, we met a 25-year-old woman named Starr who told us that she first got married at the age of 14 to a man who was ten years her senior. She had been pregnant with his baby when she married him. The marriage had not lasted, but she remained very close friends with her ex-husband.
Because of radical feminists like Fraidy Reiss, Jeanne Smooth, and Cassandra Levesque, just to name a few, and their influence on American laws, fewer and fewer state jurisdictions than before are now legally allowing girls to get married at the age of fourteen in the United States. At the time that Mr. Holmes filmed his video above, it may have been legal for a girl to get married that young in Michigan where he has always resided; but don't hold me to it.
I know that a 14-year-old girl was under the statutory age of consent in Michigan at the time that Mr. Holmes was 20 years old. Then again, in his video, he may have meant to say that he felt it was perfectly all right for a 20-year-old man to have sexual intercourse with a 14-year-old girl within the confines of marriage. In that case, he would not have been encouraging anyone to break the law, and he would not have been contemplating breaking the law himself.
I myself am not a major fan of American statutory-rape laws, and I do nothing to hide it. I find it somewhat hypocritical of the law that in most jurisdictions of the United States, a 14-year-old girl can be charged and tried as an adult for certain crimes; whereas, in those same jurisdictions, a girl that young cannot legally get married under any circumstances and does not have any say in whether or not her boyfriend gets prosecuted for statutory rape if he is above the legal age of majority and has had sex with her.
Of course, I realize that not everyone agrees with me, and everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I simply cannot help but to hold the opinion that in view of the way American laws handle juvenile-justice-related matters, the police and the rest of the criminal justice system want to have their cake and eat it too. I don't feel that these public officials really care about anyone's kids.
Now, some of you out there may still think that Mr. Holmes is another David Eisenhauer waiting to happen; and if you do, I'm not holding it against you. In any event, if you're convinced that he is, then you need to read the online publication titled The Paradox of Statutory Rape by Russell L. Christopher and Kathryn Hope Christopher from beginning to end. That same online publication will give you the full heads-up on what the American statutory-rape laws are really all about.
I am cognizant to the fact that many of you parents who have a 14-year-old daughter may be concerned that she is sneaking around with an older boyfriend who may be in college. However, considering that the United States is the deadbeat teen dad capital of the world, I honestly do not believe that men like Mr. Holmes would pose a danger to your daughter.
After all, Mr. Holmes has admitted that he has no experience with the opposite gender, which would tend to lessen the power imbalance between him and a 14-year-old girl on a significant basis, so to speak. There's always that possibility that a 14-year-old girl would possess the higher ground than him in a non-Platonic relationship between him and that same girl.
Girls in their early to middle teenage years confront the most dangers from boys their own age. Parents may believe that finding a boyfriend the same age as their daughter is somehow going to turn their 14-year-old daughter's life into a bowl of cherries. It won't.
Teenage boys have become more dangerous than ever in recent years. All you have to do is read this one online article to know so. Moreover, teenage boys who have not yet graduated from high school have the most access to underage girls in their formative years.
I'm not encouraging any parents to allow their 14-year-old daughter to date older men, and I'm definitely not trying to convince parents to permit their 14-year-old daughter to have sexual relations with an older man. What I am attempting to do is enlighten my readers to the fact that adult men are not to blame for all of teenage girls' problems as a handful of fanatical child advocates have misguided the public at large into believing.
Bradley Juby's Misinterpretation Of Isaac Matthew Holmes' Persona
There is a social influencer on YouTube named Bradley Juby who has posted comments about Isaac Matthew Holmes and has even recorded videos about him. Mr. Juby clearly has misgivings about the contents of Mr. Holmes' videos. Mr. Juby has a very angry disposition regarding Mr. Holmes' videos. Below is one of the videos that Mr. Juby posted on his own YouTube channel regarding Mr. Holmes.
Bradley Juby Complains About Isaac Matthew Holmes Being A Whiner
All right, Mr. Juby. I completely get it. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. Even you. I don't agree with your comments regarding President Donald J. Trump in your video above, but it's your decision to vote for whatever presidential candidate you choose to do so. We, Americans, live in a free nation, and I wouldn't want it any other way.
Nevertheless, I do have some reservations about Mr. Juby's next video regarding Mr. Holmes. Watch the video below.
Bradley Juby Accuses Isaac Matthew Holmes Of Being A Pedophile
Wow! In his video above, Mr. Juby sounds like Archie Bunker in a rerun of All In The Family. Now, I have a certain degree of respect for Mr. Juby, because, after all, he did not have a girlfriend until he was 28 years old; and if he was able to find his first love that late in life, then it only goes to show you that he is someone who learned a way to defy all odds inasmuch as it gets harder and harder to find that one first love as you get older, especially if you are a man.
Where I begin to have a major problem with Mr. Juby's video above is when he accuses Mr. Holmes of being a pedophile merely for showing an attraction to teenage girls. He describes Mr. Holmes as wanting to "sexually abuse" a 14-year-old African-American girl. Now, Mr. Holmes did admit in a video that he wanted to have an intimate relationship with a 14-year-old girl back when he was 20 years old.
Nevertheless, Mr. Juby has gotten the clinical definition of pedophilia wrong, and he, therefore, should not be accusing Mr. Holmes of such a heinous paraphilia. Only the Fifth Edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) gets to determine via a qualified mental-health professional whether or not Mr. Holmes is a pedophile.
Because Mr. Holmes is not primarily or exclusively attracted to pre-pubescent children, then it would be character assassination to brand him as a pedophile. A 14-year-old girl is not a pre-pubescent child.
Now, if Mr. Juby wishes to argue that it would be illegal and taboo for someone Mr. Holmes' age to have sexual intercourse with a 14-year-old girl in the United States, then he is well within his rights to do so. There are many directions that Mr. Juby could take such a discussion without actually slandering Mr. Holmes. Of course, Mr. Holmes would have the right to challenge Mr. Juby on his viewpoints too.
As far as I'm concerned, any other opinions that Mr. Juby has concerning other issues regarding Mr. Holmes are strictly between him and Mr. Holmes. I'm only calling Mr. Juby out for pedo-shaming Mr. Holmes in an inaccurate manner.
At the end of the day, despite what Mr. Juby alleges in his video above, Mr. Holmes never admitted to being a pedophile, because he has never confessed to being attracted to pre-pubescent children. When it comes to pedophilia, teenagers don't count according to the DSM-5. That is, unless one is describing a 16- or 17-year-old boy who sexually preys on toddlers.
In his video above, Mr. Juby did mention that he believes that some "sorority Stacy" didn't give Mr. Holmes the time of day back in high school. If that is the case, it would only prove my point that Mr. Holmes is nostalgic and, in his mind, wants to go back to being a 15-year-old boy again and experiencing his first love with a 14-year-old girl. His sentiment about missing out on his teenage first love has absolutely nothing to do with pedophilia despite what Mr. Juby may think.
Loneliness Does Not Make A Man A Criminal
Final Thoughts
Any parents who have a 14-year-old daughter should not be worried or concerned about Isaac Matthew Holmes. He is merely a 20-something-year-old man who missed out on the teenage dating scene back during his formative years, and he is trying to convince society that they should allow men like him to make up for that lost part of their life by allowing them to date 14-year-old girls. He has a classic case of nostalgia.
I honestly don't believe that Mr. Holmes would ever force a 14-year-old girl into doing something that she either didn't want to do or wasn't ready to do. In other words, I don't believe that he would go to do something as drastic as forcibly raping a girl that age.
It's not Mr. Holmes that 14-year-old girls have to beware of. It is sexually unscrupulous teenage boys, 17 years old and younger, who are the most likely to harm a girl that young. These punks are devoid of a conscience and would not hesitate to get any underage girl pregnant they could. For one reason or another, American society doesn't seem to view them as a threat or a danger to underage girls.
Detractors who rant and rave about protecting "kids" from predators, so to speak, need to get out of their make-believe world of age-appropriate perfection and wholesome purity so that they can ground themselves in reality instead. The year 1957 is long gone, and nobody will ever see it again. I did not yet exist back in 1957. Therefore, that year means nothing to me, but I'm sure you get my drift.
Too much mendacious pedo-shaming is happening on the Internet. We all need to take a stand against fake pedophilia and send it back from whence it came. The psychiatrist who invented pedophilia, Dr. Richard von Krafft-Ebing, was not any kind of hero. He was a hedonistic hypocrite and a self-styled head doctor who couldn't have cared less about the greater good as long as he could fulfill his own self-serving agenda.
Mr. Holmes obviously saw his adolescent years as an important part of his life in which he felt that everything would have been so much better for him in the long run if he had met his first love in middle school or high school and perhaps even married her someday. Nostalgia should never be confused with pedophilia.
The DSM-5 had already exonerated Mr. Holmes of any culpability of that nature before he even posted his above-described video. At worst he is merely guilty of being lonely, and that on its own is no crime.
A Poll For Anyone Who Takes An Interest In American Laws
This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.
© 2024 Jason B Truth