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Grandparents Hold Our Hands for Just a Little While, But Our Hearts Forever
Without grandparents we wouldn't have learn much in our life. They are the role models for the future generation.
Countryside Fragnant Apricots and the Stink of a Modern City
Does anyone else miss their grandmother? I miss my Grandma. And my countryside childhood, among other things. City life can never compare to the countryside. This post is in the memory of my late grandmother.
How to Be a Good Grandmother: Tips For Building a Strong Bond With Your Grandchildren
Being a good grandmother goes beyond just showering your grandkids with love and gifts. It's about building a strong bond with them and being a positive influence in their lives.
Simple Tips to Enjoy Grandparenting
Are you a grandparent? Having once been a parent yourself, you know there is no "right" or "wrong" parenting style. You know different styles work for different kids. You know you were not a perfect parent. You must also know then that, while parenting is tough, grandparenting doesn't have to be.
Life With My Grandad: A Nostalgic Look Back at the 19th and 20th Century Focusing on My Family's History
Born in 1906, my grandad, Frank Trigg, was an enterprising young man who ran his own upholstery business from his early 20s until he retired in his 70s, surviving childhood illness and two world wars.
Finally! I Get to Be a Grandma Again!
We were foster parents to six of our grandchildren for 3 years. The last one left in 2019 and we moved to Florida for 3 years. We are back now, and are getting to have visits with 9 of our 11, grandchildren.They call me, "Mim", short for Mimzy.
How to Redecorate Items for Reuse as Children's Furniture
Make colorful, one-of-a-kind play furniture while saving money and helping the environment.
A Nostalgic Look at my Grandma's Youth and Life in Early 20th Century Leeds
My grandma Ivy Trigg (nee Garnham) grew up in Yorkshire, in the UK, in the early 1900s, in a district where families were so poor that children were often barefoot in the street.
Honoring a Legacy: I Remember Grandma
In honoring my grandmother’s eternal spirit and 77 years of life, I share a letter I wrote to her in 1989 and a tribute I wrote and read for her home-going celebration in 1991.
My Grandfathers
I had two colorful Grandfathers. An oil man and a poultry man.
Grand-parenting a Teenage Girl Post Covid
Is it true? Do we really turn into our parents once we have kids of our own? I didn’t think so raising my children. However, raising my grandchildren I catch myself uttering, “Turn down that noise!” “Don’t waste your food, there are starving kids in the world!” Parenting is not easy!
Lola The Greatest Grandma
Filipino Grandmothers are called Lola. They are the sweetest and most loving people in the world. I miss my grandma and I share this article to my nieces and nephews that were not able to see her and experience her presence.
Dear Me, "10 Quips of Wisdom to My Younger Self"
As a grandparent raising a grandchild, I can truly say that hindsight is 20/20. This article explores words of wisdom I'd share with my younger self to help her along this journey called life.
Creative Grandma Uses Technology to Read to Children With Stories and Devotions
Technology can be a challenge for the Baby Boomers, but this former teacher and now grandma has found a way to stay connected to children by YouTube. Fun stories and even devotions are part of this adventure into the world of YouTube.
Grandmas Do More Than Bake Cookies in Delightful Family Story and Picture Book
Today's grandmas are different and contribute actively to a family's lifestyle. Share this delightful story of how this grandma demonstrates that she can do more than bake cookies. Adventures abound as she dances, played video games with the kids, and going to zumba classes.
Beware of the Grandparent Scam: It's Becoming More Sophisticated
The "grandparent scam" is becoming more sophisticated because the thieves now use social media to get personal information. Be suspicious if you're asked to wire money to a "loved one" in trouble.
Grandparenting: The Ultimate Extreme Sport
extreme sport: any recreational activities that involve high risk, aggressive and spectacular stunts, and which appeal to the young -- sound like your house?
Where Are You Grandpa?
This poem is written in loving memory of my dearest Grandfather. He was just like my friend. I felt sometimes that i am lost in the memories which he gave me. He was such a kind-hearted, sincere and full of life person.
Grandchildren Making Faces
My grandchildren love making faces. Some of them go all out to dramatize their feelings or just give me a laugh. Others do not really have to make a face to be funny. Still there are some that are pretty no matter what face they make!
Unplanned Parenthood: When Grandparents Are Parenting Grandchildren
"Just when you think you know what love is, along come the grandchildren." It was not in the game plan, but necessity is truly the mother of THIS invention called grand-parenting.
5 Fun Things To Do With Grandpa
Do you have grandchildren coming for the week-end? Do your grandchildren live close by so you can spend lots of time with them? Here are some activities to do with your grandchildren.
Why Do Old People Smell Like Mothballs?
Im aware that Im getting older. That doesnt mean I have to like it
An Ode to Grandpa
An inspiration for everyone living a retired life and want to enjoy being a senior citizen!
Do You Know How to Find a Fairy?
If you know how to find a fairy, please let us know.
Baby Shower For Grandma
Want a unique baby shower idea? Throw a baby shower for Grandma! Think about all the baby items Grandma could have at her house when her Grandchild came over. Here are ideas for a Grandma shower.
My Best Achievement
The best achievement in my life is to see the beauty of my children and grandchildren and to watch them live their perfect lives. Other things are much easier to do and to acquire...they just come naturally to a person who has a merry heart."