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Things to Remember Before Designing Your Child Room...

Both practical and fun, a child's room is his little home in the house. Furnishing a child's room is no easy task! Over the age, the desires and needs of the child change and so does his environment. The child's bed grows with him, a desk takes its place in the bedroom and storage gradually becomes within reach. Finding the right arrangement, if it can sometimes be a headache, allows the child to feel at best in his room and to spend time there.

According to his wishes and habits, the bedroom becomes a place he likes to be. By spending time in his room, the child will gradually create his cocoon. "Feeling safe in your room, like in a bubble, is essential!".


1. Create a room where the child spends time

"A child who feels good in his room, he goes there naturally". First step before arranging a child's room, start by encouraging him to enjoy it. A carpet as a play area, a few cushions for a reading corner, a drawing table, an adapted desk...


2. High Bed

In addition to being pleasant for the child with its cabin side, the high bed creates space under the bed. "The high bed allows you to have a play area underneath, storage space or even a bench. Children can accommodate their friends or their parents. It is a very personal space where the child can relax. isolate when he wants.


From 4 years old and up to around 8 years old, we prefer the half-height bed (about 130 cm) to arrange the child's room, very practical while allowing to cuddle in the evening. From 6 years old and depending on the character of the child, the mezzanine bed is a good alternative.

3. Put storage within easy reach

Storage must be easy and accessible!”.

No wonder his bedroom is a mess if the kid can't tidy up his own things. "For the little ones, we can install wheeled bins, toy boxes or shelves at their height," advises Isabelle. It is also a matter of habit. By showing the child how to tidy up his room, he is encouraged to do so spontaneously. "A little later, we set up a wardrobe about a meter high to teach him how to put away his clothes,". If the lack of space requires high storage, place what the child does not use much on top.

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4. A room as close as possible to his personality (and not to yours)

If during the first years of a child, his room is decorated according to the tastes of his parents, it tends to gradually become its own universe. From the age of 3, the child's character asserts itself, he begins to express his tastes and desires. "The room becomes the reflection of his personality, he recognizes his place". Take inspiration from what he likes to design a child's room and simply ask him what he wants. A color chart, the universe of his favorite heroes, the images of catalogs or decoration magazines are all avenues to explore for decorating the child's room.


5. Buy upgradeable furniture

The child's room must match his needs, depending on his age. "Adaptable furniture allows the bedroom to evolve according to the child's needs, approximately every three years". It adapts to the age of the child by its layout but also by its style. "Some brands, like Vibel, offer fairly neutral furniture, to be accessorized according to the age of the child. Especially since the evolving furniture also follows the evolution of the family ...


Not only designing room is important sanitizing/cleaning is also important because,

The bedroom is the room in the house where our child spends the most hours per day. Even while sleeping, it is exposed to irritants and allergens that may be there. Temperature and humidity can also influence how well the airways work. For example, the heat and lack of humidity in the air dry out mucous membranes and nasal secretions, and increase the risk of congestion and bleeding. On the other hand, too high a humidity level encourages the proliferation of molds and dust mites. According to Dr. Marie-Claude Quintal, otolaryngologist at CHU Sainte-Justine, the temperature of the room should be 19 to 20 ° C and the humidity, 35 to 50%.

Tips for sanitizing the bedroom

  • If no one has a pollen allergy, the windows are opened 5 to 10 minutes a day to ventilate the house.
  • Using a thermometer-hygrometer, we keep an eye on the temperature and humidity of the room. If needed, get a dehumidifier or humidifier that you clean every week with hot soapy water.
  • Electric heating or hot water is preferred. If you heat with forced air, you cover the air vents with a filter cloth that you change every week. Heating and air conditioning sources are cleaned regularly.
  • Every week, we dust with a damp cloth, vacuum the floors and furniture, and mop wet. Each season, we vacuum the mattress and box spring.
  • One or two fluff is sufficient. They are washed regularly with hot water or put in the freezer for a few hours to eliminate mites.
  • We remove decorations, rugs and objects stored under the bed. They accumulate dust.
  • We prefer pillows and comforters in synthetic fibers. Ideally, we change our child's pillow every year. In case of allergy to dust mites, cover the pillow and mattress with an anti-mite cover.
  • Every week, the sheets are washed in hot water.
# Be happy

# Be happy

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2020 Ram lad

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