Early Childhood Moral Development!
Moral development has been a topic of discussion among most distinguished psychologists, culture theorists, and theologians for many years. It is also a concern of every parent. Parents should be interested in morality because it is what teaches a child to differentiate right from wrong and how to behave accordingly.
Parents desire to raise good healthy children and to teach them to live by the Golden Rule, which is necessary for kids to make healthy decisions as they develop in life. Childhood Moral development is not something a child can inherit, but they can develop it in stages. The growth of it occurs from early childhood through late adolescence.
The enormous question most ask is morality relative. Think before you answer Joshua Knobe Professor Program in Cognitive argues this inquiry by saying “anyone who believes everyday morality is aim should examine the evidence.” Should we be obliged to say that morality is something relative, or something without aim? Below are the moral development stages.
From birth to 18 Months
According to Ask Dr. Sears, infants cannot moralize because they are entirely altruistic, which means they have not developed the stage in life to have a sense of right and wrong. As an infant, they are basing their decision only on what applies to what they feel and their needs. For babies, mostly all they know is being fed and cuddled, which feels right to them. Therefore, they are basing their feeling on what they achieve. And that what they feel right. They take in morality regarding what feels right because it all they grew to know.
18 Months to 3 Years
At 18 months of age, toddlers develop the stage where they realize that they have rights and needs, but they are yet to grasp the perception of good and evil. As an alternative, kids establish their decision on rules. For example, a child understands it is not right to fight his sibling because if he does, his parent will punish him. To avoid getting into trouble, he doesn’t fight his brother or sister. Toddlers are at the developing stage to follow the rules, and they follow them to avoid being punished – but they still don’t understand moral because they do not comprehend the behavior is wrong.
3 to 7 Years of age
From the ages of 3 to 7 years, children are growing up to take on family values. This is the stage in which morals are essential to the child because they are significant to the family. Children are now at the stage where moral development are developing, and they are thinking for themselves and able to reflect on how what they do affects others around them. They are not prepared adequately to take full charge as they still expect adults to take control. But they over the stage of following rules because they are feeling the need to avoid punishment, now they follow the instructions because they want their parent to view them as respectful kids.
7 to 10 Years
At approximately the age of 7, children realize that parents and people of authority are far from perfect. According to Ask Dr. Sears, children at this age have developed a stage of moral development and understand perceiving morality as a fair contract in which they know they must follow rules to maintain values and be liked. Children of this age have developed a firm sense of what they want, what they should nor do, or what they should do.
From the age of 11 and up to youth years, children increase their moral views. They can see and fully understand morality. Children now see morality as a customary social guideline that benefits everybody.
Adolescence still value rules, they also see them as negotiable. By mid-adolescence, children understand that they must make their own decision and following rules is a choice. At this age, children understand decisions affect them and those around them. Teenagers no longer feel the need to fear punishment. They sustain when something is right or wrong. Although, they will base morality on guiding principles that are demonstrated in their daily life.
Puberty is one of the most memorable times in everyone’s childhood. Some people have positive experiences of their youth while some people have the worst experience with it. Some factors contribute to the right or wrong experiences of individuals with their childhoods. Playing is a significant contributing factor in a child’s life. Playing is a child’s work, which is like what a parent does to be their provider.
Environment of the family
A parent is their child’s first teacher, and they should make time to play with their kids. When a parent takes the time to play with their children, it helps them to learn the rules of the family and what they expect of him or her. Playing also contributes to how a child learns to act in society. It offers a chance for a parent to connect with their child. A mother playing with her son or daughter can be as simple as the baby smiles, and she smiles back.
The importance of the early years is that parent provides proper opportunities for children to learn and develop. However, the most important of the start years is a mother makes it possible for a child to have fun during those years. I have explained some of these factors below:
The family environment plays a significant role in giving a right or wrong experience with any child. Sometimes children have a strong atmosphere around them they get entertained and enjoy their childhood accurately. Seldom is it up to the children to make their childhood memorable. It is only possible when they follow all the rules and regulations to fulfill all the activities on time. For example, they should go to their school regularly and perform all related work before doing any other activity like playing. This is one of the primary factors that contribute to the expertise of childhood.
Attitudes of the parents
Parent’s attitudes and interests also play a significant role in providing proper experiences to the children. If a mother focuses on the kid’s future, she will show concern and give a bright childhood to the children. She spends money on the essential needs and wants of the child without noticing their needs or compromising their wishes. It also gives an experience of childhood to the children. Sometimes, parents do not care about what their kids want to spoil the children of their future hence. Parents must focus on the needs of their children and have a positive attitude toward their children.
- Friends circle
The circle of friends also plays a vital role in building a better experience of childhood. As we all know, a person is known by the company, he or she keeps. If the friends of the kids are reputable, then they can enjoy a healthy childhood. In early ages, children do not have the sense to make the best patrons, so the parents and teachers should help the youngsters to choose their playmates wisely so, they can enjoy their best childhood.
Types of experiences of childhood
There are unfamiliar experiences faced by children in their childhood. Some children face pleasant lives while some face unpleasant events of childhood. All the factors mentioned above contribute equally to determining the right or wrong perspective of childhood.
- Positive experiences of childhood
A person's personality and future usually express the experience of childhood. Sometimes children with the delightful experience of childhood go brighter in their futures and have fun. They don’t know how to deal with the situations carefully. Such children are used to getting the ease and pleasure throughout their early stage and get addicted to the same condition. If the parents are rich and can afford it all, society does not take into account the problems the child might face in life.
Adverse experience of childhood
The negative experience of childhood includes any terrible omen that influences the early stage of the children as children, giving the single parent or the children whose parents don’t have any concern with the children's childhood activities or future. Children are facing adverse experience with childhood often have a wonderful future because they know how to compete in the external environment and how to deal with the circumstances. Some children may have adverse experiences in childhood because of a lack of money that their parents could afford.
Children may face positive or negative things in their childhood, but the parents should try to move their children in a positive way so they can have a positive impact on their personality. Although children can’t eliminate adverse effects on their lives, they can minimize it as much as possible. In the childhood or early life period, the children should get as much fun and entertainment as they can. They should enjoy playing games, parties with their friends, and outings with parents, but they should not forget to complete their daily schooling to enjoy a bright future.
Hey, Children…..
Enjoy as much as you can……. Childhood will never come again…..!!!
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© 2014 Pam Morris
Luis G Asuncion from City of San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines on November 25, 2019:
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