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Tuesday's Gone With the Wind


Tuesday's Gone

My Mind's in the Wind

What a great song by a great band. A band that had to rebuild after tragedy and they did, and are still relevant to this day! Such a journey Lynyrd Skynyrd has been on!

Today upon hearing this song for about the 100th mind left on its very own journey:

Our plans aren't necessarily God's plan for us.

We may feel led by God down a certain path which is familiar, a path we would have no problem in choosing, and being comfortable in that decision, and so, we follow!

We may push against God, when we feel we are being led by Him, but don't wish to commit to that particular calling, that particular path.....

and, I most certainly can't speak for everyone, but I have always instantly known the paths to avoid; those far removed from God! Knowing it would be a bad idea --- perhaps the last bad idea I would ever have, --- to travel those paths!

If I've ignored my gut, I've instantly regretted it and so --- I have never made a habit of it.

Whether with a job opportunity, a relationship, or as simple as knowing when it was best to just stay home that night!


Back to the song.

I speculate about the lyrics of most songs. Some songs, we just have to admit, the Writer had to be under the influence of something other than the love bug striking or a heart which was breaking!

No matter how hard we try, the lyrics make no sense, but we love the tune, the sound, or the idea of the song; we love the artist, etc. and can accept that, as being enough!

Isn't that comparable to many relationships?

When both in a relationship, aren't completely committed to it, but the idea of the pairing is appealing, it's comfortable and it makes sense... everyone thinks so!

This is where it gets complicated and where couples get into trouble - when both are not fully committed; no matter the appeal, the look, the reasoning, the talk of its won't work out.

One can't fix what is wrong or what is missing - for the other person, in the relationship!

You can't change another person into your version of them or the version you wish them to be.

Ah, yes, the song ---

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Is Tuesday a day or is Tuesday a woman?

Is there really a train?

We can't literally get into the head or mind of the songwriter!

I think some songwriters wish we could, so as to really understand where their head was at the time, therefore, understanding the song. While others appreciate the fact that a song/their song, is left wide open to interpretation.

As of this writing, I am sitting on an almost deserted, beautiful sandy beach. I was reading an enthralling book about Nazi Hunters, but then, this song - and then an intriguing couple happened to walk by.....

How is that for a day in the life?

A Tuesday at that!

As they passed by, then turned and passed by once more --- the woman never ceased in talking...loudly, not yelling, just loud! The type who thinks everyone should be interested in what they have to say... You've heard them in restaurants, at the nail salon... you know what I mean?

The man, never uttered a word. I thought to myself.... can he get a word in edgewise, does he really care to, did she ever stop to think that he may have something of value to add, an opinion?

Was he thinking, I love that she never takes a breath and talks on endlessly?


I have no way of knowing this couple or the nature of their "relationship", but in almost an instant - I could see where some problems could arise.


That's a Great Song

But that's what a great song does. It takes you away...if only for a moment.

It has the power to bring back a memory of a first job, a first love, your first broken heart; it can return you to a favorite vacation or a very significant moment in time!

It can send you in an entirely different direction, as you attempt to understand the mind of the songwriter.

Did he break her heart, did she break his, were they never compatible from the start?

Maybe it isn't about that type of relationship at all, but the relationship is symbolic of something else entirely. A change of direction in one's life? In the case of a rock star, new found stardom, a life that will never be the same again, and is he ready for all of that?

Whatever the case ---

A great song can send you on a journey that you never intended to take, even when you may be sitting at the beach, just trying to finish a good book!

© 2024 Angie B Williams

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