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Why Music Education Matters


The Benefits of Studying Music

Some out there would just as soon see most if not all funding cut off to the arts and don't realize the proven benefits of music study.

  • Music students score noticeably higher than the non music students.
  • Music study can help kids understand advanced mathematical concepts since music involves ratios, fractions, proportions and thinking in space and time.Music contributes toward self-esteem.
  • Music majors are in the top group of college grads to be admitted to medical school.
  • In standardized tests, middle and high school students who participate in instrumental music Music improves pattern recognition and mental representation.
  • Music students receive more academic honors and awards than non-music students.
  • High school music students get higher SAT scores in both verbal and math.
  • Music students are better equipped to comprehend mathematical and scientific concepts.
  • Music education can be a positive force on all aspects of a child's life.
  • Younger children with developed rhythm skills perform better academically in early school years.
  • College-age musicians tend to be emotionally healthier.
  • Music making improves test scores regardless of socioeconomic background.
  • Music training helps under-achievers.

Music Is Fun

A lot has been written about the educational and brain enhancing value of learning to play music but the bottom line is that it is (or should be) fun. Music can be one of the most enjoyable endeavours a person ever does in their life regardless if as a hobby or profession. It's an art form that keeps on giving.

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Reasons People Play Music

  • Relaxation
  • Enjoyment
  • Do Something New
  • The Challenge
  • The Reward
  • Do Something That Many Can't
  • Meet New Friends
  • Start a Band
  • Perform
  • Get Chicks
  • Get Guys
  • Social Activity

Adult Student Profile

Adult Garage Band

Mark Fitchett is a professional guitar player and instructor with years of experience and training. He excels at a wide array of styles from blues, jazz, country, pop, rock, contemporary, classical, alternative, progressive and most other styles and teaches adult music students who have learnes later in life how to rock out in a band.


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