Time to Own the Complete Fifth Season of Young Sheldon and the Sixth and Final Season of Lucifer
It's Better To Own TV Shows
Owning seasons of a TV show continue to be worthwhile, regardless of what the streaming advocates toss out. For one thing, the discs are yours and nobody can pull the plug on your router and expect the picture to go out (killing the electricity from the DVD player being another story altogether). Nor are you beholden to a streaming service holding onto the episodes either — they’re right there in your hand or on a shelf. Having a library of what you enjoy seeing and being able to see it whenever you want, regardless of when, is pretty cool. As is the Complete Fifth Season of Young Sheldon and the Sixth and Final Season of Lucifer.
Sheldon Is Young
Young Sheldon’s fifth season is a celebration of sorts because it hits the 100th episode mark through 22 episodes (that’s a bit rare these days). That used to be a marker for going into syndication (might still be), but now really means that a TV show is popular enough and has staying power enough to keep its viewers interested, intrigued and coming back for more episodes. This season continues to give us “slice of life” that resonates with people of all ages, be they seeing Sheldon succeed and fail with friends and authority figures, George Senior and Mary facing martial problems, Missy asking uncomfortable questions and Meemaw buying a Laundromat that has a secret gambling room. And before you start to question, remember that the cover shows a floppy disc, meaning that this show can’t be viewed through today’s lens exactly.
Provided as a DVD, you’re getting a well mannered image with more than enough detail to make watching enjoyable. And of course Dolby audio sound.
Giving The Devil His Due
To give the Devil his due, Lucifer the TV show has now finished its run with the Sixth and Final Season. The fallen angel seems to be able to brush himself off and go on and live the “good life”, er, move along without annoyances and supernatural troubles, but of course that ain’t going to be happening because the past can become the present pretty quickly (would make for a pretty boring last season, natch). There’s 10 episodes to enjoy, all with fun titles like “Buckets of Baggage,” Yabba Dabba Do Me” and “My Best Friend’s Wedding, just to name a few. The DVD quality is clean and better than what was television quality, when DVDs first made their appearance. But having the disc in hand means no issues like streaming can have — no need for anything but a Blu-ray/DVD player to spin it around and put out the picture. And of course the Dolby audio is clean as well and makes hearing everything no problem at all.
And being in DVD, just as is the case with Sheldon, there’s no streaming included.
It's Great To Get Extras
Now one of the first appealing things when DVDs made their way into the consumer’s consciousness was their 1)increased storage capacity and 2) ability to let the person access areas of the title at will. None of this was possible when videocassettes were King since then you had to play a tape from the front to the back or try and scan at high speed to reach a certain area (and in most cases you couldn’t find any extras because the cassette didn’t have room for them — a Barbara Streisand movie being the biggest offender at the time because it had to be sped up in play to fit all of the movie on the tape). So you’d expect there to be extras to be found on both of the above titles and you’d be right.
n the case of Young Sheldon, you get a special feature titles Time Flies When You’re Having Fun — Young Sheldon at 100. Meaning episodes and if you think this is kind of a retrospective of the show from front to back you’d not be making it up. But in the case of Lucifer saying goodbye to the fans, you get extras that usually appear at this time: being deleted scenes but mostly being about a Gag reel that builds on the fun and silliness and mistakes and such that occur on the Lucifer set and which no viewer ever sees (until now). So watch and enjoy and keep in mind that this used to never be seen by the TV show viewer — at least that was the case in the past and the Star Trek blooper reel (the original with Kirk, et all) used to be shown at conventions as a big treat because it was never officially allowed out at the time.
Both Sheldon and Lucifer come in sturdy cardboard containers, with Sheldon rated PG and Lucifer (as expected) coming in at 14 years and up, according to the Canadian Home Video honchos (all the extras are not rated, btw). To find out more about them both, as they’re both Warner Bros., start at www.wbd.com