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My Thoughts On Hollywood Love and Romance: Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet


Leo and Kate and What I See From The Outside Looking In

Yesterday, I was reminded about something I think about often; True Love. What is true love? I don’t think anyone could answer that unless you are in it, or know how to recognize two people that are in it.

Therefore, the two people who I recognized in relating to this subject were Leonardo Di Caprio and Kate Winslet. I ran across those adoring pictures we loved of these two on the Internet yesterday. The award show hugs and kisses. The way they stare and react to each other. If they don’t recognize it, everyone else certainly does with no doubt.

Although I would be willing to bet these two know exactly that they are in love and are meant for each other, they just will not allow themselves to be. I don’t blame them. For such an inspiring love as they have, don’t you think it would ruin it if they were to get together? We don’t want that. We want the allure of the whole thing. We want the desire of the situation -- the tease, and the mystery of it all. Even though I think for most of us, it doesn't seem a mystery, it appears to us pretty factual. However, we still have to categorize it like that, because without Leo and Kate’s complete validation that we are right -- well, I guess we have to assume we are wrong.

Sadly, these two are not a couple, and I would be willing to bet they never will be. Because real love has an intensity, in my opinion, that keeps at least one of them from really committing and admitting that they are in love. It’s two people concealing a hidden pain to be together. A noticeable admiration when they are together, along with that feeling of complete love we all share with them as we watch them together. It’s undeniable to us who watch them when they are together. I can tell that it has become purposely prudent for both of them to keep a grasp on this secret.

Oh well, it’s life. They get to be in the public eye and entertain and tease us with their denial, and we get to dream they will be together forever one day. Carry on Leo and Kate. We love your real-life hidden romance.


Do You Notice Rare Love When You See It

This type of love, in my opinion, is rare. We’ve seen it in Hollywood a few times, and I’m sure some of us, in reality, have been lucky enough to experience it ourselves. Nevertheless, it is pretty rare. It’s uncommon that some have it and don’t even want to acknowledge it. Some have it, but for lack of knowing how to handle it will screw it up.

Some more honorable mentions who I believe had this type of love is; Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton, and also Kathryn Hepburn and Spencer Tracy.

This type of love can be complicated. A few of these people were already married, and are validated in the fact that they kept a distance from their soul mates because of the honor to their vows.


Sometimes True Love Cannot Be Contained

However, that now brings me to two people who were meant to be, they defy everything I just described; from Leo and Kate’s denial to Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton’s fight to be together, and the affair between Hepburn and Tracy.

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt have openly displayed it all. They have allowed everyone to come in and know of their true love. I think they did the right thing in their situation. These two undoubtedly could not and did not want to live a life without each other. They wanted to take that chance on forever working out.

Lately, tabloids have stated that there is trouble in paradise for these two, but I don’t know. I think maybe they are just experiencing what is everyone’s inevitable fate when choosing to be together; and that is, not allowing the stress of life to tear down a true union. I don’t know if they are having issues, but I believe these two are some of the rarities I’ve described. Their love is true. We hated it at first, but we watched it happening on the big screen as Mr. and Mrs. Smith. The movie was fictional but real in some other ways. Admit it, we all caught the non-fictional scenes.

Whichever way love comes about, if it’s true, it will last a lifetime in secret or in real-time. I, myself, would want not to get with my true love forever. I have experienced relationships that have brought me down to reality a time or two. I wouldn’t want the struggle anymore, and certainly, if the person I was with is my true love and soul mate, I think I would want the Kate and Leo scenario. That way, even though it would be hard at times, I would still know that deep feeling all my life. The love kept locked within my heart for only me and him, that gets to come out and shine together on occasion. I think that would be perfect!

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My poem touches on true love that is denied. A love that one out of the two tries harder than the other even though the love is there. At the end it is what it is and always will be. INFINITY

What do you think...

To Infinity

He loves me. He just

doesn’t know how to

love me.

I love him, but the

circumstance has now

made me void.

Climb a hill, then crash and

burn. Whose fault is it

when there’s no return?

I will never be splendid

enough for him, not for


He will never love me

for me, just for me.

Where will I go now? I’m

stuck in this place.

I can’t breathe if I step away,

yet I suffocate when I try

to stay.

Settle seems the best thing

to do. Compare notes, call

a truce.

We will always exist in our

own parallel universe.

We will stay here knowing

what was meant to fit, could

never commit;

hearts broken in our chests,

longing for the other half that’s

a perfect match.

What a strange thing to know,

that some live like this incessantly


uncertainty always keeping one

from understanding how to

last forever together.

About The Song I Chose

The song was perfect to accompany this hub and mostly my poem. I found the meaning to the song after I picked and posted the video, and was thrilled at what the song was talking about. Because with a lot of songs, you interpret it your own way and it doesn't always fit the artist's take on it. I was really thrilled to read this as it was exactly how I interpreted the song.

The Meaning: Birdy and Rhodes sing about the pain of being in a relationship where the other half refuses to open up and give themselves ...just to say something real. While they don't want to go they are beginning to see that's the only way forward ...there's a light on the road... and it does not include this person they love so much. They have to let it all go and begin again despite the pain this will mean, but they know that if they were strong enough to love they will also be strong enough to start anew.

© 2016 Missy Smith


Missy Smith (author) from Florida on April 26, 2016:

Hey Deb,

I'm not a big Shakespeare fan; I must admit. I do like some of his stories though, and Romeo and Juliet is definitely one of those; probably the only one I think about often. It's no doubt my favorite of Shakespeare.

Deb Hirt from Stillwater, OK on April 20, 2016:

This was very well done, including the Kate/Leo "possibilities." I was also thinking about the Shakespeare tragedy, Romeo and Juliet, in the recesses of my mind.

Missy Smith (author) from Florida on April 18, 2016:

Yes, of course, always if it's God's will. No doubt. :)

manatita44 from london on April 18, 2016:

Ha ha. You think of the darkness like Dat Veda in Star Wars!! (you like that one?) Perhaps they'll help you; perhaps they'll be conscious of your soulful sacrifice. Pray for this. It's a nice prayer, but add the soulful words: "If it's God's Will."

Missy Smith (author) from Florida on April 18, 2016:

Yes, they are growing really fast. Tomorrow I will be on my own it seems. lol. That is what it feels like sometimes. I can only hope and pray all three of us find a fitting and happy future. Much Love, Manatita. Your friend ~Missy

manatita44 from london on April 18, 2016:

You've been given a challenge, and it's not a joke. I can empathise and appreciate the huddle, if we can call it that. Having said this, it is also a blessing and will help you to grow. It is not always the flat tire on our way to work, but whether we can fix it cheerfully, lovingly and carry on.

For this Grace is necessary, and a life of inner receptivity and outer beauty. But we go through the fire to get there. All my Love, as usual. Cuddles to the children. (Actually they're growing fast, no?)

Missy Smith (author) from Florida on April 18, 2016:

Thanks Manatita. I am always inspired by your spiritual guidance through this life. I think I have it too, but I'm still getting a little lost at times. However, I believe with my faith in God's purpose for me, I am able to pull out of it and continue on. Many blessings ~Missy

manatita44 from london on April 17, 2016:

Yes, I had to be quiet and considerate. Back in London today and feeling weird. I 'm still here though. Played your song. So strong; so passionate; so powerful!

Some love songs reminds me of the longing expressed by the Seers in their poetry to God. They do have a similar cry; yearning; longing ...

Perhaps you have read my last poem, the Spirit of Your Love to Eric Dierker. Anyway, I was chatting and having a great time when the voice of the devotional singer Krishna Das came on. My Heart was immediately receptive. Straight away I composed this line. "O Mother, how I wish I could decorate Your feet with beautiful flowers."

So both you and I are touched by the fire of aspiration, even if in seemingly different ways. Hugs to your two lovely ones -Manatita

Missy Smith (author) from Florida on April 17, 2016:

At first, I thought the same thing about Brad and Angie, but they have changed my mind a bit through the years. True love will always be a subject of interest I think, just because we all seek to find it, and it is so hard to find. lol.

Thanks Dana. :)

Missy Smith (author) from Florida on April 17, 2016:

Hello vocalcoach, it's so nice to meet you, and I'm thrilled you liked my hub and poem. Thank you for sharing. ~Missy

Missy Smith (author) from Florida on April 17, 2016:

So true, Manatita, we all seem to try and describe this feeling. We all seem to be searching for someone to feel this way with. I think Leo is in love, but he has an issue with committing, and I believe he also thinks he has a persona to uphold by dating only models. lol... It's weird.

You're in someone's basement in New York? lol... Anyway, take care Manatita; much love and appreciation ~Missy

Missy Smith (author) from Florida on April 17, 2016:

I am so with you on that wonderment, Faith. I don't know how or why some attempt to have a relationship in the Hollywood spotlight. However, like you said, they are human, and some, so far, have made it work; few, but some. Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson, and let's see...well, there has to be more; I've just drawn a blank. lol...I guess that says a lot.

Thanks for all your support here on hubpages, Faith. Much love and appreciation ~Missy

Missy Smith (author) from Florida on April 17, 2016:

True love is certainly complicated, Stella. Thank you for stopping by my hub. :)

Missy Smith (author) from Florida on April 17, 2016:

Thank you MizBejabbers, I do try to watch closely to see if some of their fascination for each other is strictly for the camera. However, I can't tell, so that's what makes me believe that it's a genuine admiration for each other. I think most of the time, even with the best actors, you can tell when they are putting on a valid show, right? :) I love that you got a good feeling of romance from my poem. That is exactly what I was trying to pull people into.

Missy Smith (author) from Florida on April 17, 2016:

I think I agree with you, billybuc. I don't particularly care for the Hollywood hoopla. However, I do pay a little attention to Leo and Kate, just because they are two of my favorite actors, and I do feel some chemistry there. I like that they do not act on it though, it's kind of better that way; yeah, but other than that, not so interested in many. I added the others to touch on the true love purpose of my hub and poem, that was about it, I'm not a big fan of any one of the others, except Kathryn Hepburn. I loved her as an actress, and she was a wonderful spirit when I watched her in interviews and things.

Dana Tate from LOS ANGELES on April 16, 2016:

Entertaining hub I loved the chemistry between Kate and Leo, and Liz and Richard Burton's love was full of romance. I believe those two were true soulmates after-all, they married twice. Angie and Brad were tacky in my opinion, however, they fact that he was so quick to abandon his marriage suggests he wasn't happy and I won't deny that true love will prevail in the end.

Audrey Hunt from Pahrump NV on April 16, 2016:

I am such a romantic! Enjoyed this hub immensely. The videos are a marvelous accompaniement to your beautiful poetry. Di Caprio and Winslet are spectacular, sweet and still humble. Thank you for sharing your gift of writing. Will share.

manatita44 from london on April 16, 2016:

Entertaining and very interesting stories or comparisons. So many have tried to describe this state. Liz and Burton did try and she did seem to care. All went funny, though.

Perhaps Leo is 'in love' all right. Life itself is a search for meaning and the grass is always greener when we find what we seem to need. Can't play the video. In someone else's basement in New York. Much Love, Missy.

Faith Reaper from southern USA on April 16, 2016:

Oh, yes, Missy, true love does exist in this world and it if it is surely true, then it will never fade no matter the circumstances.

Friendship is a special kind of love too. Sometimes many people will confuse romantic love with that of the love of a great friend.

Your poems are always interesting and I enjoy reading them.

I am always a bit perplexed why actors/actresses even bother to get married in the environment in which they must live, for it certainly poses much complications with their schedules and the like. However, they are only human like the rest of us, and desire to know of true love. I am amazed at Brad and Angelina's long lasting relationship. They seem to have their priorities in the proper perspective with family and work really hard at balancing family life and the chaotic life of being famous worldwide stars.

stella vadakin from 3460NW 50 St Bell, Fl32619 on April 16, 2016:

True love is wonderful and something I will never forget. My first relationship was great, but then it was I want you, but I can't live with you. It is not worth it anymore. Missy great hub, and very interesting . Stella

Doris James MizBejabbers from Beautiful South on April 15, 2016:

Leo and Kate are beautiful together, but you've got to remember that they are both good actors. Sometimes a person can feel deeply for a friend but not want to be with them in a close relationship. Elizabeth and Richard are a good example of "can't live with you and can't live without you." Your poem is very intriguing. I love the feeling of romance you put in it.

Bill Holland from Olympia, WA on April 15, 2016:

I'm one of those rare ducks who pays very little attention to Hollywood and make believe worlds like that. I'm just not terribly interested in actors and actresses and what they wear and who they are having an affair with....having said that, I am very interested in true love, so your reflections were most interesting.

Missy Smith (author) from Florida on April 14, 2016:

Thank you, John. Yes, it is possible with plenty of work to put into it. The problem is not too many are willing to do that, so they instead go in a different direction even when they know they love that person they will not commit to. I admire people who can actually buckle down and pull out a life together. It's so rare. I think the only ones who can achieve that, that is if they have the strength to choose that, is the ones who know they are deeply in love. Thank you, I'm glad you liked the poem. :)

John Hansen from Australia (Gondwana Land) on April 14, 2016:

Set I enjoyed reading this Missy, and I agree there is a special connection between Leo and Kate, who incidentally are two of my favourite actors. I doubt they will ever be a couple other than in movies.. But anything is possible. True everlasting love is possible but it takes work to maintain. Another long term marriage has been Hugh Jackman and Debra Lea Furness.You can't take your partner for granted. Love your poem as always.

Missy Smith (author) from Florida on April 14, 2016:

Tabloid articles are, I admit, fun to read aren't So, in saying that, I take both yours and Frank's comment as a high compliment.

I also agree with Paula. I believe love, if it is real, will last a lifetime. However, it does get tricky if you plan to live with that special someone all your life, only because this world tries its best to derail anything good. That's just my opinion though.

The poem is my favorite part of my hubs, of course. Thank you for liking it. Take care and thanks again Shanmarie. ~Missy

Shannon Henry from Texas on April 14, 2016:

I agree with Frank, this was as good, if not much better than reading a tabloid article. I'll go with much better since your speculations are not looking for trouble and gossip.

You know what, I also agree with Paula that love does not fade when it's real. I actually said that to someone else the other day. Because I would apply that to any kind of relationship, not just the magical romantic ones. A parent and child. . .sisters. . .best friends. . .etc. The love is there through distance, times of non-communication or even miscommunication, heartbreak, screw-ups, hurting one another. It's just there because it is real. A romantic love like that is truly magical.

I love your poem and the romance that it describes. You've managed to make even heartache seem romantic, like the movies but in real life.

Missy Smith (author) from Florida on April 14, 2016:

I love your comment as always, Paula. You certainly can go back and revisit true love. I mostly like that you enjoyed my poem so much. And yes, it comes from a place inside me that heart. Sometimes, I do wish it would stop knowing such things, but then again, it's special that it does recall blissful memories. Isn't it funny how love like this can make you feel tortured and exhilarated all at the same time? Just crazy!! lol.

Thanks Paula. ~Missy

Missy Smith (author) from Florida on April 14, 2016:

Yeah, I think it does resonate like a gossip magazine, Frank. lol. Thanks for stopping by and reading this hub. :)

Suzie from Carson City on April 14, 2016:

It's quite romantic & natural for people at some point in their life to see love as beautiful & magical & all-consuming. We can safely assume this perception of "Love" is clearly relative when "young & FALLING in love."

There's really no way to forget those powerful moments & the feelings that swept us away into a sort of Fantasy world. Oh, but to each of us, during that "perfect" time in our life ~~it was REAL. I'd venture to say so real that decades later, we can arouse that same overwhelming sort of passion & love through sheer memories. Yes, we can and often we do. Especially in times when we're feeling lonely or unloved do we reach back to embrace those crazy, dizzying moments of pure joy.

Love does not fade when it is so real. It may play hide & seek with us for a while or cause us to panic, but it's always still there in that special, protected sanctuary deep within our soul......

The passionate cry of your profound Poetry is literally breathtaking, Missy. These are the words that can only be spoken with such unbridled passion by a woman who KNOWS................

This may be the most touching poem I've read in many years. Paula

Frank Atanacio from Shelton on April 14, 2016:

a very good that's entertainment soap dish hub..LOL it was like I was standing at the check out and I picked this up to see the romance in Hollywood.. and as usual you pop in your worthy poems.. awesome my friend :)

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